HomeMy WebLinkAboutEasement APPLICANT 8/4/2009
G R 11 N T
o F E A
o F
KNOW ALL T,"1EN BY 'lTiESE PHESEN'rS tb.at we, the people
whose names appear opposite the description of the property
herein set forth, for ana. in. consideration of the sum of ONE
Dollar. ('/pI.OO) to each of us in hand paid, the rece ipt of which
is hereby acknowledged, d~.....r."ereby give and grant unto the City
of Springfield, a municipal corporation; of the state of Oregon,
the right to lay, maintain, repair, replace and remove a pipe
line aloni; and through our properties at the place designated
in the descriptIons set opposite our names.
It is agreed that thie lino is to include a suffioient
area. of [;round on both sides of the line designated, to suffic-
iently permit tl":e l:?ying,maintaining, repairinG' replacin2: and
removinG of said 1inG.
. It .is further understood and a.sreed 1j1at the work of
la~lin0' maintaininG, rcpC:lirlug, replacing and rerhovin,s said pipe
line is to be done in a manner not to unnecessarily interfere
vlith the onjo~'ment of tl1e promIses and shall be .lald in a ;n8.nner
not to interfere witb the surface of the :::;round and its use.
It i'3 fnrtJ.J.Or understood and asr88dthat this plpe
line is to be laId at a distance not less thun
below the :::round.
It is. further understood and ac;,;reod that the rl[;hts
hEJro1.n granted .are to be a c).large on this propert~r not only
durInG our 'ovlnership but shull be binding upon the he irs, admin-
istrators, executors nnd assigns, and the rIghts IlGrGY1ith. granted
shall run to the gfantees "nel a,s:,i[;113 of the C;Hy Of Springfield.
. Date Received:-.!/r,~
Planner: AL 'I-~
Lf~-37I <,.
''';'''''''4 Or"
~ 'l!.,.y. - ........
D. Vi. Kimsey
VJ. C. Schne ider
7 ,. (J ('
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:1'1, f 0.,., .<4A'-v A. r-'
V ' ~ /. .-,(;A.4;" . c
,O'/4::;,g/f.' {pC:,(gc,
L.(~J!.~t <..../ /
...-\1 ~ / J.
E. E. Hughes
j/ A. M. Hughe s
.Ii/II. F. Neu
Arlena Do. Neu
~Hilbert Erickson
iC. A. Kolso
o 1ft .. \L\
II J (~
(' 'O;lI 1)
~lJJ' !/b~ {t }+'
A strip of land extending in an east-
erly direction across lot 12 of Washburn
addition to Springfield, Oregon. Said
str:tp being 10 feet in width, S feet
on either side '01' the following described
center line::
Beginnigg at a point 120.51 feet South
of the Northwest corner of Lot #12 of
said Washburn additisn to Springfield,
Oregon; thence S. 34 08' E., 8S.44
feet to the East line of said Lot #12.
A strip of land extending in an East-
erly direction a cross u private road-
way being a portion of Lot #12 of Wash-
burn addition to Sprin~field, OregQn.
Said strip "being 10 fe~t in width, 5'
feet on eitLer side of. the following
described center line:
Beginning at a point 129.31 feet South
of the Northeast corner of Lot 12,
Washburn s.ddition to Sprinc;field, Oregon;
thence S. 84008' E., 13.81 feet to
the East line of said pr1vs.te road.
A strip of land extending in an East-
erly direction across Lot if 11 Washburn
addition to Springfield, Oregon, said
strip bein~ 10 feet in width, S feet
on either iide of the followinG 6escr-
ibed center line: .
Beginning at a point 130.72 feet South
of the Northwest corner of lot #11,
Washburn addition to Springfield, Ore-
gon; thence S. 800S1' E., 96.18 feet
to the East line of said lot WIl.
A strip of land extending in an east-
erly direction a cross Lot illO, Washburn
addition to Sprinc:field, Oregon. Said
strip being 10 feet in width, being 5
feet on eitber side of the following c1e-
scribed center line:
Beginning at a point 146.09 feet South
of the Northwest corners of Lot #10,
Washburn addition to. Sprin,,;field., OreGon;
thence South 8005r'E., 92.64 feet to t]'.e
East line of said lot #10.
A strip of land extending in an east-
erly direction aerosi lot #9, Washburn
addition to Springfield, Ore:;on. .said
strip being 10 feet in width, being 5
feet on either side of the following
described center line:
Beginning at a point 160.90 feet South
of trw Northwest corner of Lot #9,
Washburn addition to Springfield, Oreson;
thence Soutb 80051 f E., 64.88 fee t tot he
East line of said lot # 9.
Date Received:
Planner: AL
I /
- "
v R. L; Garner
and. .
