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Application APPLICANT 5/27/2009
( a4/15/2aa9 a9:23 541~99B .04'10:09 WED 0';~9 FA~ ~26,e69 ~!1 ~ ,~SJhX~t;!~~. PAGE _~ 'f'rm"Qirt\ :"'1 ~'tf9fi;il.d 7G,~. L~~t ~n$Jlon.tJblf APPLICATION FOR STATE HIGHWAY APPROACH L i"'~'-:-, . . -'. . . ~OA. ~';"lt! USs 0111.... " 1"".I"'I~~~""1ar~'~&"'-"-- ..' ,I \P,~f~.;;.. :~~ c.~ 0 d.~~.~" d: i:l Tltj~por&l1 . . , 0 R~.n","d. i~oililjQ~ril.",,~ng: . 0'(.'.' Q!.*>.. Llllf.ar\ao1;"' 0'1'.. D~..' 1 No"':. .. ...." . .' . '~r'~~,__'~~I..ci85..:. 5~"'. Q()~qq ~HW'SJD_ ""qulred Infonnwon . . ,; . '. Th. .ppllcant must submit lI'le 10llcwlng In'ormation wijh tho "",pHclIUo" lor Slllle HllIh",..fApproaei\. 0001' wUliollty t~. DPpllQlntl..d~i.n..1 informa;"", i& r.~ul",d. , . All attadlm.rt. rElqulr>d by en""'ert on the BpplleaUQn fo,"" Including awli"""t olgnolore, . " the "PPllcanll$ not. In" 0""'''' of t\1. propllny Ie ::>e ..'''e~ by 1h. ~pprcacn, Inen th.. property cHine' mu," .ulhor~. the eppliCant... . designated agen~ T~.8 8?plicant mu.1 ha.. Ihe prop./ty <*le' cOmplelo ihe Aufho,'zario. of OosJqnatod Age., blOcIt on thiolo<m OR Bumil. ":gMed lott..-IrQ<T\ tIl. properly ""ne' Bc1hQ/izlng tho .pplleenl.. Iho dulgnsled ..genl . SIl. plan and .nciMy "".p ."",ov.o or eu""nlly De",; revlowed by 1M local gOllllmPfte"l. . A Lan<l U"" eo"'p"UbUIty Sta...",enr {LUeS} for" Stlte High.../l' Approoch (pege 4 ollhla oppllooUon) mu. be campi..... by the loca1Ilov.rom.nt. . A <wy ohl,a ",rrenl Counlll ta~ 101 mUD lor 111. propol1'J ..,.od by the a~pr""ch. Mop rnuot blgh:lgh: .11 pmp4lrcy thot would h. .or...~ bJ'rho ..?pro.c~ .nd "'t wi cwn.' no"'o(o) on adJaeer,t pro""rt\a.. Make a not. on map if ownsrahlp or adJacenl p'operty i. ...n'" ... ,u~Jeel PI.gelty, Idanlify th. Icrcallcn a1 the pl'OPl'eod .pp~OIIc11 en m~. _ /4 C09Y ofth. r..t~.dt:tJ WilllImltnt{s). It the sUbject prt:perty hAS elM .)j~tfng '~I.men~S) fbr .tees.1o me property . A copy or an)' e;dlotmg stet" OJ local goverr:fT'ef'\t approach pltm~8 for 'te property. II' oddlllon \I.' Iho ab"v.. oubmiItBl" tho appllo'nt. "'BY b. roqul'OId to pl.... .loke. or m.rtlng. n..r the nlg...,.y .~oulder at thd argpaBlItd epproll.~M loc;alio". ()QrTniflons for t'OI'nm;Jnty UIQd terms .,e in tt.e ..a.cll.d brochure. Ttl\i broc:hl.lre Is also avallabls en the OOOT "".t'1ifw lo....t.d or. ~:/lwW'N.Qlti2IJ oo"OOOTIHVV'r'iACC~~9.MSl!L L80/~7;.'*;;~~t:;~ ~ ~~~ fl<mfl: ~_~ . ICompany' v.l.i\. ~f;~ ~~'LJQ,. Slroetodd...sa: .3.~~~Jc..HILL . ICity: gJ.e..E OSu.)l!;'. J I _.