HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence PLANNER 12/16/2009
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ADMINISTRA nON / ENGINEERING DIVISION: (541) 726-3753 . FAX: (541) 736-1021
ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION: (541) 726-3694' FAX: (541) 726-2309
TRANSPORTATION DIVISION: (541) 736-1006' FAX: (541) 726-3781
MAINTENANCE DIVISION: (541) 726-3761 . FAX: (541) 726-3621
wWw.ci.springfield.or.us/depCpw. him
December 16, 2009
Chad Bettesworth
Hayden Homes
Subject: Bond Required for Westwind Estates
The city of Springfield has established a process to ensure completion of public improvements for any
development within the boundaries of the city of Springfield. This process is contained within chapter
12 of the Engineering and Design Manual. Please note section 10 about providing financial security in
the form of a bond, cash deposit, letter of credit, etc. Under Section 10C, the bond shall include the
amount to guarantee fees charged by the Engineer to design, inspect, and certify the project is
constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications. The bond or financial security is required
prior to approval of the Final Plat for Westwind Estates.
The City of Springfield requests that three bonds be secured for different aspects of the public portion of
Westwind Estates. The bonds are
(a) Performance bond for completion of Westwind Estates Public Improvement Permit Items for the
amount of 550,000
(b) Performance bond for Sidewalk and Street Trees for the portion of the Public Improvements to
be completed as individual lots are developed for the amount of 181,046.
(c) P.erformance bond for future improvements of 48th St in the amount of 175,000
A detailed list for items (a) and (c) are attached to this letter. The amount for (b) was based on an
estimate for the value of work provided by KPFF Engineers. If you have any questions about these
comments, please feel free to call or email me.
Clayton McEachern, PE
Phone: (541) 736-1036
Email: cmceachern@ci.springfield.or.us
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Planner: SH
Bond Amounts are based on the Following Estimates:
(C) Performance bond for future improvements of 48th St in the amount of 175,000
The previous developer entered into an agreement with the City of Springfield regarding the future extension of 48th
street and the dedication of right-of-way known as Booth-Kelly Haul Road, and other considerations, to facilitate the
development ofWestwind Estates. The developer's obligation under this agreement is a cost of25% of the
estimated cost of $700,000.00 for the 48th Street extension, with the developer's cost not to exceed $175,000.00.
(A) Performance bond for completion ofWestwind Estates Public Improvement Permit Items for
the amount of 550,000
The following are the line items and the dollar amounts that we have determined are remaining to be constructed as
of this date:
AC Paving
Driveway Apron
Tract F
Ped Path
Stripe and Signage
Street Lights
Plus 20% contingency*
$ 180,859.00
$ 44,700.00
$ 2,175.00
$ 4,000.00
$ 50,000.00
$ 15,000.00
$ 97,000.00
$ 60.000.00
$ 453,734.00
S 550,000
* A 20%(approximale) addition has been added to this amount to cover any repairs/cleaning or damage resulting in the 18 month period of
inactivity on the site.
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Date Received:
Planner: SH
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