HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 11/15/2010 r . . :Clty of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Site Plan Review Minor Modification Required Project Information (Applicant: complete this section) A Iicant Name: Deb France AlA Com an : Oh . lannin +desi n Phone: 503-280-8000 Fax: 503-224-5442 Address: 115 NW First Ave. Suite 300' Portland OR 97209 n Phone: 503-280-8000 Fax: 503-224-5442 A Iicant's Re .: Deb Scot t Address: 115 NW First Ave. Suite 300' Portland OR 97209 Pro er Owner: Lewis Darrow Phone: 650-527-5005 antec Cor oration Fax: 650-527-0698 Address: 350 Ellis Street. Mountain View CA 94043 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17031540 TAX LOT NO S: 700 Pro er Address: 555 International Way; Springfield, OR 97477 13 .5 Virtual Su ort Lab Generator and Enclosure Description of If you are filling In this form by hand, please attach your proposal descrtptlon to this application. Pro osal: Add 1250 Kva generator and new service. Provide new (approx) 14 'h x 251w x 46 'I screen. landsca e area. Associated A Iications: . 0 - c)04DO Case No.: \ ,-'. D-CC0 Date: A Iication Fee: o TOTAL FEES: ..... - - € -~W- ~ .0) PROJECT NUMBER: 0063 --"""'~~ "'.- Date Received: " ~. NOV 1 5 2010 Original submittgl Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 1 of 10 . . Signatures Applicant: d acknowledges that the Information in thIs application Is correct and accurate. Date: O.e,b f\l{j)(~ Print If the applicant Is not the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act In his/her behalf. Owner: Lf (jJnatur~ Ltw. ~ 'I):u-"", W Print Date: II 5"" 2vIO Date Recej\l(":" ..,....l, it.. r:" "(>" j.., ~" 1 IV '.. .,~... ,J OrlglilJI 81.:~n:;r:':; I , , I Revised 1/15/09 ddk 2 of 5 . . Site Plan Review Minor Modification Application Process 1. Applicant Submits a Site Plan Review Minor Modification Application to the Development Services Department . The application must conform to the Site Plan Review Minor Modification Submittal Requirements Checklist on pages 4-7 of this application packet. . Planning Division staff screen the submittal at the front counter to determine whether all required Items listed in the Site Plan Review Minor Modification Submittal Requirements Checklist have been submitted. . Applications missing required items will not be accepted for submittal. 2. City Staff Conduct Detailed Completeness Check . Planning Division staff conducts a detailed completeness check within 30 days of submittal. . The assigned Planner notifies the applicant in writing regarding the completeness of the application. . An application Is not be deemed technically complete until all information necessary to evaluate the proposed development, its impacts, and its compliance with the provisions of the Springfield Development Code and other applicable codes and statutes have been provided. . Incomplete applications, as well as Insufficient or unclear data, will delay the application review process and may result in denial. 3. City Staff Review the Application and Issue a Decision . this Is a Type I decision and thus is made without public notice and without a public hearing since there are clear and objective approval criteria and/or development standards that do not require the use of discretion. . Decisions address all the applicable approval criteria and/or development standards. . Applications may be approved, approved with conditions, or denied. . The City mails the applicant and any party of standing a copy of the decision, which is effective on the day It is mailed. . The decision Issued is the final decision of the City and may not be appealed. Date Received: NOV 1 5 2010 Original Submittal Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 3 of 10 . . . Site Plan Review Minor Modification Submittal Requirements Checklist o Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule Is available at the Development Services Department. Any applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the pre-submittal and submittal stages. o Site Plan Review Minor Modification Application Form o Narrative explaining the purpose of the proposed development, the existing use of the property, and any additional Information that may have a bearing in determining the action to be taken, including findings demonstrating compliance with SD.C 5.17-125, Site Plan Review Criteria. o Copy of the Deed o Copy of a Preliminary Title Report issued within the past 30 days documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances. o Right-of-Way Approach Permit Application provided where the property has frontage N/A on an Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) facility. PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY CITY STAFF. