HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-6-5 (2) .. RESIDEpT L" SPRINGFIELD APPLICATI T 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 \bBS Aamam Map K I r; - 03, ~ '5 - I <-J - Lo -I- \2 \3. \ \<:.. S --z"'~ ~cl,t,~ 6::>v"'-I . \).-;:".-,,,,,,,,0 Job Location: SubdiviBion: CUrIel': KOl\Jo'-..D dd \"""Ll. '...,..., A rCD:J: v,, \ _City: Sp\='\d. S-h.-ee+ clN"',' n Additicn n RcmO.:!(l~ n .'Iob'; ~l! 1I0"'~ "J e......u Date of Applicaticll 1ont.racr.ors General 5-\0.-89 Acldrps~ Val". 03,000"'::':. Lise. II 'Illdes Ilounl S -z.. "l"l/o Plumb ing -Hechanical -El.~cl:ric"l G,,:>v,-, ko\..Jo\-O i:)",,- Le-.u \ S. \-!,::)Y'-' e...., ~ Sov, 'I ~e" \ Ta Lot H()(R03 G,,,,vcle,....,"-l'::>,-,\ ~V'\<.. PI;",,": 14b-3b~L zip: 9,4ft DeDcl-iba rl'ol'l~: ~OVY'\. e..- _Reoa'", ., ~ V ~ /4tJt./~ .. Signed: Data: /tIjJ- i /J "S ~(.f.(o, j Re'!. EXPires 3-b-"IO Pbonn '''1-1,- 36 t.L.- C.e,5- \9:' \ 141,-'11,'"7, _supervi_~ing c.lectr.icLIrI H \'6 :he rooponoibdity of the permit holder to soo that aLL inopcctions aro r.tada at tho proper timc, tJ;at eaoh =ddrU8 is raa=a,;:o.? from the utreut, an.:/ that the pCl'lrnt oard iB txatud at the front of tho propel'ty. .t!Jui!di!1lJ Divido.': IlPPt'or..'cd FZa'l s}u:.lZ pemain on tile [Ju~ZcU"g Sit:: at an times. 'p.70CEDUP.E FOn INSPECTION REpUEST:CALL 726-3769 (l'Ccol'd~r) Dtatu yOtH' City designated job nwr.bol'" job address, typo 01 in3poc~iC"1 requested a.-:d W.':<Jfl you win be ready for inspection.. COlltract01'8 or G\Jnera ncmo and phone number. Requests l'ecoived bslol's 7:00 C':1 ;.'i.L~ bo made t}IC /Jamo clay, requests made after 7:00 ern LJin b:! made tho nc.:rt :.J01'king daY'1) 4n< Your City Daaig"at.d Job Number Ia: ("')q () r)S .JlNJlli.,.,.rI, Tn~:r.lf'(.t':r.rr"1 O SITE INSN:r::,"JQN: To be nude alter c.:rcavation.. ,;ut pr'icl' tc set up of forms, O UNDtRSLAB PLL','.ffl!Nr;, ELECTRIC,t! & NECHA,VICAL: To be foods befol'.? any work is ~overed. I"'J/FOOTINC J FOU.VD;ITICII; To be ""c. L::::J alter tr'om:h;::J aru e.:rcavatcd and forme arc erected, but prim' to pouring cencz'ct,;. JAF!bSRCROU,~ID P,~U"!!!INC.' S.r;:I/F:R. lI.iTER, .LJ DHAINAGf.': ~'O be loo.:1e pJ'ioJ' to fi l- lir.l) trlIne}ulc. ~NDERF'LOOR PLU/..'lJr,'/c ,~ MEC!lANICAL: ..LJ T~ ba made priol' to i,z:;tallation of j100r in8ulction or decking. ~sr AND BEI.,.,: To be made prior to -=:::::J i~stallaticll of flool' in:Jl;lation 01' dccki11{;. ---,~r;1I !'r,W!Rl1!!!.J.-El:f:r:r..{r!C/l!.. .~ MF-ClI;:.. ~ AN/CAt.: No wor'k. i:.r '0 be <:or..'cz'cd ur.til t}tc:Je ill:Jpc(.'~io1::J h.1VC beer. madc a,td approve:!. ~ FIREP~ACE: Prior to plccir.l) facing .