HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Compliance Report 2010-9-22 Sep 22 2010 8:45AM LOWES WEATHERIZATION page 1 -11iis home is Insulated wi h BLANKET INSULADON Batt andblanket'lnsulatlon whlin InstBlled 1I1e manufactu,e,'S recommendations wK' stated R-vBlue, : ToobtilirtM'liiSUi8rlbn ',' ,. reslstai1Cie(R) .,1: R-38 R-38 A.Besl" R.30 R-30 A-Besl" A-25 R-22 A-21 R-Bas1" R-19 Kraft R-19 Unlaced R.15 A.Besl" A-13 Roll 12" hick 10 1/2" ick 9 V2" ick 8 V4' ick 8 V2" Ick 7 1/2" hick 51/2" hick 61/2" ick 6 1/4" ick 3 518" Tick 3 5/8" Tick 3 1/2' T ick OR means resistance 10 heat ftJw. 11Ie tllgher the R.vahJ . the graater lt1e insulating POW&l. Ask vour seller for the fact sheet R-vellles. (f) I NC. 15414852292 , I C tt? ---1/11- a=i Manufacturer: GUARDIAN F"IBERGLASS INSULATION 1000 East North Street Albion, MI49224 COVERAGE INFORM liON To achieve the' stated R-vsIU8s, the risulation must be inatalJed at Itlese minimum thicknesses and maximum cOve,' . Failure to Install both the requ~ed bags and etleas! Ihe minun'um thickness wiN resu" in lower Insulation R-value. Not for exposed appl1cations. Insu on should not be installed over eeve venlS or near fight fixtures or ,other heal gene' devices. Net coverages Includes framing. SUPERCUBE If' SPEC FlCATlONS This product meets or exceeds the uirements 01 ASTM C 764, Type 1, Thickness values determined In ace 'dance wltl1 ASTM C 1374. Flame Spread 5, Smoke Daveloped 5. Thermal Resistance Values dele,mi ed In accordance with, ASTM C 687. C 518. Material passes the requiremenl>l of STM E 138 Combustion Characteristics. R-IIAWe' Toobtai'l No. otbagspet' Conten.of Installed hslallod anlnaatlon 10<Xl sq. ft. ot bag ShOuld Iniulallon InsuJal/on resistanOlll netMlashaJf COIfGt~t should not stlOuld not Rot: nol be les& than: be less lhan: be lessthaJ1: R-60 33.3 30 SF 1.155LBS. 21.75" 21~75" R-48 ' 26.3 MSF 0.925 LBS. 18.25" 18.25" R-44 23.2 43 SF' 0.822 Las, 16,75" 16.75" R.M 20.0 SO SF 0.701 LBS. 14.75" t4.75" fWD 15.4 ASP 0.541 LSS. 12.00" 12.00" R~ 18.3 75 SF 0.462 LBS. 10.75" 10.75" R.22 11.6 86 SF 0.385 LBS. 11.25" 9.25. R.19 10.0 100 SF 0.327 LBB. 8.25" 8.25'" R.13 6.7 lSOSF 0.212 LBS. 6.00" 6.00. R-11 5.8 172 SF 0.173 LBS. 5.25" 5.25" E1AG WElGHT: 35 LBS,. MINIMUM: 33L8S. FOR PNE "'''TlCAPPUCATION ONLY. !..,....,................................._~-................... ........,., ..".............,.........................................-......-......-..............,..... .................OI......... ...................................".."......."...,....t I Builder's and Applicator's Certiflca . on Sig.nature 'I i This i to certify the Insulation as instaded conforms to'th above ! I ree mmendalions 10 provide thermal resistance value( ) of~1 I , I I I 1 ! 8'17 S 5J7 11. sp.,..,'1'..."o' , ! Batts and Rolls e-fllllnsulaflon I i R-value Thickness ! !- R-.LLusing I bags olinsulation '.' Ceilings: ! ! I . ft. of area al a thickness , ~ WaUs: i ! of I'ilJ inches ,g New construction ! ; ~ ' Floors: 0 Upgrade . ~i ! .,~ ~ ! ~. ~ i ; f Address hone Bullder's Signature ! ! i ~ : , Dalll Company Name{ApPlicator Ad,!rllss hone Applicator's Signature ; i i ............."....."...-...................................."..."................ .................'.."...."..."..''''''..................."...."..'''''''.....-............. ......................... .........."...............".....................-... GfM115 1109 Printed In U.s.A. C 2OD9 Guardi8l18uDdlng Products