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Permit Electrical 1995-5-31 (2)
/I/P, . 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD,. OREGON 97477 'INSPECTION REQUEST: 726-3769 OFFICE: 726-3759 ,f; 1. LOCATION OF INSTALLATI9N ..L9 S) A Jj." ffl'"r-,;;,,,,~.//Iltr... A. 41tn LEGAL'DESCRIPTION /~~~':Z?-:(!""" 6/~2::J , JOB DJ;SCRIPTION VD ItC/o~ 1>>lrZl rJt4 ~ COi..U./W/HII t!<NI2. Permits are non-transferable and expire if work, is not started wi thin 180 days of issuance or if work is suspended for 180 days. . 2. CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION ONLY Electrical Contractor 8us/Ne5S'TE.LEC5K, Address ) /t/if 6krrtUAp U>trP <# 110 Ci ty Sj>~AJG{:{(;ZJ) Phone 7'1 I - ?'3~O Supervisor License Number 5{.,1? REI , Expiration Date /0/1/96 Constr Contr, Number t'o7ZSq.. b/2-~jq(, ,Expiration Date ta ~'4L-/ Address /9s-1,.t:} j:;lPt. $f. City, .~f'jJ~ Phone 711-- 01.fl OIINER INSTALLATION The installation is being made on property I own which is not intended for sale, lease or rent. Owners Signature: DATE: RECEIh If: RECEIVED BY: ~-.3t.?? /'/">~~ . ~'...J. '/ :: .... . .'.: .:...... -,;/ :.:.,':: 'i~ ; ...:..~:.~:..;;~; ".; .;'.(;:i~~::~::.:::;:';' :;:.:~j,.'1::_':,..\ : ~,-.'., ~ " '.' ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION Ci ty Job Number 9"5C>?/5" 3. COMPLETE FEE SCHEDULE BELOY New Residential-Single or Multi-Family per dwelling unit. Service Included: It ems Cos t Sum \ 1000 sq. ft. or less $ 85.00 Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion thereof $ 15.00 Each Manuf'd Home, or Modular. 'Dwelling Service or Feeder $ 40.00 ,B. Services or Feeders Installation, Alterations or Relocation: 200 amps or less 201 amps to 400 amps 401 amps to 600 amps 601 amps to' 1000 amps Over 1000 amps/volts Reconnect On1:y C. $ 50.00 $ 60.00; $100.00 $130.00 $300.00 $ 40.00 Temporary Services or Feeders Installation, Alteration or Relocation 200 amps' 'or less 201 amps to'400 amps Over 401 to 600 amps Over 600 amps or 1000 .,''''' D. Branch Circuits $ 40.00 $ 55.00 $ 80.00 volts see "B" above .' New, Alteration or Extension Per Panel Miscellaneous (Service/feeder -Each installation Pump or irrigation Sign/Outline Lighting Limited Energy/Res - Limited Energy/Comm ~ One Circuit Each Additional Circuit or w1th Service or Feeder Permit E. 5. SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE -'5% State Surcharge ~3% Administrative Fee TOTAL :.-.... .,~ '. ..:-.:......:......:.. . ~'.. ..:-:.; - .'." $ 35.00 $ 2.00 not included) $ 40.00 $ 40.00 $ 20.00 $ 36.00 ~v 1~~ I, e~ I, ,., J! 1~, s....d...- . ""... . ..B NO.:q5071~ ATIACHMENT B2 NAME OR,CQMPANY: '.,' LOCATION;,:'.')'151 T;)lJ/V..S-r',.., "/7{)3~':'Z4"'-'()7fotJD -, ~ . . .'. DEVELOPMEiWTYPE; L.:M !_,C 1,),,/6I-1-T TNDtl${j{.'jAI-TMP~tfE.ft1E/Jr<;" , ,}, BUILDING SiZE: Z?11~<;.Q"F'f. -'lOT-SIZE fCITY'OF SPRINGFIELD SYSTEMS DEvELOPMENT CHARGE WORKSHEET (PROFESSIONAl'OFFICES' &,INDUSTRIAL) ~:C.HAI<D 5c.H-oOLc.RAFT . . .....-.. 1.'.;- ~ .#" .;.~ ..?:...;, .J.~' ~'.. '~1'. '".. ....;.. - " i- SO:ft..' .,:.:~ ., ~ ~~ .. ~ ~ ... . ~. -... .. ;: ,~. ," L STORM DRAINAGE , } . IMPERVIOUS SQ, FT.-'.x 0.5 x' ..... . :..,.:, ~X $0.209' PER SO:. FJ(; ... ,- ......... )... ---- . IJ.A , .' ..2, 'Sl!JllIARY SHJFR .<T1:Y _, , NO, 'OF PFU' S x O. 5 X' . ," " (See Reverse) ~~ ", ' ~ . : . ."4 .' . . . , "", / '''''''3.'~ IIWJSPORTATloij . -, .,;:,: " . . . ,-.,:.~:. Cot'E. '\0 -G.e>J.. \...\Crl\-'f :I:..U>IlS.-r~IAl-"" o.9e./-rG,*" - :E NO OF uNITS X'TRIP RATE X.,COST PER TRIP ,.' ~ '.;1(7 X $43,26 PER PFU "~?J~nl?) "-" ./ '. , X $436.19 . ", ~OIOe,Z.