HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1991-2-26 (2) I i ~~ .. ~~;~?!~.. 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 7l!6-3753 ' .'.fabi1.e 80m3 J / Date of Application ,;;;, 7/ ii' VaLue' 10 7/,jO , Contractors Address <"Lise. II Bldrs Board Rez. . General r.. II.<':'" ~ ;J~_d- olff3 /I1d.l,~,-E,,-< (!,,-Iff i Plumbing f';"...~- P/"ML.v J':,J",,,,,~ '; if,,-, ;., 07t1/7 y I Hechanical fKlJl/..T /Jc,J,~! 'In" e4:r7 /YH..~E,-, o'/...Y'v IEl,ec.tn,',c~a,l l.+ff{i;}(LO EiEc...,-I(I<.. i&-f703D.dCb! C,G. La-17M.. Sl1pe~_~;;".lg Electrician ,~ A. ~ -z. 7D~ S f'l1'J),.~~,vJ. s+ Job Location: AsoesGol'S' MaF II T= Lot # Subdivision: K.,A,,,, E sir;> /-.."r~ J.-O , ().mer: ?"b",-!-uJ)o-.T&;'J lL-f(c- Address: '.2 ff s . />tJ...(.I,,, , ~_. City: ' t:: otJc..,/L- /J-c a .,-v' i..J '" () Phone: <If r J // )> Zip: ~'7Y'vl !2SLmj' n Addition n RemodeL n Describe f.'ol'k: .s;,v s" ('" "', 1 J },.." 1,.v<..O.... Rcce:pt #- WI ~,+,,"",\ , Siqr.ed:(JIf)Q7 ' Dats: r< J ,f..) to.L( J "-' EX(lires t/fl to/fit oI./f L 3nJ" 3/0}1 Phnrp y,.lll f,. Y'JS,IL/ ~' 7'>'1000 L Cj'h-":?67'l... It i.a ths :r-esponsibility of the permit holder to see that all. inopections azoe made oat ;hs~proper timE, that each ::dd:r6SB is readabto from tits otreot, and that tho permit card is tocatod at the front of the property. -Bui!ding rr;vi::ior: approved plan shatz. remain on tha Building Sits at aU times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RE:QUEST;CALL 726-3769 {recorder} state your City designated job ntm:ber, job address, typo oj in3pec-;icn requested ar.d when you /Jil.Z. be ready for inspection, Contractors or OWners name c:rui phone number. Requests received befere 7:00 a:'1 :..'ill. bo made the Bame dcy, requests ~...~(~er ?~oo.am ~z.z. bz rmde the 7lC%t :.JOrking dtr:fq' , f' '1.-;z ,: ' IOICl' City Dssigr.ated Job Nwnbsr Is: (")/() , ') D o i SITE INSPECTION: To be made after excavation, but prior to set up of . forms. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELEC"'RICAL & : MECHANICAL: To bo mado bororo any LJOrk is ~overed. . ).. INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made.after all insul~tiQn ar~ required vapor barriers are in place . ~ but beforo any lath, gypswn boa:ro or , b)a:tz. covering is appUed, and bofor6 . any insuZation is concealed. '. .< ':. rg FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be made 'NDRIWALL INSPECTION: To be mad. ~ after trenches arB excavated'and after an dryLxzll is in place, . . forms are erected, but prior to but prior to any taping. pouring CCncl'Bt-Z. '.. ....,.. / . . ~ ''C' ~, ~ 0 MASONRY: ,Steel. location, bond I.' U.~~.D PLUMBING,. ~"~~M\~1TER.v becUlUJ, grouting or verticals in D~To be rrx:ute ~A ~~A ",Ofi'--, accordancs with U.B.C. Section , .Hr.g L-renches. ',' ': 2415. ,'UNDE.9FWO{f'PWMBING;>&-'1.ECHANIC1JJ,: !\?rWODDSTOVE:: Aftor instaLlAtion is , To be made pi'"iOr to inataLl.ation of ~ ccmpleted. {toOl' insulation or dBcking. . " . l\7l' CURB & APPROACH APRON: Afte..... forms ,.i6J are crected but prior to pouring , , concrete. . . ~. SIDEWALK & DRIt'EWAY: For all ~~ crete paving within street right- pf-way, to be mad9 after all ezca- vating complBte & form work & cub- , base mteria L il1 P 'la.::e. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to instal.lation of fl.oor insu.l.ation or decking. , ~GH PT;.lJHBIl11f. E:['ECTR~L ~ ANI ~rk is to be cover~ ,. thcsB inspections have beer. made and approved. .. . -. . ~ FI.l?EPLACE: Prior to placir.g facing .~ material.s and before framing inspec- tion. ',\:11 FRAl~ING: Must be requeoted aftsr ~ approvaL of rough plwr.bing, electri- cal & mechani~al. A1.Z. roofing .' bracing t chimneys, et~. l1r..lst bB :' completed. No wrk is to be con- ,.. cBaled until thio inspection has 'b6~n made and approved. O FENCE: When complGte -- Provide.. gates or movable sections through G;clE~o~jJ ',' ' .' I~ lJLU.OL I DEMOLITION OR gOVED. BUILDIilGS , :J Sani,-;ary SO".JBr' capped at v:.op~rt"~ lir:B .,/ ~ S6pti~ tank rr..ir.:?ed and fitltJ~ lJith ara~Bl I Final - rrhen ab..