HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-6-23 Subdivision: , " .... r~ . ~/ct'06c' Tax Lot H ~er: ~rid Sh~/ ~8 l I ' " n :::"~. A~i~~)t)fr Phona: 3$1$- ~OOc., Zip: qf}41R N"w d5X <f 0 (Q /j,t..-14-6-C Describe rl'orh: I,Kl I' I I \ I I Addition Remodel Nobile lIoma lo~)-e7 Date of Applicatien Contractors ,General ~.4)A' y'-;i L Plumbing' IU() A..)z Hechanical A...;)(5lA..J'E Electrica 1 /l) GNf Superv_i~ing, Elec t r.i c i:l n , Aadress ~s: r?C! " i, /O/O()D (::~~l i~~ BIdrs Board Ree. - EXOi~es ~ Phone 7/.?9 \ "st7-Y-/::?Ooh ) \ \ \ Value LiRC. II $7...<;-'1 L llf.~ tf~ Rcce~pt !I D66(( I, ,.' ft i8 the reoponoibility of the permit holdep to 8Be that an inOpBction8' are mads at th/J proper time. that each ::ddres8 i8 l'eadab:e from the street, and that the PCI'mit aapd i8 located at the fpOnt af the property. ~Bui!.di"g [}{vi~io" appro!.'ed Flan sJu:ll l'emain on th<:: Bu~ldin[l Sits at aZZ times. PJIOCE:DUPE FOR INSPECTION REQUEST~CALL 726-3769 (recorder) 8tate your City de8ignated job number. job addioess, type of inspec'!:ic1J l'equestcd a"d when you will be ready for inspection. Contractors or ~ers name and phone number, Requests received before 7:00,~ :...ill be made the same dcy, requests made after 7:00 W1I !.ri.ZZ be made the n~:rt lJOrking: ~n/J, 5~' , " , , Your City Deaigr.atcd Job Number Is: " D ~I ()k ' , ' RC(llIi '('I'd Tn~Dl'ct?:cn,q D SITE INSPECTION: To be made after excavation, but prier to set up of forme. I UNDERS~A8 PLUMBING. E~ECTRIC/1L & ---1 MECHi!.'JICA~: To be made before any lJOr'k is "overed. f11 FOC1'ING & FOUNDATION: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms are erected, but prior to pouring ccncret~. UND'SRG.'IOUND PLUMBINC, SEWER. WATER, D!?J..INAGE: 1'0 be made prior to fiZ- lir:q trenchee. o 0, UNDERFLOOR rWt.!8ING ,~ ME:C!JANICAL: To be made prior to installation of j100r insuZation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to installation of flooY' insulation OY' deck.ing. ROUGII PW!!BI!IG. ET,ECTII rCAl- & MECH- ANICAL: No work, is to be covered ur:til these inspections have beer: mace and approved. FIREPLACE: Prior to plccir~ facing materials and before framing in8pec- tio>:. o D D o FRIi!1INr.: MUst be requcated after approval af rough plwr.bing, electri- cal & mechanical. AI! rOOfing bracing & chimneY8, etc. nr~st be : completed. !lo work is to be con- , ceded until thia inspeCtion has . been made and appro!-'ed. O INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: ' To be made after all insulation and ' , required lIapor barrier8 are in place but before any lath. gypsum board 02' ' wll oOllerin{J is t11'p'Lied. and b6fo2'6 any insulation is concealed. O DRYrIA~/'- INSPECTION: To be made after all drywall i8 in plaae. but prior to any taping. " O MASONRY: Steel location, bond beams. grouting or lIertical8 in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. D WOODSTOVE: After installation is ccmpleted. D D CURB & APPROACH APRON: After forms aPe erected but prior to pouring aorU''1'e te. SIDEIIA/'-K & DRIl'EWAY: For all con- crete paving within street right- of-wcy. to be made after aZZ e:rca- lIating complete & form work & aub- base material. in plaoe. DEMOLITION OR MOVED BUILDINGS :=JSanitary SelJer aap~ed ~t p~operty Ur.e , :::J Sept.;.a tank pumped, and,liZZed IJith gra:JeZ ---, Final ~ rr.nen abolle'items are completed ~ and when demolition is complete or stru.:!- ture mOiled and premises ,cleaned up. -"-~ Mobile /lemes ~ Blocking and Set-up ~ Plumbing connections -- scwer and water ~ Electrical Connection -'Bloaking. set-up --' and plumbing connoctions nr~8t ce approved befo2'c requesting sle~trical inspectio~ .' . \ ~ Acaessol"q Building, --, Final - Aftor porches. skirting, deck8, --.J etc. are completed. EJ' o FIliAL PLUMBIflC o FINAL ME:~IJA.vICA~ o FIliAL E:LE:CT!?ICI.