-J mc.tor'ial8 and befol';! fr'wning inDpec~ tior.. ~RA}!INr.: Mud; bc r'cqucDted after ...LJ ~pprov.J:l of l'ouiJh pZwr.billfJ, alectri- cal & mech.:.mi.::al. Al! roofi7llJ bracina t chimncyo, et~. ~~st be ;comptetcd, no ~rk 1.0 to be aon- . coaled untiZ t;}1'~a in:rpcction has . been ma.d~ ane appl'or..'cd. r-JANsur,/1TTON/VA/.l()R HARRIER INSPECTION..' ~ To be made after atl in8uZati~n a~ . rcqu:'l'ed vapor barriers are in plaoe but boforo any 'Lath, gypswn board or wall ~~verina is applied~ and bofo~B any inaulatio'l itJ conceated. ~rIlM,r, INSprCTION: Te ba ""da l:::::J ~ftcr' all dr'ywall io in place" but prior to any tapina. o location" bond or uel'ticalo in U. 8. C. Section 'D<WOLITION OR i.IOVED BDILOIIIGS ~ Sani~QJ1Y BBUel' oappod ~t P:.OPC1"tli Zir:o =:J S.pti~ tank pwnp.d. and jHlDd uith ora",l ] Final - rlhon abol1e items are completed ar:d uhen demolition is o~npZote or DtMI~~ turo moued and p1"cmi8eB ol8aned up. J./obi Zo 1/emBo =:J B~ooking and Set-~p =:J PlumbinJ connect~onB .- Bowor and Wa~Br ---, Eleotrioal Connootion - 8tocking, oo:-u? .-J and pltunbing connoct1.ons trr..lBt to appro.:ed bolorc l'oquesting Bloo~rical inepoc:io~ =:J AO.:Jos80ru I1ui lding ] Fin::zl - AftlJf' porcJ:es~ skirting, etc. aro OOT/pleted. decks, MASONRY: Staet beron:J, groll :1-lIg acaordarwo wi t}l 2415. o 1I00DSTO'lF.: ccmplutcd. Aftcl' inotaUation io o :AU PZ'oJ'cct c!ondition:r, :mc!: ao the i.lIstaZlat~on of o:roet erDos, co:-:rpZation of tne' , required lam!:Jcc:pil:g, etc., must be eatisfied before the BUILDING FINA4 can !Jo rzquoDt:rd, ~INAL BUIWTNC.. 1'},,, I'inal Bui/ding Inapeation nn,.t bo roqueatod a,rtor tl.a ;inal Plwnbin3 <() ~lcctr'i~at, mil.! J./aaJulr:icaZ Inspcctiono hauo bOQ" mado and appl'o1J2d. ~IIIAL PLUI-:B/I!C 0FIIIAL I-IE~IIA,'IlCM, ~AL EUCTBJCI.L ~D .( APPROACl1 APRON.' Aftc,,;, forma b::::J ;.~ are::tcd but proiol' to pouring .::on"1'ote. r/(~~;f/Af'K ,( DRIt'f.'f.JI.Y: F'or 'aU ~on- ~ Cl'ete PCWiTI!J uithin stl'oct riaht- of-LJeY, to be made after aU e:rca- vating conplete & fOrr:! wrk & cub~ baDc l1Xltoria~ in pln~e. o [RJ ~+-ks ;ENCR: f"fJIOr. complGtc -- Provide !Juto~ at' movabZc oaotione thl'ough P.U.E.. 'M.L NANflCLES AND CLI-.'AIICU'!'S 1111,','1' 81: ACCESSIBLF., ADJUST!fE.'NT TO BE.' 'HOE AT NO COST TO CITY I PO,l. of ~ !o I JOU NoJ:101?5 S"CCESS .REQ.- Zona: Occu nc Craun: Lot Sq. Ft.. ~<=\.\ 1...\ ~ or lot C.:JVeragc ~(z.. \ \Y' ()-,\~ .. L-COCt .f of StorieD TotaL Hoight Topography I I TU:II k~l I I ~\l\ \ I 195? I I I MaLn Gr.J'tfl';(! I Carncrt I Accr,3!10rlJ Is. D.C. TOTAr; VAWe (vaLue) 1. S '" ' Bu.ilding Permit .sea tll Surcharge Totc.l CharglllJ l^,o.me I I I I I I I I IITEII "...turou ~ \C)~ /RooidentiaL 11_bath) I Sanit,1ry SmJor I Water' 10 . _ _ ~\(""~."":'\~ PLumbing Porrr.i t Stats Surc1-.arge TotaL 1:1!!7.i:no. I In'''' I Rp.!I. S". rtn. I NarJ/ExtBnd Ci.rcuits I Temporary ServicB I I NO. ; I I " I I I El6~trioal Permit Stato Surcharae TotaZ Charcoo I IT~/of I Furn.lcn !!TV'S Exhauo t Hood Vent Fan I Woodntovo P8rmit I8suanoe I I Curbcu~?B !Sid01JaLk \.Cnl"fua\().:. ..