HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2003-9-19 Status Issued CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2003-00831 ISSUED: 09/19/2003 APPLIED: 08/27/2003 EXPIRES: 03/19/2004 VALUE: $ 14,466.00 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line SITE ADDRESS: 6100 THURSTON RD ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 1702342100400 Springfield TYPE OF WORK: Swimming Pool TYPE OF USE: Repair Public PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Replace surge pit covers for wave pool Owner: WILLAMALANE PARK & Address: 200 S MILL ST SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 I CONTRACTOR INFORMATION' Contractor Type Architect General Engineer Contractor License ROBERTSON/SHERWOOD/ARCHITECTS JOHN HYLAND CONSTRUCTION INC 46071 MARK R RICHARDS I BUILDING INFORMATION I Expiration Date Phone 541-342-8077 07/11/2004 541-726-8081 541-687-0129 # of Buildings: Primary Occupancy Group: Secondary Occupancy Group: Primary Construction Type Secondary Construction Type: # of Bedrooms: # of Stories: Height of Structure Type of Heat: Water Type: Range Type: Energy Path: Lot Size: Sq Ft 1st Floor: Sq Ft 2nd Floor: Sq Ft Basement: Sq Ft Garage/Carport Sq Ft Other: Impervious Surface Area: SETBACKS I DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION .)~U\Tes'lOu,t~ I nOn \C:l"" lI"'Of690n tit\\\ ~QUlRED PARKING .~\()N'.Ofe":3 b\.' the $e\~Of\' ON'~r"llY.tIDisf:' adoop\ed ., e fU\eS ate 2..o'Cotal: #~~troe~ l1Ji~C\.e~R. gd':ef ,nos "nn QA.'f\ 9S \.a,HiyIdicapped: P O\\d~n . --Rr'fii\-' . 0 \nfOU::l/ . . & I,""e ru ''''''c' v",e v'J.J~e\qu:"\_oo"\ 'as 0\ \\1 neompact: NO\'" 0. 0,52.-00 'n co?' \e\e?no Y~\qf)~ot eov~f~..gf:ob'\a.\ 'Note'. \~e \\'\Ca\\on 0090. 'fOu cents\'o , U\\\\w NO _,\~n \nla r"\V'P'oon _ rt'1l1.A). I PUBLIC I~';'~'OvEME~~S;~\ _800-'''.J,"" - , =...~ - _~M 'iI '" - Sidewalk Type: Downspouts/Drains: Front yard Setback: Side 1 Setback: Side 2 Setback: Rearyard Setback: Solar Setbacks: Street Improvements: Storm Sewer Available: Special Instruction: NOTICE: lRE \F 'THE WORK THlS PERMlT ~~~~~ ~~S PERMiT is NOT AUTHORlZEEDO OR is ABANDONED fOR COMMENC ANY 180 DAY PERlOD. Notes: Pa2e 1 of3 '_SP~U,N...Gf,'l. ELJ...D i'i... ... .. t..... Wi:~ ; ......'...... ( .. . , j" : .----_.,-.--.,"'" "'..---~,' ' " Status Issued CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2003-00831 ISSUED: 09/19/2003 APPLIED: 08/27/2003 EXPIRES: 03/19/2004 VALUE: $ 14,466.00 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line I Valuation Descriotion I Bid Amount Use Bid Amount $ Per Sq Ft or multiplier $1.00 Square Footage or Bid Amount 14,466.00 Value Date Calculated Description Tvpe of Construction Total Value of Project $14,466.00 $14,466.00 09/09/2003 ~ Fee Description Amount Paid Date Paid