HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-12-31 ,... RESIIANTIAL" ,-~ ~. , COMBINATIONA1!f/frCATION/PERMIT, _ SPRINGFIELD _ - 225 North 5th Street.. ,~' " .', Springfield. Oregon' 97477 " Building Division , 726-3753 Rccs'!pt .f /Ff"~ , H' ~___ \ 1&~ .lE!!...Loc~tion: //5:5 l)//l-MOi/.f2.J!..(..J___ V A....oo..Nap I \0 O~4FN4-', Ta Lot' oolIT~ SlJxliui.",.: Lar M.~~s ',,',,',','/?,':,'~,', ""'-," '. :. Si4r.fld: /' ~~.';~/~ ~::--" ~\I ;<i$lj',hf()Oo " Dat.: /. ;n-,;;>tc-~/ .':J"?' ,,?~~-.urA Lisc. , --, _ EXtlil"D8 I Phone :&'x1\:,9 ~~1l/~~,30"rl ':J1Qj)f" I ~ ,il33<~ a.m.,,:J{tI1,e, ~I4RtJt" _/ P!(!c50/J AdtlHia:tl/5.JS J)!.tl1fldiJn(Tr. PhorI~:7tf7-5~!jq:, " city,c;PRItJ&FIElD "'zip,>Q7tt77 ~. :.! n'lm" D<I'Additiml' , o R-.i.t, '" n .lJDbii~ HmU;'. OBBorib. "'o.k:, 'di;b'':,.. C O<::~~~ .. .. lJJ\i2' "', . .. . . . "" '... ." ."'. '",'It);) t).qrP!' :Valu. . Dot.ofApptioation c.:ontractOl"8 AddrS83 c...""t /)~RBi!JJ..aJA$ il;l6V1E J?Ef1m~ Ptumbirtg , , I:tsotricat II'CMr.ic=t Suo~,Ylsino'Electrician " .'.,,:; . ...., .....'1.:.. :>, ". '1 .~, , ,},. 1.r:. .:-:~-- -1' ~ ' " . '1 '. ' " :.\ . It is ~1uJ r.aponoibility of ths PSrm1.t holder. 'to Bes that' all. inDrh;'~""..s al'CI mads at ~h6 pZOO?6l" tim~# t1-.at <<:oh :JdretJo is rsa.:ab~, from tho .tn.t, and that ,th. pDJ'nJit COJ'd,i. t.:>oat.d at tho fr<mt of ths prop.rty. . .Bui!.ding lXuicion approved plan, 8~ll remain on tha Building Sit3 at aLl timBS.. , . ",",""JRI: FOR INSPI:CTION RepUl:ST: catl.n6"31~9IrccordJuo).tat. your City d~.i.gnatsd job mur.b.., job addre.., typo of i..p.otic. NqUcret4l'd ar.d wJo.Qn you wiU b. ready for inep41otiOPl, Contraotol"S or Q.lners ncm..and pharul mmWCJ"..' R.qtUets r.a.iued bofON 7:00 a':J witt IHr 1l>JJi. tM _. dJ:y, ...qus.t."",,", afta 7:00.... uitt,b. nnd. tha =t''''''rkillJ day. ' , ,IOUJ'City OBBi.gnatsdJob, Numb"" Io: q6/ 4-10 2- AU. proJsot Conditions, auch G8 .tha',instaLlation of s~,t .tr.,., ca::7plolti.:m of ;M ' .l'tIquil'tld.kvtt!~cc.pi".g,. st~. # must b. .atisfiad bofore tt.. BL'ILDI;:C FI."lAL .:an !:. ,.~qu.s~~d. FINAL BUILDIHe: . The FinaZ' Build:.ng' Inspsotion must bQ nqueot.:I aft,,. ~M F"11:It PZumbing EZ.otnaaL#. and HschaniCtJL rnspsatu,rw hava bosn ~e and appl'OtJsd. . RlfmJi.,..d Tntmll'l!titmR .. . rXl srre INSPEC":'rON: To bo na:uI. a/\:.l' L::J ~n.,n, but 'prior tc sst up of , 'fo"",~, ~n"JC 5~~ '0 UND~SrJ.8 PWHBIRG. I:LECTRICAL & '. NECHAI/ICAL: To b. mad. bofor. any work's aouozoed. . I y I INSULATIONIVAPtJR 'BARRIER rNSPECTION~ l~ To b. madtl aft'r~aLl. insuZatian artd rcquiNd vapor b~ors are.in place but btlfaro any Lath, gypsum board or wLt COUBM.ng is applied~' and b.fors. any. inDulation is C01tCiiIGIled. Q.j FOO'rINC ~ FOUNDATICN: ' To b. 1l>JJi." after tNnahss a..N' BZCt11XJted and fol'm8 aN .r.ated# but prior to pauring cC7larll~~. UNDI:RCROU,~D PWM1JING. SE:II!:R. W.ITI:.q.' DRAINAGE: To b. mado prior to fiL- Lir.g tr.nah88. . fV1 OR!IIALL rnSPI:CTION: To b. nndo ~ after aU drywU is in pLaCII# , but prior to CUlY tapirtg. D. NASlJNRY: St~.t t.:>oa~, ~ . 