HomeMy WebLinkAboutOccupancy Septic Tank 1989-5-30 .. .. tic ~ _ ,/c!f?#:.1'5'7'~7"BS- Lane -:::EP7/c ounty Authorization for: <~~/-=-'" /#'5rA~.#-r/6"A7 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY / ~~~;t~a:i7~~-~7 >\OW:;SHIP /7 I RAr~~ I s~T3 _/~ I T:;;T?~; OF S~u~4,~~ION/PARTITION (if applicable) LOT/~EL I BLOC~ ~ "y~~""",.. /knA'/ '2-'YP ~z:>/r/a;y / ..c. ~ LOCATION ADDRESS STREET CITY ZIP l~tP1? U/.1??~/1',/.:) ~/ . STRUCTURES CURRENTLY ON PROPERTY 1M:: !',;-r D1RLLTiONS To SITe PROpOSED USE OF PROPERTY keJ Reside~tial 0 Industrial o Commercial D Public. /EH~_"",/A~ ~b'r#' d'/;fjI ,!firZJ~J-.I" P I"E'LL."'~"::;. ~.",r,'l-2,,&""' r:..~. / L' \';"1 1 '.'~/~ ~ur<1'" ~ 7)/~~~ /.~\..: \-'--: /,,\ ~::::SCRIPTION OF PRO~~ WORK - BE SPECIFIC ~ ".' Ii" . ~.~~ ~ "I 'f1\CLARED ~ VALUE /'" 7? ' -" - I!"_ ' - ~~~/I'<O>C:7~ ~F -s.F O<:.,;:'~hL.~ ('-J.' I~tfi.~,r'r:. :~_........._- . OF BEDR,~S r' OF STOR/"ES I 'OF EMPLOYEeS I \~ER SUPPLY~' MA ::",. 0 Proposed ,? rC/ZJLJC .:- Y 3 0 i~"q,__. ;--= ,WI. Existing O;~"NER' S NAHE AND ADDRESS \ U T..E! :PHONE NUMBER 0Mr r&cY~D \. l1i101:", . ,. r::?f'~--;."t~$=< CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND OSR # \.l;' ^ ::d ,ytLEPHONE NUMBER ~'I1"r~ /i?/f/~ ! P2'?9'b, ~..r;z? '3"-6'-'7P YJ~~or6'-3;rB< P::;RH.l'l' '1'0 BE MAILED TO (NAME AND ADDRESZ) DIWt. \lo-...~ ' 2':l-S-- #~ .t:::> '9' _ IUl' I TELEPHONE.a~Bf~ L-;3N~ Its/. Pc.-;:z:;6l'f". LN'5er~,,_5/-? ~P.P?D._ C>?-? "??'" ' ~-3t;;~ i- ,,- I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED APPLICATION FOR PERMIT, dnd ,10 hcrcl.>y eetttfy t,hat all information hereon is true and correct, and that I have the following legal interest in the property:Oowncr of r~cord; Ocontrdl.:t pllrcha50r;Oauthorized agent. I f'.;.rther certify that any and all work performed shall be done in aCCOtdaacr. wi th th~ OrdinanCtlf; of Lane COWlty and the Laws of tho State of Oro<}on pertainin<} to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will 00 made o[ nnr sl-,rncture ....ithout the permission of the Buildin<} Division. I fur- ther certify that registration with the Builder's Board is in full force .md effect. as required by ORS 70t.055, that if exempt the basis for C!xemption is noted hereon, And that only subcontractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. I HAVE READ AND CHECKED THIS APPLICATION THOROUGHLY. NAME (please print) SIGNATURE DATE READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. YOUR AUTHORIZATION ~iAS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS! o PLANNING/ZONING: Zone Partition It Parcel # Parcel Size Minimum Setbacks: CL. front CL. side interior rear COMHENTS : Date: n I' li1I SANITATION: S. 1. * Installation j,/l" j\ Specifications: t::It:=/U CQM.