HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence PLANNER 5/8/2009
L1MBIRD Andrew
lIMBIRD Andrew
Friday, May 08, 2009.1:09 PM
'wasi nc@centuryteLnet'
Letter of Incomplete Submittal
mailed notice of incomplete submittaLpdf
Wade: Please review the attached letter and contact me with any questions. Thanks
Dale Received:
Planner: AL
S/8/ POt
L1MBIRD Andrew
Sent: ~
L1MBIRD Andrew
Friday, May 08, 2009 12:01 PM
Incomplete Application - DRe postponement
Karen: Please cancel the ORC meeting for the Chan commercial site plan (ORC2009-00017) currently scheduled for
Tuesday May 19. The applicant has been notified that the submittal is incomplete and will be denied unless missing
information is provided. If the requested information has been received by May 25, we can re-schedule a ORC meeting
to ensure staff has adequate time for reviewing the plans and supporting information. Otherwise, staff will issue a
denial. Thanks
Daie Received:~/JPV9
Planner: AL
(541) 726-3753
FAX (541) 726-3689
Wade Stevens
W A Stevens Construction
P.O. Box 1078
Creswell, OR 97426
May 8, 2009
Dear Mr. Stevens:
Commercial Site Plan at 1815 Main Street - Case DRC2009-00017
Springfield Planning, Public Works Engineering and Transportation staff have reviewed the plans and
supporting documentation for the site plan review application submitted on April 23, 2009. As a result
of the review, staff have determined that the submittal is incomplete for the purpose of review and
issuance of a land use decision.
A pre-submittal meeting was held on April 3, 2009 and the applicant was provided a checklist of
required items for application completeness. Some of the items identified on the pre-submittal
checklist have not been provided with the submittal: additionallv. there are new deficiencies that have
been noted since the pre-submittal plan review. Staff advise that the tentative site plan application
submitted with a request for processing on April 23, 2009 is likely to be denied for the following
I. The tentative site plan does not show existing or proposed public and private underground
stormwater and sanitary sewer lines to serve the development (this information was provided
with the pre-submittal plan set, but is not shown on the submitted plans).
2. Since the pre-submittal meeting, the applicant has constructed a 2-foot high wall along the east,
south and west boundaries of the site. This feature is not shown on the existing conditions plan
or tentative site plan. The applicant is proposing to import 1,700 cubic yards offill to raise the
entire site grade approximately 2 feet. Upon placement offill and other surface improvements,
the existing wall and west wall of the Dari Mart building would become retaining wall features.
Because the retaining wall and building wall will experience a surcharge due to vehicle
loading, these will have to be structurally engineered. In the applicant's submittal there is no
supporting documentation from a certified structural engineer that confirms the retaining wall
and the Dari Mart west building wall are engineered to handle this loading. Further to this
issue, unless there is a compelling. engineering reason for perching the site above adjacent
properties, staff do not support the proposed importation of fill to elevate the entire site
approximately 2 feet. There is no obvious reason why the private stormwater
and sanitary sewer connections cannot be installed and function normally with
the current site grades.
Date Received: ~/ ~/ ~07
Planner: AL
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3. As outlined at the pre-submittal meeting, the City's Public Works Engineering division advises
that provision for vegetative stormwater treatment systems should be incorporated into the site
design. Use of mechanical systems such as filtering catch basins is an option typically used for
retrofits instead of new site developments.
4. As outlined at the pre-submittal meeting, the site plan does not provide for vehicle turnaround
areas and required vehicle turning templates for the largest vehicles expected to visit the site
(eg. fire truck). The curve radii shown on Sheet eE2 do not represent vehicle turning
movements, and also intersect the northwest corner of the building.
5. As outlined at the pre-submittal meeting, the applicant has not shown provision for garbage and
recycling enclosure(s) on the site plan, or described how garbage and recycling will be picked
up from the site. Commercial refuse collection is not typically done with small "residential
style" roll-out bins (or during normal business hours), so a dedicated location should be
provided for these facilities and shown/described on the site plan.
6. As outlined at the pre-submittal meeting, the applicant has not provided a calculation of total
landscaping area on the submitted site plan.
Staff have noted other site and building design issues that can be resolved through conditions of
approval - provided a complete application is submitted for review. The signed application form
obligates City staff to proceed with a 120-day review of the site plan submittal and issuance ofthe land
use decision. Please incorporate the changes noted above and re-submit 5 copies of the tentative site
plan by May 25, 2009. If the revised plans are not received by this time, staff will proceed with
issuance of a decision consistent with the provisions of Oregon state statutes. In this case, a denial will
be issued. Upon denial, the applicant would have to wait up to one year before re-applying for a site
plan in accordance with Springfield Development Code Section 5.4-105.G.
City staff are available to meet with you and the project engineer to discuss the above-mentioned site
development issues and required plan revisions. You may contact the undersigned at (541) 726-3784
or by email at alimbird@ci.soringfield.or.us to set up a meeting or if you have any questions about the
tentative site plan submittal requirements.
~ ndy Limbird
ity of Springfield
cc: Kit & Karen Chao Family Trust LLC
Date R.eceived: 5/J/Jo01
Planner: AL 'I