__ ~~:...C?ff.';iP. '174 ;)..171 County: J...-AtJf:=. I Moiling oddr_: -:r, ~x....lorl...&..... _ : ICily: ~~~,~uJ.r::;.u_..__~=~~~. :zIP:9.1~ ~County: L-ftf\Jl:. ! Phone: L -.5J~~_lf_9 ~~. - <;~3138 [c..IVPtll.r.5lJ}-5'7q-4ij~c... \ E..mell: ifr'-->::rN <!.... ~....c. --0 ~~,..tl~- ! Is IPIlic:onlworlcinY.. an Silent Di t~. ....nor'? \!!il'Ve$ 0 No If ys./ ttle owt1~r mLl151 c;ol1~.t. ~hCl Ai.ltllor~.ho' ';)f Ocnlgn~tej Agont !f9ction belOW, OR ~hCJ e.l>plicilnt .naoh a letter fr~ tier ~r .uth:,.~lnQ .t.hj;!. .p~~C8~~!.!'.iI tll&/hQf agent. --i ~1lP"oh.J,:e~..n. .. '. ". .,. .'. ; ~I Highway name..""" be a slalewido h1gh...y n.me, lueo .. pocifie Highway, or a locol name. such a. Ea.l Meln Slre.1. ' . ~ou'" nem. -lle pooted highway !Tober. .uc.~ a. I-~ or US.a4. . McJ:!;:N'U 19hw.yna.,...: '1\\ S't: 'M~~Uluu,"D.r OR I~b County: L::A~ fMllopgint /J . S Of highway 0 North a SC1Uth 0 E.., 0 w.eJ. .. l~~ th. highWay In a natio_~~el a~ :J Yes ~ No .. MAY 2 2 JliB~ .. -, ,'Dk.i' ('- '\,tn~' '1: I ' ;ro)1 " ~II ~ PRE-SUBMlTTAl. REC'D .. MAR I '7 'Z01l9 ~_"_,\, "I UAY 2 2 2009 1': I J I .. \ .. ~-.J " 1)4.2t1C cwon Pa9' , ot4 Date Heceived: Planner: AL bin /~ I I l 04/15/2009 09:23 5418958. i)4;15-1,19 WEll 1.)~:t'.U J'~.\ 0"'1' IHI '.. ,. ilf\SI~~~!'!.~C<Qt:!~T . PAGE 03 1~~.trif.'idC:~; .,:,....~;~;'1iIl6.~;'2s-h&i';j~..j2J;., . - NMIIlOll' ........c...,."JIII . P'ItlNTIIloUlII!:OIlNlPlJ~" ~~.1'..'!..~"-~~" mattar !s hI9~n~O.e/I p6tTT1110pphOllften. .' 1:;~n;~~;j;:::;":":;'l~~i.~;:'~:':~'0~~..;;.;:;.../,:... . '. " .., .,,:~;~\\:~:,::;.,.. :,~..,:. 'NOTIFiCATION TO ;.,pPLIC^N1~T;;~ 'OOO.tDiOti1,;On-~ wit conl.c\ you wnen your l.PJlcalion h.. beM rwvi",,,d. 11 : BddltlOnal dcK:_llnlS alii ""'luired 10 """tlllu.th. ..ppll...l",n 010,,"" you will ba holill. . Whon all at tIl. n_ry ! documl,"1B hove been r.eelvee, the .,plestlan wUI bit d....Tled """,pi"'.. If fall' eompleled applic.atlOl'l .. 8IlprOVEld. ~ Plllllmlnary """.lNo;don _cifca~o'" 101M ~e ,..""d. A perf,.,.,.n". bona end Aeblllly inouran.. will ba required bolero ony ~n.truc:tlo" work .tn beQ1n on ",. I\lg~>'iav right CI! _I For 1he ""mpi.ta NI.. regen:li"llopPltlact1 pertnltltng. .ee OAR . Chao~r 734 Division 51. TIl.. App"~,,t fleelareo, ...ffiffO$. alll'''''rttlS under p8llalfj/ of applleeDr. .!alll at (ederall.",~ fho'." ''''''""a''oll provIded on rttk 'ann ."" .dDeh"'G"U .,. ttu. and comploN to th* .t 0'''; .. . pr;",~.ma:~'-': iL~Th'~~!:..al:r.,--~-; I)~ _... - '.; 01 t..llliltl6 'j' "~f~~rIil'CiiiMiloil .:' . ,: ~.