HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1980-2-27 \~~ Dixie Drive. -' JOB ADDRESS: 18-02-05 fJ 1919 TRS, TL: POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE Spfd. Oregon CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # LC-394-80 Subdivision: Mt. Vernon Estates. 3rd Add.. Lot 8, Block 1 This permit for the referenced property is hereby approved. Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed. Violation can result in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions of Lane County's Infraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law. Applicant/Address: Richard A. Evenson. 4824 Daisy Street. Spfd. Oregon Owner/Address: same Contractor/ Address:/ tjontractor's OS # / Construction approved by this permit:. Water Supply: 97477 726-1288 Telephone: Telephone: Telephone: Total Construction Value: Install SDS for future 4 bedroom home. Structures now on property: none # Bedrooms: 4 # Plumbing Fixtures: na PLANNING DIVISION Willamette Water WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION . Setbacks Interior property lines Edge of road right-of-way Building foundation Wells, other water sources CONSTRUCTION PERMITSIINSPECTlON DIVISION # Employees: na Zoning: RA Partitioning # na Parcel # Minimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: side exterior: na ; interior property lines: na ;rear property line: Special Instructions: Any alteration of the natural COnditions in IhAaIeaar"_.....tf_......-#_:_ field or replacement area will Site Inspection # 74-382 Installation specifications: 1000 gal. min. septic tan~'I!d~Wf!ovaL 150 lineal feet of drainfield required; max. depth of trenches: 24-30 inches Special Instructions: Install an equal distribution system as per attached plot plan d stamped approved and dated Jan 7. 1980. Reserve full replacement area as shown. na Parcel Size: ~centerlin.e of road, na 124.82 x 123.70 For information call 687-4394, Septic Tank , 10' 10' 5' 50' Candi Drainfield 10' 10' 10' 100' For information call 687-3960 between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m., Kathi Wiederhold Type of Construction: na Instructions: none Group: Fire Zone: na na Use Classification: na For plans information call na betwe;mi8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., For inspections (see back of this permit) call 687.4065 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Date Issued: 02-27-80 Directions to Site: South 42nd and Jasper. 2 blocks east to Dixie Drive. Kathi M. Wiederhold/lky lane county ~ / ........ C55-13 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 By: 1 . -;. . . 2- . 2:. . ..!. D. r. 1D -. . 