HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 11/8/2010 ~~..., . . ~ RECEIVED AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE NOV - 8 2010 By: ~ ~ I} \1iud- Pt! If/} ~ /t)F5~ STATE OF OREGON) )ss. County of Lane ) I, Karen LaFleur, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows: 1. I state that I am a Program Technician for the Planning Division of the Development Services Department, City of Springfield, Oregon. 2. I state that in my capacity as, Program Technician, I, prepared and caused to be . mailed copies of TYP.210 -()oooJ!- 'I' 7Y/'.3t1) -oooo/; - ~ ~ ~ pa.!~B _ (See attachment . "A") on /II R . 2010 addressed to (see (),!;,'J;. /'1. Attachment B"), by causing said letters to be placed in a U.S. mail box wIth /.<)" postage fully prepaid thereon. 0 UlT ~4u,,( 1I<d.:::::; ......,..11 - KA~~~J~ STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane n ~ <? . 2010. Personally appeared the above named Karen LaFleur, Program Technician, who acknowledged the foregoing, instrument to be their voluntary act Before me: . ofFICIAL SEAL DEVETTE KELLV ...' NOTARY PUBLIC. OREGON , COMMISSION NO, 420351 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES AUG, 15. 2011 ~~~ My Commission Expires: ? /;5/1/ . . " ~,..... -,,, - ~:1:;: '" ~'. ~,n 0 ': ~ -'" ~ 1'-' <- _- . ... /I DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT JOINT PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE SPRINGFIELD PLANNING COMMISSION, COUNTY HEARINGS OFFICIAL 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 PHONE (541)726-3753 FAX (541)726-3689 ~.c{springfielao~us RECORD NUMBERS: TYP310-00001 TYP210-00004 Willamette Greenway Discretionary Use; Site Pkm Review APPLICANT: Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) NATURE OF THE APPLICATION: To construct a bicycle-pedestrian multi-use viaduct structure beneath the Willamette River 1-5 Bridges and adjacent to Franklin Blvd., connecting tbe existing South Bank Path to Glenwood. The. viaduct will be supported on piers and located in the narrow strip of land between the river and Franklin Blvd. AUTHORIZED USES: Uses in the Willamette Greenway Overlay District are regulated by Springfield Development Code (SDC) Section 25.050, available in City Hall or online at http://www.ci.springfield.or.us/dsd/Planningl APPLICABLE CRITERIA: In addition to the Discretionary Use criteria for. approval specified in SDC Section 5.9-120, applications in the Willamette Greenway Overlay District shall also meet the standards specified in Section 3.3-325, Site Plan Review approval criteria are found in SDC Section 5.17-125. These criteria for approval are available in City Hall or online at http://www.ci.springfield.or.us/dsd/Planningl Willamette Greenway Criteria: 1. Local, regional and State recreational needs shall be provided for consistent with the carrying capacity of the land. The possibility that public recreation use might disturb adjacent property shall be considered and minimized to the greatest extent possible. 2. Adequate public access to the river shall be provided. 3. Significant fish and wildlife habitats shall be protected. 4. Identified scenic qualities and view-points shall be preserved. 5. The maintenance of public safety and protection of public and private property, especially from vandalism and trespass shall be provided for to the maximum extent practicable. 6. The natural vegetative fringe along the river shall be enhanced and protected to the maximum extent practicable. 7. The location of known aggregate deposits shall be considered. Aggregate extraction may be permitted outside the Greenway Setback Area subject to compliance with State law, the underlying district and conditions of approval designed to minimize adverse effects on water quality, fish and wildlife, vegetation, bank stabilization, stream flow, visual quality, quiet and safety and to guarantee reclamation. " 8. Developments shall be directed away from the river to the greatest possible degree; provided, however, lands committed to urban uses shall be permitted to continue as urban uses, including port, public, industrial, commercial and residential uses, uses pertaining to navigational requirements, water and land access needs and related facilities. Discretionary Use Criteria: A. The proposed use conforms with applicable: 1. Provisions of the Metro Plan; 2. Refinement plans; 3. Plan District standards; 4. Conceptual Development Plans or 5. Specific Development Standards in this Code; B. The site under consideration is suitable for the proposed use, considering: 1. The location, size, design and operating characteristics of the use (operating characteristics include but are not limited to parking, traffic, noise, vibration, emissions, light, glare, odor, dust, visibility, safety, and aesthetic considerations, where applicable); 2. Adequate and safe circulation exists for vehicular access to and from the proposed site, and on-s~te.circulation and emergency response as well as pedestrian, bicycle and transit circulation; 3. The natural and physical features of the site, including but not limited to, riparian areas, regulated wetlands. natural stormwater management/drainage areas and wooded areas shall be