Lorena A. Garner
D. F. Seaman
j Lula Seaman
J. S. Vest
~ and.
Margaret Vest
R. E. Barney
\ and
Laura Barney
~ Henry 11ansen
:J ~j., ...
A strip of land extending in an east-
erly direction across .lot /18, Washburn
addition to Springfield, Oregon~ Said
strip being 10 feet in width, being 5
.feet on either side of-the following
described center line:_ .
Beginning at a point 17L28 feet S.outh
of the Northwest corner. of 10ti18, W.ash-
burn addition to Springfield, Oregon;
thence South 800Sr E., 111,40 feet to. the
- . , . ~.
~ast 11ne of said l@t "8..
A strip of land extending in an East-
erly direction across lot #7, Washburn
addition to Springfield, Oregon. Said
strip being 10 feet in width, being 5
feet dm either side of the following
described center line:
Beginning at a point 189.09 feet South
of the Northwest corner of lot #7, Wash-
burn addition t8 S,ringfiold, Oregon;"
thence South-80 51 E.,. 3.42 feet to an
angle poil}t; thence North 89005' E., 79.83
feet to a point on. the East line of said
lot 1/7.
A strip of land extending in an East-
erly direction across lot l16, Washburn
. addition to Springfield, Oregon. Sald
strip being 10 feet in width, being. 5
feet on either side of the following
described center line:
Beginning at a point 188.42 South of
the Northwest corner of lot #6, Wash-
burn addition tB Springfield, Oregon;
thence North 89 05'E., 80.78 foot to
the East line of.said lot #6.
A ~trip of land extending in an east-
erly direction across lot #5,. Washburn
addition to Springfield, Oregon.. Said
strip being 10 feet in width, being 5
feet on either side of the following
described center line:
Beginning at a p6int 187.20 South of
the Northwest corner of lot /15, Wash-
burn addi.tion ts Springfield, Oregon;
thence North 89 05' E., 78.67 feet to
the East line of said lot #5.
A strip of land extending in an east-
erly d:i.rectio.n across lot #4, Washburn
addition to Upringfield, Oregcin. Said
strip bming 10 feet in width, being 5
feet on either side of the followin~
described center line: -
Beginning at a point la6.01 feet "'outh
of the Northwest corner of said lot #4,
Washburn, addition,to ~pringield, Oregon;
thence North 89005 E.,-76.62 feet to
the east line of said lot #4.
Date Received:.J#cltJ,?l..___
Planner: AL
'. ;
,.. .,
Edythe Laxton
j and
Walter Laxton
J Pearl Anderson
Roy Benson
~ and
Ora ].1. Wilcox
V John Rodman
. 0., cl )'Y\'D 'J( (':
W. Freman Bo yd
v and
Eunice Boyd
George E. Colcord
1 'l.I::tt"-j
A strip of land extending in ?n east-
erly direction across lot #3, Washburn
addition to Springfield Oregon. Said
strip being 10 Xeet in width, being 5
feet ori either,side of the following
described center line:
Beginning at a point 184.85 feet South
of the Northwest ccrner' of said lot #3,
Washburn addition to Springfield, Oregon;
thence North 89005'E., 74.99 feet to
the East line of said lot //3. '
A strip of land extending in an East-
erly direction across lot f/2, Washburn
addition to pringfield, Oregon, said
strip being 10 f~et in width, being 5
, feet on either side of the following
described center'line:,
Beginning at a pornt 183.72 South of
the Northwest corner of sal.(rlot 112,
Washburn addition po Springfield, Oregon;
thence North 89005 E, 73.27 feet to the
East line of said lot #2. '
A strip of land extending in an east-
erly direct,ion across lot ill, WashtJUrn'
addition to Springfield, Oregon. ~aid
strip being 10 feet ln widthbelng 5
feet 011 either side of the following
described center line: '
Beglnnlng at a point 182.61 feet South
of the Northwest corner of asid lot /fl,
Washburn addition to Springfield, Oregon;
t~ence Nobth 89005'E., 184.64 feet to an
angle polnt; thence North 8700~., 93.76
feet to a polnt 175.21 feet South of a
Dolnt 66.5 feet West of the Northeast
~orner of said lot #1.
A strIu of l'JDcl extendinr!' 'in an east-
" ~
erly directlofr across the east 66.5
feet of lot #1, Washburnes Additlon tb
Springfield, Oregon, said strip being
10 feet ln width, being 5 feet on eIther
side of the following described center
Beginning at a point '175.21 feet south
of a polnt 66.5 feet west of' the N.E.
corner of lot #1 of said Washburn Add-
it~on to Springfield, Oregon; thence N
87 O~E., 66~58 feet to the east line of
said lot #1.