\lENTS:... Z" ~kl ,..." Gallon Tank i;;tJ ~~... Lim~al Feet of Dr.oinfield Yip, Installation Record Issued? DYes D No (}I I Maximum Depth c:>C-1 of Trenches ~,~ ~~f/-L. , I L-, 8-~ 11 Date: ..Qilil? B. P. It tZ N2D 8rl o PLANS EXAMINATION: Type Grouo Use COMHENTS: Date: n r ___ ~~~ ' I kAt> g'f PERMI'jAPPROVED BY BUILDING OFFICIAL/DESIGNEE (oer QRS 456.805(1)) ~--~ATE ' Fi& b.e. L1\NE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 687-4061, J (pO 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 ,./ ~ 1b~~f~~ SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INFORMATION r1~_?'~~~ - . . . " SETBt\CKS AND OTHER CO::OITIO:!S OF APPROV,\L ~lUST BE STRIC7LY OBSERVED. VIOLATION CA:~ RESULT IN REVQ- C;'7IO,l OF THIS PERHIT, eITATIa:; lJ~DSR ,,'ROVISIONS OF L'';).;E COli:;TY'3 INFRACTION ORDr.:;;"~CE~. ,\NO/OR OTHER' RENEDIES ALLOWED BY LAW. . . '. } '. . ',~ . .~. \o;HEN READY FOR Ic<SPECTION, CAL:" 687-..065. A mNHlU:-l OF AT LEAST 2.. HOURS ADV.\I;CE,NOT.ICE FOR INSPEC- TlUN HEQI.:t.:~Tt; ;.jl.i~T llE GIVEN. ,lave toe :.ollowing information ready: :cermlt number, Job address, type of inspection, when it will be ready, your name and phor.e nUr:1ber, and any spec'leI ,hrcctlons to slte.' BUILDING DIVISION: ", REQUIRED INSPECTIONS: 1: ,'FOund<l.tion inspection': To be made d"fter tre'nches"aie excavated and forms'erected~~p when_all rnater1als ~or tne toundation are delivercd on the job~ Where concrete from a central mixing plant (commonly termed "transit mixed") is to be used, materials need not be on the job. 2. Concrete Slab or Under-rloor Insoection: To be made after all in-slab or under-floor 'building serV1~e equipment, conau1t, ?lp1ng accessories, and other ancillary equipment items are in place but before any concrete is poured or floor sheathing installed,i~cludin~ the subfl~or. ). Framing ~ Insulation Inspections: To be made after. the roo'f, all fr~ming; fire blocking, and brac1ng are 1n place and all p1pes, fireplaces, chimneys, and vents are complete and all rough electrical and plumbing are appro,v.ed. AIl'wa'll insulation and vapor barrier are in pla'ce. 4, Lath and/or Gvpsum Board ~ection: To be made after all lathing and gypsum board, ;.nterior ano-extcrIOr, 1S 1n-pracelblJf before any plastering 1S applied and before gypsum board joints and fasteners are taped and finished. 5. Final Inspection: To be made after the building is complet~ and befor~ occupancy. APPROVAL REQUIRED. ~o work shall be done on any pa~t of'thebuilding'~r-Stfucture beyond the point' indicated in each successive in~pection.withoub'first obtaining the approval of the building official. Such approval shall b~"given only after an inspec~i~n'shall have been made of each successive step in:',the construction a.s~iildicated by each of..!:he.insP!"cti~ns required.,. .' '....". ... NOTE: All building