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Permit Correction Notice 1978-12-19
'JOB ADDRESS: ~, '~.? ~'-." ....:- ,.'.::.:::':~~ ',' _I /''', ~ ? 0'" \' RS, TL: 0.v-~~3!J.2J!IIIv"""" 21 ':J" Subdivision: rr-----..l tc=:::'J. Ec::: -. ~~ " This permit for the referenced property is hereby c-::,;=-~~o Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed. result in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions of Lane County's I nfraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law. ~( 115'5' ~ .. -'.- Applicant/Address: Owner/Address: Contractor/Address: Contractor's OS # \J1l>.MOr-lO c."[ POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE U6.8jspe ---, -, ~ ,"-...... .'j ,.~ . ~'~Yf-",,:':~ CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # Violation can r..-.sy <D :..-:::---'.::::0 (;~~o ct?C'~--n 01162:1 1::-~I7<;",~r -I".... 1ir:":l~ t"-r.......---.-...-..--1 r,..~..........~ f~. t u;'.~I-:.."") ~-,~~o ......>J'i:.... L" U~-----....O .( .~-..:.~---Jo ""\.....::....:;~ I"~,..., ;:';'""1 ^,...~........."<:-~,, 1'-~n~,."'...-'?1""'l ~p~n f'~ !)C8o ~.....-""'~'f\o ~<=\...,;: .;h~ '--""~' - ,., __ L_~~-~'-o .....-.""'00 ,'"-'~ ...., ~1:;-:J Total Construction Value: $"lS@l)o!m ...~ Telephone: Telephone: Telephone: s:ce=.$::JJ f M~~~~ ~nstruction approved by this permit:. Water Supply: 'D-~"""'....' ~ ~ PLANNING DIVISION WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION UQ.J?:) f'~ Q::) cczc2f-) ~~.t:~2r.oz) D~z--~~~~ cz:t C::) L,;t;G-.........;;;~y: C::c:l ~ COZGC~.. f 1i!!:l # Employees: = # Bedrooms: # Plumbing Fixtures: ~ Zoning: = Partitioning # 0 Parcel # = Parcel Size: r;n Minimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: 00; centerline of road, side exterior: =; interior property lines: ;:::);rear proper~x.line: ". Special Instructions: S:::::-::1cc \:::;32 l)"rn c2 ~ =1 D'l1.lU !loa ~ ""~ c\:c:)J\G':D G~o , For information call 687-4394, -~ ,~> gal: 'mi'n. septic tank capacity; Site Inspection #.., . Installation specifications: lineal feet of drainfield required; max. depth of trenches: Special 'Instructions: c..'1 Setbacks Septic Tank .erior property lines 10' ge of road right-of-way 10' 8uilding foundation 5' Wells, other water sources 50' CONST R UCTI ON PE RMITS/I NSPECTlON DIVISION Directions to Site: Date Issued: ....'... ::.~!- C55-13 C2Q ,) Drainfield 10' 10' 10' 100' I I I I between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m., For information call r'1 ,-~ Type of Construction: S=:.:: Group: ::i-ll. Fire Zone: $) Use Classification: SQ Instructions: f"'-.o(I".-,-.-, ,,~~-, r-~'? r.~ c=::?l'I:'" ,....",~"^f"n t7'~ (''-----::;::::'1 D"" Q:11lO toZorro co;;l1..a:=::::::o ~ ) .___,,__--.#u ~ ......... J' ~~ .:I ['Sr--' ~'-~;""'''''-'':1 ~(..';.('-'-'('1~0 Dr'-................q j'--...-.n~ c-----,..r:o~7"-~~r__ Cf"\~l.51 2cIt .....~~~:~.-:J~ _~ V-...,-J .~./ _ ~ _"......._ ...........-----J ~""".....u __.......u~~~D .. , For plans information call ",..,"w'" .."between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., :::f::::. f", " For inspections (see back of this^p~rmit)jcaIl687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. f DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 8y: bne county - ',:c '."0 :-0/:',)7 " \ . ., -..,.. . . . SITE INSPECTION ApPROVED Cl DISAPPROVED Cl DATE REMARKS-2-K/-i ,.-.; INSPECTOR FOUNDATION INSPECTION ApPROVED II DISAPPROVED ~ DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS :;: V I 5 ~ FRAMING INSPECTION ApPROVEO / vf DI SAPPROVEO 17 ~ATE_I2. -I 'i' -7 S' I NSPEC10R~ REMARKsC.l: C_~~-" (='-/9-79 ~...R_ LATH OR SHEETROCK INSPECTION ",- ApPROVEO L-"" D,SAPPROVEO L-I DATEJ 2 .z.1.. -7..';1 NSPECTOR~ .-:. ~ "T:. -' - ~J~: ;,z1.~ J.f)~ #' -1../ CI~'" 1.. -:f ~ A __-==-..J_ ~.1 r , ...~ ~ IL-U-r! ~ ;i.ARKS C!.~ ~~.:;~ FINAL INSPECTION ApPROVED ll5:J DISAPPROVED .Cl DATE'~ -A'? cgof REMARKSSC~ - ~ J:.0' b;':!; :~~ ?t~_t ~ 7-~ w~ INSPECTOR {....z, , ,.- . ~ .f-,,_~1}AL~ - '7.,.. ~_ . CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY READY TO ISSUE .Cl NOT READY TO ISSUE I / DATE INSPECTOR REMARK S ... /)!;"' ,., , ~~ , v 'f~ , . .... 2<1 / CO'R:RECTION ,NOTICE LANE COUNTY DEPT. OF ENVIRON(t\ENTAL MANAGEMENT Construdion Permits & Inspections DiYi~ion EUGENE, OREGON This building or structure does not conform to Lane County building regulations, ordinances or codes as noted below: . CZl~~/~A~:f bA~ ;f/AAA /rkJ ~ zL~ " A r,,-;fJ.~1...:::rI7~ .~~-i-,L~A-./ ~e/~ "1__L ~ ,~ ~4JL... ~ ;, If? t?..o" )oh ~ /"""'-..tfi-- L!;t!! ~ /./'-av-e./ C!/J/-t'C'A"etL: r:'~bv..J ~J ~%. /'. I" .. j .. .~. A ,; 7r" -,j- ~ ,-~)I ~pV....."..R~ --?.-I;a..e ~-""A~~ /2..... _~c::-e:- ~ ~ !~-'-2-~..... J""A~.t?.P'~__ . C55-73 <::,...--.... RE-JNSPECTION",REQUIRED . '-"" FOR APPROVAl--... --- .." (/~ ,......?J,,? /" ,..,. 7,'" Inspector ~~-:-'Y?-A'A_ / ~ Date 2~- / ~.,~. \..) B "Id" pC/. I J/""",..<...e..-t-~,{ aA, ...../'... UI mg ermtt#r.:c....l'... . ...i)J:.'1'f:::"......