/A strip of land 10 feet in width being
5 feet on either side of the center line
extending easterly across the following
described property:
Beglnning at a point 171.94 feet south
of a point on tLe north line of the
Issac Briggs DLC #83 T 17 SH 3, WWM
sald point being 1.27 feet North and 146:3.56
feet east of the N. W. corner of sald clalm.
Said point of beginning being also on the '
West line of property, recorded in the
name of Geo E. Colcorcl on page 365, Vol. 65 "
deedorecords of Lane c01.mty ,Ore[~on; thence ~
N.S? 08' E., 210.46 feet. "
Date Received:Jpp.r
Planner: AL
Neil Pollard
M:yron H. Bainbridge
Ev" ~ c.inbr"l"d~e
0. .In. .LJ,-:>,.. __ (:,
Wayne TrowbridGe
Hazel 'l'oowbridge
Myron E. Bainbridge
Eva M. Bainbridge
~.' 'P'4.nr:;
:J i.:...J' ..liI.JiUl'
A strip of land 10 feet in width being
5 feet ilin either side of eenter lin~,
across the following described property:
Beginning at a point 161.59 feet South
of a point of t.he north line of the Is.sac
Briegs DLC 1183, 1'17, South Range 3, '1m!:!.
Said point being 1.4~ feet north and
1678.76 feet east of the N. W. corner
of the said claim. Said point of be-
ginning boing also on the west Ilne of
the property recorded ln the name of
John T. Foreman, page 205, Vol. 202,
deed recordsoof Lane County, Oregon;
thence N. 87 08 E., 182.97 feet to the
east line of the above dE\scribod property.
A strip of land 10 feet in ~idth, being
5 foet on either side of tho center line
across the following described property:
Be;inning at a point 150.65 feet south
of a point on the north line of tho Issac
Briggs DLC /133, rEI'l, SR 3, Vif'NM. Said
point beine 1.65 feet north and 1901.50
ieet east ~f the N. W. corner of said claim.
Said point of be8inning being also on the
.west line of the property recorded in the
name of Myron H. and Eva M. l3ainbr idge
on page 391, Vol. 164, deed record~ of
Lane County, Oregon; thence N87008 E.,
176.20 feet to the oastlineof the above
described property.
A strip of land' 10 feet in width, being
5 feet on either side of the center lihe,
across the following described property:
Beginning at a point 141.95 feet South
of a point on tb~ north line of the Issac
Briggs DLC /183, T.17, SR 3, V1Wr.'1. Said
point being 1.8 feet north an.:] 2077.4:3
feet east of the N. W. corner of said
claim. Said point of beginning being
also on the west lins of the property
recorded in the name of Wayne and Hazel
Trowbridge, pago 282, V.ol. 192, deed"
re cn.rd~ of Lane County, Oregon; thence
N 8700d E., 68.03 feet to the east line
. of the above described property.
A strip of l~nd 10 feet in width, being
5 feet on eithen side of the center line,
across tbe following described ,)roperty:
Beginning at a point 138.61 feet south of
a Doint on the north line of the Issae
Briggs DLC #83, T. 17, Sr 3, WWM. Said
point being 1.86 feet north and 2145.48
feet east of the N. W. corner of said claim.
Said point of beginning being als6 on the
west line of the property recorded in the
name of i'f.yron H. and Eva M. Bainbridge
on page 164, Vol. 391, deed records of
LWl6. County, Oregon; thence N 87003' E.,
5.6~15 feet to the e.ast line of the above
mentioned property.
Date Received:
Planner: AL
/ /
Estus A. Kelly
Do:ds D. 1'e 11. y
Neva Dall
Johri: Z:lbach
\ s. J. Goddard
Emma J. Goddard
A strip of' 180(1 10 f'est in wleith, being
5 feet on either side of' the center line
acrbss the followin~ described property:
BeginniJlg at a point 135.85 feet south
of a point on the north line of the Issac
Briggs 'DLO //33, T.1'7, SR 3, ~"NJi'!;. S,9.:1.d
point being 1.91 feet north end 2201.56
Bast of the N. W. corner of the said claim.
Said point of' beginning being also on the
west line of the orooertv recorded in the
oame of Estus A. ;nd~Dori's D. Kelly on
Page 488, Vol. 211, deed resords of Lane
County, Oregon; thence N 37 OS' E., 66.03
feet to the east line of the above described
propert~. .
A strip of land 10 fe~t in width, heins 5
feet on either side of tLe center'line,
across the following described property;
Beginning at a point 132~61 feet south .of
a Doint on the north line of the Issac
Briggs DLO 1183, T. 17 Sft 3, 'N'/nT. Said
point beinc; 1.97 feet North and 2267 .~j6
feet east of the N. W. corner of the said
clalm. Said -i!o-int of "beginning being ~1.1so
on tho west line of tbs proporty recordod
in the n3.mes of John and Esther Haxby, on
page 379, Vol. 235, deed r~cords of Lane
County, Oregon; thence N 8700a/E., 4.37
feet to a point; tLonce S 89035'1:., 48.13
feot to th,e east line ef tile a>ovo doscrJ.beo.
