HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous APPLICANT 5/26/2009 (2) . . R.ev I SE;D 5'~ 61'7 rrf74, L Qeoma~ ENGINEERING, SURVEYING, BUILDING DESIGN B06 N. NINTH STREET, COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON 97424 TELEPHONE: (541) 942-0126 FAX: (541) 942-7935 . E-w,IL ADDRESS: geomax@ibm.net Job # 1-182 May 26, 2009 Kit and Karen Chan Family Trust Main Street, Springfield, Oregon ENGINEERING CALCULATIONS AND DESIGN REQUIREMENTS for SITE DRAINAGE AND BIo-SW ALE '- Original Signature is in red ink 7 sheets, including cover. Code: City of Portland Stormwater Management Manual, Rev. 4 2008 Ed. . Loads: Treatment Flow. Design Storm Maximum Storm 0.25 in/hr . 2 year 25 year RECEIVED MAY 26 2009 By: J(~ NOTE: No separate overflow pipe has been included in this design since the system is adequately sized tQhandle'the 25 year storm runoff without surface ponding other than in the bio-swale. GEOMAX, INe; 806 N. Ninth St. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 541.942.0126 TREATMENT VOLUME CRAN Based on Drainage Areas Area 1 Gross Drainage: W. Parking Lot Drainage area Time of Concentration 2 yr event Percent of impervious area Runoff Coefficient Runoff Area 3 Gross Drainage: E. Parking Lot Drainage area 2 yr event . Required treatment . Pc"reent of impervious area Runoff Coefficient Runoff Combined Parking runoff I182 ruooff.xls . .erut and Karen. Chan Family Trust. . Chan Storage Main St. Springfield, OR 1815 Main St. Spri~gtield, OR s.f. 6219 6219 acres . calc .0.14 hr. 24 24 in./hr. 0.25 0.25 % 100 1 c 0.9 0.9 . Light Industrial Q=cfs calc 0.03212 s.f. 6266 6266 acres calc 0.14 hr. 24 24 in./hr. 0.25 0.25 % 100 I c 0.9 0.9 Light Industrial Q=cfs calc 0.03237 cfs . 0.06449 5/21/2009 RECEIVED By: MAY 2 6 2009 ;J{/' rdr GEOMAX, INC. 806 N. Ninth St. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 541.942.0126 .Kit and Karn Chan Family Trust. Chan Storage Springfield OR 5/21/2009 TWO YEAR STORM RUNOFF KIT CHAN TRUST 1815 Main St. . SpringfiOld, OR Based on Drainage Areas Area 1 Gross Drainage: W. Parking Lot s.f; .1 6219 1 6219 Drainage area acres calc 0.14 Time of Concentration hr. 24 24 2 yr Event in./hr. 1.3 1.3 Percent of impervious area % 100 I Runoff Coefficient c 0.9 0.9 Light Industr Runoff , Q~cfs calc 0.16704 Area 2 Gross Drainage: W. Side Bldg s.f. 5500 5500 . Drainage area acres calc 0.13 Time of Concentration hr. .24 24 ' 2 yr Event in. 1.3 1.3 Percent of impervious area %. 100 I Runoff Coefficient c 0.9 0.9 Light Industr Runoff Q~cfs calc 0.14773 Area 3 Gross Drainage: E. Parking Lot s.f. 6266 I 6266 Drainage area acres calc .. 0.14 Time of Concentration ' hr. 24 24 2 yr event in. 1.3 1.3 Percent of impervious area % 100 1 Runoff Coefficient c 0.9 0.9 Light Industr Runoff Q~cfs calc 0.1683 Area 4 Gross Drainage: E. Side Bldg s,f; I 5500 5500 Drainage area acres calc 0.13 Time of Concentration hr. 24 24 2 yr Event in. 1.3 1.3 Percent of impervious area .% 100 1 Runoff Coefficient , c 0.9 0.9 Light Industr Runoff Q~cfs calc 0.14773 Area 5 Gross Drainage:" Front s.f. 4032 4032 Drainage area acres calc 0,09 Time of Concentration hr. 24 ' 24 2 yr Event in. 1.3 1.3 Percent of impervious area % 100 I Runoff Coefficient c 0.9 0,9 Light Industr Runoff Q~cfs calc 0.1083 RECEIVED Combined Parking runoff cfs 0.44364 Combined Roofrunoff cfs 0.29545 MAY 26 2009 Total Combined'runoff cfs 0.74 I182 runoff.xls By:ff rdr- GEOMAX, INC. 806 N. Ninth St. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 , 541.942.0126 25 YEAR STORM RUNOFF KIT CHAN TRUST Area 1 Gross Dramage: W. Parking Lot Drainage area Time of Concentration 25 yr Event Percent of impervious area 'Runoff Coefficient Runoff Area 2 Gross Drainage: W. Side Bldg Drainage area Time of Concentration 2 yr Event Percent of impervious area Runoff Coefficient Runoff Area 3 Gross Drainage: E. Parking Lot Drainage area Time of Concentration 2 yr event Percen~ of impervious area Runoff Coefficient Runoff Area 4 Gross Drainage: E. Side Bldg Drainage area Time of Concentration ' 2 yr Event Percent of impervious area Runoff Coefficienf Runoff Area 5 Gross Drainage: Front Drainage area Time of Concentration 2 yr Event Percent of impervious area Runoff Coefficient Runoff Combined Parking runoff, Combined Roof runoff Total Combined runoff . . . Kit and Karen Chan Family Trust Chan Storage Springfield, OR 1815 Main St. Springfield, OR s.f acres min in./hr. % c Q~cfs I 6219 6219 calc 0.14 , ~455 455 100 I 0.9 0.9, calc 0.57821 Light lndustrial s.f. I 5500 I 5500 acres calc 0.13 min m 5 in. 4.5 4.5 % 100 ' I c ,0.9 0.9 Light fudustrial Q~cfs calc 0.51136 s.f. I 6266 I 6266 acres calc 0.14 min m 5 in. 4.5 % 100 I c 0.9 0.9 ' Light Industrial Q~cfs calc 0.58258 s.f. I 5500 I 5500 acres cillc 0.13 min ~ 5 in. 4'.5 % 100 .1 c 0.9 0.9 ~cfs calc ' , 0.51136 s.f. I 4032 I 4032 acres calc 0.09 min m 5 in. 1.3 , 1.3. % 100 I c 0.9 ' 0.9 Q~cfs calc 0.1083, cfs cfs cfs 1.26909 1.02273 2.29 V:\Projects\2008\I 182\DesignII 182 runoff.xls I Light lndustrial 5/21/2009 Project 1-182 RECEIVED Light lnd~By: Total imp. MAY 262009 tlC;L 0.63 ac 27517 s.f rdr . Geomax, Ine 806 N Ninth St. Cottage Grove,OR 97424 tel: 541.942.0126 . fax: 541.942.7935 CHAN STORAGE' BIO-SW ALE DESIGN Swale Hydraulics' DESIGN CRITERIA Minimum Slop~ Minimum Residence Time Maximum Flow Velocity Swale Manning's Coefficient Minimum Freeboard Maximwn Probability C;:onveyance (25 yr Storm) DESIGN PARAMETERS De~ign Treatment Flow Rate Basal Width Swale Side Slope (Sw:I) Assumed Depth of Flow (iterate to match Q to Q.t) Length of Channel FLOW CALCULATIONS TREATMENT STORM . Side Slope Length Hydraulic Radius Flow Rate by Manning Residence Time V :\Projects\2008\I I 82\DesignVswale-calcs.xmcd Sinih := .Op5 .tmin.''f 9:mio VlI18.J{:;'P:9.s:c n :;':.15 F;;;i~':"J.n I's :;'.<14 . . .......:..3 qi :;':O3,~:~6 ~:~5ji S~:{:i <I::=.059.n Lc';' 6:i.5.n .... . , . .....:J ....2..2. Lss:= {S,(i.d)<+d R'~ (~~+~\t:d)"(d) -' : (hB'. :'+. :2.1; ). ":"; :. ,-:; .:s~ . ... ..' . .' .':.1::.... ." ....>'3 ~ :!. 1.49.n . "3. .. ... 2' '2w:= '''n'sed~-...R::'-'~_inin Q:= (hB+~w:d).(fv L .c t .- . V . 5/21 /2009 . Project 1-182 -L"';' 0.187il'. ; 55;" ,......:..:',.. . ..... - .. .R.='0:057it. ,':.'. n: V; 0.104.- . '-'see .... "':3 Q; 0.032 ft : '. ::: "ft:i CHECKS Qt= 0.032,...". .' . ~ec REICEIVED . MAY 2 6 2009 By:.-t2.c~ rdr . Geomax, Ine 806N Ninth St. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 tel: 541.942.0126 fax: 541.942.7935 MAXIMUM FLOW (25 YRS) Flow volume Assumed Depth of Flow . Side Slope Leugth Hydraulic Radius Flow Rate by Manning Residence Time . CHANSTORAGE BIO-SW ALE DESIGN ..' ... ft~ Qp := .58....,,- ,,' see .d25 :=O.77:.ft ~:~ JeS\V'c!z,5)?:ai5 ~ '..:2'(bBtSwdzsH12S) K ... '(~Bt2Y;sL '. J.2';.1 . ... 3 ... . . V25.:~..1:t;...'R~'Smi~2 Q)= (!J~~S""cli~}A15'Y ;1.'0 ,},'7X25 5121/2009 . Project [-182 R.,,:0.57ft , ,v21.i?A83.S:~ Q~05~5:e: CHECKS t= 2)9lmiri RECEIVED By: V:\Projects\2008\1l82\DesignVswale-calcs.xmcd MAY 26 2009 QCL.. rdr