~ . . i/if N: A~roa." "n;~"" is ~';;-;ll!~9P~r"';~c 0' ~r;nd!~id" . ~~cl;' road III ~6 IO<:8~ r~U8&~ In-W;- \ appl~l\orI. !O 'I'empo",ry Approad>- nf; approach ro<;u..tld wlb be removed al\er . 'p9ollied Il8r1Dd 01 time. ~ Existing Approach.. Thl!J 8pp1ilJat~n I!tTt!Ic.ts. or mQ)' >>freet. an Bll18tlng IlpPtOsch . o Restri,::ted u.!lG Approacn .. The 8pprt:llJo.~ tt!'Quested II for ..rnllrg8ney serviceo, government, ublity "e;~ or sirnih!l.f opo<:llk: """ wilh Un.led tnrtflo. _ ' _ ...___.......... __4________ ---- --.- '!'hl.l.:rllillltifMO,....mii..13.'":... . '.~-~........--.. .' .' .' _ ...... ., . TUrn mo..",onbl "''l:~'!~ 0 ~_~p, ~~~ thet atpl'f. 0 Rig~1 0 ~ighl out ~ L.1l I. f.t Lafl out p~~'li@i'.'.(W~'~ ":~l:":'___~~ L_st nam.: _ .... I F!rnt n1t~!.: .J:Ci...t~-~ s'!!.et addra..: ,-1<5::r{~...:B...I;..'.!J2 . Clly: . a. _ ._J.~~t,,: .. 2:1~ C....nty: Mal\ll19 .del....; "S f\ 1\A t:._ _'00 ____._ _ city: ~=~: :CountY: [PhOn.: ~~=,ffi'lL~~~-' -:.:' p, . ._lCollp'lfsr. 9~8'- 6~1!k . ~:n"":___~0Jf\ '5.:EN~..1:thnc.~ ~---- Are there addillon~J own.'" of ,I". subject I'fQPe.t/7 0 yO 8 NQ If V"I .ftad'l tne ~ cohtad Intorn8til.U1 ~ 800'lle for each or the c;o-.DWl'lers on . "PllrOla el'taet. ~I!i~ ..' - ., ,.::;:~:-;:::--;-:-=-'.- .' :..: '., . ,.~'.." J Sublett pIOPQ~SS~'.): ceJ-2- f'Ji 1\ I ~_ ST . '..- J Olif: i rJ{, r- - bb l~~~.__.._l~~'l if ')~ntt~ J..Ji /'olE. i T.......,hip{.); RQrlgII(o): 'llec:tion(a); -IT,;'t loti.). ! Cllr_l~onlng: , --_.~_~__,_=~~d;lCfljne: (1{\^l;;;'-iJ.~ ....: In the be... .b~loW. deegribe Ih~ elClStlng .,!~.p'~pe""d la!'.':!...'!!e(e) on ~':..E e~. includi"llliQllare !llolag. or .treage. -'1' Il!>olatlng: -A5flrJDc.lV'E:.o l>6T;;P CAR. lO':;T~~ed: CD O~~Irp:. ~nfPS I . Cl. "Stn4\11 of+',u; ~~~rLv~ IOO~j~II()ODpj 100)(, J/D xPf J (' ,....,..., [9llI7J pege 1 ~ PRE SUBMITTI" T>llL J....pT J'1-0'3-'&o-3/-0/7tloU . ".,REC'D MAR .8 7 2009. Date Received: Planner: AL S/J7/rJDO, I ' 04/15/2009 09: 23 ,.5..~...~'m... O~i15iO~ ~ED 11~.51 , .. WASTEVENSCe" Ll!~ ur ~r~I~~L PAGE 04 .............. pl\)perty 10ClJtio~'and property linee, lneludi~g; 8 North arrow Show ,Ulals or par...le thaI a.. part of the propefty or developmant with thelf . cOlT8'ponding tall lOt numblllll identified o Dlltanee fmm the propartf UnElll to th6 cantDr oflhe propoaed apprQllOh Uaing &olld line,. .how; 8 Proposed appra:achoa with reqUBfltad width ancl tumlllg movements shown ] Prap'sed & arlating buildings and .lr\JdUre& to be rl!lalned o P""pn~ac "Ia