HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence ODOT 6/15/2009 (2) L1MBIRD Andrew . . From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Good morning! DETERING Lynn [lynn.DETERING@odot.state.orus] Monday, June 15, 2009 7:58 AM . LANGE Jeffrey R SANTOS Dennis N; KNITOWSKIDavid 9485 Stevens (City Memo) 20090615074913095.pdf See attached City memo for the subject application. This was requested per our application meeting last Thursday. (FYI, this letter has been imported into CHAMPS.) Thanks! Lynn Oetering Permit Specialist - OOOT . (541) 726-2577 l' Date Received: Planner: AL 0tr/:#O? I / ~. " ,,'; . '''f'::;;-. ':'-;:". "'. ....~,,~"i3,,;c """',~-.- ~,:-::,~_,;:^, -,:' 0 F'~,~~;,'~ ;;;, ;-----::;,-,:;-:0,;;:~,', :,,' fJ\tfemoniriclUnl -Datt<: 'i6i~~~ ",' June f220()9! ',J' ,-" .,-:' ,: '77"'~'''::_~; -" _.., c jlj-;;;, :;:" "~::'..~" .._-~-~~ - ,'- " :"'-::'i,:~, :'.~_~i i{. "'" , - '.. .', " Froni: 'Slibj ~ct! -. ;G:layto~ d,,1cEachern,(;;ivil Engfue~r-. , ." " '. : '<-"" ~ -", -- Driveway corillgui-ati6n for ,llSlStMafu'Sf . ,-""'." -'- ''', . '. " "" , '" .;:.'-,;, ;i:;,' ",-, >;::,);< '~- ',"" "'>' , ~ """" ,,~'~, C,,,," --. ~~ - -~'-~<' -~ ~--~-,~"....~-," .j ~' ~, " " ,,' _" _" ". _ '_" ",~" <,' ,_ M ,_ ":.,,, !'):"::' ," ':<L:" ': "_"~ liliis memo is m responSe to'a request byibe deyeldper:Qn~{s;~aiif,S(foria'W1tten explanation, oHhei di'iveway Idrainagelayout forthe'icaevelojJIiieiif:9f;thi~ :property; - 1,,',' ,_,' , ,'0 ,'" -',',' " ' _ , The:~;oppsed'ill1yewaY c:onfi:~aiioMoitlieredeveI0R:rierifad8I5 k1iiill;S~{i~'o;p,~iZed .' to: ensure compliance With the'mty of Spriilgfieldldtainage.reqiiliemen!s".T:he ~ite:has: . nUtn,erOliS'c.onstraintsOIi'itsre~evelopmej1t dhe toprq,~ifn)ty,of,eXistllig,;esta~lisJied::;' ;,:' bu~iI1fssesoneveryside, l)1ec;ity Wan!sto,en~ow~gfjnfilJ!regevd~B~entofi~"i'stirig ~:. 'businesses'and' as,sush'worICed'Yitlitbe,'develop~rtQ;oBtiin~a'site;c1esigil;f6r;theij~' ,', .' 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'eXisting condition to t1ie1stotrr;ciTiili).'.s)istem in M1iilliSt' ,lbercoll.t!iiuediuseoftIieshare'ci!' , ' driveway with 1775 MainiSt would'eliininate one:of.,tbesettieatfu.entareas ana force the sitein'to!lori.~~onipli1fu.ce~that'least\jri.ear,'d'poss;~ly;boili::~f.ih~ ~a!ITI~ri.t . f., ,'... " ~ w ' , ,,- , : ' ',,' J': ' ," -- ,',," ," ":,"":' ,-" requiiements:.Th.e propgseildiiveway cOnfigliration'does.notre.llwtjin.ffi) increase in;, ' access, p6futs,to\Main;St.and'ptesen,es,the' statUs'qiio .fu,resp~df6.viabfl.itY'6fthee?cis@g, businessfotthis area ofM~:~f: <,' " ,,-" " '1, _ ,;w ,",~, . , f" -4' ill> , , . ,+-' PUBUC WORKsi ENGINEERING LAND DEVELOPMENT SECTION' f CLAYToN McEACHERN, P.E: CIVil ENGINEER. ' " 225 FIFTH STHEET' SPR.INGFIELD; OR.B747i (541)l736-1036iFAK(541! 