HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1991-3-13 (2) .. RESIDE.Al" , '. . APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 NDrth 5th Streot SpringfieZd, O"f!gon 97477 Bui 7.ding D-~t>1:sion 726-3753 \'1 -0'3-34- Subdivision: tf.'AlJ,...:J t:~/.Tr.- (}'I..,~:n) L-,,+ I~ r ;o~ ~c~ti~n; , , AsoeSD02'S Map # I I I OJner: ~t,.~ ;~ ~.. '-b J#"'" ~'i "2..4- '6 /.J~ Address: ,,,~, .. 'I. " . ""7'w< ,..t.._ I~Y l)_,.~, City: e "-( e-.I'- tJ ....r d " , U 0...Nmj n Addition n Remode~ r---l !~bil8 Homa SPFiINGFlJaLD ..1 1.'.'_ Tax Lot # I,Ou '" , .e~Pt # -{ '14, "fj- Pr.nne: l/f~.117" Zip: ~ } 0.(,;)/ Describe rl'ork: s:rR (nt&> . '-- rv~ r .Qr , \ Sigr.,ed: Data: ~J~~" Date of Application .. : ~,b..t.,' If / . Contractors Addr"~~ '. -Lisc. II Bldrs Board R ,,,. . General ~...J.....J 13'/. ~.. ~f~3 -p;;iJ./J.. C ~ Jt. "f~ i Plumbing I:.'u+"... i'1,,~~;-,,< Kr.J!....,o,( t:::'.< ,yO,? 0/ I Hechanical f(o!"~ f.k.:.f. .J~" .[,) . :t:l:ZEl Po 6;: U ~cx/.t__ .' g I El,ectr:u:al \-\.t?E~~,w cuc-::rftf'- 7'l7oJ D,Ii. eG. 1...0 -17It>c. ~?li~{" I Slloe",,~;;,..1g Electrician . ~ A.'. ~ -z..'1tOr? S Value <<f9C) 0 Expires I;/'il 14/ ~I ~ /12- 3J9( P....."np </5S311 (., v,fSJI V (p. .' 7 '/1_"041.- 9</2-J(., 7L . It is ths responoibiZity of ths permit holder to 888 that all. inDpeations arB made at ths proper timc1 that each .:ddr6BB is readabZe from ths street, and that the permit card is located at thB front of the pr<?Perty. .tBui!dirrg r;.;vi::ior: approved pUm. s,heLt remain on tha BuiUing sit;; at all. times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION R~QUEST~CALL 726-3769 (rccopder) state YOUI' City designated job nwnbep, job address, type of in3pec~icn requested ar.d when you rJil.'L be ready for inspection, Contractors or OI.meZ"s name and phone number. RequGsts received beforB 7:00 a':'I ..."il'L be made the sam6 dcy, requests made after 7:()O am wiU be made the next :.>orking day. fl.\ D\' ^-:h ," Your City' Desigr.ated Job Number Is: V'\ LV J J?p.l1Jli-eJ'JI T,,~~q~t':q'1"t O SITE INSPECTION: To be made after excavation, bu.t prior to set up of .foI'l1l.s. O ' UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & . MECHANICAL: To be rmde before any , work is covered. ..,' ]";7f FOOTING & FOUNOATION: To be made q after trenches are excavated' and ~ : IOI'l1l.B are erected, but prior to ,pouring concrete. U,~~ND PWMBING/SF:Wf:Ji) ~ RAINAG To be made prior Wrrt- :g rencMs. K7f, UNDERFLOOR "f;UMBI~ &~HANICW: ~ To b6 made p-r:r:mtto i713talZation of floor insuLation or decking. f\:'/( POST AND BEAM: To be made pnor to J,6! i713talZation of floor insuZation or . .deoking. . . ~ ROUGH 'LUlfBI/l ECTRICA r) &\/./ECH- ~ leA. 0 :Jerk l.S to be cover"&r" " ur. 1. hese inspections have beer. made and approved. .. ' '. D FI.~EPLACE: Prior to plaair{/ faving materials and bsfore framing inspec- . tior.. . . I ~RAl-~INC: Must b6 requested after appl'oval of rough plwrbing, electl'i- . l & mechanical. Azz. roofing . bracing I; chimneys, et~. lTf".J.st be :' completed. No work is to be CGn- ........ cealed until thiD inspection has ~b6~n made and apPl'Oved. t8l FI/lAG PW'.fBI/IG ~ FI/IAG /1ECHAIIICAG ~ FINAG UECTRICAG. 0. o ~ INSUGATIONIVAPOR BARRIER I11SPECTIOII: To be made after all insuk:ti.?n aY'A :~.' . required vapor barriers are in ptac6 ': '::. .: but before any lath; gypsum board or , ; :,'-' wll coveM.ng is appUild, and bilfors .~:: '. ..~y insulation is concealed. . " ' "', . D DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be mads ~ aftilr all drywall is in place, . but prior to any taping. .' . . O' MASONRY ~ Stee l location, bo7ui beam3, grouting or verticals in accordancs with V.B.C. Section 2415. O WOODSTOVE: After installation is ocmpZet<<i. . l'::::A' CURB & APPROACH APTiON: Afte.... forms ,k:::h.are created but pl'ior to pouring .' . concrete. . . . + . 'IQ'SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For all ~on';--' ~... ~crete paving tJithin street right.. t , .of-way, to be made after all exca- , vating complete & form work & sub- . base rraterial in pla.::!e. K7f' PENCE. When complete -- Provide. l6J gates ),r movable sections through P.U.E. . [3-c9~~oon . 'J\jLC(w:xed -.1'- I DEMOLITION OR NOVED BUILDINGS ~ Semi"ta:ry sC"Jer ::apped :It ~op&rt-~ Une . =:J Septi:J tank p"..lo>::ped and fillfl~ L1ith gra~ot I Final - rflum above items CU"e ccmplGtsd ; ~ ar~ when demolition is complete or 8tl'U~- I . ture movsd and premis68 cleaned up. I I / Mobile Hcmes :::J B~ooking and Set-~p ". :::J Plumbing connections -- sClJGr and water ---, Electrical Connection - Blocking, set-up .:.....J and plumbing connections r1r.J.st be apprOl,,'ed . before requesting eZec~l'ical inspection .\.....l... - ,~ ' =:J Accesso'rb' Sui ld~ng --, Pina.l - ltft~r p:Jrcr.6s, skirting, decks, ~ etc. are completed. ~ ~FLow nevlce.' . . .' ~ All projeat conditions, such as the installation of strcst traes. c~~lotion of the required landsccpir.g, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can !Jo. raqusstad. FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be roqueDted aftar the Final Plwnbina Electrical, and Mechar.ical Inspoctiono have been made and appl'ov,zd. 'ALL MANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS IIUST BE ACCESSIBLE, {'?,"J.-:>' Y6I1Ji/"lQQ ". : .'.._:~"::--..~:- - ":':"',\' ''''''<!).''' .. \to., _n,O- ADJUST!fF!/lT TO BE IIADE AT NO COST TO :r;;' I P;ge ! of 2 " . l ~~ge ~ I JOB NO. a.\D' \a3S0lAReCESS REQ.- I Zone: \_ \ '\ 1L.., Oem,"anc. GlOU", \?-"5 ~ l\~ \ Lot Sq. Ftg. LOT TYPE 1 Lot F~ees - f lo i . I Setbacks Sat C,jt)erag; Inr;er'Lor I P. L. House Cfn'age # of Storoies . \ Corner INorth Total Height;' \ 1'1 ' Panhandle East . -~ Topography,' Cul-de-sao W est I lITEM Illiin I Gmoace I Carport IACCeSSOl'U SQ. FTG JB?.O -t:io TOTAL VALUE Is.D.C. ,vat-uc} 1.5 " Buil.ding Pe:rnrit State Surcharge Total C!