12 , It . " -. . !!. .. ... ' , . " -. . " ... . " -. . " T'I , !!.. " . M LANE COUNTY DEPT ENV MGT RECEIPT I 39480 DATE 022080 . -. APPLICANT EVENSON, RICHARD A. ADDR 4824 DAISY ST., SPFLD, OR . ~ TLI 1802050001919 SUBDIV MT. VERNON ESTATES 3RD ADD LOT 8 BLK 1 NEW BLDG TYPE USE R NO BDRMS 00 NO UNITS 001 NO STORIES NO BLDGS 001 ". CODE APPL NO ACTION DESCRIPTION SQ FT UNIT COST VALUATION FEE DAY.s;.. - BP · " BF' -. BP " BF' -i BP ... BP . , u PL NO. FIXTURES: -. MECH SUR ~ PCK !!.. SDS LC 39480 SDSI NO, CONNECTORS: MECHANICAL FEE ST A TE SUF~CHARGE PLAN CHECK FEE 5.00 EACH ,- 40.00 .i o ~: o ~: " . :: o ~ '12 ." CK II. ~ 10 : ~. ~ , . I.: -to 7 ~ 6 r, ,. ~ 4% 0% " -. !!. ... SIFO CPI WPC TAKEN BY CH PLAN ELEV ADDR FP COMPLETED BY ENVH TOTAL FEE** 40.00 lD -~ .. !!.. .. -. l . DttTliENT OF ENVIRONI1ENTAL IIANAGEMENT PSB, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE ~E, OREGON 97401 \~,,',.,~.'..,~,",~,i;.A,,',:,',d,I,',',,',r,",..~.".',;,',.,~","ir,'iill,1SlKitf~l\,"'_ ~A/~~!'!,~/7 ~:~~~!~~!~r;:7~;~="~"h::/ ~~1f~ ~ A ~ rCq't1 ~ jll'ot~l-1 Structures now ;~ the property, .?~~ .t? 'jj"~""YiiiitU$li70'hltoli'" 711 lcI'lR!l$1fal!l\'tlli,7 n iComn\!tcl~ll l.A:!!J!!l_"~,~,_".."ll:,,, P." ,~t.l'", J,L!\ ,._~,~,..__'l _ ,,,,,,,,,,_,,..,,,W Affidavit: I. fkhl\\r.{ A.V;;;~~?IJ (P.J!l'~!lfPn1mn If this application is for an agricultural building it will be used for purposes allowed by the State Building Code and Lane County Code Chapter 10 (zoning) and for no other purpose, I have the following legal interest in the property: Y' owner of record, contract purchaser, lessee; holder of an exclusive option to purchase; - duly authorized to act for the owner, who is knOWledgeable.of this application. . Signature/Address "PJ.-J IJ ~ 4~ .;1.,0.( /)I4I.<;;y ,,-.J_ ~p:;.// (zio) 97,c7J Telephone ~.-I;;J,f?Jl or te ~-I?-JlO When permit is ready notify: I~I Applicant ~ OWner ~/ Contractor ~: ~I mail ~ phone OWner ~u:L AvA ill, EIlI2IjJS(>A..) (zip) Phone 7;;1...(. -/;;1.38 Contractor :<.t4......fL (zip) Phone Contractor's OSR# Plumbing by . A'l,"'^'-,..."~,'''''''-,'~, ".fe"":'" ." ;.;..,,', .-,' - " ~~oned1Hofupe~ : o tl.~M,tFfJi1cl o IRi!!-IliI~ , hereby certify that this information is true and accurate. \. -~ W:;'<"~ ~,neei~ COde' DesciH iitfiih' 00 NOT WRI1~ BELUW THIS LINE # of employees ~t*ijjy~tsi l$!l$IJ U Existing, BP # _ ~posed. SI # Zf?- =<~,-"'" , f~~'~~l~~\ ~~ Valuation Fee If COlTlTlerc i a 1: If.l-a~~Ji~rliSl Residential: !.illit~~dE~r' 51 test holes ready 1~-/1(l-'%1l1 ~ - k ^''','*,~,'lli,tj /} . 1- ,cMeli'f' .........-::; .. Received bY~ Water Suppl " ~#~ Proposed Existing _ Year Installed Total Valuation: $ '1l1li\lil~1f'j'tll"i'i"sl at $ l.fllll,fd~ll~l at $ each each $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ~ dI':) $ r/{'lrJ /1 / /,_ /I /1,/.