HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-3-10 .' ~ \,J 1 }~f~~,UO!' LWE : .lob Address 6100 Thurston Rd., Sprinp:field 97478 Legal De~cription Hap 17 02 34 21, Tax Lot 400, CI1Y uF SPHII,GFIi.LD Cm1BIrlATION APPLICATION/PERMIT ......__ I _" ,_,. _ E!IERGY SOURCES: Heat Gas l~ater Heater Gas Ranqe I NF0f\11A T I O~ II ;,r. I 726-3753 Sa. F,tq. "lain 37 .1GOi[ % ~q. !'"tg. Access. 1(\ Sq. Ftg. Other ""0 ~jew_Add_Alter flep. C'. . _Fence_Demo_Change/Use \...~ __Other '" ~ Bui ld Single . "'- M;m 17 02 27. Tax Lots 1004. 1101. ,& part of ValUE of Warle: Owner Willamalane Park & Rec. District 1002 $~t!1/,0~/ ~o Address 151 North 4th Street Phone726 4'J'J5Builr;ino Permit Info: Describe I~Ork(l)'.e.. - J_ Fa~ilv Residence With ftttached ~araoe Suringfield, Oregon 97477 Constructinn Lender None Address 0~5!G~~ "!~.l\" (name) ;:'rimary Robertson/Sherwood/Arch. Construct a covered swimming pool with associated dressing, shower, and toilet Phone (address) facilities. (1 i cs. no.) 2415 342-8077 687-0129 p59-6394 , ~643-6 761 (exnires) 6/88 (ahone no. I 96 East Broad'vay, Eugene Structural John Herrick 1684 Willamette St., Eugene 97L;01 5742 Electrical Interface En?,rg. 6542 SE Lake Rd., Hihmukie 97222 8338 /1echanical Timmer Assoc. 10700 , CONTRACTOF<S (name) General Jc,#/V &/'ffiD 6H$7'. ./ SW Beaverton Ewv.. Beaverton'/ Lf916 (address) (lics. no. I I' (exoiresl ('l~Qne "". I Plumbinc 19~/~A LAe-PRA, ~/"'z.h o/,?, ,/ / ?~<"-g/c::-~ I I I I I I I, TOTAL CHPRGES )-:;;'92. so J TOTAL CHARGES WHEr.E STATE L'l.H REQUIRES that tile Electrical work be done by an shall not be valij until the'label has been signed by an Electrical I HAVE CAREFULLY EXM1HIED the completed apnlication for Qermit. and do hereb,v certify that all information hereon is true and correct. and I further certify that any and all work oerformed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Spri ngfi I' ld and the Laws of the State of Orel]on oertaining to the work descri bed herei n. and that rlC OCCUPAIICY wi 11 be made of any structure without the permission of the Building Division. I further certify that my registration ~,;th the Builder's Board is in full force and effect as required by ons 701.055. that if exemot the basis for exemotion is noted hereon,_and~, t only subcontractors and employees who are in;iPomOl'ance with OP.S 7f)l.05~~1 be use~\~n this oroject. --.,- ,:. ,/) /) ^ IIAr1E(please print) Ned Nabeta / SIr,;l^TURF.~~ 2)_ ~ . DJlTE2/ 10/88 FO~ OF F! CE tJ~:: ()!{!.. y -~T.7 ..... ~ ~ *: Electrical t~echanical PLur1B !riG /;0, FEF I (H"RGE I W) Each single fixture l:2iP "7 .t:c "".:',~.., ~~ /....,;J~..; ~ -- Relocated building (new fix. additional) IS.F. Residence (1 bath) IDuPlex (1 bath) each IAdditional bath /?.fl~!ater service :36'31 Sewer ';?5%;;.~ Storm Sewer 1n';:t0:-~X<"''''/' /';; -0'~:;.7::;'~:;%, I I I ,I I I ~,-,,t1.rC> I ;~-~;,. 10d __I~ I I I I I 7"S:> I / / Zone PL . 'Fire Zone Flood Plain Tyoe/Const,~/~ , Bedrooms I 1/1/ "'I' ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL I Residence of i rHAPr". flO, I H, i H, rHARr:, furnace/burner to 7 BTlI' s .., ~ r.... - 4sdJ"'~, - "",'!'i?r:.J/ 00/ = /.~ :/:?..;.;&.or~ ~----"~l...ivl IU,'IIQce. r I iUl.