\~'\..." To ea 1. Cha1"!1CJs I fcn:!n ELectrical Labor/(D~~~ /ofobih H"",o I t.f1 1=3 P:> ~ I\.' I I........., ~ ICo3~fA.~ I I I', I I I 10~'41 Iq l.\ q _&J:;, 2>'L~.- \(,,~l~1 I~l.\\ .'-';) I, '?l)A~ i I ~ '2. ,'5C::> I 1'2.0.00 I I \~.c::c I I\(.,~.oo I-~ 'b~\4.~ ~~e....- I\C\'<!.~ I ~~\c..- ~Q-,6~ ~~~\O~\. I 7\ o~ I "-- . C. 1\ \ ~j:~8 I ' - ~ ~ ~ O\"J>-..l" '-\- I~~A./I~ I Electrica I Perm it /!l.'2 ., ""'"'~ I I\~.C>~ I I I I~~.'SCJI I '2. . (03 I I S:=). ~ I. I I Interior .: . /'cornsr.......: PanhandLo CuL-de-iJ~C x n'E I CI/ARCe (o.('() ~() ( (") .C"C\ I I p.r;. INorth Ir.ant Isou th Ilient T;'PiJ/Cor.nt: V\ Sathnckn I I lIlOUGp. ~~ It:cC(!,'l!!. : : I \() I I I~'-\ II I \~ II n~droor.:~: ~ ElI~rnlJ SoaJ'r=cn !leat l::\or-:;::-- Watm' !/r.otfl'f.::\J? (' \" Rallgt? (..:..\. I) C-=\' Fircnlnr:.? \" "\\ ~ Wood;; to(;,q \. '\ \ l'\... Ti/('(1 Farm Building Value & Permit TIJia I'r.,.",it in (franted 011 t11/1 nxpr(Jon aOMit-ion Lila/. tilt; /I,lid COI1f:t./"UcU, (lilaH, in all. l"t1l1l'cct::, confor,", to the O/yil:ll,lI;f.'t1 :trlopr.,'.! h!! dlt'! City of Sprill(7finld. il1C!ud~"a the ~Ollin!7 Cf'd~Il""r:I:. 1'r.:ll1l(:Li.'l~J tll,J cCIl::tr:l.:tLClI mId Iloa of lJlIildittgfi. and m:;!! luJ flIwpclldod 01' rC1Jokcc (,:L (;':y t~",~ /./j'0/; U lotioll of ally l'r.:Jvi.1i01:n of naid 'Ordi/:.t2l1c(!r.. I Plnn Check Fer.: "I) /I .6L'\ I Cotc Pa,d: ;:So N. (:;'1 /,lec:ipt.II;/7 f,::,clflfi I SiP"'l'i2:J,:[).tJ ~) Plumbing Permit No parcon ohnll COllntJ'uct, inotaL!., altar OJ' eha/lac t:11!l neW Cl' c=i.atiIlQ plumbina or drainage (Iynia.:lI ill ;.Jhola aT' i'l part, w:Lc"r, [wail pCJ'r.OIl is tl: leaal ponocsnOl' of a lJaUd plwnbar't; liccn:;c, cxcapt U:Gt a 1'1':;-0:;011 ma~1 do pLwnbill!l work to IJJ'opr!l'f;y .IJhich ill owncd, Lca:::r.d or OpCl'atcc! bU tJ:~ c;.ppLi cant. ',: - W]Ul1'O 5tata (,alJ rcquil'f!n that tho clr.ctrical Iol(,)I'K be dona by 01/ Elc:::tricQ, Contractor, the electrical Fortion of :)lt3 rCI'rn~.t :;JIL1LL root be uaLic! IIfILi.; tho laba l Jmo bean Oia1T~d by the ELee trica L ;'011 trGO tor. Mechanical Perm&t .\ ~.'1'~ Ptnn-t;xamLIlr.,' ) , " \. },'-.~ ~ (t,;'1~\ -IT\ I 1/A VE CAREFULGr EXAMINED tho completed application for p"rmi t, and do Jloreby certify that aLl i..--:formatiol1 hOl'ooll iG truR and corrcce, and I furtlu;ro certify that any ar.d an work perfol':1led aJlIll! bQ d0:111 in cecor. I danc6 with the OI'dill;mcea of thG City of Spri110ficLd, an..1. eh: La-.Ja of tho .4 State of 01"00"11 !,srtaillill!1 to tho work describcd hGr6~'I, elld tJVlt NO oce!}. PANel will be tTU.1e of ally otructlO'.g witho:.lt p3rmi,a;Ji.o.'1 of tho Suildi,l1(1 Oi. lIi,aion. I furthnr certify that o:1ly contl'actOl'3 a;~d c71pl.:Jyot>o who are in ccr.rptianca with ens 701.05t witt be u8ed on this proJ'sct Sinn.,~. l~ fl....