HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2010-10-27 . Stl~.IN...G.FIEL~ Ir- ~,~', ~ C't">, ,ff!}JY . .,,~ OREGON www.cj.springfield.or.us CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building I Commercial Permit PERMIT NO: 811-SPR2010-00367 IVR Number: 811137128816 225 Fifth 5t 5pringfield,OR 97477 Phone: 541-726-3753 Inspection Phone: 541-726-3769 Fax: 541-726-3676 permitcenter@ci,springfield,or.us PROJECT STATUS: STATUS DATE: Issued 10/27/2010 ISSUED: APPLIED: 10/27/2010 09/23/2010 EXPIRES: VALUE: 03/22/2011 $135,000,00 SITE ADDRESS: 3030 JUDKINS RD, Eugene, OR 97403-2231 ASSESOR'S PARCEL NO: 1703334400500 SCOPE: Tenant Infill WORK INVOLVED: Alteration TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Commercial PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Tenant infill for Down to Earth OWNER: ADDRESS: OREGON PEPSI BOTTLERS INC PO BOX 11039 OLYMPIA WA 98508 Phone Number: Contractor Type General Contractor Plumbing Contractor Electrical Contractor Mechanical Contractor Fire Contractor Contractor Name 1996LLC CONTRACTOR INFORMATION ~ Lic Type CCB TWIN RIVERS PLUMBING INC ERIC HALL ARCHITECTS, INC. BUILDERS ELECTRIC INC COMFORT FLOW HEAliNG CO OMUD & SWINNEY FIRE PROTECTION & SECURITY INC CCB ARCHITECT CCB CCB CCB lie No 114258 17695 3042 4296 460 62730 Lie Exp Phone 05/30/2011 541.687~9445 03f11f2011 541.688-1444 06f30f2012 12f10/2011 541-485-0922 06/27/2011 541~726*0100 12/15/2011 541-741.1775 # of Units: Occupancy Comments Construction Type Occupancy Type Construction Type Occupancy Comments Occupancy Type Construction Type t/lc.llijmtfo,ms: !lPIIlfRAAl'Building: O.ccunancv Type Fire Alarms: Energy Path: o 11220s1 Type IIIB B Business? professional/Service-ty pe Type VB 21040s1 F1 Factory Industrial Moderate Hazard Type liB 42118s1 Yes ~-1 Moderate Hazard SfoSrage BUILDING INFORMATION ~ # of Stories: Height of Structure: Type 01 Heat: Water Type: Range Type: Hazmat: Heat Pump Electric Lot Size: Sq Ft 1 st Floor: Sq Ft 2nd Floor: Sq Ft Basement: Sq Ft Garage: Sq Ft Carport: Sq Ft Other: 0 Occupancy Load: 207 2008 2007 2007 2008 2007 Engineered Fill: Fill Volume: Flood Hazard Area: Land Hazard Area: Retaining Wall: Soils Report Required: Springfield Building Permit ~ NOTICE: THIS PERMIT SHALL EXPIRE IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED UNDER THIS PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED OR IS ABANDONED FOR ANY 180 DAY PERIOD. Electrical Specialty Code Edition: Springfield Fire Code .Edition: Mechanical Specialty Code Edition: Municipal I Development Code: Plumbing Specialty Code Edition: Residential Specialty Code Edition: Structural Specialty Code Edition: Site Information ~,orENTION: Oregon law requires you to fo~gw rules adopted by the Oregon Utility NGN~lcatlon Center. Those rules are set forth In vrlR 952-001-0010 through OAR 952-001- OO~~" You may obtain copies of the rules by ~",lrng the center. (Note: the telephone number for the Oregon Utility Notification Center is 1-800-332-2344), 10f27f20'1 2:13:05PM , ~'....p. . Page 1 of 6 S.r..tING.F.I.E~ '.~ .