'b4lG11l3# grout1.ng or v,lIrtt.aaZa ,,~ accord81lc. uith U. B. C. S.ot"'. 2415. ' O fo'OODSTOVf:;, Aft.. wtattat"'. :i. ' , /Xmpl.t<d., " " , ' D D' QRD/:.qFWOR PWlrsING A l/mANICAL: To bll mads PM.o,. 'to inataUat'Lon of {taor iMutation o. dsoking. ' O POST AND BEAM: To bo rrml.: priOI' to: 0 CURB &. APPROACH APRON: Aftar fonns 'nstaZ,Zation of {Zoor iraeulation or . arB flrsotsd but prior to pouring dsoki1lg.. """,-_t.., ' !i'7I ~W!'Rr..'f. I:~C:~"&AL'rI .II1!CR- 0 SIDE'lfALX & DRIV/:IfAY: Fo. att con- ~ ANIC~L: No W It. u covered . cr6ts pcwing iMthin strsert right- " ur.t... thersB inapso:ions havB bflsn of-liJC.!f# to bc~ ma.:1B~aftBl" aU fI%Ca- matLI.~' GppJ'Ouc. . -. '.~ ~. . 'vating ccrrrplst4'" 'form wrk , :=ub.. O FI.q/:prJ.C!:: ,Prior 'to plcDir.g' fauillJ ....'., ba.. ""t.riat i. ~14::... ",,;t.rial. ,/VId b~fo", frami"l1 i.sp.o-, tt.On. ,. ".' .' fl7l FRAI!ING: Hwlt b. .oquo.tsd aft.. ILl appro...t of rough ptwr.birtg, otoam- cat & ,...ohtmi.:ot. At~ roofi1l(1 braoing.J chUnncys, '.t~. II'IUSt bll. " D. ' compL.tCfL No work is to bB con-' . ooatsd "W1tit thio iMP.onon has ' ' ,bOB. """"' and, approvsd. O ,['/:NC/::" fo'hsr. compt8t. uProuids' gatBB or movablB sections through 'P.U.I:. ' ' '\ -,' o o [II o PINAL PWNBINC' FINAL ItEC//ANICAL @ , FINAL.'I:L1;CTRICAL ", ~ '. ~~ - " ..'. ':... -".' I DEMOr.ITIO!/ OR gOI'!"!:) 3UIL::;ICS ::J ~ani ~ 8tl1J.r ac::p;u,c ::t p:!'pcrt'J Zir:o ~ S.pti.;, CanJc p-..IffPcd ~..! fi. t...d ~tk J'l'fTJd ::J FinaL -.fIhsn cbovo it:::uJ a:t'o ccmpl.t.d ' ar.d WMn dtr.JCtiticn i. ctn?L.t. or 8truC- turd moued and pl'cnia"8, aLBaM:! up. i.. , lHobilo Hem08 ::=J Btooki"l1 and S.t:~p =:J ~lumbi.ng COM~otia~S -- SaJel' end wa~or ---, ELeotricaZ Ccnnl'ation - 8lock~r4# .dt-up -.J G11d plumbing oonnBotiDn8 nr..:at ~. tr;'proved before l"fIqu4sting BZo.J~ncaL ~r..p.o~ion =:J Aceosoo,..,;; Bui:dir: ] F~l .. It.ft~r:~:Jrcl:.8, sJcirtiPl(1, dsaks# .to. CU"s ocmp:.sud. o -.. "ALL'/u'NHCLI:S AND CIEANCIITS,IIUST;BI: ACCI:SSIBLI:, AOJUSTItE:NT 'Td BI:':/IAOO: 'AT NO COST TO Cr.! I p",. 1 of: ~ ,..,- IJOb Nwnbo", 9o/~.62 llano: I_Z;>~~ OcCUJ1Q.O" G:r-? jLot Sq. Ftg., ' LOT TYPE, ' ~ of lot Gooerage I.t.,.",r N of Stori.. Com.r Totd, H.ight pa1Iiuuuil. i TO/X>llraphy Cul-d.-.aa lITEM SQ.F7'G X Valu. f.bin r;m.aat~ CaJ"oo)tt ACC68BOl"'U /JQ7/ -;l~ ,ls.D.c. 'I'07'AL VAWE o."HuQ} l.