~ :AH project aond'ition8, ouch as the i.nstaHatO::on or-8treet trees, co,~l(1tlon of' the' required landoccpir:g. eta.. must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINA4 can}e r~que8ted. fINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requested after the Final Plumbing. Electrical. and Mechar.ical Inspections hauo been made and appl'olJed. " ([) 10 o o :OENeE: ~'hen complete -- Prollide gatea ar mOllable seations through P.U.E.: 'AT./'- MANHOLES AND CLF:ANOUTS nU.<:T BF. ACCESSIB/'-E, ADJUST1fENT TO BE H1DE AT NO COST TO CITY I Pa!7l.' of 2 '"-- i JOB NO. I ZOM: Lot Sq. Ftg. ~ of lot COlJeragc ,If of Stories Total Height Topography I I TTF.N I Main I Cc.rar.e I Cal'ool't IIICCeSSOl'll I I Is.D.c. . sq. FTC (~ TOTAL VALUE 1. S ;I: (val.ucJ .';' Bui1.ding Permit . ..' ," ,Stats Suroharge ,Total Charges" lITEM ' I NO. FEE !ri.1:tures I Residential (1 bath) Sanital'Y Sewel' I I I Watel' " I ,I I Plumbing Pertr.i t Stats suror.aJ.ge , Total ChaNSS IITEN I Res. Sa. rta. /Now/Extend Circuits I TempOl'aI'Y Service 'NO. ' I, EleatrioaZ Psrmit State SuroMr(1e Total ChaJ't;e8 ITEM F'ul'nace ETU' S E.:I;haus t Hood. Vent Fan WoodstolJe I' "" '\, Psrmit ISSUclnaS\ SOL A RAe C E S S R E Q.- NO. OCcUpancl( ( ': L - CO ct Type/Cor:st: Bedrooma: Lot Faces - J I fnel'm! SO;ll'Can I I Heat, I I I I I I x FEE FEE ~ f" ~", ' , . '.1', ,Mschanioal Psrml't " " ' ~, '" : , State SUroharae Corner Panhandle CuZ-de-s~~' Value /q~' I.. I I I g~S-o ~c:?3 g,j',"S:3 ~ , CHARCE I I I I I ~ CHARGE I: ,I ,I I I I CHARCE :l ...lotal ~' , I -- ENCROACHMENT -- IseC"~l'itl{ DaD?3it, ':'1,1;::1""" "'" :,: ,f I Stor~go ,I." i\"V.~'I't"I"'I, 'IIWt',,"" \"''''~'''''I','''l' 'Ii'1 "I"f"';"'"'' WII',,". I Maintenance I Pcrmi t I Total Chal'aos eurbcu:; Sidewalk : ,Fcnae Eleotl'ical LabsZ MobUs Homs ' :1 ,': ., I TO~AL AMOUNT DUE~'~ I' Z5~'~ T:lre P.L. NOl'th lEast South West Sethacks Houss Cal'a(/e WateI' .'leatC'I' Range Fil'cr>lace Woodator;e I Access. -- Fees Building Value & Permit Thio, pe1'mit io granted on tha expl'aon condition that the naid C011:;tl'Uc'tl:on shall. in all I'enpects, con[orm to tha OI'dinm;(Jc ,'ldopte.l liy C)U? CiCy o[ Spl'inafieZd. inc tuding the Zoning Ordi.nance, rcgu l(; t illg the cella t l':lCt ien and uoe of buildil1(JG. and m:<y bo ol~opended or rauoked at c.1:Y ti.me upor. uie Zation, of any prouiaior.s of oaid'Ordir.ancca. IPlan Check I Date Paid: IRecdpt II: I Signed: Plumbing Fee: !3Z- , -:3~ (/ -6 -8'1 l;.f DLjV JIJ).(~ Per rrd t No percon shall constl'Uct, ina:;aU. aUeI' 01' change Gny neW CI' a::i.sting : plwnbil1(J 01' draina(Je syote:n in whole 01' in part. w:lcGS Guch pel'Gon is the legal poooasRor ofa valid plwnbar's liccnaeJ excapt that a pal"Goll maif do ' plwnbing wOl'k to proPel.ty which is ownadJ leased or opel'ated by the appli- cant. Electrical Permit Where State La1J requires that tho clectl'ical work be done by an Electrical Contractor. the' electrical pOl'tion of thia pal'rnit ahall not be valid until the Zabel has beenoigned by the Electrical :::'Olltractor. l ~ Mechanical Permit ~ ~_Jf~ il'la/lt' )'Xaminel' (.r /' - 6-:;Z? C9 uatr? , I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application fol' permit. and do hereby certify that aZZ info:omation hereon io tl'ue and cOl'rcct. and I further certify that any ar.a all wOl'k perfo1':7led ahaH be done in ac::ol'- dance with the Ordinanceo of the City of Spl'ingfield. and th~ ~~8 of tho ~ SUlte of 01'e(J:m pZl'taining to tho work deocl'ibcd hel'ein, t::nd tJlQt NO OCCU- PANCY will be made of any otl'uatUl'a without parmioJion of the Building Di- vision. I fUl'thcl' cel'tifii that only contractors m:d /Z.71pl"yees w}:o are in compliance with ORS 701.05t will be used on this Pl'ojsct c;;;':;;:~~;j7~/~/fY '. Si(!~~~/ - v ~ /' Da te