A strip of land 10 feet in wi<!ith, being 5
feet on either side of the center line,
acl"OSS t;J6 f'ol.loY~in[~ descr:tbed property:
Beginpiqs at a point 132.81 feet. Soutll of
a point on the north line of the lasac
".or' 'T" DLC J103 'r 17 S"R 3 H/"rpl' c','d
u J-I~bS 1t...,."., , '\'1',;,. uU 1. '.
point bein2: 2.02 feet north ancl2320.0G
feet oust of the N. 'N. corner of the sfd,d
claim. Said point of besinning being also
on the west line of the propert:1 recorded
in the n!J.me of Carl and J. Bonnet on page
321, Vol 256, deed records of Lane County,
Or~gon; thence S 8903~E., 111.97 feet to
the east line of the above descri~ed property.
A strip ef lund 10 feot in width being 5
feet on either side of the center line
across the'followinG descf'ibed property:
Beginnipg at a p5int 133.85 faet south of
a point on the north line of tl:1e lssoc
Briggs DLC 1183, T.17, sn 3, ","11M. Said point
being 2.1 feet nortt) 2432.06 feet Bast of
the N~ W. corner of said claim; Said point
of beginning being also on the west line
of the property renorded In tLe name of
S. J'. and Errnna J. Goddard on pago 16'3, Vol.
258 deed recor9s of' Lc,ne County, Oregon,i
thence ,8 89035 E., 20 .feet to the east lIne
of the' above described property.
Date ~eceived:Jp~lI1
Planner: AL
V Rachel E. Burian
~ II. G. Dudley
Etlwl "L. st'~me
.1 ','Toodie Hindman
Ruth Hindman
v' George E. Kendall
Hazel B. Kendall
C. L. Bease
LUly Pease
~, ~..f"'jt It}....)
A stri'p of land roO feet in width, beins
5 feet on either side '01' the center l1.ne
across the followin~ described nropertv:
Be:,:;inninF-' n.t a' ":Joiht 133.:08 south of aU
polnt on~the no;th 11.ne oj the Issac.
Br:i.ggs DLC#83, T, 17, SR 3, WWjJI. Said
point being 2.13 feet north and 2452.06
feet east of the N. W. corner of the said
claim. Said point of beGinnIng being also
on the west line of tho property recorded
in the nan~ of Rachel E. Burian on page
626, Vol. 204, deed records of Lane County,
Oregonithence S 89035'E. 189.42 feet to
the east line of the above described
propert;,r .
A strip of lai1d 10 feet in width, heinr
. u
5 feet 011 either side of the center line,
across the followIng described property;
Beginning at a point 135.42 south of a
point on tho north line of the Issac Bri~gs
DLC 1183, '1'. 17, S.H. 3,W'NIil. S(lid pillint'"
being 2.29 feet north and 2641.46 east
of the N. W. corner of the said claim.
Said point of beginning oeing also on the
west line of tb.e property recorcled in the
name of Ethel ~. Stone on page 62, Vol.
214, Deed records of Labe County, Oregon;
thence S 8903SIE., 7.30 feot to a p6int;
thonce S 81058 E!, 219.35 foet to the east
line of the above clescribed property.
A strip of lund 10 feet In width, beins
5 feet on either side of the center line,
across the following describod property:
Beginnins at a point 169.54 feet S of a
Doint on the north line of the Issac Eril;",C:s
. u~
DLe #83, T. 17, S. R. 3, WNM. Said point
being 5.7g feet North and 2866.66 feet east
of the N. W. corner of the said claim.
Said point of beSinning being also on the
west line of the property recorded in the
name of Woodie and Ruth Hindman on naG'e
535, Bal. 227, Deed r~cords of Lane'C~unty,
Oregon; thenceS~81058'E., 121.18 feet to
the east line of above clescribed p'opert:;J
/ A stirp of land 10 feot in width being 5
feet on ei ther siele. of' tho' center line,
across the following described property:
Beginning at a point 188.30 feet South of
~ point on tho north line of tbe Issac
Br~ ,. s TlIC ~ P'Z 'fl 17 S R ~ "10",,, n,,''''
~"Qg ..~.J) J,- ->,0., ..... , . 1 . oJ, iIJ..jl:.. c")C1.lu
pointbdibg 7.52 feet north and 2986}66
feet east of the N. W. corner of the s2.l.cl
claim. Said Doint of lJe;,'innin,': bein~" al so
~ ~ - v
on the west 'line of the property recorded
in the na~e of Geor~G B. and! Hazol B. Ken-
dall on pase 399, E~l 203, Deed record~
of Lane County, Oregon; thence S 81058" E.,
6.47 feet to a point; thence'S B0042'E., .