~ r!Jii . L OREGOr4 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 225 Fifth 51 5pringfield,OR 97477 Phone: 541-726-3753 Inspection Phone: 541-726-3769 Fax: 541-726-3676 www.ci.springfield.or.us Building I Commercial Permit PERMIT NO: 811-SPR2010-00367 IVR Number: 811137128816 permilcenler@ci.springfield,or.us PROJECT STATUS: STATUS DATE: Issued ISSUED: APPLIED: 10/27/2010 09/23/2010 EXPIRES: VALUE: 03/22/2011 $135,000.00 10/27/2010 SITE ADDRESS: 3030 JUDKINS RD, Eugene, OR 97403-2231 ASSESOR'S PARCEL NO: 1703334400500 SCOPE: Tenant Infill WORK INVOLVED: Alteration TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Commercial Frontyard Setback: Interior Setback: Sideyard Setback: Rearyard Setback: Solar Setback: Tenant infill for Down to Earth DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION ~ Overlay Dist: # Street Trees Reqd: Paved Drive Reqd: % of Lot Coverage: Highest point on structure to north property line: REQUIRED PARKING PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Total: Handicapped: Compact: PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS I Street Improvements: Storm Sewer: Storm Sewer Available: Speciallnstructon: Subdivision Accepted: Notes: Sidewalk Type: Downspout/Drains: Valuation Description I Descrjption Bid Tyee of Construction NA Unit Amount Unit Tvoe 135,000.00 Bid Unit Cost 1.00 Value 135,000.00 135,000.00 Springfield Building Permit 10/27/201 2:13:05PM Page 2 of6 www.ci.springfield.or.us CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building I Commercial Permit PERMIT NO: 811-SPR2010-00367 IVR Number: 811137128816 225 Fifth SI Springfield,OR 97477 Phone: 541-726-3753 Inspection Phone: 541-726-3769 Fax: 541-726-3676 permitcenter@ci.springfield.or.us PROJECT STATUS: STATUS DATE: Issued 10/27/2010 ISSUED: APPLIED: 10/27/2010 09/23/2010 EXPIRES: VALUE: 03/22/2011 $135,000.00 SITE ADDRESS: 3030 JUDKINS RD, Eugene, OR 97403-2231 ASSESOR'S PARCEL NO: 1703334400500 SCOPE: Tenant Infill WORK INVOLVED: Alteration TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Commercial PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Tenant infili for Down to Earth FEES PAID ~ DescriDtion Building Permit Fee Dishwasher Water heater Water closet Urinal ~~k/basjn/lavatory . Floor drain/floor sink/hub --~. -. ~ire, Life, Safety Plan Review _" ~echnologrfee (5'/:c~permit total) State of Oregon Surcharge (12% of applicable fees) SDC: Improvement Cost - Local Wastewater SDC: Total Sewer Administration Fee SDC: Reimbursement Cost - Local Wastewater Structural Plan Review Fee Commercial Total Amount Paid Amount Paid $851.20 $19.00 $19.00 $76.00 $38.00 $95.00 $57.00 $340.48 $57.76 $138.62 $514.31 $78.40 $1,053.74 $553.28 $3,891.79 Date Paid 10/27/2010 10/27/2010 10/27/2010 10/27/2010 10/27/2010 10/27/2010 10/27/2010 10/27/2010 10/27/2010 10/27/2010 10/27/2010 10/27/2010 10/27/2010 09/23/2010 ReceiDt # 374723 374723 374723 374723 374723 374723 374723 374723 374723 374723 374723 374723 374723 374384 Springfield Building Permit 10/271201 2:13:05PM Page 3 ot6 S~A~;;..:i ~\fIj~,.. ~'OR.eGON CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building I Commercial Permit 225 Fifth St Springfield,OR 97477 Phone: 541.726.3753 Inspection Phone: 541.726-3769 Fax: 541-726-3676, www.ci.springfield.OLUS PERMIT NO: 811-SPR2010-00367 IVR Number: 811137128816 permitcenler@cLspringfieJd.or.us PROJECT STATUS: STATUS DATE: Issued ISSUED: APPLIED: 10/27/2010 09/23/2010 EXPIRES: VALUE: 03/22/2011 $135,000.00 10/27/2010 SITE ADDRESS: 3030 JUDKINS RD, Eugene, OR 97403.2231 ASSESOR'S PARCEL NO: 1703334400500 SCOPE: Tenanl Infill WORK INVOLVED: Alleralion TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Commercial PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Tenant infill for Down to Earth Plan Review '~ Deoartment Application Acceptance Received Due Date Comoleted 09/23/2010 09/23/2010 09/24/2010 Result Application Accepted Reviewer David Bowlsby rRlaYihrn!;rjRe\ijeW7~,'~ ,"~,"~::J~";{09/24720YOi' "09/24/20,1 01;;7:"o9/29i20To. ~ :~:-'App~6vem1':4i~;.<4r\'?Tf-;::ETtMlTlerJ:~:~:?~;':;~J;,7:'1;;;t~--:T?7' ;.