~ '--- ~ '$ $ .' 0.5F'Z.l?:tI~ ,J, 6,~~ ,L' ..' '''.:, O.S.'X ;"rO,5 X X ,> ., X $436'..19 X $436.19 ,:-........ . ,'-." T~. .'. X~l ",. '':;,.-,... "'.... ".'-... .. :::;. ~ .p . 4.' Sl!JllIARy'SF\'JFR.~1b'tlC . :~- - NO, OF PFU'S 1'1 x"'$17.19 PER PFU,+ $10 MWMC ADMIN, FEE. '$ ;o'Z-z.~ (Use PFU'Total From Item 2 Above) r:- ..-...".:...~ .~".. $ ?w G!. . TOT~I -MWMr." ~n;._,~ 6 ~ ""'" "...~ ,~ MWMC CREDIT' iF. APPLICABLE (SEE REVERSE) 4..:.1.,......, '. '.' .~~ - ....:~ ~ " 1'--\. '''!'. . ~. SUBTOTAl (ADD ITEMS 1. 2.3 & 4) $ ?4?? ~, " :w. ,f" 5, AnMTNTSTRATTVF FFFS BASE OtARG('CSUBTOTAL ABOVE) X .05 ",-, . I.~. ",'.'" : ._.'~ 1.11 "D~ ~:,~ '-- .,.-/ . . Cj k? /"i'i' (, . I IQIAI snr. $ 'S,o-"-' v: :.;. .:w,.-...... _~~5tt- B2.SDC Date: ;'r;:, FlXTUREUNIT.CAlCULA.N. TABLE:,Nwnber.ofNew fixtUftt Unit Equivalent=.F.UttUfeU~its .'.~' (NOTE: for remodels;':'calculate'onlytheMEI additional:fixturesl ',~ NUMBER OF ,..NEW fIXTURES. . UNIT COo. FIXTURE " EOUIVALENT UNITS ,::, fiXTURE TYPE 'Z- 2. 2, 1 2,. 3'" 6 .., ";:"'0.2, '. ':._._'_, .... ..,.6 . .'"". '.."" l>.: ':. ~ '" , .. .. .,..'...1 .:' ....: '3" , :" .,..'2.', , .... ":;,.l/Head. ,. . ~~:! : ...:...:,; .2 2 _00 ..,,_, 1. 6 4 I 1 :;'. Bathtub ,_____._..._..________.___.______.._____,_... r.~:~..,Drinking F.Qunta~____._..u...u...__.._un.".............. ;... , Floor Drain .,....', .__ ,_.___......... ....... ......-.-----...---."., :' .':' ~ Interceptors for, Grease/Oil/SolidsJEtc-________.......,:', , . ': "" . . Interceptors 'for Sand/Auto Wash/Etc....___._....__... '::,.,.:.Laundry Tuhlaotheswasher____~__,______,__:::~ '~''''''o'''~ _. , ,,' Clotheswasher .. 3 Or, MOf~ __,___________ __' . _'..' ,,:' Mobile Home Park Trap. (1. Per.T..ailer~...----.____. .. ,,:..: '.", .. .,::o..Receptor for,RetriiieratortwaierStatioiIJEtc.~_.~ ':. . ' .J~.... Receptor For Commercial Sink/Dishwasher/Etc.._ :/' 'Shower. Single Stall......,...._,_.___._______......_............... " ..;: Shower. Gang........_...____.......__....__......__~._._. Sink: Bar. Commercial. Residential Kitchen.____..,.m_._... . <;'~Urinal. StallJWall . ',{:Wa:;hBasinlLavatory. Single...._..___...._.._______.. .. j. ;';::T oilet.,PubJjclnstaUatiOll.-________._,_______.__..__.. . .~'...: _ .', c..,:, ToilCl:. Private_...___________..._._.___....._____..-. ".'~ ..;.-Miscellaneous: .. . "..,'-,'"_ / "2- z- /Z .;, """- '.. '~''':-.,'~-.. .. .~ 'l: ',,: ~". ., .<'....-. '. .... .. . -, -.' ';.:,; ,."";,: TOTAL,FIXTURE Ur:JITS = '17 "'X CREDIT, CALCUlATION TABlE: .' ::., calculate credits separates,: I., . ,.. '.. r'~I..':'. .... Based on assessed value. :.If improvements occurred after annexation date in table, .~-. 'c ~,: ~ ,.<1, Year " :. "Annexeti::.~.. . <i: .. Rate per $1.000 . ",'.:' ,',c",.,'..Assessed Value .< . .~", , Year, .' AMexed - .::\" Rate per $1 ,000 ",!, :: Assessed Value ..,.... ,.1979 or before ;,:. ,~,:.. , .'! 1980 ',. 1981 .' 1982 1983 1984 1985 " $3.46 3.38 3,32 3,21 3,06 ',2.92 2.73 ...,' ,1985, ' 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1993 ; .$2.46 '..'.: 2,14 ,1_77 1.37 0.97 0.61 ,0.44 0_15 , ',- .:'\.. ;if," '" r..-.,' . .., -.' '...,.-,' -.';... " l " . I"" ....... ;!>,4{, ,. X " Lq'lA-/ (Rate X Assessed Value) X $ (Rate X Assessed Value) ?40~ ,.... '. >'.'! 7. ':~ , :'0;, ...' Credit fot Parcel Of Land Only If App6cab1e', 'T ~.,.~ . Improvement (if after annexation date) :..~.::.." 'r.', .'a....... ..;,. ~. ' ;', ~ " \', '. ,~ . CREDIT TOT At., = $ 34-0 5~ ;,' ~' .::,>~:'.:.~:'~ ..~ :-- '.~;~~ - ,.'-. .-...;.:-..... . <:~ ~ -- .--," ".. . . ~ . . .