HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-1-24 (2) .. RESI~T1AL.' APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd. Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 Job Location: 1 ~ r~ ]), ~ "'1.0..1 d Aso...orc Map 8 /1-03-3t.h:;J3 Ta:r: Lot 8 0 /~ Subdivision: ;"c+ p,::; ~ Ll.!<L (}, } IG ~ t.... Q.mer: ?:. l."... 1) tJ <:> -.. r /7"'J... C......~CD."{-- -;;+ Address: City: r=u.C'r.J't t!Jl....L. ("lo~ i..J 4 ~m,' n Addition n RemodsZ n Mabi.le Homa Dats of Application Phone: 7"$~r- 3'/ 7h Zip: tp 7 VO( Describe r\'ork: ...'1,., '7)/ t " I" ( CO-'JI<....c.(,..,t, ' Nt""' 'lo"cb..;,...,- i /.J!- /rf <Y "Sy ,S"y~ u z' AI.(-D~,~ ' ' ..a us ~ RCCB~'Ot !I / /J f(g / 101 111 , :2 _1-/ Sirrr:ed: cR. ,~ Dats: 1/:2.{j- crt C:Ontractors Address Lise. # GeneraZ F.c.f~u ,t!, -::::r-v<- I7foJ..L...''''-'~ S+- .?I..o.(f.y i Plumbing G:lr~,v(','~_J Pl........h...j :.. .~jPo&"" ,.. rl_ 97Y.t'f --?"lr-/lJ Il1zsct"'.caz_Ko.._ ~., ~ ~/...-I_: 7f7a?_4.t~~+V.(r.."'L'Iu(<.""1~ki"3(,,9 I Mochan<caZ Il'~ PC.. '1L<J.J.",\, 3S}o 1:., I Nfl. e"r~' FNo 2.d-02..V'o Ccmsm.ati"" Lends" ,'.. ..J .I/".AJ Q..... , , ' It u- ths respont:Ji,ln.Uty of ths permit holder to 88B that all iPUJpections aJ"B r:tads 'at ths propB1" tilM. that <<:cia ~888 is rea:UzbZ. ft'cm tM street. and that the perrrrit card ie 'Located at the front of ths proper"ty. ABuitding Diui::ion approved pLan s_ha'Ll. remain on tha Building Sit:; at a'Ll. times. PRGcrDURI1 FOR INSPECTION R"PUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rccorder! stat. your City designo.ted job number, job address, typ~ of in3p.cticn l"t1qUested ar..d when you z.n.H be ready fol" inspection~ Contl"actors or Owners nt:me end phone numbr- Requests l"sCBived befcro ?: 00 c::1 ",Zl bs mad. tho sam. day, 1'8""..'s made after 7:00 am .n.Zl bs mad. the rn;a:t """king day. 015 7'2. ' . '-,' " y~ City Desigr.ated Job...Numbsr 10: 00 ./ RBaui'l"ed Intmf?cticn8 __ t1. , Y 0, SITI1 INSPECTION: To b. 1Tr1de after 'I \/I"NSULATIONIVAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: e%'ccwation~ but prior to Bet up of ~ To be rmde after aLL insuk;.ti.m ar.d. ._forms. . ',' required vapO'l" barriers are in place O ' UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. I1LECTRICAL & ..: but b.fo". any lath, gypsum board or . : MECHANICAL: To be made before any wll covering is appUed~ and before . I&t:lrk is ~ovc.z:ed. " '.~y inDulation is concealed. ., ::l ~,'", . '.,\ \' M FOOTING {FOUNDATION: To bs made . r.71 DRYWALL INSPI1CTION: To bs mad. ~ after trenches are excavated and ~ after all drytxzZZ is in place~ . forms azoQ erected~ but prior to . but prior to any taping. . ' pouring ccncr.ts. ..... I ' '",0 ....... I,vl U.YDERGROU.