HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence APPLICANT 4/19/2010 (2) . . L1MBIRD Andrew From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Farrington, Phil [PFarrington@peacehealth.org] Monday, April 19, 2010 10:39 AM L1MBIRD Andrew; dave@adhomes.com CASTILE Robert; Rachel; Miller, Tamara (SHMC) RE: Final Site Inspection - PeaceHealth Birth Center Andy, In response to the items referenced below: 1. The builder is installing an extension on the downspout from the trash enclosure so runoff from the roof of the enclosure will drain onto the asphalt surface and into the on-site storm drain in the parking area. This extension will be installed this week. 2. There are two vine maples on-site near the SE exit door, though one is located on one side of the sidewalk and the other is on the opposite side. Whereas the landscape plan showed both on the same side of the walk, the landscaper installed them on opposing sides of the walk due to the variation made to the walk - which you had previously approved - done to save the existing large magnolia tree. Therefore, both vine maples are planted, and there is no missing vine maple. Other shrubs shown on the landscape plan near the SE exit door were planted, although perhaps in a different location due to the location of the three heat pump units installed immediately north of the exit door. 3. We will install the wellhead protection sign, and are now determining if we have one remaining in our supply or need to have an additional one made. One will be installed shortly. If you have any questions or comments regarding the aoove, please let me know. Regards, Phil Philip Farrington, AICP Director, Land Use Planning & Development PeaceHealth Oregon Region 750 E. 11th Avenue P.O. Box 1479 Eugene, OR 97440 (541) 686-3828 e-fax (541) 681-3022 mobile (541) 912-9281 pfarrinQton(1i1peacehealth.orQ From: UMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us] Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2010 3:36 PM To: 'dave@adhomes.corr!,; Farrington, Phil Cc: CASTILE Robert Subject: Finai Site Inspection - PeaceHealth Birth Center Dave: Thanks for meeting with me this afternoon to complete the Final Site Inspection for the PeaceHealth Birthing Center. The summary of my inspection is noted below; I regret that I forgot to mention the Wellhead Protection signage during our discussion. These items are relatively minor and can be addressed by the developer and building contractor in conjunction with wrap-up work on the site. For this reason, Planning does not object to issuance of occupancy upon satisfactory completion of final building inspections. Date Received: '1/1";.#/0 I I Planner: AL 1 l, . . Items requiring follow-up: 1. As discussed on-site, the roof downspout for the trash enclosure should be cleaned out and/or extended to discharge onto the asphalt surface thereby ensuring roof drainage does not sheet flow back into the enclosure floor drain. 2. Some plant materials appear to be missing from the southeast corner of the building along the north side of the sidewalk. A vine maple accent tree and some shrubs appear to have been omitted in the landscaping area adjacent to the southeast exit door. At a minimum, the developer shall plant the missing vine maple accent tree at or near the location depicted on the approved site landscaping plan (Sheet LA-1). 3. Staff did not observe any Wellhead Protection signs installed on the site. These signs can be placed at strategic locations on the perimeter of the parking lot, at the trash enclosure, and at the infiltration area drain(s) serving the property. Wellhead protection signs can be obtained from Springfield Utility Board (SUB) Water Quality Protection. Please contact Amy Chinitz at SUB (541-744-3745) for more information. Please let me know if you have any questions on these or other issues. I can be reached by email or call 541-726-3784 (direct). Thanks Andy Limbird City of Springfield 2 Date Received: ~;/>/JofO Planner: AL