-.3...3/ ~/...hrbL..A..---< ,'/ ( r/ / y tl/~e{9%-__...#~ p Subtotal 4% State surcharge :~~~~c~~C~fee ,~~~ ... ".",,~ -- ----,......,....J- TOTAL = ..... , PERMIT PROCESSING Part. # ; 1., side .---~2C::;-~~~(~- - '/ 3 Parcel , Parcel Size/::2<.P ~/~.;V- Minimum setbacks: Zone 11<.-# <t. f-;:r -'7 ( ~ - .~ Conments" U-~ --C" ./ ~ ,- , \ ~ into ; rear To be typed on permit By Date CP&I Type To be typed on permit Group -Fire Zone Use Classification For plans information C ~e9ions J6S\;;.e..... , /....x A'...? A", ,;.. ) Plans to:' By Date '" C/'::J..A~ Q tk_~~ ~k~~~ ('/ ' I - ~.v-~ ~I SIFO Date Required Hold Sl ip to PCC Date Completed Da te to PCC C/ CP&I ~/ WPC ~/ Planning I~I Public Works I~I Elevation ~I n/a e/ Address ~I Facility Permit I~I Environmental Health FOR INFOR~~TION about progress of your application call: C74-171 Permit Control Center 687-HELP (687-4357) . .' . .' . . r\, o:IIIENT OF ENVIRONI~ENTAL 11ANAGEflEIH .~ II. PSB. 125 EAST BTH AVEIlUE ' " ~IE, OREGON 97401 ~ Job Address ;Q~~ A/~ City ~/// Township, Range, Section, Ta, Lot L,,'+ f? A 1;;:it. , l(l_~./'Jy:t:/?.:;:-=t/t..'1 Subdivision IIIH-. V~~ E~+"''',,~ ,Lot 1ii' Block' Application for .-C'U~7 ./ /,C ) ~ Structures now o~ the p~operty ~~~ J{ t:' _ Proposed use of property: ~ReS;dential I~/ COllmercial Affidavit: I, po; L!\\r..D II.. FU.<!,~LS"'1.1 " , - {please print) If this application ;s for an agr'icultural building it .....il1 be used for purposes allowed by the State Building Code and Lane County 'Code Chapter 10 (zoning) and for no other pur~ose. I have the following legal interest in the property: ~ owner of record; contract purchaser; lessee; holder of an exclusive option to purchasei. duly authoriLed to act for the owner, who is r;!1o;'Iledgeable of this application. . Signature/Address }BLU ~ ~8',;).<./ /)J<il.s~/ ,"d_ :s~{~.// (ziol_9?"c77 Telephone ~7':;U:.-J:25-};1 ~r I ; O~e .::2- R~,10 When permit is ready notify: CI Appl icant i}i( Owner () Contractor Qi:.: C/ mail i,?I- phone Owner e 'CI. "1"'( fI\, 1=, IOld., ~J (zio) Phone 7;13. -1.:a.33 Contractor ~ t4 .........J2 (zi D) Phone Contractor's OSR# PI umb i JIg by ~?;~c:0oi:~ Ass i gned Numbers ~ CI Industrial CI Publ ic I hereby certify that this information is true and accurate; ;.... ~ '<; If Commercial; # of stories Residential: F. of bedrooms 51 test ~oles ready DU NUT WRITE BELOW rHIS LINe # of employees # of units SOS: () Existing, BP # IS.....oroposed. SI # .Zr/- =<-p-, Fee Code Descriotion Sq. Ft. or # of Sites Unit Cost Valuation Fee I-I Cash /' i}~eck #_ ~ELf' . Received by - /' ~..../#:I' Water SUPPly~~u77f/l~ Proposed Existing Year Installed Total Valuation: $ Plumbing fixtures at $ Sewer/water conn. at $ $ $ $ $ $ each $ each $ O.n/'7f) / /, _,~ /i/--X. V /~../)//~k..A A / I _ / y VA ~~.