~D PLUMBING. SEIleR. w'1TI1R. A DRAINAGE: To be TTrlde proioI' to fil- .' U-r.g trencMs. '. . . , \ i./I, UNDERFLOOR1,WMBING & MECRA~ICAL: L.a..J I To be made prior to inotallation of [1.001' insulation or decking. M POST AND BI1AM: To b. made prio;. to lLJ installation of floozo insulation or dooking. ~." jl Y). ~ RonGH PUP.tBI/1C. ELECTRICAL & MTiCH- ~ ANICAL: No :.Jerk is to be covered . ur.ti l. these inspections have bear. made and approve:!. ' FIREPLACE: Prio'l" to pZacir.g facing material.s and before framing inspec- tion. o [l] FRAJ.1INC: Must be requeoted afte'l" approval of rough plwr.bing~ electri- .cal .. mechanical. All roOfing bracing "chimru:ys~ eta. nr.J.st be ;' completed. No work is to be con- ,........cealed until this inspection has ..'bson made and approved. .~._. - dP)' ILl PIIIAL PLUMBING ~ ILJ PINAL MECHANICAL '1") [B FINAL ELECTRICAL o O MASONRY: St..Z location, boiui beama~ grouting or vertiaals in aacozoda:nce lJith U.B.C. Section 2415. D WlJODSTOVl1: After instaZlation is ccmplsted. , ' qo'~''1) '.. r:A CURB & APPROACH Ap.rK)N~ Afte:. forms ~ are created but proior to pouring . ccm..."'1'ste. . r;j'J SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For all con- . L!J crete paving within street 'l"'ight- pf-r.x::y~ to be mads after aU exC!Q- , . vating ccmplete .. form r.m"k & sub- .' base material in place. '.s'l 1771 !'FiliCE: ilium campZ"t. -- ProoJid.. ~ gates or movable sections through P.U.I1. ' D Eroircs S(9'1' &?/,$-,c 71fT .l.../J 7 Phone l4J'S 317 " ' ?yJ "'-LJ..L' Y.,ri.J(.,.7J ~ -000 L DEnOLITION OR ".JOVED BUILDINGS =:J Sani~ SBUer aappsd at, ~OpDl.t'~ l.ir.s ::::J S.ptia tank p"""'I'"d and fiZZod .n.th ;]1'0:..' :J Final - rr1um ab..:'ve items a:t's ccmplstDd ar.d when demolition is complete or strua~ ture moved and premisss c lBansd I?" Mobile Hcmes ~ BZocking and S.t-~p ~ Plumbing connections -- sauer and tJa-eer :::J Electrical Connection - Btocking~ Bet-up and plumbing conr.eotions nr..:st 1:e approvlli. . before requesting elec:rioal. inspec-eion ::::J AcaessoJftd Bui ~ing " ':';".' :J Final - Aftor p~rc1:e8~ B1d.rting~ decks, etc. are completed. o All project conditions~ ouch as the installation of street tress, eor.rplotion of tits requirsd Zandscc:.pir.g~ ctc.~ must be satisfied bcfo'l"e tJ-.e BUILDING FINAL can be rsC(Uestad. 1"1 (8) FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must bs requeated attar thla Final Plwnbing Electroi.cal~ and Mechar.ical Inspectiono kava bean made and approuad. , 'r 'ALL I/AN80LES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BI1 ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST/lENT TO BE NADE AT NO COST TO Cr.Y I PaU. 1 of 2 I JOB NO.~()f) 7} SOLARICESS REQ,- Izene: /_Z?~ OCCUlXl1lCU G : l?'-"--f/:?~/ Lot Sq. Feg. '.f!. 5"~ roT TYPE: . Lot Faces - S of 7.ot C:JlJerag. Interior H SetbacckS P.L. DUae araqe fI of Stories Corner North Total Height Panhandle East South Topography CUI-de-sao West I Access. I t-7Y I I E:nerau SO'.n'ce. I I Heat L~' I I Water' YMttnt ~ I I Range ~L~ I 1/ Fire." lace I I Wood"tove II L-COG~ Ty"e/Cor.at: Bedrooms: 3" T~De /-:.4- ITEM sq. FTG X Main /3<17 ~~ :5"0 GeMO' 7~$I I~.'''' CQrvOl't AcceS80Ml -- Fees -- . I i/; ~$I'9.,..e I ?~~"bl ,. 