HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Field Test & Inspection Report 2010-9-27 h, ; IEiLB,r 525 NW Second Street. Cm\l;lllis, Omgon f17330 d8003B3.8855 ph 541.751J.1382 "541.753.1264 www.claircompnnv.com Daily Field Report Date: 9/27/2010 Time Arrived: 2:00 PM Project #: 1266-001 No.: 159 . .---,.-- - _. -- Type of Inspections Performed Equipment -- o Reinforcing Steel D Structural Steel Fabrication Type Serial Number D Reinforced Concrete o Structural Steel E...cetioD I .Jl I -_-...:....- D Concrete Forms D Expansion Bolts ~ Structural Masonry D Geotech Observations D Shotcrete D Structurall<iIIs D D - - -- Epoxy Anchors Sub-grade (footings/slabs) Type of Material: Concrete Gmut Mu,t.. I D Fire Proofing D Pile Driving Supplier I I ,1_-----.J12pec Mix! D Othc". Mix# I _----.II... II II --.--.,.....---------.--. -.. Specific Placement Locations Slump/Flow (in.) 1 .JI 11_..-1 eMU block walls@gridsC/24.5 to 26, 26/C to L, 1st lift, 5 courses. Material Temp. (OF) I JI__~JI.._~1 Ambient Temp. (OF) I IL_jl~, Time Placed L ..Jl -----11 2pmll No. of Samples 1 JL---.JL_-.Jl . .__ h___ ..."..~---~-- .- -- ...... I Design Strength (PSI) II _IL~5~ Note: Total Cubic Yds. L II JL j ----- I --~i ...-.-.-.-...---- ..---~i . . ---~~---~-l -.-.-..-.--......-...--~ .~~~--l ProJ~c~~~~: Address: Hilton Garden Inn .~~.~~~~:.~~X:..,~~i~E.~~~~,~'?R ."~~_~~.~"i,~g~.". .."_..."~_.~~~:l~_..__..~ Permit # : C81082 Client Name: Associated Consultant Special Inspection: IY'I Period: periodic Weather Conditions: clear D Previously hsted uncorrected Items o Changes to approved plans and/or specifications by Architect,or Engineer o Corrections of previously listed items o Items requiring correction o 1\laterials and methods of construction o Equipment used (i.e. what was used to proof roll or obtain compaction) Field Observations and Comments ~Reinforcing steel was checked in locations listed above, for grade, slze,lap, placement and clearances where applicable. Haines Bros Masonry has installed CMU books, 4x8x 18 and colored bricks, seismic pintels, Duro.Wall D/A 2133 installed with 19 ga pencil rod, attached with #2 10 screws to meta] stud framing. Reference Documents: S1.1, 51.2, 51.3/5, 53.], 53.2, Rev 7-28-09. --- -"---_.~------~ As a mutual protection to clients, the public, and ourselves, all reports are submitted as confidential property of clients and arc intended for the use of our clients or No other person or eutity may utilize the report or any portion thereof without our written pennissioll. To the best of my knowledge, the work inspected was in accordance with the building department approved design drawings, specifications and applicable workmanship provisions of the I.B.C. except as noted: Inspector Name: Craig 5arver Reviewed by: Dave Tilton f~La,r .Ii 525 NW Secord Street. Corvallis, Oregon 97330 d800.383.AB55 ph541.75RI302Ix541.7~l2264 www.claircompanv.com Daily Field Report Date: 9/28/2010 Tilne Arrived: 7:30 AM Project #: 1266-001 No. : 160 OR Hotel Special Inspection: ~ Pedod: periodic Weather Conditions: clear '. . f , Pcrmit#: C81082 Client Name: Associated Consultant * Type of Inspections Performed Equipment 0 Reinforcing Steel o Structural Steel Fabrication Type Serial Number 0 Reinforced Concrete ~ Structural Steel Erection I JI_-=-___J 0 Concrete Forms D Expansion Bolts 0 Structural Masonry o Geotech Observations o Shotcrete o Structural Fills 0 o Sub-grade (footings/slabs) . Epoxy Anchors Type of Material: Concrete Grout Mortar 0 Fire Proofing o Pile Driving I II ---JI. I ~ Supplier Other: welding inspection/US bolts I JI II I . ----~--_.- ----. .- Mix # Specific Placement Locations SlumplFlow (in.) I II II I Pavilion/swimming pool @ grids lOIN to Q Material Temp. (OF) I II JI I Ambient Temp. eF) I II -~I I Time Placed I II -lL t - . No. of Samples 1 JI .JI --' .--- -_.__.._"_.~,,- I _.