HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpecial Inspection Field Test & Inspection Report 2005-8-19 ri <;;) <'-l <:> Q, w (!:J <[ (L Co~z~os- - Otot"L Buildi~1 P~rm i. M .8-l<; -OS' 0.11: '" CD " ~ ~ -.. IV <>> ~ '-" Con:::-.lL.iir: ~~-.1:~~ Di'!~ijlt City IlfSprio&lie1d L/V(;Ly POOL S LIOE' TOWE~ M (') 5 ,.:. <0 <l? ~ H l1) U1 c (L ~ OJ ,0:;: OJ c W to 'lJ " .c u ii et: ~ (") U) ri I' :;;; U) ':T <( I"- r, ri Il) ':T ~ If) ~ on <:> C> N O"l <0 <;;) ~ <:n "I ::J ri "" => <( If) :>:. <;;) '" '0 <;;) VI N CiJ "- ::J U) f0- ri "- co <;;) TO.ppljc.MI ()(' projetU requiring Illc;ill in "elll ion 0( tmins u per Se~jol1 J 1()1.S oftbt Oregon SrruclUn! Sp<<.iltry Code.P1tAie ICvicw J~ inforrnl.lioll below, wtlen you haw: til1i~.lclcflOlYllllI!e lit tJllclm!Mdi~ (If,fIe inrcmlllon by iiplng below, and rerum Lltu form to the Ciry. IlEFORE A fER.MITCAN BE ISSUED: The ll\"IUf crownu'" nprucllUllive, DIl Ihe advi<< of the responsible Priljc(t EnJlnw or Ara.ileCl, shill toalpkce, sign. lAd !ubmh tOllle Ciry for revie", and 8,.,. 'Jllhi! fCfJl\ ~ompl=d 011 ~Il ~e fro~ IlIlltlack. The o...l\t.T and CHunl ~ractw, wiler&- 8ppliable, shill llso eclalowledgc.be (oUawirc <<Jnditloll1l1pplicable to SpccllllnlpKliWl aJldlar Tt5ung, I. COIltrllc<<Dr ~ respomible (or prope, rlDlirlCllio" fot ~ INpediQn or TC11ing of kerns lilCcd. ?, TtJlilll f.llbonllll'T sllalllUc Ipp1Dp!~e I~plc:s and trallSplltt lh't1T110 lhir labonlOry (or plcpuCYllIUilion or tellitle, · Copies orlllllabcracory re~ll1lld inspec:lio,'U are to be'StM to Iht Cil)' by Ihe TtWilg AgMey. . lliFJt1h'SlI'UI Sprln&firfd, 01\ '1~ 17 TclcpllOllc: ('.1) 126.3759 FlU.: {.n I J 726.3619 Sp.eciallnspectioD And TUf[ng :":l!ur ::I;~ (;(00 THv~STD1J R D I S- PRoJ &~I6"'-p P,ojHI I\ddnH ... '" ..... ... '-l "", <To W '" .... D1 ~. SpieD I rnlpt<<i~n "'<<ley is 10 slfblnil lUll c.l .IK! qualil1ulfoar Ofoll-siJe Speua[ 'rD:lfIec:tC1'lIO IIllr Ci~y ror AWr'OYI L ~ -i -< o -., (j} 'l) ~ z (i) TO ~ ('l r '" 4. Spr~fAI rnlPrNlr "'Ill provide illli~<<jgn reports to 1he bui Iding official Df 1111 itu,ctctioa Ictivillu, j. COlltaclllr i3 re:spcmlibl~ 10 RYiew the C~!)' .ppm..cd plalu for 16di,iClnil inlpecl!oD' III lull1l1 ~lIlrunCJltJ th31 may be nolCd. BEFOltE A CERTifiCATE OF OCCUPANCY WiLL BE ISSUED: The Spetla' Im)):dian Ageney slal! SlIbmit to 1M fluildLi1:Qffic:ial 8 staltlTlCl'lllhat all helM reqiJ Iring iaspecliOllb.1ve bees MfiHed and tl:pot1cd alld ~rc to the kll ofl1le inspector', knowIl-dac. in Cllllrormln~ with fhe lppfGved plarlS, spClCHic.ations end applicable ....olmanlhip prcvhScms. ThoJtilEnls rllH lelrM IncSfQr ms,ec[ecl sha!l be noltl i:. IlIe llalClllenL The TtfiOrt II Co lie ,uOO1ilt<<! to Ole C"tl)' 'prior 10 a ~que&l rOf f<!',al irullulions, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ~~ <; ,~l~~t'W\ '<5~ner Nlln1t (Pri11lcd) \ M. R. R lcJ.I'lR.fy; €AJ6,,jE€lb E~&ilKcr or Ardlilftl Firm (PrillteOJ 1:1' Sipl11Jre . - €I ~Q~'L E'.;.e;0~~~~."