of a.ia~ng building. and atructures to be retaIned ~ Other propo.ed equipment or ladDlle, and 1heir propoa..; USII Propoll"o ac:ce.a or 'orose.over" ea.amente with nel~l'IbClring properti... N..are" Bpproach" !;In both sid., of the hlgl'lW8Y within 500' of the propoaed approach clnter.line Using QNhed lin..., sOow; 8 Eldsting approaoh.. ""Ilh width and turning lTlOw.l11el1bl ahown Place an 'X' on approach_ to ~ IlImove<l ~ Exlstlng bulldinge .r":! atructure. ta be remov.d E.lC/atlng e<:lulpment or t.c:illle. to be rlO!l\oved Olher axloting facflllioe 10 b11l'8111oved ExIsting ace._. or 'oro.,-aver" ..aaemants With neighboring properlles Show propOsed on-site circulation, InCluding: o . r rlIvel lanes w~h travel dL..olions Indicated B Tnovellane widths Part.jng sp_s or porldng are-as o Accua locatio"s to the parking IlIlcel or erells Show nearasllandmark or cross atreet: B' PrOVide ~eat olgn streel name , Dlala""" from tI", reqLleallld ..pproach lo~iDn 10 the n..a"'lIt CItISS stre.l o All pul:>nc; streets thatllbutllle property(s) 7.....21.1:1 ("~7 - DI~CJ 51 P..itJI... PRE-SUBMITTAJ. REC'D MAR 2 7 20011 Date Received: ~!J~/friJf Planner: AL 04/15/2009 09:23 541895. U4.'V;:OW IU:.1J u.;:";'t) I;o;\A OJ.U Cbtf I., 11 J. ~~SJl"E}'t;tt~qq,~T. PAGE 01 -"'.......- --, I DATE ReC!;IIIED BY ODo'r, CHAMPS 1000, 7lF1;~ LAND use COMPATIBILITY STATEMENT (Lues) _at Ia . LUCB? A Land U_ Ce/Tlpatibilily S""ament (LUCS) ia 111. fonn ODOT U_ ID e.""re tnal HIg~w.y Approacn Permlta .re ::on~d;umt with loc:allana un req1.llrenlli:nts. ""h~ I.. LUeS ~"'lulrwd1 ODor Cooldlno",m RuleS. o,lo,R '18t-ll1e, ldeMlY Hlghw-r Appl<>ooch P"",,lta.. pormlts tntt .fI.ot IBM use, Stat. law reaulres ODOT ac:tI.I~eslhat afl8et 'Bnd US. to be con.l.tont with ad<nowlodgod 10081 -..prd'le.""'" pie...,.. When Ie a LUes Raqul.-d? An OOOT LUCS mUlll b. lubmllled wi1l\ OWl)' ODOT 11I~"""Y ~Itl.ch p","" Applloation . Haw to CGtrlplet. the LUCS: The applioonl ccmplela. S.C\ion 1. 98(:l\Qn 2 m..1 be oompleted by the ""al jurledlcllon. nB Bpp!lcant than submil.jho campla'lll L.UCS to ODOT ., part 01 tn, Highw"ll Applllaeh Permit Ap,lIc'lllen. 8~eT1o;"',fdl,~"IIi:.rit'~~il.,ta'hifoIm.jUliI" - ".,. .. . AppliOllnt nem'" I.::;; 5 c::iT. AppUctnt 51;..1\1..., Prcparty """,.r neme: Sullied pt<>perty lIddre"": siit. dncriprio.~~ D. ...JIN':. i Oe~e 111. prep tllld c1i>1ily, U or d IQ~morrt. ir:Qludil\9 ~po oncl volulllJ.."r Irall1c R will . 01B1e; I - , _~' \ ~..!