Receipt Number + 10% Administrative Fee. $14.64 9/19/03 1200200000000002168 + 7% State Surcharge $10.25 9/19/03 1200200000000002168 Building Permit $146.40 9/19/03 1200200000000002168 Plan Review CommlInd/Public $95.16 9/19/03 1200200000000002168 Total Amount Paid $266.45 I Plan Reviews I Fire Department Review 08/28/2003 09/08/2003 OK GRG Plan review: replace surge covers for wave pool. Plans appear to meet code requirements Initial Review 08/28/2003 08/28/2003 APP LLH Plannin2 Review 08/28/2003 09/0112003 APP EMM Public Works Review 09/03/2003 09/08/2003 APP MS 9/8/03 - Completed Public Works Review and sent plans on for building review. MS 9/3/03 - Received plans and assigned to Steve Barnes. KJV Structural Review 08/28/2003 08/28/2003 APP JMP Special inspection required on conc. anchors for beam connection to sidewall, per engineer. SUB Review 08/28/2003 08/29/2003 APP DH To Request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769. All inspection requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. Pal!e 2 of3' ~$:;P;~ WiL. · Status Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line CITY OF SPRINGFIELD' Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2003-00831 ISSUED: 09/19/2003 APPLIED: 08/2712003 EXPIRES: 03/19/2004 VALUE: $ 14,466.00 By signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Community Services Division, Building Safety. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.005 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readable from the street, that the permit card is located at the front ofthe property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during construction. .n,..." ^ ^ ,,- c:::: 0 ~ '(yJV\J~ \ / Owner or Contractors Signature Pa2e 3 of 3 G\ lq O~ . Date 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number COM2003-00831 COM2003-00831 COM2003-00831 COM2003-00831 Payments: Type of Payment Check Receipt #: 1200200000000002168 Description Plan Review Commllnd/Public Building Permit + 7% State Surcharge + 10% Administrative Fee Paid By JOHN HYLAND CONST INe Received By djb Check Number Batch Number Authorization Number City of Springfield Official Receipt Development Services Department Public Works Department Date: 09/19/2003 9:28:31AM Amount Paid 95.16 146.40 10.25 14,64 $266.45 Item Total: How Received In Person Payment Total: Amount Paid $266.45 $266.45 , Cit~or~Sp'i.ngliel~ , . Con~:nu:JI[~ .;:.:.r.~~~~, qIV~:;v(1 . 22$ FifthStrect ' : Springfield. OR 97~77 TcJepho~e: (54J) 726:.3759 Filx:(S4\) ~26-36~9 Special InsPFctioq An4 Testing To applfcalllS 9f proj~cls re9uirin~ specj~1 in5p~clion or testing a5 per SC~lion 1'701.5 pfthe prcgo~ Struywral ~pecia'cy Co'de, Plc~se review.l~einfornation below. \Vl,en yop have fi~jshed. ecknotyledge an un~ersta~ding qfthe iMormation by sjgni~g belpw, and retu{'lllhis form 10 the City. . .., ~ :' ' , 0" . I I, }tEFOnE A PERM{T CA~ BE JSSUED: ThF o~ncr or owner', ,represf:Otltive, on I.he advice of.the re$ponsi~le Project E~gineer or Archilec.