HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 10/27/2010 ~. c ".. . . OREGON DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (ODA) LAND USE COMPATIBILITY STATEMENT (LUCS) WHAT IS A LUeS? The LUeS is the process ODA uses to detennine that aDA licenses and other approvals that affect land use are consistent with the local government comprehensive plan. WHY IS A LUCS REQUIRED? Oregon law requires that state agency activities related to land use be consistent with local comprehensive plans in accordance with ORS 197.180. WHEN IS A LUeS REQUIRED? A Lues is required for all new ODA licenses, some General Penn its, and certain approvals for plans or related activities that affect land use. In cases where a source needs more than one aDA license or penn it or approval, a single LUeS may be used. HOW TO COMPLETE A LUeS: . The original copy of the LUeS fomi must be included with the ODA license application and may be obtained on-line at the aDA website or from your local inspector. . Applicant fills out Section I of the LUeS and then submits it to the city or county planning office. . The local planning office detennines if the business or facility meets all local planning requirements. . The local planning office must attach written findings of fact for local reviews or other necessary planning approvals that are required of the applicant. . The applicant includes the original completed LUeS and attachments with the license application or approval submittal. WHERE TO GET HELP: Questions concerning LUeS may be directed to ODA, Food Safety Division, at' (503) 986-4720 I SECTION 1 - TO BE FILLED OUT BY APPLICANT I. Name of applicant: H-141'{lc/ Far6l.v:.<:;' /l.<1A1l: f:, 0 Contact person: G~ /3. RA/lIO.( Telephone: (~I.i\') "'fr.1 - <;( 3 <; '7 Mailing address: LA~ EJ':l<.,(I'n-r<~ ~'&<t..-,t(~ rxrSln.:r-cT )::l.00 rl.....'1 Q'1 AI /E;1,1,f-"'~' QI< '17l/UC>.-~O!~ Business Location address: ~i(" ~ A Si-, (()nrA,.~r--{...L,^ I tl{ "1747<1S Tax Acct. # Latitude Tax Lot # Longitude Township Range Section 2. Describe type of business or facility and the services or products provided: . 0 Sn.Of...., (.2.V/V (Qi-k:r::t C"''''''f'~/1,-~ 0 OoA-AT.f 3.0&' (Q~IL-T:b~'//!-1.''1..-'\I,," Tv ~hl A 0.7 c Iv / !/V~,f k' \':::>. 'f- 6:;. 0 f.clCJ An.. lAIt.t: [..f'-J-"Lcl: O:I-A..."N 3. What ODA license or licenses are being applied for? Date Received: OCT 2 7 2010 Original Submittal Pagelof2 PRMTIO-QO005 J.-.Uc..S 5~ 17-03-35 --.3) 10-21-/0 \L 13200 C:\I}ocumenu and SeningslbbrandsLESD\Local Seltings\Temporary Internet FilesICooleot.IE51JNVR6INK\LUCS[I].doc .: <<-:. " . . SECTION 2 - TO BE FILLED OUT BY CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING OFFICIAL 4. The facility proposal is located: inside city limits ~ inside UGH 5. Name of city or county that has land use jurisdiction': 6. 7a. List all local reviews or approvals that were required of the applicant before the Lues consistency was determined. (This does not include past requirements that do not relate to the pending ODA permit request). ---lhl Sltt- \\ -j 1\ fom~ Ilti '2S: ~ It~ ~D(:(1t!iif(d . ~ivt\opl'Y'{Y'\-t COIfI gc.fr60 - 10 MIra 01J5:l5- 110. 7b. If #6 is no, identify reasons for noncompliance or list requirement(s) that the applicant must comply with before Lues consistency can be determined. 7c. Is local government currently processmg remaming requirements to attain LUeS consistency? yes _ no L Planning official reviewer's telephone number: l541) 1).{jJ - 2lo I 8. L-i l- t'VIlIl(r Print Planning Official's name Title1! t{nn{ r r- I /() J J-ft7/, 0 I SIGNATURES ~. 1M~ Plan~g Official Date Title Date Planning Official Print Planning Official's name (depending upon city/county agreement on jurisdiction outside city limits but within UGH) ATTENTION: A LUeS approval cannot be accepted by ODA until all local requirements have been met. Written findings of fact for all local decisions addressed under 7.through 7b must be attached to the Lues. Date Received: OCT 2 7 2010 Original Submittal C \Documents and SettingslbbranMLESD\Local Senings\Temporary Internet Files\Conlent.IE5\INVR6INK\LUCS[I).doc Palle2of2