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE PLANNER ASSIGNED TO YOUR APPLICATION MAY REQUEST ANY INFORMATION ON THIS LIST DURING COMPLETENESS REVIEW IF IT IS NOT SUBMITTED WITH THE ORIGINAL SUBMITTAL AND IS NECESSARY FOR REVIEWING THE APPLICATION. o N/A o Three (3) Copies of the Stormwater Management System Study with completed Storm water Scoping Sheet attached - the plan, supporting calculations, and documentation must be consistent with the City's Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual. Eight (8) Copies of the Modified Plan Sets Including the Following: o All of the following plans must Include the scale appropriate to the area involved and sufficient to show detail of the plan and related data, north arrow, and date of preparation. o All plan sets must be folded to aw' by 11" and bound by rubber bands. a. Site Assessment of Existing Conditions For proposed area only o Prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect or Engineer o Vicinity Map o The name, location and dimensions of all existing site features including buildings, curb cuts, trees and impervious surface areas, clearly Indicating what Is remaining and what Is being removed. For existing structures to remain, also Indicate present use, size, setbacks from property lines, and distance between buildings. Date Received: NOV j 5 2010 Original Submittal 4 of 10 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian . . . N/A 0 The name, location, dimensions, direction of flow and top of bank of all watercourses and required riparian setback that are shown on the Water Quality Umlted Watercourse Map on file in the Development Services Department D The lOO-year floodplain and floodway boundaries on the site, as specified in the latest adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA approved Letter of Map Amendment or Letter of Map Revision o The Time of Travel Zones, as specified in SDC 3.3-200 and delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map on file In the Development Services Department o Physical features Including, but not limited to trees 5" in diameter or greater when measured 4 Y2 feet above the ground, significant clusters of trees and shrubs, riparian areas, wetlands and rock outcroppings N/A 0 Soil types and water table information as mapped and specified In the Soils Survey of Lane County. A Geotechnical Report prepared by an Engineer must be submitted concurrently If the Soils Survey indicates the proposed development area has unstable soils and/or a high water table b. Site Plan For affected area only o Prepared by an Oregon licensed Architect, Landscape Architect, or Engineer o Proposed buildings: location, dimensions, size (gross floor area applicable to the parking requirement for the proposed use(s)), setbacks from property lines, and distance between buildings . D Location and height of existing or proposed fences, walls, outdoor equipment, storage, trash receptacles, and signs o Location, dimensions, and number of typical, compact and disabled parking spaces; including aisles, wheel bumpers, directional signs, and striping o Dimensions of the development area, as well as area and percentage of the site proposed for buildings, structures, parking and vehicular areas, sidewalks, patios, and other Impervious surfaces N/AD Observance of solar access requirements as specified In the applicable zoning district o On-site loading areas and vehicular and pedestrian circulation o Access to streets, alleys, and properties to be served, Including the location and dimensions of existing and proposed curb cuts and curb cuts proposed to be closed N/AD Location, type, and number of bicycle parking spaces N/AD Location of existing and proposed transit facilities N/AD Area and dimensions of all property to be conveyed, dedicated, or reserved for common open spaces, recreational areas, and other similar public and semi-public uses N/AD Phased Development Plan - where applicable, the Site Plan application must Include a. phasing plan indicating any proposed phases for development, including the boundaries and sequencing of each phase. Phasing must progress in a sequence promoting street connectivity between the various phases of the development and accommodating other required public Improvements, Including but not limited to, sanitary sewer, stormwater management, water, and electricity. The applicant must Indicate which phases apply to the Site Plan application being submitted. c. Improvement and Public Utilities Plan N/A o Prepared by an Oregon licensed Civil Engineer Date Received: NOV 1 5 2010 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Mar1<arlan s or 10 Origln:: Submitta!