HomeMy WebLinkAboutEasement APPLICANT 1/8/2010 ... .-...J . .> . . ~,; ~.,. .~ After recording return to: Ken Olson 87417 Halderson Rd. Eugene, Oregon 97402 r-------_~ Division of Chief DepulY-:Ci~rk ---------., Lane Counly Deeds and Re"ords ~~~~.~DD~~~ ~W1WH~11l~~lWWUWlt~1111111I111 $57,00 RPR-ESIlT Cnl=2 5t"=8 cAJ~{~~~g9 09:.40:26 AM $a.oo $lS.00 $10.00 $11.00 $16.00 Until a chang~ is requested Mail all Tax Statements: Ken Olson 87417 Halderson Rd. Eugene, Oregon 97402 PRIVATE ACCESS AND UTILITY EASEMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT RECITALS: Matthew Aaron Olson, Ken Olson and Marilyn Olson are the owners of a certain tract of real property located in the Southeast one-quarter of Section 26 in Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the WillameUe Meridian. The legal description of the real property is as follows: Beginning at the northwest comer of Lot 8, Block 2 of Hunt's AdditiOll'to . Springfield as platted and recorded in Book 3, Page 6 of the Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thence along the north boundary of said Lot 8, Block 2 North 89039'38" East 182.00 feet; thence leaving said north boundary and running parallel to the west boundary of said Lot 8, Block 2 SOUTH 70.00 feet; thence parallel to the north boundary of said' Lot 8, Block 2 South 89039'38" West 182.00 feet to a point in the west boundary of said Lot 8, Block 2, said point being on the east margin of S" Street 33.00 feet easterly of, when measured at right angles to, the centerline of S" Street; thence along the easterly margin of S~ Street NORTH 70.00 feet to the point of beginning, all in Lane County Oregon. The owner is partitioning said rcal property into 2 parcels as approved under City of Springfield Planning File No. SUB2007-00049. This easement is being created to provide ingress and egress across Parcell to serve Parcel 2 with acccss to the'public road and impacts Parcell and Parcel 2 of Land Partition Plat No. 2009- ;::>'?VO 7 . , recorded 2 .n"..c. , 2009, Inst. No. ;:?c>O 9- 66 $/ :J Lane C.ounty Oregon Official Records.. DECLARATION OF EASEMENT: 1. Easement Created. Matthew Aaron Olson, Ken Olson and Marilyn Olson do hereby create a perpetual easement as describ~d in Exhibit "A", attached, for the . mutual and-exclusive use of Parcell and Parcel 2 of the aforementioned partition plat, as recorded in the Lane County Oregon Official Records. ~'. 2. Purpose. The easement is created to provide for ingress and egress and emergency vehicle access to Parcel 2 of said Land Partition Plat. That portion of the access easement not encumbered by an underlying public utility easement may also be used by the aforementioned Parcel 2 for the installation of private utilities, including, but not limited to water service, electrical service. telecommunicalion services. storm water drainage and sanitary sewer service. Date Received: Access Easement and Maintenance Agreement - Page 1 JAN 0 8 2010 Final Submittal 17~~"#;- -,.-. ~-~~"'=") -, -.-.....; ..~ ..;. . 3. Use of Burdened Property. The owners or occupiers of the parcels affected by the easement shall have the right to use their property, including the area . described as the easement, for any purpose as long as the owners or occupiers do not interfere with the use of the easement as granted by this instrument. However, no parking will be allowed within the easement area. 4. Maintenance and Repairs. . The cost of any maintenance or repair of the area within the easement shall be borne solely by the owners of Parcel 2 of said Land Partition Plat. However, any repairs necessitated by the negligence or the misuse of the easement area and rights granted herein by Parcel] or Parcell agents or invitees shall be the sole responsibility of Parcel I. 5. Property Taxes. Parcell shall be responsible for any real property taxes for the easement area. 6. Successors in Interest. The provisions of this instrument touch and concern, and relate to the use of Parcel I and Parccl 2 of said Land Partition Plat, and are intended to be covenants and restrictions running with the land. All provisions of this instrument, including the benefits and.burdens, are binding and enure to the heirs, successors, assigns, transferees, and personal representatives of all parties who own any of the aforementioned parcels. Dated th i s IZh" (,n fob e r ,2009. day of 111' ) I IlIIi ~~~ c.: ./(..'^- (L-'J:v- Matthew Aaron Olson ~ Ken Olson r-, If L/~ '. ) ilLtU"p),;,.. (Yf/' ~ Marilyn Olsonl STATE OF OREGON ) ) SS County of Lane ) 11.....L Oc..-Tober On this . L"T r\ day of , 2009 there appeared before me, a Notary Public for the State of Oregon, County of Lane the hereon named Matthew Aaron Olson, Ken Olson and Marilyn Olson, being known to me, or proved to me by a satisfactory evidence, to be the same persons who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the same to be their voluntary act and deed. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and afficr~~l~G~~ . Notary Public for Oregon My commission expires: MAle H S I , i0rL . 'OFFICIAlSEAL : CHRIS MOORHEAD \../ NOTARY PUBUC-OREGON COMMISSION NO. 427460 MYCOMMIS N J M 1 0 Access Easement ~nd Mainten~nce Agreement - Page 2 JAN C 8 2010 ,::.:::, ,,~, ....'1. ... -~~, .---~.-....----,--~ ...) . " ~.. ;-. '. ~ Exhibit "A" Easement Area Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 8, Block 2 of Hunt's Addition to Springfield as platted and recorded in Book 3, Page 6 of the Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thence along the north boundary of said Lot 8, Block 2 North 89039'38" East 96.25 feet; thence leaving said north line and running SOUTH 20.00 feet; thence South 89039'38" West 75.75 feet; thence South 77028'03" West 21.00 feet to a point.in the west boundary of said Lot 8, Block 2; thence along the west boundary of said Lot 8, Block 2 NORTH 24.44 feet to the point of beginning, all in Lane County Oregon. Access Easement and Maintenance Agreerne~t ~ Page 3 ~"..,.."..".-~ Date Received: JAN 0 8 2010 Final SL!b[!1!t;'~1~ -'_._..r.~,,~..'_'~"_~_"