65.10 feet to the south line ai' the above
described property.
A strip of 1D nd 10 feet in width, being 5
feet on eIther sido of' tt!.e conter line,
across the following described property:
. Date Received:.J'jr~L-. .
Planner: AL
C. L. Pease
,.-- and
Lilie Pease
" C. L. Pease
Lillie Pease
~ (L. E. Johnston
Lois E Johnston)
Beginning at a point 200.'70 feet south of
a. point on the north line of the Issac
Briggs DLC ,~83, T. 1'7, S. R. 3, W'NM. Said
point beine 8.50 feet nerth 3058.58 feot
east of the N. W. eo:>:,ner of V-,o s!icl claIm.
Said point of be~innin~ being also on the
north Hne of th~ prop~rty r~cordecl in tl'fe
name .of J. J. and Margaret Pifer on page
2,57, Vol. 192, Deed recer-ds of Lane County,.
Oregon; thence S. 80042 E., 94.'73 feet to
the east line of the above described property.
A.st~fp of land 10 feet in width, being 5
feet on eithei:tiiside of the center line,
across the foiiowing described property:
Beginning at a point 21'7.56 feat south of
a point on the north line of the Issac
B"'-i .c'''s "DLCl'f~'T 1'7 S t( 3. \~Vi~0 Said
--60. . . , .. .. " '1..
point :.,bo ing 10.05 feet north and 3152.06
feet east of the N. W. corner of the said
claDn. SaId point of beginning being also
on the west line of .the proporty recorded
in the name of C. L. and Lillie Poaso on
page 25, Vol. 254, Deed record~ of Lane
County, Oregon; thence S 800L12 E., 91.20
feet to the east line of the abov~ described
A strip of ]a nd 10 feet in width, being 5
feet on either side of the center line,
across the following doscribed property:
Beginning at a point 233.66 feet south of
a point on the nartb lineal' the Issac
Briggs DLC /1 83, T. 17, s. H. 3, VNttil. SalrJ..
point being 11.41 feet north and 3244.06
feet east of tho N. W. corner Of tl~!e saId
cl~lm. Said point of beginnIng being also
on the west line of the p~operty recorded
in the name of J. J. and Margaret Pifer on
page 562, Vol. 197, Deed records of Lillle
County, Orecon; thence S 80042'E., 13.1'7
feet to the east lille of the above described
A strip of land 10 feet in width, being 5.
feet on eithe:::, sido.'of the center line,
across the following described property:
Beginning at a point 235.99 feet south of
B point on tho llo~th fuineof tho Isacc
Brlggs DLC If 83, T17, s. rt. 3, ViWI,l. Said
point being 11.61 feet north and 325'7.66
feet east of the l'J. W. corner of the said
claim. Said point of beginning being also
on tl1e west line of the property recorded
in the name of' P1fer (C. L. and Lois E.
Johnston) on page 562, Vol. 19'7, Deed
recorps of Lane County, Oregon; thence 11
80021 E., 152.50 feet to the east line of
the above described property.
Date Received:
Planner: AL
f / "J/~tJr
. '
R. R. Wells
v E. J. Michell
t/ Everett Marti
Ada Marti
./ '
if/alter B. Keith
')( and
Carrie A. Keith
,/ aD ,-J, .-E'o-Wi-1-s'on: ,1
V11'-{lfJ 11"
/:(iJ A.I",,(,.\;-LI,'\A (.{, ),u ,Ll-:.<LiJ\\
A strip of land ,10 feet {n width, being 5
on either side of the' center linD, aCfoss
the following doscribed Droperty: Begin-
ning at a point 218.70 South of a point on
the north line' of t;,e Issac Briggs DLC 1/83
T. 17, S. R. 3, 'il\ViL Said point being 13.3f3
feet north and 3,105.41 feet east of the N .vr.
corner of the said claim.' Said point of
beginninc boing also on the Vlest line of
the property recorded in the name of R. H.
NeIls on page 562, Vol. 197, Deed records
of Lane Count;y, Oregon; thence N 80021', E.,
40.00 feet to a point; thonce N. 83015 E.,
57.50 feet to the east line of the above
described property.
f.. strip of land 10 feet in VI idth, being 5
feet on either stde of tLs center line,
across the following dos~ribed property:
Becinnlng at a Doint 200.66 feet south of
a point on the ~orth line Gf' the Issac
Briggs DLC #83, T, 17; S. R. 3, W~M. Said
point being 15.30 feet north and 3501.41
feet east of the N. W. aoriner of 'the said
claim. Said point of beginning being also
on the wost line of' tho prGpert:; recorded
in tho namo of Everett and, Ada liI({rti on
page _, Eo1._, Deed'records of Lane
Count:', Orer:on; thence N 83015':8., 162.00
to a point on the north line of the abovo
described property.