_ . . o Location and width of all existing and proposed easements D Location, widths (of paving and right-of-way), and names of all existing and proposed streets, alleys, dedications or other right-of-ways within or adjacent to the proposed development, including ownership and maintenance status, If applicable. D Location and type of existing and proposed street lighting o Location of existing and required traffic control devices, fire hydrants, power poles, transformers, neighborhood mailbox units, and similar public facilities o Location, width, and construction material of all existing and proposed sidewalks, sidewalk ramps, pedestrian access ways, and trails D Location and size of existing and proposed utilities on and adjacent to the site including sanitary sewer mains, stormwater management systems, water mains, power, gas, telephone, and cable TV. Indicate the proposed connection points d. Grading, Paving, &.Stormwater Management PlanN/A o Prepared by an Oregon licensed Civil Engineer D Planting plan prepared by an Oregon licensed landscape Architect where plants are proposed as part of the stormwater management system o Roof drainage patterns and discharge locations D Pervious and impervious area drainage patterns D The size and location of stormwater management systems components, Including but not limited to: drain lines, catch basins, dry wells and/or detention ponds; stormwater quality measures; and natural dralnageways to be retained o Existing and proposed spot elevations and contours lines drawn at 1 foot Intervals (for land with a slope over 10 percent, the contour lines may be at 5 foot intervals) o Amount of proposed cut and fill e. Landscape Plan N/A, will be provided for Building Permit Application D Drawn by a landscape Architect D location and dimensions of landsc"aplng and open space areas to include calculation of landscape coverage D Screening in accordance with SDC 4.4-110 o Written description, Including specifications, of the permanent irrigation system D location and type of street trees D list in chart form the proposed types of landscape materials (trees, shrubs, ground cover). Include in the chart genus, species, common name, quantity, size, spacing, and method of planting f. Architectural Plans D Exterior elevations of all buildings and structures proposed for the development site, Including height N/AD Conceptual floor plans g. On-Site Lighting Plan N/A Date Received: NOV 1 5 2010 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian Original Submittal 6 of 10 I . . . '0 location, orientation, and maximum height of exterior light fixtures, both free standing and attached o Type and extent of shielding, including cut-off angles, and type of illumination, wattage, and luminous area o Photometric test report for each light source o Additional Materials That May be ReqUired N/A o Where a multi-family development Is proposed, any additional materials to demonstrate compliance with SDC 3.2-240 o Riparian Area Protection Report for properties located within 150 feet of the top of bank of any Water Quality limited Watercourses (WQlW) or within 100 feet of the top of bank of any direct tributaries of WQlW o A Geotechnical Report prepared by an engineer must be submitted concurrently if there are unstable soils and/or a high water table present o Where the development area is within an overlay district, address the additional standards of the overlay district o If five or more trees are proposed to be removed, a Tree Felling Permit as specified in SDC 5.19-100 o A wetland delineation approved by the Oregon Division of State lands must be submitted concurrently where there is a wetland on the property o Any required federal or state permit must be submitted concurrently or evidence the permit application has been submitted for review o Where any grading, filling or excavating is proposed with the development, a land and Drainage Alteration permit must be submitted prior to development o Where applicable, any Discretionary Use or Variance as specified In SDC 5.9-100 and 5.21-100 o An Annexation application, as specified In SDC 5.7-100, where a development is . proposed outside of the city limits but within the City's urban service area and can be served by sanitary sewer Date Received: NOY 1 5 2010 ~~~m't~= --. Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 7 of 10 spr _map Page 1 of 1 TYP11 0-0001 0 'te Modification Minor - '-03-15-40 Tl 700 Symantec Corp. -1-":::::::::::: eo1-=- ~, ..., ~3, 39tr1':"S"9S9~ Ma~and Farm Rd I -1Z.. 3803, 395J, 3959 a.~ ,tvlaple.lslandXanp RiAlef.fi~', .- ft..1~rt. \ 's o1f-0ill Corporate Way "C . '.' J " " , . , H , ~ I 0:(( INTERfi.JATION iio rn pt, y , ~~ ' .~ ~ V:l .-(\ ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ADMOND FERRY RD pat~cian I---r\ l : MHP-LL\ .. ~ \ "J) >- - <( ~ I~ . , , , , , lNTER ATIONAL WAY ...-... - -..... AME FARM RD ---1 d~ 'N~' ~ . . . ~ '- I( A" ~ ?i N A Date Received: NOV t 5 2010 Original Submittal http://spifs020/mapguide2009/mapviewerphp/printablepage.php?SESSI ON=d3eaa542-ffiT- ffiT-8... 11/15/2010 NOV 1 5 2010 .c , " " , -- .~ ? '. 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OWNBR'S SCHEDULE 8 BXCIlPTIONS FROM COVBRAGB This policy do.... not insure ..g..~n8t loss or d"""'ge (and the Company will not pay costs, attorney's fees O~ expenses) wh~ch arise by reason oil GENERAL EXCEPTIONS 1 Taxes or assessments wh~ch are not shown as eXlst~n9 l~ens by the records of any tax~n9 author1ty that lev~es taxes or assessments on real property or by the publ1C records, proceedings by a publ1c agency Wh1Ch may result 1n taxes or assessments, or not1ces of such proceedlngs, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the publ1C records 2 Any facts, r1ghts, 1nterests, or cla1ms which are not shown by the publlC records but which could be ascertained by an 1nspect1on of sa1d land or by mak1ng 1nqu1ry of persons 1n possess. on thereof 3 Easements. encumbrances, or cla~ms thereof, not shown by the publIC records, unpatented min~n9 clalms, reservat10ns or exceptlons 10 patents or 1n acts authorlzlng the issuance thereof, water clghts, cla~ms or tltle to water 4 Any l~en or r19ht to a llen, for servlces, labor, or materlal heretofore or hereafter furn1shed, Imposed by law and not shown by the publIC records 5 Dlscrepancles, confl~cts In boundary lines, shortage In area, encroachments, or any other facts wh.ch a correct survey would d1sclose SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS 6 Easements for ut~l~t~es and slopes as shown on Land Partlt~on Plat Numbers 94-P0499 and 94-POSOO, f.led May 6, 1994, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, ~n Lane County, Oregon 7 Not.ce of Annexat.on Agreement, .nc1ud.ng the terms and provls.ons thereof, recorded May 6, 1994, Recept10n No 94-34937, OffICIal Records of Lane County, Oregon Waiver of T~me ~lm1t.on Consent to Annexatlon, an Addendum to the Consent to lumexat.lon Documentt,~:'1.ncluding the terms and provislons thereof, recorded May 6, 1994, Recept10n No 94-34938, Off.cial Records of Lane County, Oregon 8 Condlt1ons for Easements, ~nclud1n9 the terms and prOV1Sl0ns thereof, recorded May 6, 1994, ReceptIon No's 94-34939, 94-34940 and 94-34941, Officlal Records of L~n~ County, Oregon Date Received: NOV 1 5 2010 Original Submittal . . PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PAACBL I Seglnn~n9 at the Southeast corner of Parcel 2 of Land Part~t~on Plat No 94-P0500 as f.led and recorded 1n the ,Plat 'Records of Lane County Oregon, thence South 890 56' 00" West a dlstance of 686 62 feet along the NOl;therly r~ght9of-way of Game Farm Road, thence leav1ng Sa1Q r19ht-of~way Norch 00 00' 39" West a d1stance of 975 54 feet to the Southerly r.ght-of-wa~ of Internat.onal Way, thence along last sa.d r1ght-of-way North 89 56' 08" East a d1stanCe of 89 99 feet, thence along the arc of a 966 00 foot radlus curve to the rlght, wh~ch has a central angle of 160 27' 0911 and a chord bearlng South 810 50' lau East 276 44 feet, a dlstance of 277 39 feet, thence along the arc of a 1034 00 foot radlus curve to the left, 'whlch has a central angle of 160 10' 09" and a chord bearlng South 810 41' 47" East 290 83 feet, a dlstance of 291 80 feet, thence South 890 46' 52" East a dlstance of 3S 23 feet to the East llne of the afore.descrlbed Parcel 2, thence leav1ng last S81d rlght-of-way, along sald East 11nes South 00 00' 39" East. a dlstance of 893 46 feet to the pOlnt of