HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence PLANNER 6/19/2009 . . L1MBIRD Andrew From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: L1MBIRD Andrew Friday, June 19, 2009 10:30 AM VaN ROTZ Paul CASTILE Robert RE: 1815 main street illegal wall Paul: There have been no Planning approvals issued for any development activity at this site. The applicant's proposed site plan is still under review by the City and a decision is pending, but not yet ready for issuance. It appears the City may have to exercise its rights under provisions of the existing PUE that runs though the property - similar to removing a fence or other obstruction to facilitate maintenance work in a public easement area. Andy From: VaN ROTZ Paul Sent: Friday, June 19, 2009 9: 18 AM To: UMBIRD Andrew Subject: Hi Andy, It looks like we will need a legal letter for the contractor at 1815 Main St to get him to remove his illegal concrete wall. Right now he is refusing to do anything. We will probably have to remove it ourselves and try to backcharge him. I need all the legal ammunition to send to Joe Leahy because this guy would probably try to sue the City. Do you have any records or history of action by the city that would be useful to Joe to get this guy to comply with us? I appreciate any help you can give. Thanks, Paul 1 DatE;. i~6ceived: ~,I/f/~1 Planner: AL . / . . L1MBIRD Andrew From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: MCEACHERN Clayton Thursday, June 18, 20094:58 PM L1MBIRD Andrew FW: Memo On Driveway Configuration for Chan Building Memo On Driveway Configuration for Chan Building.docx From: PERRY Richard Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2009 4:29 PM To: 'david.knitowski@odot.state.or.us'; 'DETERING Lynn' Cc: MCEACHERN Clayton Subject: fIN: Memo On Driveway Configuration for Chan Building David and Lynn, I wanted to bring to your attention the fact that Clayton's memo states the CURRENT DESIGN necessitates use of the proposed driveway. He goes on to further state, "a complete redesign of the proposed development would be necessary to allow the continued use of the shared driveway." The developer of the property can accomplish stormwater treatment and use of the shared driveway with redesign of the site. Although I feel compassion for the owner of the property and do not deliberately want to cause additional expense, a poor design that does not take into account the limitations on the site does not constitute an emergency or obligation on our, or ODOT's, part. While I understand this is your departments decision, I would support maintaining the shared use access with regard to this development. Thanks, Richard Perry, EIT Traffic Operations Engineer:in-Trairllng Phone: (541) 736-7134 Fax: (541) 726- 3781 From: MCEACHERN Clayton Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2009 2:32 PM To: PERRY Richard Subject: fIN: Memo On Driveway Configuration for Chan Building From: MCEACHERN Clayton Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2009 2:09 PM To: 'david.knitowski@odot.state.or.us' Subject: Memo On Driveway Configuration for Chan Building David, here is the memo with some revised wording. If you have a different take, or a better solution we would be glad to hear it. 1 DateReceived:~~ Planner: AL . . Memorandum City of Springfield Date: To: From: Subject: June 12, 2009 David Knitowski Clayton McEachern, Civil Engineer Driveway configuration for 1815 Main St This memo is in response to a request by the developer of 1815 Main St for a written explanation of the driveway/drainage layout for the redevelopment of this property. The proposed driveway configuration for the redevelopment at 1815 Main St is optimized to ensure compliance with the City of Springfield drainage requirements. The site has numerous constraints on its redevelopment due to proximity of existing, established businesses on every side. The City wants to encourage infill/redevelopment of existing businesses and as such worked with the developer to obtain a site design for their property that would meet city requirements while minimizing impacts to surrounding businesses. A complete redesign of the proposed development would be necessary to allow the continued use of the shared driveway at the northwest comer ofthe property. The proposed driveway location with a vegetated swale on either side allows the property to meet both the 100% pretreatment requirement, and the 50% or more vegetated treatment requirement for all non building rooftop impervious surfaces. The swales are located at the lower end of each parking area to allow for the maximum area of pavement to be treated by each swale. The treatment swale will also slow runoff and infiltrate to some extent, reducing runoff from the existing condition to the storm drain system in Main St. The continued use of the shared driveway with ] 775 Main St would eliminate one of these treatment areas and force the site into non-compliance with at least one and possibly both of the treatment requirements. The area required for treatment is presented in the City of Portland Stormwater Management Manual section 2.2.1. The manual requires a minimum square footage necessary for a vegetated (or bio) swale is 0.09 sf for every sf of impervious surface area. Each swale treats approximately 7800 sf of pavement. This requires 700 sf of treatment area. For the present design for the site, 800 sf of treatment area is provided on each side. Additionally a residence time for the runoff of 10 minutes or greater is required for the design storm used for calculating storm water quality. The additional 1 00 sf provided in each vegetated swale area helps meet this requirement. The proposed driveway configuration does not result in an increase in access points to Main St and preserves the status quo in respect to viability of the existing business for this area of Main St. Date r~eceived: Planner: AL ~/; f/.Jtn77 / /