~ shall completc, sign, andsub~it I~ the dry ror'review and Dpprov~1 this form c~mplclFd Oil both th~ fron~ ind ~ck.,' ',.., : .:: The Ow~er lIn~ Geniral Cortract~r, Wh~f; appticable; shall ~Iso ll:'know{cclgc 'l'c follpwing'cOndilions appilea~le to ~pccia' Inspc.ction ,ndlor Teslin~. I; co~rracl9rls respons1ble for proper noti~ealion, for Ih, Jns~~(lon ~r T~ling ofittms !'sled. :' " . , 2, Teill112 I~boral~ry sh,lIlak~ appr~rjate' ~ampl~s and IranspqJ1lhe(ll to t~lr laborato~ for Pfoper ,valua~ioll or restin~, '. .",. . . . .: . · Copies pf all ~boralory reports n~d ins~etlon~ are to' be Stl'll to t~c CilX by Ih~ TestiFlS Ageney. ' I '..,,' , . . . . 3, S~~cllll r'lspectipll Ag!ney j~ 10 submil n~meJ a,nd qu(lifieations o~on-sil~ Spc~iallnspector~ to th~ City for apfroval. . 4, Special JrlspectQr shill provl~e Inspection repo~ to th, bulldjng oepeial ofaHinspecti~n actiVities. I .' '. . . . ... . . .. .. ; . . 5~ CO~lrael~r is reiponsi~lc to ~eYicw the Ci~ apP~Dved flans fpr add~lion81 inspection ()~ lestin~ requirements thaI may ~e nor~d. BEfORf A CP.TIFICA ~ OF OCCUPANcY.wlL~ BE ISSUED: The Specl~1 Inspeetion'Agen~y shall subll)ltlo ~c Building Omcie, 8 Slal~ment rltat all items requIring l~specll~n havt: been fulfill~d and reported and 'were Ip the bestoqhe inspector'sknowled8~,ln cqnfonnance wilh lh~ appr~ved plaru, specifications and. applicable workmanship provi5io~s. Thpsc itl:~lS not:testcd lIId!or inspe~ted sh~lI be ~cted b Ihc.llarem~nl. The report /.$ to be su~mitte4lo Ih~ City prior cQ a req~est for fj!',al inspections.' ' . '. '. ,". . SPRINGFIELD' I i A:CKl'iOW~ED~ME~TS , WIVVi+J';j A(//o.fl:;- Pr::.P Owner Name (Printed) ../. .... r , Iv/./r<r Rlct-flilZ/.J5' ElJG~ Enginmor Arehirecl Firm (Printed) 1'SI. Testing Laboratory Name iPrinled) r r}_~ \} I nD~ ,~- Tesling aboralory R~e ~I"\owd \). Atipet\l c..b ~"2..OC~ - 06 ~':, l Building Penn it fI LPC5 CIP :'rOJC:CI 'r:f:: ~ (<!)O o~ - L<? ~ C::, . Due FIT co~~. T H.. t..) ~S '"to ~ \<...e+-. \) Project A~drC5S . ...s.O"t-\ U...\.A....n c.eo....':>!, \t'\r,.. OCn, Contractor Finn Name (PrInlcd) ~SJ:. . Special Inspection Agency Name (Prinled) 1--~5\\ \_Urn'leL Building OffiCial~a~~:~~\nled) .., , - ,)) - c \,5"',0 (J , oe C I ..... n " N ....'< '-N "'-l ) '-l ..... c c I c:.o u:: 0 c ~ W ... t>- c:.o 0 .. _0 N t>- IC en c 'I ""l c v (11 > ~ t >l '-' en .c- 1 ... w ~ .c- r... A c:.o ~ ~ o l:l:l m ;:;l "'3 tI? o 2: ..... tI? = m ~ ~ o o 1:1 ..... > :0 n = u =' 0-. 0: ..... 5 (;: (;: .~ .