~ ~.'5(/~ I Reces sed wa 11 I Soacp hpatpr and vpnt / 14~/t. ~;;';" ?;/;;'FI? I Apo Ii ance vent seoarate I Stationary evap. cooler I Vent fan with sinole duct I Vent system apart from ~ heatino or A.C. I Mecnanical exhaust hood and duct. SQ. FT. New circuits alts. or extensions '.4l$ . I j ISERVICES I f I I I I I I 1~:f;1 I I 'Install/alter/relocate I distrib. feeders 10f /&>~::. amps.1 /s:~ I 2 6(~~) );~?/.__P:" I ~:::~",".l"~ ,,~:I I I::;~? =)01 ~ II!r.r-'J' Z,"i'~-' k......;'.r~,," , :;;,01>. /3.7.:z>I~.?<~1 / 14h~, ,.~:'~", ':'"' ' I I I e,/~~v. "',;,i TOTAL CHARGES II{). ....){;:; Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit Supervisor and returned to the Building Division ilH" //, ITemporary Construction' Change in existing residence multifamily. camm. or Industrial ;~o;::>,...'l Of '::?06,.4,5o''''-;;!'5=<<arnps.1 I I 7' 5"0 I '1,,p I I I I COMM./IND. FEEDERS Wood stove/heater ...,,,~ ".;,,. .., :'''/' .t<., 16': ~ ::.' :;" :.S"'~ ISSUANCF OF PFR'1lT l So. Ftc). '1ain ,,?~g':3B x valuE~5'&:;.~'?I.",,:,:: Sq. Ft~. Access x Value Sq. Ftg. OtherD Vfl>l":::::;~ -:Y':5ATc: /k?P Value 4/-::S8?'77 TOTAL VALUATlOrl 7(,L//(~3/. ~ /"> /7..,. c.; ? I System Deve]opment.___L~,;;.,a, o~.::A,e~, Charoe (1.5'-) ? r~-9-7t;-4/7,' ~'.l/~(.1 ',,,"~ -4 5~J?:,)..;,;".,~-".",.~~ . I c:.PA';~":';' ,r \ ~I 75,~ 3LJ,S;; __ I'?~^C/.-'D )~";;;~.;;;::, c:::~)~1.::;-=7,;~ fr;--:-4c/7;'~ 1J,~;/1H;A.I /<~(,;/hJ' '~-_7"Cx, /,:5 1/7'3,2:> ITotal COMb, Permit 23.3~ 1_. .qOOP''''-I'IOT;,L 'rPOf) , (X I tl'i /, l.J '/ ..,,z:>/? .un it s Occy load C<:l/ Occ,V Group A 2. / Plan Ck. Camm/lnd :,,)Q.tr;~7, ,pc> 65%1Bldo Per Fee . __-;,L,~_,_______ Plan Ck. Res 30%/Bldo Per Fee /,,?}q 2,. S-~. I F~~~~ ' --'--~;;~_6=?--1 Demo :1 ~"C(. <r"" I Sid ewa lk - -----; 1.-71.'---/ A/C Paving I/o. So I Curb Cut ,g9 J -----;:.-53--1 Stari es I . . BUILDIrlG PERmT Charges an~ SurCharges -::( 97. 95' PLUt~BING PERMIT Charges and Surcha rges ELECTRICt.L PEfWlT Charges and SurCharges NECHANICAL PERMIT Charges and SurCharges 97'87. t;!/ c; ,CC)O AiOf.ICr ,r;co (,I .811987,96 t t. , . .. , - -l1e ;110 ~a .1C~L~ ~r J City of Springfield I. ' March 10 ~ 1988 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Candy Chitty~ Information Services Representative Lorne Pleger~ Plans Examiner Dave Puent~ Building Official Dan Brown~ Public Works Director ({)tt/! Systems Development Charge for Willamalane1s Lively Pool er Willamalane pays the Systems Development Charge for Lively Pool--perha 5 ---- $50~000 re--please send a note to Finance along with the check i lng that the money deposited as follows: The reason is th e City "forgave" the sewerjdraina nd 09) portion of the SDC se Willamalane must pay.a substantial "In-Lieu-o - essmenC fee ewer service for the pool project, Thank you, cc: Ginger Starck Judy Boles Terri Matsler I' " ~~ '1" CJ+ . ;d~t\.'I.. d- I( 0(.. o.f \ , II , "V-\- '0 (, J.. 0 _ Y9 ~ f.t:;7 I ~o - 49 ~ <0 -;z. y T~r,4c.. DEB: 1 c ~i.,",,-Je.v ~"""rto--: () ,. - C{ q ;;J- (" D C::~{!;G>/ r 5 p--<:::, . /fL S F6 L < 6 ~5 /C? *L.OG//Y/J- /#,l)/c.#7'~~ ~ ,p' /6/ tg '-19. ~ &j 10 2b- o/.,.<~/ A 16/2S'Y9, ~ 9' Te> :;aD -o/"'~~<.. r:ff /7/ "Z7B.<fJ9 ;0 <!>9'- f';?,"O - <t1 4"i&, 9 i'~ Y' 7 ~ 2."5;.$7/./& I "'=0> ~ 6 c::> - -c> ;;;;., " rcc:- 76 T# ~ 5 P c.. C#-#~G; g . O?-I( 8b '3<D ?'o