>, '" ,~,1 "',' ~'r, ',' ',<"Jr;:,"'x's,',~; ,:,,~ - ,"," 'r,""<"'-"'~",~",,,,,,,=,,:":, '~.',~ ,,' ;':';~'f~"",,,:,,~,~1t! '" ,',; ,,' ,.:'"",~""','Y' .<' ,:, .>,,,t:' . ," ,': -,""~':"~~. ;-;"'''':;1 "'K,"~~"':",: ,~~ ""'3',,~arehousing,..Q!stributiori;and(storag~!l!Y,g.'.bJs.b~not"change,the.u~e-from ~p'revjQ~~the ~t~. h.-, "r'; .~L:,""'::':-"'* ',- Energy Code Review 09/24/2010 09/24/2010 10/19/2010 Comments: Per Jack Foster 10/19/2010 StructuraIJRevieY',,4~r ::':.<,;99/24/201 0 '"Ogiljg01,o .;"1 0/13/2 10' :'0:cbmJiril~t~j:~tpilyHiU;;l~lrnee-fl~Q'~[~1~ti~99~rpCk';yste' Structural Review 09/24/2010 09/24/2010 10/13/2010 Approved Chris Carpenter .-.'~ ~. ",., Review Chris Carpenter StrLictural Review ~:~0:;-,;xWftf<,,? 09/24/2010t<:.,,09/24J2()10:<, 16/2b~201.o~ .~ ~;J.t:lformation.Onl)l;:." ~1~<;Chris Cafj:leritet;,.~; ".k" t'\. '}"j.-_,.f":'';:-','''7"-;:' ''''''c''c,';s.:.~.'': '{;""'''C' "'c" ".....~,:"\.:';;- "(",,,_,n.,.,, '.c"-,--., '..~'.'_",.i.>,..._' c,,,'..', ^ ",~,;:.r,:"~''-'''''''-'''~ _{ " ',Comments. 4:' Recl~vea letter from owner andArchltect statmg mtent and tlmelme for full compllance'of bulldlng In regard tO'allowable' . ~:.. d' " -r t-'area- Thl~ permIt (Rhase$l)\hall r'nstall NEPA 13 spnnkler"system thruo'ught, Phase II shall complete the 3-HR firewall ~. "':- 'l,.. ~"'... " lk!,'i.'-',',~;.:; separation I5Va~targef date"ot Octqber"1 ,}.012, N?'Us~<or o.ccupancy o~th.e yv.es~po'~lon otthe bUII~1n9:~,,"'~dlng the', ,L"<: 'y:. '. -' " ,._---Etlase tQffice;JireaKaDQ.Le.sJ!:q6rn)t~a,.shall be p~rmJlled l!Dt!LcQDJRletLo_o_oJJ!leJ!Iewa.!L..:...-z_'~=-~__~ d_ ~ .. '-'"< Structural Review 09/24/2010 09/24/2010 10/27/2010 Approved Chris Carpenter Comments: As noted on plans and in conditions of approvar- see attached letter regardin allowable area compliance plan. Fire Review Comments: Gilbert Gordon Springfield Building Permit 10/27/201 2:13:0SPM Page 4 of 6 5.:~.....~~.:...~ ~~ ~OReGON CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 225 Fifth St Springfield,OR 97477 Phone: 541-726-3753 Inspection Phone: 541-726-3769 Fax: 541-726-3676 www.ci.springfield.or.us Building I Commercial Permit PERMIT NO: 811-SPR2010-00367 IVR Number: 811137128816. perm itcenler@ci.springfield.or.us PROJECT STATUS: STATUS DATE: Issued 10/27/2010 ISSUED: APPLIED: 10/27/2010 09/23/2010 EXPIRES: VALUE: 03/22/2011 $135,000.00 SITE ADDRESS: 3030 JUDKINS RD, Eugene, OR 97403-2231 ASSESOR'S PARCEL NO: 1703334400500 SCOPE: Tenant Infill WORK INVOLVED: Alteration TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Commercial PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Tenant infill for Down to Earth INSPECTIONS REQUIRED I Inspections 1260 Framing 1540 Gypsum Board/lath/Drywall Framing Inspection: Prior to cover and after all rough in inspections have been approved. Drywall: Prior to taping. Lath/Plaster: To be made after all lathing and gypsum board, interior and exterior are in place, but prior to plastering. 1560 Firestop Assemblies 1600 Ceiling Grid 1710 Fire Sprinklers Ceiling Grid: After drywall approval but prior to cover. r 1740 Fire Alarm Final 1800 Emergency Egress Lighting 1 999 Final Building Final Building: After all required inspections have been requested and approved and the building is complete. Rough Mechanical: Prior to Cover Rough Gas: After line is installed and required testing and capped if not attached to an appliance. Final Gas: When all gas work is complete. Final Mechanical: When all mechanical work is complete. Underslab Plumbing: Prior to filling the trench and including required testing. 