-t?/9z-.v,--" ...#'...:f";;.o:~~ SubtotJ I $ $ $ $(t'C~ /'Y-?) $ 4% State surcharge Plan'; chp.ck fee /J . / /~ 17S '-bail_~01plf~;.iU/~' TOTAL '" Zone IK # Minimum setbacks: 1.. f~nJ' I G., side ; into ; rear Comments "7 (/a.;/-f _/.....-L---"_....~-~~.;r--=-.::2c:::-L#/d~aY( ~"';;u..e,.r To be typed on perm; t \ /' 6 By PERMIT PROCESSING Port. # Parce 1 # Parcel Size /;J. if ~'~y: I ::J..E. ZJ Odte WATER POLLUTION CONTROL Installation specifications; --+1)t)t? gal: tank: ,I~ ft, of drainfield: max. depth of trenche'; _Z~-;,o" . To be typed on permit J;;;::!!/" :itI'a~tr?fh1:;' ~~ ~ ~ l~t!:::f'fJ~:J~"~y:tlUf/tU_ ~ a'J/"'!? . p u" l . - Telephone ~:!;:1{qn /1, By):jjjju WI ;:!!dMit.tJ(duate ~I'J f"!fjIJDflh('ifD Oirecyons tosj,a ~ ~'~,_6 ~ __.~ V (~/~-r- L.f ~t" ~ ~..-7 I'/:- /'..-- ./Y..-k-A', ;/(( )~/J.J /7 V c/ SIFO' /Plans t~ CP&I - set(s) ~OJte Hold Slip D"" O'te to wrc set(s} Required to pee Completed pee -' Ct CP&I CI WPC {} Planni'ng C/ Pub 1 ic Works I~I Elevation /~I n/a CI Address (:1 Facility Permit ~I Environmental Health f.o,' ";'~."" .", l FOR INFOR:.iATION about progress of your appl icatlon call: Permit Control Center 6B7-HELP (687-4357) j-r ~_ /. \/ '- N . I ~_~ M~~1e;S~""~_ f s ,~ I I I f ; - i I I ! I " r-'; -, ,I 1__L I I I I , Ld ! I fJ !' I / I /l;' I ' II f 1 ! i I I / 'J D/()(/e i I I , I I 7S 'ORI(;/tJM. 7;{ -/.:::," f c P i_A C I':. r"i f ,.(, 7~ , , --._-.._----_.__.~ DR. \J f61 jY('/~/,i:f.::. !PI' 07, ,{{J.,'r' -'- F'I...I- I~ C(rp"<.lrof~p,1 - YV1f>,5d I (Y"17YJ.1 c/ACWvta7U aJl-'l:xuJ<: Iot- )--01" Y l3/o( 4. / Mi- Verno!) /:::.s/c./(,.5 3 f?J Add : . - t . : ' , I ,: I 1"1--; ., . 1 ': 1 ' J' I \-.-1--- - I"-J..I I J' . ,__ _1_. _,_ __ _ ..:-.- - --LJ - ,- __I . ~" f) . I I I -------- I I I'! ': ' I.. , ...---.....:--- ~-! .. --1-1-.1-------- , , , , 1--1 , , ! ..1- " '! I I I .1 _ I I 1 1,1~1:r~~ , rC", . -- -~ '-....,.., I.- ".~ " ,,' , "!:I -S-f'-'~' ,.h, - -~,->,,- ,I~" . ~'~ . 1..._ '-"0 .' ~ .1-" , ,\;,,- '7,'- I ,.~ ~ ) '---4 , , r---!':, - ~--'_. I - - --=. ,_ :___ I . .! . I --- ._.- ,-'- ~- 1- ----.--:.- --- --.--: 'I'" ..- --:-:- , . ' "'-~'" --- .- - , 1-- , --I I 1--1 " . I : ,'--, -- -- I j'---' '.-, "'1"':"""2.--.._ .~_ I lAX- - - -- - ~j . ,---- I " I I I t-----.----- ---- TRS TI 19:.-/);),-05 #-/7'/'9 ..~- ......... VICINITY MAP JObLocatiOn(Stre~:,'milepost)..)bk. / Mk(,,'uJ ,/ J#V'W"" ,- Subdivision " Lot Block' : .~. ~~. . i~' '~JI 7/,Jtf511J: ~' g 1~ w ~ ~~ ~" " ~ (" \J ~ ~ t, ~ ~ ~~ I- '" Z ~,<:J . ,., ~ ~ .!!! '" - '" c > CD I . 1 ~~ - FOR SANITARIAN'S USE ONLY: [1J.