permits require inspections for the work authorized, such as but not limite'tJ to: A. Block Wall; To be made after reinforcing is in place, but before any grout is poured. This rnspect~on is required for each bond beam pour. There will be no ap?roval until the plumbinq and electrical inspections have been made and approved. . B. wood Stove: To be made after completion of masonry (if applicable) and when installation is compl~ Installation shall be in accordance with an approved, nationally recognized testing agency and the manufacturer's installation instructions. C. Mobile Home: An inspection is required after the mobile home is connected to an approved sewer-or-5eptic system for setback requirements, blocking, footing connection, tiedowns, skirting, and plumbing connections. 1. Footings and piers to comply with State foundation requirements for mobile homes or as recommended by the manufacturer. 2. Mobile home minimum finish floor elevation shall be certified when required by a flood- plain management letter. ). Mobile home tiedowns, when required, and skirting shall he installed and ready for inspec- tion within at least 30 days after occupancy. Tiedowns and skirting shall be installed per enclosure. D. Swimminq Pool: Below grade when steel is in place and before concrete is poured. Above grade woen pool-rs-installcd. ,\PPROVED PLA.~S :.IUST BE O~ THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING WORKING HOURS. TillS PERMIT WILL EXPIRE IF WORK DOES NOT BEGIN WITHIN 180 DAYS, OR IF WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR MORE THAN 180 DAYS. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION 11AY OCCUR IF THIS PE~~IT WAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORMATION. ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POI,;T or REQUIRED INSPECTIO,lS WILL DO so AT THEIR OWN RISK. SUBSURFACE ~ ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS: 1. Permits shall be effective for one year from the date of ,issuance. 2. Upon completing the construction for which a permit has been issued, the permit holder shall ~ notify the Lane County gepartment of Planning and Community Development by submitting the installation record form. The Department shall inspect the construction to determine if it complies with the rules contained in this division. If the construction does comply with such rules, the Department shall issue a certificate of satisfactory completion to the permitiholder. If the construction does not. comply with such rules, the Department shall notify the permit holder and shall require satisfactory completion before issuing the certificate. Failure to meet the requirements for satisfactory completion within a reasonable time constitutes a vio- lation of ORS 454.605 to 454.745 and this rule. Setbacks - Subsurface S~wa'1C DisDosal Septic Tank 10' 10' 5' 50' Drainfield 10' 10' 10' 100' F:-om: Interior property lines Edge of road rlqilt-of-way Buildinq foundation Wells, other water sources ~ >" . \' ~ , , '\ I 1\. I '. --"1 ~ , . . /V"r.e. '. .' :' ... '. '.'" "';",'\,~: ':~>';t;.,,::;;;,;~': ~PeJU'J ~.