beglnnlng, In Lane County, Oregon PAACEL II An easement as set forth 1n that certain Easement ~greement, by and between Sony Music Entertalnment Inc , a Delaware corporat~on and the Symantec 2001 Trust, a Delaware statutory buslness trust, recorded Aprl1 6, 2001, Receptlon No 2001-019542, Official Records of Lane County, Oregon ,. /Date Received: F' NO': I' ~ ~"lll ,. ,I ... (~"',U Original Submit!:;;! " . . L . OWllE1l. . S SCIlEDULE A Policy No. 9801.8 Order No. 192477 AmQunt of Iusurance $33,827,774 00 Prem1um $11,070 69 Date of Policy: March 6, 2003 at 9 42:02 a m l. N~~ of Xnauredz SYMANTEC CORPORATION, a Oelaware corporat1on 2. The estate or interest in the land which is covered by this policy is. Fee Slmple as to Parcel I, An Easement as to Parcel II 3. Title to the estate or interest in the land 1S vested in. SYMANTEC CORPORATION, a Oelaware corporatlon 4. The land referred to ~n this pol~cy is described as follows: ATTACHED HERETO . c Date Received: :'\G"'IS~, ;-'." ~-' ~" NOV 1 5 2010 Ut'" :V"' Original Submittal I~..;n' ':. Cf ~ nl~' . .. , , \ WPTCO 164469 10-58606 \ 17 03 15 40 700, part 17 03 15 30 500 " , V. Mia Weber Cooley Godward LLP 5 Palo Alto Square 3000 El Camino Road Palo Alto, CA 94306 Division of Chief Depuly Clerk 'BBI.BlncIB Lane Counly Deeds and Records 'VU V ~v'U 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 $41.80 00163455200100195400040040 04/06/2001 09:31:57 A" RPR-DEED Cnl=1 Sln=6 CASHIER 05 $20.00 $11.00 $10.00 .l ,0 \\- After recording, return to: Until a change is requested, mail all tax statements to: The Bank of Nova Scotia 580 California Street, Suite 2100 San Francisco, CA 94104 Attention: Ed Kofrnan Tax Account No. 51-6521385 WARRANTY DEED SONY MUStC ENTERTAINMENT INC., a Delaware corporation, Grantor, conveys and warrants to THE SYMANTEC 2001 TRUST, a Delaware statutory business trust, Grantee, the real property described on the attached Exhibit A, free of encumbrances except as . specifically set forth herein. The true consideration for this conveyance is two million nine hundred thirty-six thousand six hundred thirty-five dollars ($2,936,635). THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN nus INSTRUMENT IN VIOLA nON OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LA WS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR CQUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LA WSUlTS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT MAY NOT BE WITHIN A FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT PROTECTING STRUCTURES. THE PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS, WHICH, IN FARM OR FOREST ZONES, MAY NOT AUTHORIZE CONSTRUCTION OR SITING OF A RESIDENCE AND WHICH LIMIT LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930 IN ALL ZONES. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITRTHE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO "-- Date Received: . '-- NOV f 5 2010 Mter Recordm~ R.turo 10: W-cstero illl:meer IIt'e La. DO Box 10146 lugene, IJR 97443 ~ 40108144V3 Original Submittal . . " i VERIFY APPROVED USES AND EXISTENCE OF FIRE PROTECTION FOR STRUCTURES. DATED:-Ar" \ ""} lPO\ SONY MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT INC., a Delaware corporation ~\ By: Its: ~R. If. P. ()~~ '. Date Received: NOV 1 5 2010 Original Submittal 40108144V3 . .. i ~ , . EXHlHIT A WARRMITYDEED All of the real property in the City of Springfield, County of Lane State of Oregon described as follows: ' " Beginning at the southeast ~orner of parcel 2 of Lanp part1t10n Plat No. 94-POSOO as fi,ed and recorded in the Plat Records of Lane ,County Oregon. thence South 89' 56' 00' West a distance of 686.62 feet along the Northerly rivht-Df-V~ of Game Farm Road~ thence 1eav;ng said right-of-wRY North O. 00' 39 West a distan~e of 975.54 Teet to the southerlY r1ght-of-w~ of International Wayi thence along last said right-of~waY North 89 56' 08" East a di stance of 89.:19 feet; thence along the arc of a 9li6.00 foot yoadtus curve to the right which has a central angle of 16" 27' 09" and ,a chord bearing South 81'60' 18' East 276.44 feet, a distance of 277.39 feet; thence along the arc af a 1034.00 foot radtus ~urve to the ,eftt which has a central angle of 16" 10' 09"and a chord bearing south 81" 41' 4 ' East 290.83 feet a distance of 291.80 feet. thence South 89" 46' 52' East a distance of ~5.23 feet to the East line ot the afore-described Parcel 2; thence leaving last said right-of-wilY, along satd East ltnes