{", Bui1.diTIIJ P......t Smt. 5uroharg. Tom! Charg.. lITEM I Futures '.. I lie..w.;;.tiil II bat);! I Sanitary Sf1lJ6~" -0, J ""ate" I I NO.' FEE I ,I" I :'pz.munTIIJ P......t Stat. SUl'cJo.args . Total Charaes ITEM I NO. FEE Rils. S(t, rto, N..,/Eltt.nd Circui ts ' I I Tomporary S9PUiofJ I I 1 I I Ele~t)tical Permit Stats SurohaJtqO ,"'Tom! Charc.. IITSN' I ~n.:i~~ nu's "' E.:chaust ,Hood . I Vent Fan . l'II00d8t~~6 I I NO. I FSE " Psrmit Iasuan08 MBohanic.2l P6m t Stato SUPcharae . Total CMrqM I -- ENCROACHMENT -- . I SSO"olri tll Daooai t I StO'l'ags I J.fain tenance I Permit Total Cht}"7cS I Cul'baut ISidewlk 1,"'en:J6 I El6otl'ical Label "Nobile Home I I I TO~AL AMOUNT DUE:" Refcrer.ce Numbers: L-COG N: A4? ' Bedztooms: ~ Enerqu Sources I I' H.at Access. I I Water .'lp.ntn.J" 1 1 RaTIIJ. 1 I I Fi"er:1ace : I-- lo'0<>d3too. TIIDO TYP6/Cor.st: I f,ot Faaee - I Setbacks I. P. L. HouBe Carage Worth lEast ISouth IWeet /",;"'./At ..- Faes I '.' .- Building Value & Permit This permit io granted on the. express condition that tho said conotruotion' shatt.1 in a'Ll respcctol confonn to tho Ordinance adopt6d by the. City of SpringfiBldl including the Zoning crdinance, regulating the oonstruotion and UDe of bui1.diTIIJ., O1ld may be .u.p.nded 01' r.""ked at cny Hm. upon 0"'" lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. , , . , /g '3'~ .,..f: :-- I ,. ~. . r .. \ ,.. 13~:~q 6.~,; /1'J,.:?2J .:' '. CHARGE Plo. Cheok F.s: ?:'7. <;1I.:5 Oat. Paid: IZ..//-'f'1'J R.aeipt N: /<l>~ 2.:7 I Signed: dX:<<f~ Plumbing Permit No person ohalt construct.. install, attar or changfJ any ~ or 8zisting plumbing or drainage system in "zuhole or in part, unless such person is tM legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, e:t:Cspt that a person may do plll8lbihg r.>ork to p1'op.rty whiah i. OLmBd, !oased or operated by th. appti- . 'oant. . -... , ' I 1 I I . ~ .'.' , " . ....:: I "I'; " CHARGE ' Electrical Permit ,I I I I Where State La1J requires that the aleotrical work bs done by an Electrical Contractor, the electM.cal portion of this permit shall not be valid until the labsl has been Digned by the Electrical Contractor. . C~/r-Jr~L a~~ ~44C. ;c:.~d?- ~ '?~@#~ ~/..r , , /~;1Y //!?~ /5 '/# /F;:Y"".t>Gp ~~ ":' , ',.... " ,'..,' ',' ,. . ','.. '..,t.. CIIARCE 1 ,Mecha nical I Permit , I ',I '. , I I I I .;':. I I I I r I I . - ~~-~ ,'. d~~ /2-~Z? /iii1'CaP' E:cann.ner va.. I I I . I I I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED ths aampl.t.d appli.aat",. for psrm.t. and do Ml'eby certify that all inforrrution hereon is true and corrcct.. and I further certify that any and all work perfor:ned sha'Ll bs dons in accor- dana. with the OrdirlO1lC.. of ths City of SpriTIIJfia1.d. and th. La:.1. of tha Stats of Oregon psrtaining to the work desoribod her8~n.. and that NO OCCU- PANCY wit'L be 17Ude of any structur8 IA1ithout permission of the Building Di- vision. I fUl"ther cel'tify that o:-aly contmatol's and e:rrp'Loyees who arB: in campl~e with ORS ?~1.055 wi'Ll be used on this projeot I I I I I /L//:z 3 r.~~r~/? /j!!~I/qn ~