~i - - "J4 - . General Contraclor SignatllTe Ra,~O V. O~.J . ~;ec:t:~~gency ~~ ~ \ -'. :- - '" ~ RC\'lt'l\D~. ~f\\i~'i ,~ ~ VJ:i\)l ., 0 Building Offi(ial~atu e. '~.. "'0 o tV Reinforced C\lncrel~1 Gu~ile, Groul arid MQf'lar: ' Concre[~ I G~n~-" . I 1 I 1 I ,I I II I I . I .J I .1 , I 1 , l :! . , SPECIAl,; INSPEC110N ANp TESTIl'fG SCHEDULE CRAO,NG, PCCAVATION, AND FILL . AC(;eptanc~ lesls ~ . ,?SF Esta~lish fi:nal grade _ Fill phcemelltln~peCljonlcoolinllou~ Soil pensity , './ .1 " A i2rCiste Te~1 of ~ix Q.e5ifT' 'Rf.infprcine:Test: . : MI. ~jen.Weji~mslr Cerr.. .1 R.ein~?cln~ flace~nl , :~:"h P"" I,c~ ., r. . : II. SWD~es (PlykuDlQeliver~d) ,r.onlpressjo~ Te~l~ . ~ I STRUCTUR~LSTEE~~LDING; -r- Sample anq lest (Iislspecific q1embers belQw) Shop roacer;ial jdef1ti(jca~ion (n:till cen) . We11 il)Spcction . Shop _ . Fier~ - UI~onic I"speclion Shop' _ . Ficlq Hjgh~tren~lh boIling Shqp _ fielq A~2.s '_'N X .F Ai90 _ N _ X F Me(~ deck weldi~g inspectio~ Reinrorein; Steel-welding inspectiOl1 Reinforcjn~ steel ;nil! certiika/e ' _ Metal stud weldillg inspection. . Concrere inser1 w~lding'jnspection - MOlllclI! re,i.sting,steel f!'ames S1'RUCTU~L wpoo: Sheat wall ~Qilinij insper:lioll Shear wall pnchors ' Ins~ttion ~rGlu.lam flib, · TIC psi ~ Ins~tion ~rrrusijoist fab, Sample anet leSl CpmPQn~nls FabriF3tion'weldirg ofslccl acmsories ,I pmBSl(Pre-!irtsse~ Concrete: ; .~~. Pre~TensTI G1n4dina ~ : I .1 I ,Aurqgate 1)~tl .R I:linf~refne jests :Ttiidqii TeSt' , M~. : R~mr9rclne 'I.ce~cllt Insert Plac~ent : Cotlc?te llafthi~, ~oncr,re PI~em~'lI .lnsrall,!\lion (lJspec~on ' r.ast ~m'p'l:.F Pick.~p Samples ' ~Otnp~essltl~ Tetl~, . . ~I I I :1 :1 :1 , I I ~ I 1 ,I , I J I 1 'I I I ,I ; I 'Sfr1OK~ COl'fI'ROf: ~ - Lea~ge teslIDg -;- . Contrpl veripcBtiOl,l '. .FlRErROQFlNq: _ Pla~emenf inspeption De~sity TFSIS Thi~kneS! tests _ IRsfect ~ching MASO~RY: . -+- : Special ins~cclio~ stresJps used. rlJl,' rg . Prelfrpirlary. acceptnnce fests ('PDsonry unit" wall pri!m~) Subspquent lests ~1I0r1aj, g:~t, fiel9, wa.l!'pris~ PI~me~I.Allsp;flIf)Il.o/ \In liS, 11nchclllrtirecment . - MasonBry, monar, groUl, r' rcing sleel CertlOcBICS ROOFING ' ~ : Insul,tion i9s1alla)lonlR-Yilfuef Tell srrips!sea",~ .. . ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS) OTHER TEST) & INSPECTIONS: Form completed by: ~X,1JAN5IoN A--JJc~(/tr2 5 /'/11' CONC'~~~ ,/:?,zq:::.CC/:2E/T/c ~ /)ET/tl(..,' (3 /? 0 3 FoR. _(G) c...o c.-1 r (o,;1J S --,.- /, IJ 1.2~3 . e_1 '.PIl.OVlDESTnENGTH REQUIREllIJY ARCHITECT OR ENGINgER OR CONTRACT DOCUMENT LOCATION OF V^LU~ - )> !: 1;>0 f/ <!1. 0- f: n: I',l 'w ~ ....1 ...., " ) ,0 c: , Co> l!: S c: .,. !! too f'- ~ .. _0 N) f'- ~ c '/ ."!l c ~ ~ v ~ (/1 tI .... '1 .,.. c..o ~ A ,t1l .... Co> ~ ::>:I 0 :l:l (J :%l ::>:I ~. >-3 -'. en &. 0 0: Z ..... "- C :!l -'. F.l (;:, ::a (;: ~ 0 0 c " > ::a ("'J := ; Q ~ C 'Il ~ o o \l en o (Jl -0 o '(,)