~~~~\'~~~ T~"'" ... s;"..~ B,O',.. 0......' H.." (Pi;".., &A-~ Koe.~~ ~. :r:;}C. ae", Ccntractor Pm 1i<Ime (Printed) PSI ~l.~V~ o AI\~~V t\Jo..J V, jW~ ~ Stl(C'IAI flUD. ~Cl( '. ~ / : ~,,- ~~ Bultdlng Offlcul Sig.nLlur(- f's:[ T rMllI g Laboflllory PI line (PriIltcd) ,GRADING, EXCAVATION, Ai'ill FII.L AccepianceleslS" P$F Estabrish final grade Fill placement inspection/continuous Soil Density ~ CiI OJ '- >-' >-' '- roJ CiI CiI lJ' f-' L- W --..j ~J roJ (jl w (jl ~J (jl SPECIAL INSPECTION AND TESTING SCHEDULE Reinforced Concrete, Gunite, Grout and Morbr: CDncrete I Gunite / Grout Iy[ortar I I I A gate Trst of Mix Drsign Reinforcing Test Mix Oesi n- Weighmaster Cm.'" Reinforcin,gPlacement . Continuous Batch Plant Inspect. Inspect Placing 1 Cast Samoles I Samples (PickuplDelivered) / Compression Test* I J I 1 1 1-+ / precasuPre.'stressed Concrete: I Piles Post-Tens j Pre-Tens I i .~ I I I I / I I I I I Cladding ~gregatc Tests tie inforcing Tests Tendon Test. ~ Designs. Remforclng Placement , lnsert Placement Concrete Hatching Concrete Placement Installation Inspection Cast Samples Pick-up Samples 1 Compression Tests I I, I -r - "j r 'I ~=I I J SMOKE CONTROL: FlREPROOFlNG: _leakage lesting Control Verification Placement inspection Density rests Thickness tests lospect batcbillg ROOFING: Insulation inslallationfR- Value. Test strips/seams ADDITIONAL lNSRUCTlONS, OTHER TEST, & INSPECTIONS: c.iJ)NC-A:Erc .4-/l/CNCi<-$,. eX;,-;?-:j-/llSItyi) 'f- E7oc'xy" l 1 _I STRUCTURAL STEELiWELDING: Samp[e and test (list specific members below) Shop material ideotification (miU cert) Weld inspection X .Shop Ultrasonic inspection Shop High Strength BoltingSbop A325 _N --c-X A490 _N _X Mel:ll dec!c welding insJX:clion Reinforcing Steel welding inspection Reinforcing steel mill certificate ' Metal stud welding inspection Concrete insert welding inspection Moment resisting steel names ~ Field Field Field _F _F STRUCTURAL WOOD: Shear wall nailing inspection Sbear wail anchors lnspection orGlu-lam fab, ". _TIC psi In.specrion oftrmsjoist fab. Sample and test components Fabrication welding of steel accessorie:> o H -j -< o " IJJ -0 ;0 H Z G) " H i"l r t:J MASONRY Special inspection stresses lLIed* f m f g Prelim.inary acceptance tests (masonry units, wall prisms) Subsequenrrests (monar, grout, field wall prisms) Placement inspec,tiDD of unil~, and reinforcement Masonry, mortar, grout, and reinforcing steel certificates Form Completed by: MA-Je./<. R(CI-f.4~S Dale 8 -/5 -05 -0 D G) rrJ "PROVIDE STRENGTH REQUmED BY ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OR CONTRACT OOCVl'tIENT LOCATION OF V ALVES Gl ~I