-~" n~ '~;.L.q~ '/.N~,. .~.."I'l"" ,_-.1. ',",-0 ./ ~' ". , ,,r.,,-,,, " /"T~ "".........C.'. '-, ,....,,".. . ."" ...::.:.2:'......':~,. 70 p/(,A1//v' To fT...<'EET -'#/VP,-:.. ,,'-,"'~;";'.:',' /,,{'&V/PE: .)&77": P,f',&/,N,Pao,E'A',WA1Y, " rA'Cl/'1 "pClV/VPA>.T7dA". r 7bJVA'~p. -fTA'.:ET . . 81,tj.{J. . " "," . +101'1 Irt " 'f\ D"J'''J'0~ ;":!j) I -,. l I II \" ..~)J '.. ,tl/5T, r-'- - - -'- - - .:-I ' 8&x >>. /SCl Lr::_~....v.---l I I L9/h'/#/'lt::'E /)~P I 1-- _ _ _'':-__~ I . " . n. ~/Cld(7 , G"A'L,. . ,- ~ .fE~T~c 'T/7/V~-: ;2.7-0 III 4" /?v,c--: ~ . . \. 'O:J,T.EM~_" ttf .' - - O. .' ", ....0;'-.. \! I 0., i'( APPRoVED ONLY FO" ". IN ACCORDA ~ RESIOENnAL US! Of THE SPR'NGF~~ ; VITH ARTICLE 16 ..: >EVfLOPMfNr COO! f.irl. c . . ,~,:'~ _: ,:: ~ .' '. p.... ~) ~t.'J-o '\) ~ " \\1 . [', I I 'J '\Ii ~ ~I " /;/ ~\ l#dJE , '. ' :: . , , --, /.04" '- ;/0-0 I I '..:' ~ L ~ .. . .-; +Jr'- ~ . .1. ':. ".'. ~ ~/M'I9,:;,E . ;5' ,'. .~}...,:.~'~ \l I ," ' ,'. (j , " ' .f,E7'.J/1c-/<' ~ ,".,~:-: " ~~. ll., '-',:':.-. \ ' . ~ L ,~ I ~l' ,"," ',. ~ , ~ ~;' , ~~ r" ~ ~ ~ 1+,(" 8/.::7 -I- I ,p /f (J/'(].5' .E P (.\~ CV;8~ 6'v7TE)- /~-o 1:1' \I , I :t /:<-0 I;) I 1"1 22-0 ,'M"\' 1tJ...'W/,{Jf ,\I?YW)', ~t"1 \ - ----,-- ---------t---- I ?/?o/"o.fEP '-0"/)- /?,f'/vEW'#Y EX/f 7//V"," /,J'/ W/PE L/.I: YJoy y, t. V/h'ft/OND Wh'y o -5 s-htt~ ~: " . . . . . - :" I' . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . ;..," . 13 , . . Ioj:l' . . . . . APPLICANT KONOLD, GARY ."U!i 703:~31400903 SUBDIV NEW BLDG TYPE USE R BDRMS 0 OWNER ~ME KONOLD, GARY . (;emE (.'lPPI" NO ACTION DESCf<:;::::-T:,ON 1:<1'" r ~B~' .'F' [lP 1,iF' ~'L MECH .':UR P'Ct< .'IDS ."'D~:"j ""l, ~ANE COUNTY DEPT ENV MGT ~ECEIPT t ADDR '685 DIAMOND ST., \ 42(~)G~j D;;'?'~:: 01.:)()i .:;"e S~:';'\INGFIF.:.;",D, ()j'~ ,_DT ~,.,,<. UNITS 001 STORIES IBLDGS 00~ PHONE 726 3~S0 . r;~DI)F~ ,'j i,85 DI(.~MCJND SM;" , I S'::';.\:::N.:~.Fi:~::L..T/I C~\ " SQ FT UNIT GGST VALJA7rOM ~EE DAY I I .11tl . '~,FIX/.Bf~TH : SWf< : FT. WH<: MECH,~NICAl" FE,: STf~TE SUf;CHAI:'GE F:LAN CH[CI< FE!:: ::'Y f<A:.:~ : '''T ," I . ,Il1 . :>% 251.; . ;..C i 426B9 SDSS FE:.!': . 1[" ( . G{\'~'G : A~:'P l~r:-~ j::'p SDS "... F'C!< DTI-! ISS . S'EQ,,J : .'A-:::: N I' Y [, Ii 2 :3 EST. COMoLETION DATE D ::: ? c: S ::: -:" .:.::~ ().(;~ ,:'C . ~ n 1 . . . <.> no :0'''::- ... . . ., . . OS 0 . . . "'. ~o u . ... - It . .. It . , . . . ggO . . .. . m .. . . . . e . . ..._':_~---- -.- - --'- - - -,'-'- - - - _.