South 0" DO' 39" East a distance of 893.46 ,feet to the point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. , " r Date Received: NOV 1 5 2010 Original Submittal 40108144V3 . . . , . , .', . . ; STATE OF "~I?: ~~ COUNTY OF LANIr" ) ) ss. ) , , ~OD( This ins~nt ,:"as acknowledged before me on~, by -;r~n~~ ~ ~/~.. Sr. vice President of Operations for Sony Music Entertainment, Inc., a Delaware corporation OFFICIAL SEAl. I) .JOANNA K. CROSS "'".,,/ NOTARY PUBLIC. OREGON COMMISSION NO. 331373 MY COMMISSION EXPIReS FEBRUARY 7, 2004 ~~~!oi y commission expire on: 01-j~~ ... Date Received: NOV 15 2010 Original Submittal 40108144V3 . . Architecture Planning Design LEED Consulting 115 NW First Ave, Suite 300 Portland, OR 97209 tel 503.280.8000 fax 503.224.5442 Oh planning+design architecture November 11, 2010 Mr. Jim Donovan, Planning Supervisor Ms. Liz Miller, Planner I Urban Planning Section Springfield Planning Division Development Services Department City of Springfield, Oregon 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 97477 .' . \.' Subject: Narrative of Site Plan Review Minor Modification for Symantec Springfield 555 International Way Virtual Technical Support Lab New Equipment Service and Generator Building Permit S10-004000 Dear Jim and Liz: Symantec has need for new electrical service and an emergency generator to support their Virtual Support Computer Lab (Building Permit S10-004000). The design team has refined the equipment location based on the proposed equipment's technical requirements and budget constraints in keeping with the building's aesthetics and the City of Springfield development requirements. . . The equipment and screening is proposed to be located on the north side of the building near the existing loading dock. . The equipment would sit between the existing building and existing pedestrian sidewalk. .. The front face of the screen is proposed to be approximately 550' from the curb of International Way. . The rear face of the screen is proposed to be approximately 11' from the exterior face of the building. Date Received: NOV 1 5 2010 0ri0' . Submittal '..---..-- .. . City of Springfield, Urban Planning Section November 1, 2010 Page 2 m . The equipment will be fully screened from view at street level. . The generator will be surrounded by a combination of a metal architectural screen wall and a "green screen" wall. The architectural screen wall will fully conceal the generator. The "green screen" provides texture, visual interest, and a better experience for those who would see the screen from inside the building. It also helps reduce the scale of the metal architectural wall, and it relates to the building's fenestration by aligning with the existing glazing. . The new electrical service vault will be flush with the ground plane. Please refer to the attached architectural site plan and architectural renderings for additional information. Sincerely, Oh planning + design Deb France, AlA Principal r Oat" ~eceived: ~''i': 1 5 2010 . " ,,,I 5...umittal . . Oh planning+design, architecture 115 NW First Avenue, Suite 300 Portland, Oregon 97209 503-280-8000 tel 503-224-5442 fax Transmittal To: Planner on Duty City of Springfield Development Services Community Services Dlvision 225 Fifth Street Springfeld, OR 97477 Date: 11.12.2010 From: Deb Scott Oh Project #: 70020 ,i-' RE: Symantec Springfield Structural Improvement Package 1 Delivery Method: Overnight Bsets 11.11.10 Symantec Virtual Support Lab Generator Equipment Minor Modification Packaae 1 $1,303.05 fee Greetings! We've been working with Jim Donovan and Liz Miller to put together this minor modification. It's in response to a letter Liz sent on October 11, 2010 regarding Building Permit 810-00400. I've included a checklist and highlighted the items Liz and I reviewed over the phone to clarify what things are not included. Please give me a call once you've been able to do intake. Thank you! Date Received: NOV 1 5 2010 Original Submittal Optimism: anticipation of the best possible outcome health: flourishing condition of well-being ,.~. .-' . J . _..._, I';'" r.. .j:.."',,.,.r.. ;~,'...,......:..;.,;!'~ r ,-.. H:I;~:'. " ", ....". ".;!"::~.' :'1' . t J! ,- I i . I ii .' I e~ II' ,Ill I - . r~41 !. J~i t ~ C . t" I .I I r ' I' Il II .~~: ~ +t roO, ;, '; ;~' ". I ;~ '-,r' ;} ( f,j ~t - ~ l \ 04 \ r : 3. ' ~, e t::l ,.. .. , [) - ~ Q ~ j ~. . ~ ~ ;~ " a . ~~ 1~11 Date Received: - NI'lV 1 5 2010 Original Subl1'l:t~;;;i : I . 1 .