736-1021' , E~MAfL: cmceachern@ci.springfield,or.us .. IN!f{fH:iE.t.::v~X!,;~:,~p.rir:gfieJd,or.us . -,'0 }, ~ ' '1"" . tJatEllReCeiVed:_kl~~7 '. Planner: AL ' '" . .'", " ~~* ., . . L1MBIRD Andrew From: Sent: To: Subject: SANTOS Dennis N [Dennis.N.SANTOS@odot.state.orus] Thursday, June 11, 2009 3:47 PM L1MBIRD Andrew FW: Springfield Site Plan Review DRC2009-00017 Chan (Rescheduled DIM) & Site Modification Major DRC2009-00021 International Paper (Due noon, 06/11/09) 0354_001.pdf Attachments: Andy, The City asked for comments for the June 16 DIM regarding DRC2009-00021 International Paper & DRC2009-00017 Chan. See the below attachment. ODOT & Wade Stevens had a meeting this morning in Springfield. Based upon this meeting Mr. Stevens is suppose to provide the Department information necessary for the Department to consider approving a 2nd driveway for two adjoining tax lots under the Kit & Karen Family Trust, LLC ownership. However, I have not received the info yet and will be off until Monday morning. So, I would like to send ODOT's comments to you on Monday. Also, I am waiting for District 5's (Springfield Maintenance's) input on the International Paper before sending ODOT's comments. I would like to provide that also on Monday after I've received & reviewed the input. Thanks in advance for hopefully understanding. Dennis Nuuanu Santos - DevRev Coordinator ODor" Region 2 Planning & Development 455 Airport Road SE, Bldg B; Salem, OR 97301 S:503-986-5762 I @: 503-986-2630 From: SANTOS Dennis N Sent: Thursday, June 04, 20093:28 PM To: CRAWFORD Savannah; DETERING Lynn; LANGE Jeffrey R Subject: Springfield Site Plan Review DRC2009-00017 Chan (Rescheduled DIM) & Site Modification Major DRC2009-00021 International Paper (Due noon, 06/11/09) From: Dr2014b\alodot.state.or.u5 rmailto:Dr2014b(a'lodot.state.or.us] Sent: Thursday, June 04, 2009 10:53 AM To: SANTOS Dennis N Subject: Springfield Site Plan Review DRC2009-00017 Chan (Rescheduled DIM) & Site Modification Major DRCl009.00021 International Paper (Due noon, 06/11/09) <<0354_001.pdf>> 1 Date Received: ~/I?:)'H1 Planner: AL . . L1MBIRD Andrew From: Sent: To: Subject: LAFLEUR Karen Thursday, June 11,20099:19 AM L1MBIRD Andrew FW: L TD Development Review_Springfield_DRC2009-00021 (International Paper) & DRC2009-00017 (Chan) DRC comments Karen LaFleur City of Springfield Program Technician, Urban Planning Section Phone: (541) 744-3387 Fax: (541) 726-3689 klafleur(aJ,ci.sDringfield.or. us WWW.ci.sDringfield.or.us From: MUELLER Will [mailto:WiII.Mueller@ltd.org] Sent: Thursday, June 11, 2009 9:07 AM To: LAFLEUR Karen Cc: MUELLER Will Subject: LTD Development Review_Springfield_DRC2009-00021 (International Paper) & DRC2009-00017 (Chan) Karen: L TD has no comments or requests regarding the following developments: DRC2009-00021 (International Paper) DRC2009-00017 (Chan) . wm Will Mueller Service Planning Manager Phone: (541) 682.6194 Cell: (541) 501.7559 Email: will.mueller@ltd.org Lane Transit District P.O. Box 7070 Eugene, OR 97401-0470 Fax: 541-682-6111 1 Date Received -0J;Jtn7t Planner: AL