A strip of land 10 feet in width being 5
feet on either siile of' th,e Genter line,
across the following described property:
Beginning at a point 184.00 foet S. of a
Doint on theN. Line of the Iss8.ac Bri~cs
D~'L" Jl83 m1 1"1 S p 3 ,",WI-' ",,' d ')0'~-i'11t
'V ;.t " . , . ..I._ , , ~\l}Jt.. ......ell.-, 1.
being 17,68 feet 1'1 and 3662.29 feet east
of the 1'1. ">ii. corner of the said claim.
Said point of' besinning beinS also on the S.
lino of t};e property recorded in the mnne
of Walter B. and Carrie A. Keith on page
112, Vol. 502, Deed records of Lane County,
Oregon; t~ence 1'1 8301S'E., 53.91 feot to
the east line' of the 2.bove described property.
A strip of land 10 feet in w.tilth being 5
foet on e:tther side of tho centor line,
across tIle following described ~ropertJ':
Beginni~g at a point 178.52 feet south of
a point OD tIle north lIne of tl~o Isaac
Briggs DLC //33, T. 17, S. It. 3, 1fJi,!FJ.,!i. Sf;l id.
point being 13.54 feet 'north and ,3715.81
feet oast of the H. 'N. corner of saJ.d claim..
Said poi.nt or 'beginnil}g beIng also on tho
\VBst line of' th.cproporty recorded. in the
Dilme of T,.:nr 18 Lla113e on page 472, Vol. 200,
Deed repc.rds or L2.no County, Oregon; thence
N 33015 E., 119.83 foet to tho east lino of
the above descrioed property.
Date Received: ~4~
Planner: AL
. ~ '
.... M~."'fl,-
~ \S.Ji'~:1t\U,l\.:)
,~ '
, ,- ~ .'
Thorwald Johanson
Lorntlne Johanson
A strip of land 10 foet in wIdth, being 5
foet on.o ither 8 ide of tho ce ntor l:.no,
across the :foll6wing descr~1"bed property:
B~sinning at a point 166.24 feet south of
a Doint on the north line of the Issac
. .
Briggs DLC if 83, T. 17, S.R.~; 1m~M. Said
point being 20.34 foet north and 3834.81
foot east of thB N. W. corner of the sald
1. S' ] i +- c., . . '. 1
CUlm. ale po Du or oeglnrllng iJelng a so
on the west linoof the property l"ocorcled
in the namo of .'I.'horwald and Lorntlne
Johanson on page 1,12, Vol 185 deed reoords
of Lano, County, Oregon; thence. N 83015
E., 181.26 foet to the east line of the
above des~ribod property.
. d' ,r~lJf
Data Receive ....!.jj
Planner: AL
~ ....
r! l\.)'(JI.,!:,'U'
IN WITNESS ''lli'HEREOP",,'we..have 'hereunto set our hands and seals this
10th 'day of January, 1945.
III ~1
422::6 - . <L~ 7/~ '. L_ _ ~ --
.,.: ~if&-f~~~
\'1"./ ~~,"",' ; i~ ~C"--'
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'- 21. 1:1 ,.g4.....~~..,; aJ~__ ,"I _
, 22. eM, ?&y~~-C 52 ~4:.--
23. U"L-_//.. C ~.~53-~__,_____
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'\24~ t/1f, tji7AkJ1AA:?lM) 18/~~;.,,;_, 54
2.5. &' <'-N.,;"..... {1~ _," '. " 55
26. 56"
'- 27'~J:4t%&,~p.f21A:'-lh.@1~~~57'~~hr/J_'t:ti~~.._ ~
28. 58
5 .
6. . (f;f
: ::~~;.~
51Jg~/~~ ----
55,71~ ~
3~dp rJi?--Wcnk~--:-1 -
.. -Data Rece,ved:J;f~9'
Planner: AL
. ,
w~. Al.rc~(~ II .f::?~-: J.ohnZybach..,,v', ,,'~ ( 'i.
/"". --- N (3
// 37- :li:o-it. Goddard .' ".
: ,\ ~ ~,Y 1'3"8- ~!lile~ Goddll~d 0CI 11</
\ \:iY '. .... ..)
'\",....~ .'
. .. .39- Rachel E. Bur inn
~ ... :'"
ri~ii:.": .
, t
f l.~ D.W.Kinsey
2- J. C. Sohneider
. ", ,:.; ~ ,..
l~ .3- II.' E. Hi.lghel!'
,. .
4 Ad"M Hurrhes
'~ :<~:~ _:::!;~ 0 ~
t. ".