adequately considered in the Willamette Greenway Development, Setback Established . . - . , project design; and 4. Adequate public facilities and services are available, including but not limited to, utilities. streets, stonn drainage facilities. sanitary sewer and other public infrastructure. C. Any adverse effects of the proposed use on adjacent properties and on the public can be mitigated through the: I. Application of other Code standards (including, but not limited to: buffering from less intensive uses and increased setbacks); 2. Site Plan Review approval conditions, where applicable; 3. Other approval conditions that may be required by the Approval Authority; and/or 4. A proposal by the applicant that meets or exceeds the cited Code standards and/or approval conditions. Site Plan Review Criteria A. The zoning is consistent with the Metro Plan diagram, and/or the applicable Refinement Plan diagram, Plan District map, and Conceptual Development Plan. . B. Capacity requirements of public and private facilities, including but not limited to, water and electricity; sanitary sewer and stonnwater management facilities; and streets and traffic safety controls shall not be exceeded and the public improvements shall be available to serve the site at the time of development, unless otherwise provided for by this Code and other applicable regulations. The Public Works Director or a utility provider shall detennine capacity issues. C. The proposed development shall comply with all applicable public and private design and construction standards contained in this Code and other applicable regulations. . D. Parking areas and ingress-egress points have been designed to: facilitate vehicular traffic, bicycle and pedestrian safety to avoid congestion; provide connectivity within the development area and to adjacent residential areas. transit stops. neighborhood activity centers. and commercial, industrial and public areas; minimize driveways on arterial and collector streets as specified in this Code or other applicable regulations and comply with the ODOT access management standards for State highways. E. Physical features, including, but not limited to: steep slopes with unstable soil or geologic conditions; areas with susceptibility of flooding; significant clusters of trees and shrubs; watercourses shown on the WQL W Map and their associated riparian areas; other riparian areas and wetlands specified in Section 4.3- 117; rock outcroppings; open spaces; and areas of historic and/or archaeological significance, as may be specified in Section 3.3-900 or ORS 97.740-760, 358.905-955 and 390235-240, shall be protected as specified in this Code or in State or Federal law. SUBJECT PROPERTY LOCATION: ODOT ROWand Assessor's Map No. 17-03-33-44 TL 2600 DATE. TIME, PLACE AND LOCATION OF THE HEARING: December 7, 2010. at 7:00 p.m. at 225 Fifth Street in Springfield City Hall Council Chambers ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The application. all documents and evidence submitted by or on behalf of the applicant and the application criteria are available for inspection at City Hall at no cost and will be provided at a reasonable cost. Seven days prior to the hearing a copy of the staff report will be similarly available. CONTACT PERSON: Mark Metzger, Planner at (541)726-3775. Send written testimony to the Planning Commission c/o DSD, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon'97477, or attend the meeting and state your views. The hearing will be conducted in accordance with SDC Section 5.2-135. FAILURE TO RAISE ISSUE: Failure of an issue to be raised in at the hearing, in person or by letter, or failure to provide statements or evidence sufficient to afford the decision maker an opportunity to respond to the issue precludes appeal to the Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals on that issue. . Public Hearing Notice - Planning Commission 2 . "~bl~ \1 /.)~j~ II l r\ J;I/lIJ \ I - I l ....!.- ~ ikl ~J I \\ \1 _ ~ . /. ~ ~il'~if\'\~'I~~~; ~IJtii ',(< ~~/f--;q~' : =c. ."--=,,_. "'-- ,J. ~)f : - "' ~ IlJI!'<;.{" I'.if '" . -;z ~v) '" . ~ ~ -Z"J. & % ' ," . L , ^ '- ,::> "" . 1< --, .... ~"' ,$'~'/; ~\~^", .."'~~-!--. ,..; Iff, ~ ~ v'J ~~W;-' ": r It,; .... '~7 fi!'~-,.v . '" u ~, ~ /jP" ,du :~I~~~:;: I~ ) 0 /;r i/II!.." I" - -= ~A ~-1,.n . - 11 ..; 0" ",- ",::1 ~o cl-a; ~~ ~.. 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Feed Paper - expose Pop-Up Edge-. 1703343300200,300,400,500,100,200 OR Dept of Administrative Services Facilities Division 1225 Ferry Street SE Salem, OR 97310 1703343200400 Oldham Properties LLC 3330 Franklin Blvd Eugene, OR 97403 Chris Henry & Gary McNeel 99 E Broadway Suite 400 Eugene, OR 97401 1703343300700 Resident 3007 Franklin Blvd Eugene, OR 97403 L Segal Goal 642 C OR Ste 100 Meagan Banks L 859 a 97401 eet, Ste 500 ... n. ,_,- ~:-t-- . sensde~ ~ ..h""................... rev~ler Ie rebord PoD-UgTM ! I ~ AVERV@moCID 1 1703334402600 Oregon Dept of Transportation Hwy 355 Capitol St Room 119 Salem, OR 97310 1703343300700 Alpesh & Komal Patel 1851~Franklin Blvd Eugene, OR 97401 ey Cit~zens eet 1703334402600 Resident 3001 Franklin Blvd Eugene, OR 97403 Commerce b J U:tziO ~ I D www.avery.com 1-80ll-GO-AVERY