HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-7-7 " '~~~'.~:-'f. ....:..: ....~. <: .,....".. .-~.: ..... ..... ... ......--.,;_., '.~ ", ~'_~_.. . ..' ..,:;....~tIf..,...",,,,",,,,,"....;. ,..-..:0....::...:. _.. .. RESlDeTlAL.. APPLICATION/PER/fIT .' 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, 'Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 , Job Location: /51'-1 -:p,.,......c:f /7~03-34-J~ i<.~ iJ,tfc.,e ,,' A8De8Dor~ Map II Subdivision: \ SPRINGFIELD s+ Tex Lot # III;; 1-<>+# 9 .....~, ......-.. _.: . '. .' ~ Rcca::ot fi ." I I ';{ 'j d-. .- " ./ is /4v.-.c> <' ( Ct.mer: ,- -...4~__ \ l ~ 17{-,L c......~.:I $-r 10\. Address: pr.one: '-/<f :)-1'I}(a City: oZ "1............. 6)J'../ Zip: 77'1'<-,/ ~",.," .' , n n n Additicn Remodel !!obi l2 .:lama .001-:;-- /<:1 f' Date of A~~licaticn , .. :.;On'tra.::::ors Describe rl1ork: "f?cs,do..A,:! Cc"o/;..<<j~."-:,, srrz- Value ~/d./J AdcireS3 General h../u.J .~~ /7fJ.. r-...~...Jrf '~A-t". .JG, fYf fc Ii... Co/""_ .;>r...~h. r;.()B"'~":J 3- ~ Pl.wnbir.p t"{_ 47'(<...';-1 Electrical (j.J 1/u...,J) (JlJ '?97'3}Jvo=.-l.. ~~ . eG-' 4--}o{J .J f.fechar.ic.::Z K.. fh- /J,,;;;, , .?.r1D E 111/<. - C;-,.,faL &:-<.<J' Constl'Uction L~nde1" \ J It is the respOTlDibiLity of ths permit holder to Bee that al.z. inapections aJ"e r.:ade at the Frope1" timt~ t}:at, .:lech :;ddress is rea.iciJ~~~ J1-om the et1"eet, and that the permit cmYl is L.xated at the front of the properr;y. -Bui!.di:--.g rr;vi::w!": appro1-.ed plan sheZl. rer.:ain on r:h.:; BuiLding Sit:; at; aU times. , .' PROCEDURe FOR IrlSpeCTION REOUEST:CALL 726-3769 {recorder} state your City desigr..:zted job nur,:ber. JOO ac.acss. type oj ir:~pec=icn requested a~~ when you ~ill be reaay for inspection, Contractors or ~~e~s r~~e cr:d pnor:c nu~cr. Reques=s recei~ed cej~ra 7:00 ~ :.:iZl. De fr.aac 'the same dcy~ reques'ts mc.dc c:.f'ta" 7:00 am wiU b~ made the n.::;:;; :x>rkir.g C:;?1'. _r?"m.Ji t:~1 T"'.J":...ro"'~,:r:'r'_r: :I SITS I;".'SP~=':'IO:.': To De made :-.J e.:cav~'ti"'n. but prior to set forms ~ ~ after up of UNDF:RSL~3 ?LUl.!3nlG. EL'E(:7'P.IC,1L ,I} leCH.J..::.t.-C:'I.: To be made before any work is ~otJcred. "'7l . FOOT~ ! FOUNaTIO!l: To be made ~ after trenches are e.:cavated and forma are erectad~ but prior to pourir.g ccncret<. dO 1;).(, ~. U.'.'DERGROU::D P~U.'.!BI!."G. SEWER. f..'.1TEH. ~ DRI.I1.'AG2: To be ma.:ie prior 'to fil.- lir.g trer:cMs. . dl, ~ Ut'IDERFLCI).~ PLU.'.'3I:.'G ,p, MECHANICAL: ~ To bo ~~e prior to ~n~t;a~Lat~on of ~oor insuLation or decking. ) POST Al.'D EEAt:: To be fr.adc prior to insta~Z.::;icn of floor ins~Latior. or deckin,;. O:~ , ?I, 4) 'Xl ROUCH ?[,l.:?.'BI:.1C. ELECTP.!CAE- I: MECH- ~ ANICAL: No ~ork is to DC co~ered .UY.til these inspectior.s have beer: ] made ar.d cpprovc.:i. FIREPLACE: Prior to pZccir~ facing mcteriai.s ar.d befol'e framing inspec- tior.. ~ 10 FRA"!Il.'C: }.fust be requeated after approv~l of rough pl.Uffhing. elcc'tri- cal. & mccr.anical.. AU roofing bracing & chimneys. etc. nr~st be ;' co11fDl.ctca. !Io work is to be co>>- .. ccc:led until this insrJection has . b€~n mad;: and app1'OL'cd. ?