- - - -- -- - -- - -- -'- -'-..-~- . . LANE COUNTY DEPT ENV MGT RECEIPT ,g, 14261;19 DATE 060189.e APPLICANT KONOLD, GARY ADDR 1685 DIAMOND ST., SPRINGFIELD, OR uBO .:L~ 1703331'400903 SUBDIV LOT BL.K. NEW BLDG TYPE USE,R BDRMS 0 UNITS 001 STORIES ~BLDGS 001 PHONE 726 3669 OWNER NME KONOLD, GARY ADDR 1685 DIAMOND ST., SPRINGFIEL.D, OR . CODE APPL NO ACTION DESCRIPTION SQ FT UNIT COST VALUATION FEE DAY~. n.~~ '-lP .I)P BP ~'L MECH .,UR I"CK SDS LC 142689 SDSS .~DEQ FEE 00 0 e CATG: API" SEQU: 1 erAKEN BY BB . ~FIX/BATH: RA ' ._ _ H" . SWF~ : FP FT. WTR: MECHANICAL FEE STATE SURCHARGE PLAN CHECK FEE SDS SI PCK OTH EST. COMPLETION DATE 2 FT. RAIN: 5% 2S/,; ISS 3 DEPOSIT ** . FT e oan . . . 5 0.00 PO . 000 . "I<~IUtNI." , '. A.'CATION/FE 22~'North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 \bBS Aaaeaaaro Map N I r; - 03. S'5 -/<-1 - L..D1- \2 B\'!:::.. S -z"'.,} Ad.:i.t,~ 6:::..-"" . D'::>v>1."",d Job Loc.:%Cion: Subdiuisiotl: CUner: Ko I\J 0'-0 AddrCD:J: \OI~ '. T' SpVk\. S+Vee.l,. City: ~"., ri Addition h Rcmo.:!41t n .'fob~ tc f1C'f11~ \-..Je.-v Date of Applicatioll Contractors General 5-\0,-69 Plumbing 'i'l1;chanic;ll -Elccc.rit:.al G";)V"-l, k...t-.Jo\..o D"", L<2--<..JIs, \-\:>v" e'--j :!i Sov- .1 cie", \ _Superv,~_9inA_ Slcct;r.ici:1fl Tex Lot u()(R () ~ .. \f1~ V ~-;;,vcle"""''-L.l"::>v, "?;....\c P];01W: 146- 3b ~~ 9,4/, ~[Cfl~ , ' M n:b,_ ,8 AY 3 0 7989~_'.o :'2 ~~~ Siqr,ed: Data: ;\cldrpss Value 03,000"'== Lise." 'Iildrs llourel Re~. S"Z- 1"'10 gxp:t.n~s 3-b-"IO "h..(\n~ '1"1-1,- 36 c,'l- c.~8- \<1 7> \ 14<'- 1<' "'1, O INsur.A'rrON/VIlPOR llAliRIf:n INSPF:C'rIVN: To be loode aftor all inuuZ;zti:m a.>Jd . rcqu-:'J.ed vapor.1;Q1'l''':o1'o aro in plaOB but heforo any latll~ gypsum board or well covering io applied~ end beforQ ~IY inaulatio'l ia concealed. o o DRYI/AU. INSPCCT!ON: To bo mado artCT' an dr'YlJaU ia in place, but prior to any tapinu. MASONRY: Steol locatio'l, bond ben",:), grouting or vcr.ticals in accol'Clanca l.1i.t}, U.B.C. Scction 2415. WOODSTOVF.: After installation io ccmpZetcd. zip: Deacribe r,'ol'h: \-J.~ e.- It i4 ~hfJ rooponaibitity of t}w pormit hotdel' to BOD that alt. inopeotiono a..r'a made at ths pl'OpD'l' timc, that eaoh =ddrsso is l'ca.1a.;:o: from thll strout, an:! t}lat the PCI'mit oaN! is l.:x:atud at the [I'Ont of tho propel'ty. ~,!jui!.di:1l) O{ui::io.': apPl'oJ..'ad plan shell J'cl1U1i,1 on thz Du~l,/i.lI!1 Sit:; at all. timeD. .pnOCSOURE FOn IN.<:PF.CTION RE:OUES7':CALL 726-3769 (J'ccordar) statu yOUJ' city .:le/J~an.:1.ted job numbo,.~ job ac!drocBB~ typo 01 in3pl:c~iC'1l l'cquc:Jtcd a::d 1ol.1;C'1 you uiL l be ready {or inspeotion, Contraotore or lAJnor:J nama and phonc numbel'. Rflquf:ot. recoivlld bolero 'I :00 C':1 :..'ill. bo made the uame dey, requosts medo aftc~ 7:00 am wilt bz tooelo tho n~xt :xn'kin.J daY'n 4n< YOllr City Dcaia,:ated Job NlUnbcr la: (')q(j r)S J1ro.q"~:"'L'A r..'