'..... 5" 'n" 'F 'feu'
, . ~t.,',; ,0',': :'.(Ii ~ ,". ':':';:1 "
6-A~lana D.,.Nou."
. ,t '.',~.': .
.~'. 7?;Am;f~~rl1~'~ld
. 0- C. A.,Kolso ,
. ~... J. J2{ , .,'. . '.po .) '/
., ~_. fi'.o~^'^'.." .,. . I'; 11"0
',": <.>lJ .......;t;;o'll,X.oVa.....' ~........
'- Ii..; n..L.Qqrrior
:'lD-';Lorena 1I;.,:Garner
ll~ D.P. SOllman
- I" . - '. .
". , ..
lZ",,'.:LlllCl, Sel.jman
....:... .
1:3-' J..~ S. Ves't
, ;-. ',' "':,,'.'" ,""
'14, Marga~ot Vest
. :/...,'.,:::-:.. '.
. 'r'.
15':'''.R~' "E~' Barno,1r
. " . ,'" ",'." J
H;- Lauf:A B'lI'ney
~, ..:'
. ',',
. . ~ I .
18. Edytpo L~~ton
1,9.,. Wu.iter Laxton
20~P~a~t Anderson
, " .' (A,
21_ I~oYB.enson VJ.,~:.J.&J'/,.
. .'.., ," "" . .
. ': 2~.\-".or~,' ~,,,_.y~'~,lcqX
", ":'" l~..n'-u
"".,' "',' .,'.
24':. W.'Io1rc:lmanBoyd
. .
25'-.I\uil'cc.e Boyd
. . .
. ~6- ~eorge E. Colc.ord
2'7-' Ho 11 Poilidard
,. . .i':..tr,n,,.,: ....
.... "
30- Eva~. B?inbridgo
r. 31- \'la. ynO' :'Drowbr lcl"'o
(Jr.--- -t;:
32- Hazal 'frowbr ldgo
u.) D, sh \J cl ~''''\ .\ ~~) .
11 i..F:tt......i't.P .
33- Estus A. Kelly
34. Doris D. KOliy
35 "'''T . . ]) 11
. -',iP~'~~ . a
eJ l ~)
. '-
,40- H. d.~ 'Dudie:l'
...41-. Ethel L. stono
~12-. Woodie Hindtjlan
-1:3- Rutl1 HinC1man
4'1_ George B. Kendall
fl.' /;"" ,
45- Itll.zei'1 B. Kendall
'k6-.C'. L. Pease
'~7. Lilly Poase
48- Pifer
49- L. E. Johnston
50- Lois E. JOhnYston
51- H. .R.. Wells
E. J. M.ichell
r:: ~Jr.
Everett Marti
Acln. Marti
\'Ialter'B. Keith
Carrie A. KeIth
:1 ,..: /i _~
. . f/' ";., (i /','
J ),. \"'1 .c, t'..
, '.o'-..lr-o--:- 1~i1-~ ,son.. ,"''\..;Lr\ l.v'.......~V''''-.~~/...t I~..{.
" I {':
'/; V' .', .... 1
/,-,"" t....A..:.., "
58- Thorwalct Johanson
59. Lornt1ne Johanson
'Date R.eceived: fft~7'
Planner: AL
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THIS INDENTU~ ~TNEssE~'~L'~"m'~~:~::~C"Q5~m:~~1l9l
~nd ._.....,.............................................._...._._..m..._......_......m_................_.mm' husband and wife, for and in
consideration of......................_QDg...cm,J..J:ls,j),Q.Q_-=..:-:...::._.c._..::_.::_..::._:'-:...::...::..::.._::..::...::..::..:- DOLLARS,
to them paid, do hereby give and grant unto the City of Springfield, a Municipal Corporation, of
Lane County, State of Oregon, the right to lay, construct and maintain, across the following de.
scribed real property to-wit:
Bcp:iruung at a point on the north line of the Isaac Briggs
D. TH C. No. D3, lToU.f. No. 7605. in T 17 S H 3 West of the
'[f. Vi. L!. 3!lOC,.4:L feet Nort.h G90 57' East from tho Northwest
corner thereof, thorl(;c SOllth 23 I West Iflh feet, thence South
W}o .S?' Yi8S"t he foet, t.hence South 23 I West 300 feot., tLcnC8
Horth 090 57 t 1~a3t 167 feet, thence North 231 Enst hUh feet,
thnnce South 890 571 West 119 feet to the place .of l:H3;:,:inn-
inp;, in Lano County, Orccon.
5,,'-[81' th'd Sew8r t b t t d d..l t d .d I
a.....nn__.mnnm~-..-..._...mmn' e sal __..muu___.':".._..._m..u..u.m 0 e cons rue e an Dca e over sal rea
property, as surveyed and located over said real property by the City Engineer of said City.