2300 Rough Mechanical 2310 Rough Gas 2995 Final Gas 2999 Final Mechanical 3150 Underslab Plumbing 3500 Rough Plumbing 3999 Final Plumbing 4500 Rough Electrical 4999 Final Electrical 8610 Fire Sprinkler Rough' 8690 Fire Sprinkler Final 8999 Final Fire Rough Plumbing: Prior to cover and including required testing. Final Plumbing: When all plumbing work is complete. Rough Electric: Prior to Cover Final Electric: When all electrical work is complete. 9007 SUB Mechanical SUB Mechanical: Following City Rough Mechanical inspection approval and prior to any cover. SUB Ceiling Grid: Interior Lighting SUB Final: After all required energy inspections have been requested and approved. 9009 SUB Ceiling Grid 9012 SUB Final Springfield Building Permit 10/27/201 2:13:05PM Page 50f6 .. $~. ~INGFIEl~.. .~. , ;:. It1b . :,~-" . OREGON www.ci.springfield.or.us CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building I Commercial Permit PERMIT NO: 811-SPR2010-00367 IVR Number: 811137128816 225 Fifth St Springfield,OR 97477 Phone: 541-726-3753 Inspection Phone: 541-726-3769 Fax: 541-726-3676 permitcenter@ci.springfield.or.us PROJECT STATUS: STATUS DATE: Issued ISSUED: APPLIED: 10/27/2010 09/23/2010 EXPIRES: VALUE: 03/22/2011 $135,000.00 10/27/2010 SITE ADDRESS: 3030 JUDKINS RD, Eugene, OR 97403.2231 ASSESOR'S PARCEL NO: 1703334400500 SCOPE: Tenantlnfill WORK INVOLVED: Alleralion TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Commercial PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Tenant infill for Down to Earth By signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State or Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Community Services Division, Building Safety. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.005 wiff be used on this project. 'further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readable from the street, that the permit card is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during construction. D~/1)~-- 10-2-7-10 Owner or Contractor Signature Date Springfield Building Permit 10/271201 2:13:05PM Page 6 of 6 ""W,"";""'OO~ ~\~ Eugene, OR 97402 D'd P P h 5 4 1 . 6 8 8 . 5 5 9 " aVl uent F, '4 1 . 6 8 B .0 S 3 0 City of Springfield, Building Official ~RIC 4---+...1.1. ARCHITECTS wwW 1:rl~hClllar,hltt'ch com . . October 19th, 2010 ~<:""'''~' . t 1 .:,-", ,',' ,- . >.;t,:",--~~",..",.....,'!.>-.. "". ':";I!. , '.; j /, t , , .~ OfWl'n'N AP ;",,,0,..-, . L ,ugli..k Dave Puent, Building Official City of Springfield 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 "','"- '-'~" .., " Dear Sir, The below signatories acknowledge that the warehouse building at 3030 Judkins Road will not be in full compliance with currently adopted International Building Code after the completion of the Phase 1 work (permit 811-SPR2010-00367), but it is agreed that full compliance will be achieved via the Phase 2 work as noted on the Phase 1 Construction Documents. Permit activity for Phase 2 will commence no later than 2/1/2012 as a second permit application. The firewall separating the East Warehouse from the West Warehouse is anticipated to be complete by 10/01/2012, pending any unanticipated delays with permitting or construction. The proposed Phase 2 work will bring the entire building under full compliance with allowable area code requirements, per the September 10th, 2010 meeting with City of Springfield Building Official. ~ ~ ~ Sincerely, 1:i\.'ti! hi?", ~f:;.Y .(,..,1/~ d? ERIC HALL":";. ~ #"01' "'" ~",...."':t.'j'- >-1J......L. . ~ EUGE"r.~onC^n~ cJ'S. I'..., 1l"':,L"ti~~ :;". ~ ~;" 'J'/ OF iJ~~?