~n...,..h:r.,.,q ,~ SIT!.' ItlSN.'C'."lON: To b~ m:J.da altal' ~ e%cav.:1ti..:m, !mt pr'ie1' t~ :Jet lip of forms. ,I UNDrHSLA8 pw,',mmr., nrCTHIC,lL & .-.-J MECHANICAL: To be made be[or'ij any work is ~oucred. CJ FOOTINC ~ FOU.vO.1TrC": To be m:J.ca aftor tr.mdl<!Q are excavated and formo arc e,'oct<!d, but priot, to pouring ccnC1'ct.:. U,\'DSRC.WUND P:'Uflf!!TNC, SS/IF.,r?, r/.iTER, DHAIIIA~'f.': 1'0 be Irrz:1'e pI'ior' to liL- ~ir.{J tl'anc}jq~, CJ CJ UHDF:RFWOR rr.U/..'DING ,~ NEC!fANICA~: 10 be ma.de prior to itlutaLLat'ton of j100r insulction or dc~king. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to instaLlattC'1 of floor' itl31:lation or> dcckit1{j. nnur.lI ,nr,ll.'ml}!.9..._ r.r,r.C'[ji!CI1r. .~ MRClI;. AN/ellf.: No well'}:,. iu L'O be eOL'al'ed ur.ti~ tljc:Ja in~pec:io':3 h.-we bee': made and app~'ove:!. FI.~F.P{.ACE: Prior to pLc.cil:q facing metol.taLs and befol'c [''CJJnina iuepec- tior:. :J CJ ::J :J FRAI!/Nr.: /oIu:;t be rcque:Jtecl after approJ).1l of J'ouoh plwr.bill!1' ;']loctri- caL & mechani~aL. ALl roOfing bracing ~ chimn~YD, et~. nr~3t 36 ; compLeted. !lo rJ:}rk is to be conM . coaLed until cIlia in3pection has 'bee." mad~ and appl'Ol:cd. D o CUIlD ,( A}l['ROACI1 APRON: After' fOnr/3 Q1'C cra~ti!d but pr'ior to pour>inU ':On.:rete. 'D<'I/OLITION OH !lOVrD BUlLDIIICS :=J Scini~ary aQUer ::tapped :it p~opcrt~. lir.e =:J S.ptio tank pump.d, and fit/.d uitiz 31'O0'! ~ Final - l{,hon abo~o items arc ccmp~ated ---.J ar.d w}len demolition is oomplate Ot' Otl1lJM turo moued and pr&mi.aos oLllanod up. Mobi.le I1cmflD ~ BlookinU and S,t-up ~ PlwnbiniJ connoct~ons -- DCt"lOl' and lJa~or ---, ELootrieal Cannootion - BLooking, DO:-U~ ---l and plumbing connootions nr~st co appro~,d bofore roquooting eloo~rical inspcc~io~ =:J Aoaoo.:Joro,,' Sui l~ing ~ Fin.:1.1 - Afttlr' p:Jra1:oo, okirtin!J, deck!J, ~ ote. aro ocmpZotcd. [J :AH project nondition3, ouch 00 tllo l:lIstaLlatO::on of a.t-r'oot troes, co.~loti"n of t~c' , l'equirad Zand:Icc.pi':a~ etc., 'mlo~ be Datisfied b.cfore tho DUILDINe FINA4 c:an .!lo rsquc3t:Jd. :=J FIlIAL PWI-:811!G D FIliAL ME~lIA:lICM. o FINA~ rUCTRIC/.L 10 o f'IN.U DU!1,OrNC: 7'}z(! f'i'lal 8:litdi'la Inope(:t'iotl nnlst bo raqueotod altor t}IO FinaL PZwnbi,IJ E:LcctJ'.i~aL, am! Mcchar.ictll Inspecciol1o havo boen made and appro~~d. o srm:rIAr,K ,( VRIt'f.,'/II.Y: FOI' all con- cJ'de pauir'!1 withi" stroot riaht- of-/X.y, to be made aftel' all e.rca- ~atill!1 conpleto I. form IJOrk I. cub~ ba:;e roo.te~i<lZ. in pla::o. 'AI.!. 1-I,1NIIO~rS AND CU:AIIDU"S IIUST Of: ACCo'SSIDU:. ADJUSTUrN'! TO B8 IL1Dr AT /I~ COST TO CITY I Po,le of ~ D [R]~~ks !'ENCf.': h'lIer: cOo7lpleta -- Provide aatee OJ' movable tJaotions through P.U.F."