That said City and its contractors, sub-contractors, agents or employees, shall have the right
to go upon said real property for the porpose of constructing, repairing and maintaining said
. . //
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, We have hereunto set our hands and seals this.....oooo...._._.........n....n
day Of.~.....;.-t:.n..oo.' A. D., 19oo?:.2..~...~!lJl~iJ.~..;J~.m-.........m
Be it remembered, that on thisnn~m.n~~-n...mu---' A. D., 19..7':2.
,--'-. . '" -------.U
to me personally known to be the identical person described in and who executed the within in-
strument; and acknowledged to me that.___Ate..:.....__.executed the same freely and volUntarily for
. \\\'.\\\I~llj~I;IJ'I, .
, )~@!~t~J~rposes therein named.
'5~~~):;-~~o~X~hl!-nd and seal this...___.J.L_..day of .../J ~~_. .~_.__, ~7?
',"~:;1i\\";"'-.''P~'~'K''e:: ' ~._'''.'U
~l .1<ii1fE\/r'lf'C.''I!i:'O; (j} q ., n.___...........oo... .... ...- 00.... _00...000000.00..00..... ...
. ;,\; .:Io6lp~~.~i?~~PireSooU.,M:.hoo~.~jI2:~2. Notary Public f~;. O~~~~~:
r<<;.' ......'1l...,."':;'.:~;f.l\i!1~..fi:):._
;;1. iWi:~,~:^u,"~'), .' ~/ }
,~s<""".iiW~1;:~\"," Date Received: {If ~{)'1
"" t,.'".~; ",A, ;"..., Planner: AL
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Date Rece;ved:~~i9I. ,,'
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1J' . . THIS,,lNDENTURE WITNESSETH, ThaL'...mm.J.QI~lJ;!U]i.m::t,"-9.nn.___...n.n'h'h.mh_.........m...n .
i '.,4 .
.", and .....,::.......~..~....h.....llai::g.aJ:!l:t..nil!l('..ct.RQn....h......n....:...nn.m___n___, husband and wife; for and in
\, . ,.I ',"; ,.
consideration oL...n...............::DJle...ilD.d...l'llJ/lQQ..::'n.::-.h::n::n::-h.::..::-...::..:::n::-.n::"::''''::''::-'h''''' DOLLARS,
to thernp~id, do hereby give and grant unto the City of Springfield, a Municipal Corporation, of
Lane County, State of Oregon, the right to lay; construct and maintain, across the following de-
scribed real property to-wit:
The West. one-half of a t.TfO acre t.ract."of land as recorded in
Vol. 185 Par,e 142 Lane Coimty Deed Records, said West. one-
half boing more part.ioularly described as follows; Bcginninr,'
at. a point on t.he Nort.h line of t.he Isaac Briggs D. L. C.
No. 83, T 17 S R.3 Vi. VI. Li. 3833.98 feet. East. of the Nort.h-
V'Test corner thereof, thence Sout.h 484.0 feet, thence North
890 57 r East 90..0 feet, thence north 484.0 feet t.o the said
North line of Claim No. 83, t.hence.South 890 57' West 90.00
feet to t)1e place of beginning.. ,Containing 1.0.0 acre in
Sec. 35,.-said Township and, Range.
Sewer th'd S"wer t b . t t d d I t d 'd I
a......................mhh...........' e Sal .........n"..........__............... 0 e cons ruc e an oca e over saI rea
property, as surveyed and located over said real. property' by the City Engineer of said City.
That said City and its contractors, sub-contractors; agents or employees, shall have the right
to go upori'said real, property forthe porpose of constructing, .repairing and maintaining said
.nn.....n.........!3.auer:........ .
. '. 43
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, We have hereunto set our hands and seals thISnh.n...6....__...h.__.........
day OLm~.mm.hm' A. D., ui...1.Z
'.J'~ ,
COUNTY OF_LANE,..) .. h.____ n'
. Be it remembered, that on this___..___.~...3.......day Of:::.___~.....____.......:_..., A. D., 19..9"7
persortally came before me...._...4./i?~...~..............;.....---....m......:m':""h........._m.............., th~
to me personally known to be the identical person> described in and who executed the within in-
strument":a~i;I '~cknow]edged to me that...~...execut~d the same freely and voluntarily for
theuse~' and :purposes therein named.
.,\\\IiJlii1j',l,... '
~""'~>--i"m;ffi'twy hand and seal thi8......",z3.....day of ...........
1 .Ii . ''l~~!':~ri~,' . "'y:; ;6
;,>W ",,",'['"Ii''' I~ . ., ",,- //5:'/
explres......._........ .."""-.."-. h.r.iL....
j: .
Notary Public for Oregon.
Date Received:4fJo"L-
ner:AL .
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