-"'Ve itBms are completed . ---1 ar~ when demolition is completo or stru~- turs movad and prmses clsaned up. NobilB Hemes ~ BLocking and Set-~p ~ Plumbing connections Bcwsr and watBr :::J Electrical Connection - Blocking~ SBt-up . and plumbing conr:sctions 1lT.J.st 1;e approved . before requesting slBctrical inspec-;ion , :=J ACCSSGO~:i Bui!-ding " --, Final - AftiJr p:Jrcr.es, sHrtint], de~k3, ---1 etc. are completed. .~ /3ItCK. FU4lJ t6vlC-6' PI ;::-avc6. A'll project conditions, such as the instaLlation of streot trees, ao~lotion of the required Zandscc.pir.g, etc., must be satisfied befors tho BUILDING FINAL can be raqusst3d. ~FI/lAL PLUMBInG ~ FIliAL MECHANICAL ~ PINAL BUILDING: The Pinal BuiLding Inspection must bo roquooted altor tho Final PZwrrbing ELectrical, and Mechar:ical Inspectiono hav~ been made and approved. ~ FINAL ELECTRICAL l\ 0 "ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS HUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!fENT TO BE MADE AT NO COST TO CITY I Page 1 of 2 I JOB NO.. g\O\~ SOLAR ACCE~S REQ.- Izona: LOa.:. OcCUPG"""Grou..:.:-:7-t- tJ\\ WT TYPE Lot Faces - Lot Sq. Ft{;. S of tot COlJerag. .'1 of Stories Totat Height Topography \ t \ ~) ."') ..... Interior Corner Panhandte Cul-de-sac t'aqe 6 J L-cod'l.' P.L. North lEast ISouth West 'I';'pe/C(J1".S~: ~ Be~__"'!.'oms: ~ . Enerqu So,aoces ii.roe I I ,~eat ~~ &="1; Access. I 1 Water Hp.ateT' ~ I I I Range .J'??J'3c-'r I I~FirePlaca I I Wood" to"e II N t:17f:1# Setbacks House Garage Jfl'.' 7' /2. ' -- Fees I ~S 1'* '1Q ~~ /4C!!.- 730.3 ~I lITEM SQ. FTG Main 2of-7 Garace 7Je Carr>ort /, ACC8B80ru C/9=*P TOTAL VALUE IS.D,C. 1.5 " (vaLue) Building Permit State Surcharge Total C1uz:oges I ITEM NO. I Fi.rturee I Residsntiat (1 bath) 2- I .sani ta:ry Sewer Water ~Pr:av .. PLumbing Penr.i t State SlU'cr.a:rege Total. Charaes lITEM I Res. Sa. fta. I N~/Ertend Circui te I Temporary Service I NO. I FEE Ete::trical Permit State Sur~haras Total Cha.1'r:;ss lITEM Furnace !!TU'S E:rhaust Hood Vent Fan WoodstOiJB pM. Permit Issuance Mechanical Pemri t State Surchal'ae Total C'haroP..1l -- ENCROACHMENT -- SsC'.aoi ttl D:z"OOsi t Storage Main tenan.:!e Permi t I Total Cha1'Q8S cUrbcu; $0 ' 771 Sid_lk Fen::e Electpical Label Mobile Home ...JM'L JJbw ('.e:, pee I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:' i' I FEE NO. FEE I I -I ,3'"'" x Value 1~'1./~~ I It;07.~.sl' , 46'/.,01 2Z.!>~ 4739, CHARGE /~()~ I I IS~O 17S~ e.!ff. I 163.fa: I. GHARGE . ,CHARGE ./~eP 4-.~ 12~ J r;:; ,.!!Jl- -.z...!.!L J~~ ,~q.5'o 2~ S 1."f6.. . /4,5"0..- 2i~'5s:.. 5~ II ?12 23 c;C;, 2e, Building Value- & Pe r m i t Thi3 penrrU in granted on the express condition that the s~id construction shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, inc!uding the Zoning Czodinance, pegulating the construotion and use of buildings, and m::zy be sUDpended or revoked at cny time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. 2R 3./5 r 2B(.1S 1~fr'T t. ,])tIE. $/ t.7D Ipl.an Check Fed>11 ,4-:5 I Date Paid: ..Q. ?'$ . q / I I Receipt #: / cd.). {)--! / ISig::ed: ~ ~/Y)l ./ Plumbing Permit No pep80n shall construct, instal!, alter op change any netJ or e--i8ting plumbing or drainage system in whole or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plwnbe1"'s license, except that a pe1'son may do pl.umbing /JOrk to property which is OL!Md, teased or operated by the appli- cant. / Electrical Permi t Where State LaLJ pequires t'ft.at the electrical work be done by an Electrical Cont'roctor, the electr>ical portion of this permit shall roOt be valid until the /.abet has been signed by the EtecmcaZ Contractor. S~M.R(p :Iff' //1 CAi7!J,J Mechanical Permit ..... P.!~h1~ i ua~//01 I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED ths completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that all info:rination hereon is true and correct, cmd I f.J.I'thel' certify that any ar.d all work perfoMfed shall b9 done in act:ol'- 'dance "nth the Ordin:mces of the City of Springficld, end tho L=s of tho 'A State of Oreg.:m. p$rtai71ing to the oork described herein, and :hat NO OCCU- PANCY will be nnde of any structure withoi.4t pal'misaion of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that <r.1ly contractors and e:rrpl:Jyess who a't'6 in ~pliance with ORS 701.055 witl be used on this project 10D I (/f~P?~ Sign2d ~/f"/ . ~