-~ n FIliAL PLW[3I/10 1fl ~ FIliAL M!:~HA:IICAL -~, ~t') .lJ FINAL /:LEr::RICAL .Your Cil:f Decigr.at,e'<J,ob Numba' It;: r-t;f Il.'SULATION/VAPO.9. BARRIER nIS?~CTION: ~ To be ~ade after al.l. insul=tian a;4 .~ rcauired vapor car.riers are in place. but beforc any lath. gypswn beard or wll covering is appZied~ and beforc cmy irwu la ticn is concea led. II [] DRYWALL n/SPE:CTIO.l,': To be made after a~l drywall is in pl.ace~ but prior to any taping. II l ~ &- Siar.cd: -If.-0 ~ 'Date' <:"'/U-/&,fr' 1/~7-f(:r L-:..::;c.# E::;;ires H;onc O ~!ASONRY: St~el Deam3 ~ grou. t1.ng accordance r.n.th 2415. O WOODSTO'lE: After instaLlation is ccmpletcd. location~ bond or verticals in V.B. C. Section o Cjo-,q I CURB & APPROACH AP.~N: Aftero forms are erected but prior to pouring con.:l'e te. SIDEWALK & DRIt'EWI'..Y: For all con- crete paving within street right- of-wc.y.. to be made after all e:rca- vating compl.cte & fo~ work & ~ub~ base material in pla~e. ;>/ Iff .L1S"D I ,?.j.'17~b .:lvL o.,/U ..17J 'i' of Jd-f- ?/rJ;- .:4/"'<; YkS,.5I7;" '., '4V}'.'YU,',_:./ 4'y/-.i"?L "7 Y/-oo L- [] o !"Ef.':E: M'her: complGte -- P't'ovide gates 01" movable sections through P.U./:, \ .~. . o .' > g '305S~' . DENJLITIO.'.' OR t:O'tr::~ o:.':ILDI;.'GS ~ ~ani :ary 8e..1l!r :::apped .=t ;n:.opcrty lir.a ~ Septi~ tank pu-y.cd c;:"..:i f-:'z.z.;z~ uith F1'a~aZ ~ Fina.l - f{hen cleve 'itc.~s a:rc ccmpleted --:J a~d when dcmclitio~ is completo or stru~- ture moued and premises :::leaned up. Nobile Hemes =:J Bi~king and S~t-~p , =:J Pl.ur..hing connections s~ar an:: water ---, Elcctriccl Ccnr.ection - Blocking. eat-uF ---1 and plumbing conr.cctions nr~st to app1"ovcd before request-:.ng elec:rical inspoc:io~ ~ AccescOI";i Building ] Final - After p~1"cr.es. etc. arc comple:~d. skirting. dccks~ o " ~ .. . " All p1"oject eonditions~ such as the installat~on,of street trees, co,~lati"'n,of tnc ~ " required landsccpi1'".g~ etc. ~ must be satisfied before the Bl/ILDllo'C FINAL can be 1"equcstcd. ''1 ~ FINAL BUILDINC: The Final Building Inspection r.nJ.ct be requeated after the Final Plwr:bitt] El.ectricaZ~ and Mechar:ieaZ Inspect:.orw have becn made and app1"ov~d. ~ -ALL /.fAllHCLES AND CLEANOllTS HUST BE ACCES$IBLE. ADJUST!!::::'! TO~ BE "~1D~.A:" ':0 C:)S'! TO cr:r I P::::~o :1 of 2 JOB NO. ~OJJ.ol-. SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- ~'. Occuea"c" Gr","_J?-;;' f'/;?-/ Lot Sq. Ft;;. ':::'7~ LeT TY'?E I Lot Faces I :: :;f L.;t CJ1}erag~ ?~6 Ir.terieI' I P.I.. .i of Stories / K Corner iflortf1 ~atal Height /~ I Pa"handle lEast ~.-'__ IS",,'h Topogr=pny ~ ~ ~ Cul-de-saa IWer.t 2cr:c: !'!'E.'.! I s,.. r:'~'" X .... . u ,'.fain I /~7-5 rJc:rac.'! I Y?'7 CarVcr~ I ,4coC880r:1 I I rOTA!. 1'.4LUE lUC:L.U.'::J S.D.C. 1.5 = Buildin.g Permit State Surch."l1'ge Total Cha:ogC3 I""O~ i ::4'1 / / /' 'Zl..._ - 'rA~,~~'C3' IrE,'..' ri.:=urcs Resi4zr:tiaZ. ~ bat]:) 3ar.it..::1"",1 5e!..'cr :,'ctet' Pl~b:.r.? Pe~~ t State S:.aocr.c.rge Tete! cr.c.Y'ac.