>a.-ges I ITEM NO. IFi:z:t:woes I Residsntial (1 bath) 2- I Sanitary SeLJe!' Water \ )?)\\~~1~t I State Surcr.a.rge Total. Charaes ITEM Res. So. fto. NmJ/E:rtend Ciraui ts I Temporary Service Ele~tl"icaZ. Permit . : Stat. Surcharo/ Total Charc:es lITEM FUrnace ETU'S Exhaust Hood I Vsnt Pan WOodstOlJ8 ~ Permit Issuance Mechanica.7. Permit State Surchtnoae '1'ntnl r.J,a.,.r-rm I -- ENCROACHMENT -- I SeC'.4.M.ttl Daoosit I Storage I Maintenan'::M I Permit' ,', Tota 7. CharaoB Zt!!>' ?t5 ' cU:rbcu~ I Sidewalk I PCP'C:e I Electrical Label I Nolf{e Home ,jJ\() .1\ l\~t\n '. TOTAL AMOUIIT DUE:' X Value I 181ft 9P,~' !4!!- 61 {) '? .!!- . I I . 95tl>~. II+~SD~ . , 4/fi/,.-1 . e.o,~1 4:3Z3 .9,,1. FEE CHARGE 16CJ~ I NO. I FEE IO./J-O )70~D ~. '/:0 J7$:!i>O . CHARGE / / ..- / /' NO. FEE CHARCE /' &C r~- <I ~a /Z."-D I ( 13.~ z~ /0,..0 I ;2.~.~EJ I }.73 '3'~;:;Z-3 11-::1.0 -;2.~t? f=S. ~.o-o ,., :2/99.531. ,.,: l-COG~ .. I TypeICor.8t: ~ .jV Bedrooms: 5 I I Enero" Sources f- Ci' I, Heat Access. I Water .tip-otero q I I Range F__ I' I Fireplace I Woodatot:e II TUDe -- F:::es -- Building Value & Permit This pennit io. granted on the express aondition that the said construction BhattiJ in all roBspeats, confonn to the Ordinar.ce adopted b"y the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Ordinance, regulating tho construction ar.d use of bui'Ldings, and may be suspended or revoked at cny time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. ~~ ClJ::V \ '8 ~ '5 KJWqq Cctoo 101 ') :2 M.@ ~ ~ ::: Plan Check Fee: IJ' 'f!!;;O~~)1fl Vate Paid: ~l L-/ Reodpt ~ \ 0 /ISign~d: NJ Plum~ing' P~rmit No person ohaZl construct, ihstaU, alter 01' change any nezJ or e----isting - - plumbing or drainage systen in ~hole or in part, unless such person i8 the legal. possessor of a valid ptumb61"8 1.icense, except that a person may do plw.bing lJOrk to property whiah is ownsd. leased or operated by the appli- cant. Electrical Permit Where State LaLJ requires t;..at the electrical lJOrk be dona by an E1.eetrical Contractor, the electrical, portion of this permit shall. roOt be valid until the Zabel has been signed by the EZect;ricaZ Contractor. 'Sf7J?~ - #/#'Mf7c7Al. . Mechanical Permit . ~A~~ Plari 'E:r:arm..ner ",,<e~h/ I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED ths completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that all info-:oination hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any ar.d a'll tJOrk perfomled shall. be do:16 in accor- dance :.nth the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and th~ La'.;s of'tho ~ State of Orego" pertaining to the work aBecM-bed herein, end that NO OCCU- PI:NCY !Jill be rrnde of any atructura without pe1'mission of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that o~ly contractors ardl ~~yee8 who are in compliance ~~th ORS 701.055 will be used on this project ... a~.~, Signed ~ /.J"/-'l Date