-L,;Sr~~ t' I"\fll::;l~~iq,,,. I ;/\ lo!.... i"I T()Wn'~Ip(IJ: R"'QB(oj; Saotlon(S): Tax lo~.); TR \ ,_ _ __ - Loi-:f 11-03' 3i.D-31-D?40 / s.ctIon Z m"lIl IItI lomplGtad 'y' LCIOBI P"nnlng OIfoci". ~.trr!QN.2,~'. ,".'tr;;I,iiJitliil;:iif ~ ~I\~ iltlth Local ~';;-U.e ~oqulromontsl Tholllbjacl properly Is: :illnalde clly 1I"Ji1' 0 OUtaldod1lhnll9 ~lnaid. uCla 0 ~ uaB CUIT~t CompreNJO';"" Pl8n de~jgno<<ori: l.()rr\1}'\i,.C.(.... CUtnlntzO/Ifng: ~tnrnlLnitl,j... CCTM irtiaR.. II . Cempr,".nerve Plan er ;t.QntITll emendmt!fll 0_sed1 i.J Yes No 71 _ tfy"". list tho p'tlpo""a plan d..iQnallOn: P~I'O"Bd zoning: DUB<I the octMIV. use, or dlMllopmen' req~d u.; ..v;"lt \~ determine """",lIonee w~h ~ul.lionI1. CilI y.., 0 Ne If nOl it "....aMs that no local land use revfew i. ~U!red, ~kip to LCJClIf Pjltrtl1/"a ome;., Inform"rion $eCtlan bslow. 'fy.s. vvllIII i. tho _tatus d tIlo land u... application? t:I A~ed [J Denied 0 Under ",view IS Not yet reevlv.d List file numbe..; I, the doc:lslcn fi1el? 0 Yea 0 No I Comment., "-'-'--- lriGo. Plallidn' otr",jellnfDrmetiDn (filequl~ J"noololl,,"; , . I ' O'f ~ f2!i.oilitK.. ' Plonnlng offtdal n~~_and lfIIe: tt\ ~ I1illJf,. J. ~J 0'lner-r::: Mailing .(ldrRi~: _ . ~ -t . City. allllt, 2:IP: (' Ptlone: [J. - E.....ij: Call/mer. i'~o(lWi) Pege4 Qr4 J;;.~:i. /->>1 rJt . PRE-5UBM/TTAL REC'O MAR 27 '200g Planning offide' olgnatu"" X Date f;eceivad: S /J ~/ .}do,! Planner: AL . .- " <0 '" ... '", ~..06n1'Q'X9'~ 9llO'iK(1K1~ J't)!.6 ~"VaI9~uro ~ttlMt1l9O; 1f.ll9l"'<l1OO~_'_ I DNLL.LIWCI::3:d 8S::3;;);)\I' N ....,..A3>l XiiiiuoaD. . e1LI! .lai9 ~ ~ ~~~ g~~ NVH;) N:!IClV)! 7i1 WI){ /' ~ ~ ; Si ij :r .LN:!IWd013:A3G .101 G3:S0dOMd ~ a e ~ _ ~ ~ w '" j ~ e- N "\. " .II ~ "\. .II ..... N ~ "\. " <D ~ 0 I~ r @ ~ lfI w <ll 0 >- a ~ n ~ ~ a . x Ir ~ ! . I~ I ~ I r ~ ~ :t . u +-=9 z "'w [j] z- ~ H- .;z oc l'f\ ",!fill- ~ r:!!l", '^ ';i if> <;>Q '" r-;< $ ~ ~6 ~<O: L. ~ --...j~ H.DJON - ~ ;.) ~ ~ ~ * J - ;5 ~ ~ d~--l ~8 ~~ >-- "'~ ~a m .E"';10..o s in of ~r. '" Q ~ <;" -( ~ 8 <;> !: .J '"' ~ ~ 't Q '" of '" I I I I ..J 10 J X '....1 "\ '@ ~ ~~ 10 >- >- n ~~ I ~ r -'''811U.l w .0"(';'1 m \(~\qOoO ~ - ).IJ !:; ~ ~ 1 ~'i -~ ~d ~ ~ <0 ... @ ~~ <till -0 ~r- isl Ih ~ N w :i\ 'b1 .,. z o ~ k- ~ r ~ ~ i \~ ~ ~ ill \3~ f1 ~ 9 ~ ~ - -0-- '" ...: <fllL UJ' ...JO'<t <:1:(1)", <flo..", ...J 0 ill r<1 <:1:",u" - <fl u::::: <:1: w ~..o...u UJ\9<fl<:1: I:~lLo... I:OLo<fl o ~ ,lL U<:1:00 w 0... Z , <0000 :Jwwz O~~Z :1_-\9 W:J:J_ ~OO<0 .qwWUJ '30::0::0 N - ~ '0 Gl >....J '0; <( u Q) i...: lrGl a;-E -lIl lIl_ Oa.. :t '" "- w o u (!l '"