<: -';';'. I::...;. i "cr.. So. rto. B;;;;s-I/ I I /1 ~A'~I/'.I'- ~~/~er~ Cir~~its T~oraTp Service Elc~trical Pe~it St:=te SUJ":.'!h:;:..rae Totel Cha:rces :TE:.! ..c. I ~I y 5.-- .:'urr..:zcc PTU' S .::=haust Hoo~ ;Ient Fan ;":;oasto:Jc L..-., -n_. __ ~ /] i ~,,''}~'''-'-/ Perr.:"~t ]Gsu.:;mcc j Me::r..::.r.ic::. Z Pe~: = State Surcharae Tntr. 2 C~_'1Y"a"t': -- E::CROACH:.:::.'.'l' :cC"..I1'it" D,:oo:1it :torape ':intr.r.!:,...-z,~ I I I I ~8' I , , f~ _ ~ ('1 '1 r,-;J 'cnr.i t Total ChC:T'acs ur~cu:: /- -;;;:7" / 'idlr..J~lk 'e'11~r. ~I E~ g", 'UctT'u:aL Label q _: 'obi Ie H:;me ~.~.n.L. "X;i...;,~' :Ji.;=::. I I :5'~t> I ~.,;)...... . - ').)... I I '30'1. ~ I .15::20 I )- I ~/9.2C::> 1:- I HAVE CARSFULLY EXANINED the completed application for perr.ri:, end do hereby certify that aZZ ir:fo:or..a:ion hereon is' true ar.d ccrr.:c:, ar.d I further certify that any ar~ all work performed shall be do~c i~ ac~or- dance :.Jith the 01'din.::mccs of the City of Springfield, an.:1 th= La-..:s of ti:c * State of OregQn pertaining to the work described hercin, cr.d that NO OCCU- pl-tlcr will be rrnde of any structure without parmission of tIle Building Di- I J)- vision. I further' cCl'tif:j that O:1Zy contractors ar:d c:npl.:Jyecs who are ir. I J) co;np~iance with ORS ?Ol.05E will be used on this project I ' .:<c:> 13V I I I I VaLue I I ~~I ~,"""I /5"= oe I :l~.."o..1 167-,~ 1-')- .)_~;::> I I //:;:>.83" I . (,'i:.....~::-;E 5'7-6P I I /2::1.-"- I S7-DZ=> I ~~...... -I--~ ~5P1 -;??I"-,9!) I c;;;....:..:C3;. I ,?;ed!"1 t/-5171 ~COoE:>I I 7. OO!> I I I I "':2/.-50 I_I.:> I /.68 I l?z. ~tBl. I /3.60 '?'5':ZD I I /15"3'.// 'L-COG~ T~'DeICor.st: - ~rA'- ~;nera" T;J~(' Eeir~o~s: "3 SO:~rem: SctbccV[1 I Hous.,,: I Cara"e <;2<r' I i~ I/<!>' I I pi' I Il.oce33.J i / I I II i II I F1:r'cnZac,~ Wooa:; tOL'>? ~ Hea' ~. "'Gtr.ro .ur:.'1~r"'~.'" Ha'l{.."~ ~- . F::r.s Building Value & Permit This pernr~t is granted on the express condition that the said,construction shall, in an respects, conform to tho Ordinance adopted by tflC City of Springfield, including the Zonin.g e>rdinanca, regulating the ccnstr'.,jc:::icn and use of buildings, and m2Y be suspended or revoked at cr.y time upor. vic- Zation of any provisions of said Ordinances. I I Plan Check I Date Paid: i Hecdpt #: ISiw:ed: Fee: (Cf 'i, ~ ZJ f.p-;l..Z2 -8"8" //'77/ I"/:~ Plumbing Permit No percon shall construct, instal!, alter or change any r:e~ cr a:istir.g plumbir4 or drainage system in. ~hole or in part, ur.less such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except tr~t a pa~aon ma~ do pZu~bing ~opk to propep~~ ~hich is o~ed~ leased or operated by the appli- cant. Electrical Permit Where State ~ reauires tr~t the electrical wor~ be done bJ ar. ~Ze~trical Cont~ctor, tne electr~ccl ~ortior. of thio oe~it sr~ll net"bc ~alid ur.:il tne iabeZ. iu:.s Deen :;;ignec: by tne Elec:rical' :;olltractor. Mechanical Permit " " " .' Plall E:r:cmt.r.cr vat.:: J' ff~ V S-/L,drFr