{ystem Approved D System Disapproved D Needs Correction COMMENTS: , Signature:c:. ,~~ L - FOR INSTALLER'S USE: Trench Depth 1't;'~ )t7" Filler Depth Below ~ t,N Tank Capacity fPDO&Al. Manufacturer--E("V'",'''-/-. <: t ~ Measured distance to well from tank AI~N" from drainfield /./~N'~ { .Il! , ~ ~ It. V ) .a ~~ PLOT PLAN ~_z B ~~~~ !~ .]~,~ i)~ ,5 N,~~~~ '~~. Cl. '#0 Cl. Q.. <l: CD N V'X.e 'or. ."," ~ q s ~ , 'lUV" f {' ~ ,~f{., ~O-7', -11- .,J , ~ _r?ror.~P '" '" '- ~ 7/le ~ "'/":,,'><1 \, . ""t e IrJ~ ~ \\:. Scale: Date :4b] r;p . ~ /1.71' -'), "-'4',: ~ 4fA~' ..~ "'1/' "Q.' ". If..... ~ ' A "0., ''<',. 6' -,.y <(, ~"o/ "b~{9.9... "'.. 0, . "(/ C '/f..-.. A o /,r.- c..l ~..,~'o., . INSTALLATION RECORD AND CERTIFICATE OF SATISFACTORY COMPLETION When signed by the County Sanitarian, this certificate is evidence as per ORS 454.665 of sat. isfactory completion of a subsurface sewage disposal system at the above location. Return this form to: Permit Processing Section, Department of Environmental Management, Public Service Building, 125 East 8th Avenue, Eugene 97401 C55.11 ~' ,"- J0'8 -ADDRESS: - '-', POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE .--.. - .., .?.c.. - Dll.n1€l llrtvoo Spfd. O'L-agotl' CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # LC-39~80 .... TRS, TL: 18-02-05 0 1919 Subdivision: t/ rtt:~ t .....~~.. lZotlltooo 3r<1 Addo 0 tQt: ao Bloc:!t 1 .~~ ; This permit for the referenced property is hereby a,............d~ Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed. Violation can , result in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions of Lane County's Infraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law. Applicant/Address: RiclIard Ao B.~__~o 4924 Da10y Sttaet. ~pfd. Ch6~ 97477 ~,\\-__rc..-releptJone: 726-1238 '(hi:?) Owner/Address: 0= ' Telephone: Contractor/ Address:,( Telephone: Contractor's OS # I Total Construction Value: _ '," Construction approved by this permit: tnntoll lIDS for Ltl.__.... 4 1lcl'fOOl!1 11=0 Sttueturas I10U au property. none -' \ Water Supply: # Bedrooms: ., ~j 4 # Plumbing Fixtures: # Employees: :;; h PLANNING DIVISION m'''I~..9'1''\ ~nV"#'l1l" ~. ~ . r. WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION z . ~.' . Setbacks 'I nterior property lines Edge of road right-of-way Building f9undation Wells, other water sources I.,,':=-_ c CONSTRUCTION PERMITS/I NSPECTION DIVISION ~. - Directions to Site: DO tW Zoning: RA Partitioning # un Parcel # Minimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: side exterior: ll.l1 ; interior property lines: I!D ;rear property line: Special Instructions: \ , " IIll Parcel Size: ailcenterline of road, aa 114032 R 123070 ;~ Any alteration r;:r (110 ."'........