HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments SUB 5/5/2009 . . L1MBIRD Andrew From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: CHINITZ Amy C. [AmyC@subutil.com] Tuesday, May 05,200912:17 PM L1MBIRD Andrew 1815 Main Street - Site plan comments 1815 Main Street site plan tentative DWP 5-4-09.doc Andy, My comments attached. A hard copy is coming your way for the file. Amy@ Amy E. Chinitz Water Quality Protection Coordinator Springfield Utility Board 202 South 18th Street Springfield, OR 974n Phone: 541.744.3745 Fax: 541.747.7348 Date ~eceived: S:-/'j/do 0 9 Planner: AL 1 ~ ; "'" .. . . L1MBIRD Andrew From: Sent: To: Cc: Su bject: Attachments: CHINITZ Amy C. [AmyC@subutil.com] Tuesday, May 05,2009 11 :11 AM wasinc@centurytel.net L1MBIRD Andrew 1815 Main Street: Addendum to rental agreement 2009-05-04_Addendum to lease agreement_1815 Main Street.doc Wade, Thanks for coming by the SUB office last week to discuss your new warehouse project at 1815 Main Street. Attached you will find a template for an addendum to your lease agreement. After you have had a chance to modify it to suit your needs, please submit it back to me for final approval. I mentioned I would also send you guidelines for protecting groundwater during construction. Those will come in a letter I send in response to your site plan submittal. In the meantime please let me know if you have any questions. Amy Chinitz Amy E. Chinitz Water Quality Protection Coordinator Springfield Utility Board 202 South 18th Street Springfield, OR 97477 Phone: 541.744.3745 Fax: 541.747.7348 1 Date F{eceived: .I'/~f , Planner: AL . \ i . . Addendum to the Lease Agreement STORAGE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS/WASTE The City of Springfield draws drinking water from the groundwater that lies directly beneath the city. This building is located in a sensitive drinking water protection area. Any chemicals that leak or spill onto the ground surface have the potential to contaminate our drinking water supply. Section 3.3-200 of the Springfield Development Code regulates hazardous materials that are potential groundwater contaminants. You are required to submit an application for a Drinking Water Protection Overlay District permit if your business will store, use, or have on the premises at any time twenty gallons or more of hazardous materials, such as the following: PETRO CHEMICALS SOLVENTS HOUSEHOLD & INDUSTRIAL CLEANERS PESTICIDES (INCLUDES HERBICIDES, INSECTICIDES, FUNGICIDES, ETc.) FERTILIZERS PAINTS AND PAINT PRODUCTS (STRIPPERS, THINNERS) MACHINERY RELATED SUBSTANCES ACIDS AND BASES FUELS AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTS AND OTHER VEHICLE RELATED SUBSTANCES ALCOHOLS ADDITIVES KETONES PRINTING CHEMICALS and any other substances which may be deemed hazardous in nature. As a tenant I acknowledge that I have read and will adhere to the above ~ddendum to the Lease Agreement. Date Unit# Lessee For more informotion obout the Drinking Water Protection Overloy District permit opplication, contoct: Amy Chinitz, Woter Quolity Protection Coordinotor, Springfield Utility Boord omvc(iiJsubutil.com 541.744.3745 THANK YOU FOR REPORTING ANY POTENTIAL PROBLEMS AND FOR PROTECTING OUR DRINKING WATER SUPPLY! Dat€ll"ieceived: Planner: AL ,- Is- /~'9 I I . , . ~t '. " i . . . L1MBIRD Andrew From: Sent: . To: Subject: DRISCOLL Jon Tuesday, May 05,200910:35 AM L1MBIRD Andrew RE: Chan Commercial Site Plan - DRC2009-00017 I will set this aside for now. Please let me know when to pick it back up. Sincerely, fo~ Jon Driscoll EIT, PLS, WRE Transportation Engineer in Training City of Springfield, Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97478 Phone: (541) 726-3679 Fax: (541) 726-3781 idriscoll(Q)ci. sprinqlield. or. us From: UMBIRD Andrew Sent: Tuesday, May 05,2009 10:19 AM To: DRISCOLL Jon Subject: RE: Chan Commercial Site Plan - DRC2009-00017 OK, thanks Jon From: DRISCOLL Jon Sent: Tuesday, May 05, 2009 10: 14 AM To: UMBIRD Andrew Subject: RE: Chan Commercial Site Plan - DRC2009-00017 Andy, The main missing article is the truck turning templates. The arcs shown on the plans does not constitute a turning vehicle path, and the turnaround is not shown at all. How will a garbage truck turnaround? A UPS or FedEx vehicle? A very small item not shown is the dimension of the throat depth. Sincerely, fo~ Jon Driscoll EIT, PLS, WRE Transportation Engineer in Training City 01 Springfield, Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97478 Phone: (541) 726-3679 Fax: (541) 726-3781 idriscoll(Q)ci. sprinqfield. or. us 1 LJc'\;." /~dceived: S-/r/d#O'l Planner: AL '/ '~! . ,\ · From: LIMBIRD Andrew Sent: Monday, May 04, 2009 2:S1 PM To: MCEACHERN Clayton; DRISCOLL Jon Subject: Chan Commercial Site Plan - DRC2009-00017 . Gentlemen: Please review the DRC packet for this application and let me know at your earliest convenience if there is any missing information that can't be addressed through a condition of approval. The applicant was provided a completeness checklist at the pre-submittal meeting, so if these information requirements have not been met I will issue a Notice of Incomplete Application letter, It will be helpful to know exactly what items on the pre-submittal checklist have not been provided so they can be specified in the letter to the applicant, Contact me if you have any questions, Thanks Andy 2 Date Received: s-:/r;~'l Planner: Al