>' Eric Hall President, Eric Hall Architects, Ine. Signatories o/t? date \(). ?Ci- \0 date . . IV This permit is issued under OAR 918-460-0030, Permits expire if work is not started within 180 days ofIssuanee or if work is suspended for 180 days, ~_,'1W;"'.l>i?'.",.....,,;w.n;M$!l;,0fiY',~_~~ ~ElEe;tl:~illMEN;r~WSE,0Nil'Y';,z ~'::.~;""~'.""-4.;.'i:ifJlt';...,,,,;;,,""'.;~\,n5,~~23J Structural Permit Application -- 225 Fifth Street. Springfield, OR 97477. PH(54 1)726-3753 . FAX(541)726-3689 Perniit no.:$ i (9 - 317'7 This project has final land-use approval. Signature; This project has DEQ approval. Signature: Zoning approval verified: Property is within flood plain: Date: (a) Job description: ...... I Occupancy .s; '1- F I -"is Construction type: ~lE Square feet Cost per square foot: Other information: Date: . Type of Heat: Encr~y Pa{h: D'new alteration D addition DYes (b) Foundation-only permit? E-mail: This installation is being made on residential or fann property owned by me or a member of Illy immediate family, and is exempt from licensing requirements under ORS 701.01,0. (a) Permit fee (use valuation table): (h) Investigative fee (equal to [2a]); (e) Rcinspcetion ($ pcr hour): (number of hours x fee per hour) (d) Entcr 12% surcharge (.12 x [2a+2b+2c]): (e) Subtotal of fe~s above (2a through 2d): $ $ s s Sign here: (a) Seismic fee, 1% (.0 I x permit fee [2a)): $ E-mail: CCB license no.: II Z-5"~ Print name: TOTAL fees and surcharges (2e+3c+4a): $ Signature: ~~~a:$.U.e.~:QtJ!J!.~gIt@Rll~"~:9~MAll!GN,~~~:i~ Name CCB License Number Phone Number Electrical Plumbing Mechanical www.ci.springfield.or.us TRANSACTION RECEIPT 811-SPR2010-00367 3030 JUDKINS RD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 225 Fifth St Springfield,OR 97477 541-726-3753 permitcenter@ci.springfield.or.us RECORD NO: 811-SPR2010-00367 DATE: 10/27/2010 hi0'!"," \,,:~~;:;:,~}' :%'"'~_::'::J>.GcptjNfj:;6t:iE~ .", <tAIVIPJLNj::QU!':,c., .:". ~~~1l 224-00000-425602 $851.20 224-00000-425603 $19.00 224-00000-425603 $19.00 ~--'-- 224-00000-425603 $76.00 224-00000-425603 $38.00 224-00000-425603 $95.00 224-00000-425603 $57.00 --'-""-. 224-00000.425602 $340.48 100-00000-425605 $57.76 821-00000-215004 $138.62 443-00000-448025 $514.31 719-00000-426604 $78.40 442-00000-448024 $1,053.74 TOTAL DUE: $3,338.51 !:"PAYMEN:r::tYPE'" 4'FigYQR"::'~'C(lSHIERoriow.c~J~.'~CQMJ,!IEttIS~;:: :\", . -:.., "::':~'AMOUN!)lI\ID:' ';;" . ->'i::~.;-ul RECEIPT NO: 2010000683 jOESCRIPTIClN',li::; ";~ ;;;;- -'1..~.'. ._~_._--~.._~ .".. Bujjdin~~~~~,_ Dishwasher Water heater Water closet Urinal Sink/basin/lavatory Floor drain/floor sink/hub ,.----------,...". Fire, Life, Safety Plan Review TechnologyJee (5% ()I permit total) State of Oregon Surcharge (12% 01 applicabl,dees) ~DC: Improvem~nt Cost. local Wastewater SDC: Total Sewer Administration Fee _......___~ wo. SDC: Reimbursement Cost - local Wastewater Check 76252 chambers construction $3,338.51 $3,338.51 SP. ~IN.G FIE~ .- ~~t ~ J'f\ OREGON WVM ,ci,springfield.oeus TRANSACTION RECEIPT 811-SPR2010-00367 3030 JUDKINS RD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 225 Filth 51 Springfield,OR 97477 541-726-3753 pe rmitce nter@ci,springfield.or.us RECEIPT NO: 2010000740 RECORD NO: 811-SPR20 I 0-00367 DATE: 11/03/2010 UlftJVIl;!IlT T.YE-I; .PA YOR.' CASHISR:CCARP'ENTER ~c::.c:9_UNLC.oD.E ~M.o~U.!'!T DU_E . 224-00000-425604 $166.75 100-00000-425605 $8.34 821-00000-215004 $20.01 TOTAL DUE: $195.10 C9N1ME.IIIIS..AM.Q..l,lliT E-e.JD'. [DESCRIPTION '. Mechanical Permit fee (based on value of work) Technology fee (5% of permit total) State of Oregon Surcharge (12% of applicable fees) Credit Card 09101d COMFORT FLOW HEATING CO triebermeador $195.10 $195.10 . ,