__. natural conditions in f Id --"'""",,'vwc:ulorlneorajn~ Ie or replacement ar . Site Inspection # 7~392. Installation specifications: 1000 gal. min. septic tan1<P:dajDaeijJYoval. ea Villi 150 lineal feet of drainfield required; max. depth of trenches: 24-30 1nc:hcw Special Instructions: Inotoll an eqaal d1str1lmttoD syst= 80 otr'~ ~...._~"",J end daUld Joo 7. 1980~ QJrea QIJ oha.:m~ For information call 687-4394, rJm<lt ( ,', i Septic Tank ----'0' 10' 5' 50' .., par aeUlehed pl.ot plan ~..~: iooarvo fUll ropl.o.ec:::::i ._~J Drainfield 10' 10' 10' 100' For information call "A7-'lOfifl between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m., r.......hi: YL.dor1M>ld Type of Construction: Da Instructions: mmo : .' Group: Fire Zone: Use Classification: I!D IU! lila " , For plans information call an betwe~8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., For inspections (see back of this permit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Mr,:"'.,<,-;,,, '\ mld J,,~..~. :t blociw enoi: ;:0 iiix1e Utive~ lane county _. .. ~_.....'__. ~,__.__.+__~-,"-.. ..J.>J'_-'.~ _ __~__,____'____-'__" --~ ,'1 Scatb 42nd 02-27-30 By: Eatbi Mo tJicdorbold/1h.y Date Issued: C55-13 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE. OREGON 97401 - '-....,...~.."'-..... ---.~- ~----".",-...'~-""""'-----^_. 'f' , ' 1/--1.' ~ , ' .1 _ i , " t , I I" U , . .~ , , I Iv /. I~ /rC~ , ' '/ ,\ I . I ./ . , I L~- tJ ! / "I' D no' e .,:;,' i.... i _:-\i_"-l~ 'li ~~ ;~~ , ", ~ -j I"~,,(> . '. , .' \.:J~ t! 'TI~7~::;lt WI I ,". .j 'L ,~oo s 1:~~~r~l~ ;:;~ - f-:(~ ':' ~\~ .I-~=j~~ ~~ '-;"IC;' -;f , -'-I----.-r ::-r~r-:~ i~I-- ~~ '-T ,'. ;',' :; ~: , i I I i'....---~: i ,.1 \ I i __!d j-,-'';Tn~~ 'I'';)'' Ii" i ;' . il';;:' " 1 t-I" --I T- ----;.: -'~- i' i.!..... "--1""--- -_.._.~-:;-- : ! I : I ' I. I I' 'I;"~ ;', -- r -- ._~- :;- . . ~ t . t ,i.' I 1 jU"f'I' T'-' i- ," -. --1-;:. : LA)' !I d I - -- -- ._.~. -J" , 1" ," I --- --I~' _!- .: "'I' 'r--"-~-; ~ _ ". ____..__L I I _ _.1_ __~ '- I, . I 1..;.1_L.. ~ 1 i~~-- -:I--~t T-I-:-i~~ ..\-"---'-'" I" i ' 'k> ---!.::...._- 1'1' . , i - t-- --r- - : I 1- -"'-l'~- " . I t I .. frofwJ f6{jf"/~iH~ I j .'i"-r~~J~=~ : ": ; :. !"'-i-f- , I " , , I ."". I--..,I_~ '.. ! "'I-"-!r"'li,' ! 'I"~-- ;. ii" " ' ',', 1 I . I . . ~ i . I'; : ,: i-I'~' "..' , It i ; I : ' 11-- t ..;!' ! -- -c" ;... .'.~:: t I I I ',I ,I .; 'r' ",: i : i : . :'! :~'li_.II--7~Wlf~TI' 'Iii I ~Iilj ""II'~~':Ii':."I!;~I~=tl . :'~H''-''f,,''-,:=-,''--rT,'-'' ----~ .;. ',. !';~-!' , ! , I' . L 7.5' 'O~I(;1 /JAi~ 7:{ 7,"'. (€ PLAC':C.M(nr 7.:0 .---..--.-..-..-----...__._0-- , , DR. \J 10,,0'1'"/>,1,'1-'- (";,,-1- In " },0I-? Blo( 4, / Mi- Vernon {::-.:-I,'/{'.5 . . ' , .\ ' , '1 I f .' i .. -1 . -\- -\---- -\ ' . \ L-i---.-t..,...!. , i '1 I -"'. I ,l--!~-!, <1: ,PC\. 3 fd Add.. i Ii "1 . !', 1 , 'I ,,\.--.:-;-1....1...1