-JL_..JI Design Strength (PSI) I Note: Total Cubic Yds. I JI II I ~ .. > I ,. i I,; D PreVIOusly hsted uncorrected Items D Changes to approved plans and/or specifications by Architect,or Engineer D Corrections of previously listed items o Items requiring correcUon o Materials and methods of construction D Equipment used (i.e. what was used to proof roll or obtain compaction) Field Observations and Comments DReinforcing steel was checked in locations listed above, for grade, size, lap, placement and clearances where applicahle. Gibson Steel Fab has cleaned and prepped the work areas noted above. Visual inspection has been performed on the Iillet weldmcnts per A WS DI.! Table 6.1. Material and electrodes per plans. Weldercerts on Iile. High strength bolts tightened per AISC sec. 5, turn of the nut method. i A , ~ ~ , j i t ~ (\. Reference Documents: 81.1, S 1.2,86.4, Rev 8-25-10. As a mutual protectioll to clients. the public, and ourselves, all reports are submitted as confidential property of clients and are intended for the use ofourc1ients or ! No other person or entity may utilize the report or any portion thereof without our written permission. To the best of my knowledge, the work inspected was in accordance with the building department approved design drawings, specifications and applicable workmanship provisions oflhe LB.C. except as noted: Inspector Name: Craig Sarver Reviewed by: Dave Tilton ~ ~ " ~ ,-Lalr 525 NW Secorlo Stroot, Corvallis, Oregon 97330 tfHfJO_3818855 ph 541.75!J.13D2 tx 541.75..1.225~ www.claircompany.com Daily, Field Report Date: 9/22/2010 Time Arrived: 3:00 PM Project # : '1266-001 No. : 161 Proiect Name: Hilton Garden Inn Address: 3528 OR Hotel ,,_"~~_~_rnit# : C81082 Client Name: :, Associated Consultant Special Inspection: D Period: periodic Weather Conditions: clear Type of Inspections Performed Equipment .~.. o Reinforcing Steel o Structural Steel Fabrication Type Serial Number o Reinforced Concrete D Structural Steel Erection I ~~IL~__ __-.-J o Concrete Forms o Expansion Bolts D Structural Masonry D Geotech Observations i I . D Shotcrete D Struetu ral Fills I I o Epoxy Anchors D Sub-grade (footings/slabs) Type of Mate.-ial: Concrete Grout Mortar o Fire Proofing o Pile Driving Supplier I ---11 II I ~ Other: welding and HS bolting Mix# I II ~I I --~---_. Specific Placement Locations Slump/Flow (in.) I Jl II I I) Pavilion and 2nd floor framing@gridsF.75/23t024-RFI#61. Material Temp. (01-") i II II I 2) Pavilion and 2nd floor framing@ grids 4 to PF and P I to 23. Ambient Temp. eF) I JI II J Time Placed I --.II II I . No. of Samples I II II -----l -,---"-~---- ~~---~ I II II Design Strength (PSI) I, Note: Total Cubic Yds. I --..It ~t II , o Pre\-lOusly listed uncorrected Items o Changes to approved plans and/or specifications by Architect,or Engineer o Corrections of previously listed items o Items requiring correction o Materials and methods of construction o Equipment used (i.e. what was used to proof roll or obtain compaction) Field Ohservations and Comments DReinforcing steel was checked in locations listed above, for grade, size, lap, placement and clearances where applicable. I /, Gibson Steel Fab has cleaned and prepped the work areas noted above. Visual inspection has been perfonned on the fillet we]dmcnts per A WS I 01.] Table 6.1. Material and electrodes per plans. Welder certs on file. High strength bolts tightened per AISC see, 5, turn of the nut method. J As a mutual protection to clients, the public, and ourselves, all reports are submitted as confidential property of clients and are intended for the use of our clients or Reference Documents: 51.1, SI.2, S6.4, SI.3, 53.2, Rev 9/2009 No other person or entity may utilize the report or any portion thereof without our written pemlissioll. To the best of my knowledge, the work inspected was in accordance with the building department approved design drawings, specifications and app]icable workm~nship provisions of the I.B.C. except as noted: Inspector Name: Craig Sarver Reviewed by: Dave ,Tilton ~ .. " u: "'~ "I 0 "iijlO 0 "'- 0 0 " ~ ~~ .0 " 0 o 0 u ::l e . 0; -~ " ;; .~~ a. '" ~ 8. u > . 0 . " 0: ,,0: ::: ::: ..... ::: OJ "tl .... .. o ::: o .... ..... .~ :I: .... .... o Po. OJ i:>::: OJ <..I ::: .. .~ ..... Po. Ei o u , ::: o Z . .8 ~ w-gg-ro 'O~g ::E;~~-g@m.g J: o.:e ~ ~ ~ :u ~ ::: g- ctl lI'l lI'l E ..... 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