1 This permit 1.0 gmnted on the express condition that the sdid construction 8haZl~ in all l'e8pects~ conform to the ~inance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning fJrd-:.nance, regulating the construction and UDe of bui'L<iings, and may be 8uDpended 01' revoked at c:ny time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. Value Building Value & Permit I '3if.~li>q./6 l $IB,f?,,-/-' I 29&.-- i I i..,l.?p 1- J I . I ' ~/ 2...<?.-? . . I .7. 5el I 5"z.:5:'ol -;;;:(/? _.P I I /5". -= 1 1 ~e:>. - I 11/ :57-1 '" I 5".~I-.:. 1/:20.7.51. lITEM I NO.' FEE: I I R.s. so.' ftc. I ':1<17 I '37 - ~ IN""'IErtomd Ciroui.t. I;;;;,..;R~.J I Temporcry S61"!)ice' I / 1 I . I I I I 75:.....1 w I ":? 7.)1- I 17S.~I. TOTA~ VALUE: IS.D.C. (val/u.S) 1.5 :r: '-J-.";).. I ITE:M NO. I FF:F: Firtwoe. Lnr-h<' ~ ~kL~ zi 1/ I Iwcter 11 I I~~~ mR/.h"'~J;,- CHARGE Iplan Check Fee: Ib.C.-?:33 Date Paid: /- OJ. g - 8'',( /- IRecdpt U: (I) Y'~!o ISig:1ed: r../ Plumbing Permit Building Permit State Suroharge Total Cha.-ges Residential ct bath) I Sanitary Sewer No person shalt construct.. inBtalZ.~ alter or change any nelJ 01" L-isting p'Lwnbing or drainage syste:n in whole or in part" unless such pSI'BOn is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except that a person may do plumbing work to property which is UlJrUId. leased or operated ,by the appli- cant. Plumbing Pe",,;. t State SUrcr.arge / Total Charaes CHARGE Electrical Permit ~<_sc> /5.- .Where State LalJ requires tr.at the electrical lJOrk be done by an Elscmcal Contractor, the e1.ectrica'L portion of this permit shall roOt be valid until the label has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. . ";, Ele::trical Permit State Surcharqe Total Cha.1"c:es lITEM 17 FEE CHARGE: I Z,_ ,.__" ETU'S ' ?:.- Mechanical Permit I E:rhaust Hood II ~S&> I Vent Fan Igl3.:--1 7.~ I.::.. . 2)'w~ Vc..&.r I 3.- 6,-H).M;9~ I I I :z . ceo I Permit ISBUanC2 I I Me~hanic:ll Permit I -;:;?sr. 5'& LIP State Surcharae I /. ::<"3- I Totr..l ChtrrOIUl 12$".73 . -- ENCROACHMENT -- ~~~ SeC"..LM-tli D2P03it --Z-/-~~ Storage ~ Examiner ( ~ -- va<e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for perrrrit~ and do hereby certify that all ir:fo:rmation hel'eon is true and C01'l"cct, and I further certify that any ar.d an work pel'fomled shazz. be dons in accol'"- dance IArith the Ordinances of th13 City of Springfield, and the ~B of tho Jt State of ~eg"n p~taining to the tJOrk described hel'"ein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY urilZ be TTrlde of any structura UJitJur.J.t permission of the Building Di- /3.9t!)" I).-vision. I further certify that O:1Zy controeto1'S ar.d e:rrpl..:1yess who are in ~ compliance with ORB 701.055 will be used on this project ~~?S '=" 6: -"I ICj I I Nobile Home I I i,.0_;?cY/cwF~~4:)~;):,.:::::;pl...,~..-\ ~ ' !j)vEh/keJc ~~..."..,S- I ':;:?"I"3?1 Lst:l~~~ ~e... I TOTA~ AMQU.\'l' DIIE:' .I ~ '3 Y. '9'9 I. ign.~ d / L, Maint~e Permit Total Chal'QCB Curbcut ,- :z6 ' /,6,~ r Side= lk Fen:::e Electrical Label /,hJ IN- Date