HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Compliance Report 2010-10-29 ,~n.4 . l' , _ ,~~~gPR~l_~GFIELO U'"'~:~~l= '7 ,'~ , ,.' LUj~Ji!&[~1,~lilJlYdJ/ =1 ~:)ff[;l ::(ejJjII~~~:b;~~="'#P,:};{_~iei,~~ "1:\,'\:1 np\'lENT ':::;Ep\!]CES D!:,P,\TJT'\.'l1=NT r.~':::'f~~'f*~;.' /A~ ~'-i:~ L....L . '- - - , "~ .' 'L -- .--W_ J' -'-- &~~"f:~,W!t\-~ ~VI ~\~ 225 FIFTH STREET '_""'~X"$_'_'':<,,'''''':'' ~ ' SPRINGFIELD, OR 974>7 PHONE (541)726-3753 FAX (541)726-3689 \VW\v. ci. springfield. or. us Penl1it No.: HIGH-EFFICIENCY LIGHTING SYSTEMS OREGON RE~ENTIAL SPEC1AL TY CODE (ORSC) ~ eJ:{ b~II~",,&? c/tJ- OItJt;;b . I ,WI V .:; -/0- Obi /'10/ Jurisdiction 5itJ S qgl" fL Site Address: Subdivision/Lot: and/or M~p and Tax Lot: wi- ty; we~~w r"Jr,. By my signature below, I certify that a minimum of 0 fifty (50) percent, ~n seventy-five (75) percent, of the pe!lT,anently installed lighting fixtures in the above mentioned building have been installed with compact or linear fluorescent, or a lighting source that has a minimum efficacy of 40 lumens per input watt. (Oregon Residential Specialty Code NIl 07.2) 1 * Check the 75% box if the additional measure selected to comply with ORSC N\ \0\.1 and Table Nl1 0 \.1 (2) requires 75% of lighting fixtures to have energy efficient lamps Signed: ~~lltr'cto"/Authori2eclAgent Date: 10 ::/7-/D Print Name: Z jJ . '_.~ . f't'/I-'--O. Cont,-actor's CCB # /7J'i20- Expiration Date: 1-10-/2. 1 ORSC Section 1'11107.2. High-Efficiency Lighting Systems. A minimum of fifty (50) percent of thf' jJermanently installed lighting flxrures, seventy-jive (75%) percent, iflhe selected additional energy code mt<1sures in (h,::: [able NIIOl 1(2) requires gre<J!(,1- 1 ighlil1g efficiency, sh,dl be insl3lied with C011lp8CI or linear f111oresccnl, or (j JigJlling ':ourcc that has ;;1 minimum' efficacy or .H) lumells per inpul wall. Screw-ill compact f1uoresctnt 18mps comply viith this requir'-::Illent. The BlIilding offici;]] sh;lll be notifiecl ill \vriling at lht fill,!! il1slJection 111,1\ ,I miniillllrn of (he rCCjuired ptrcen!ilgc oJ'lht ,- .. _.._" _.. \:___,~.. n,,~"~_r"_'H _. _ ._,:.,:.,~,,,," ",t,':.,."" ,,( ,1(\ l"n,".,~,. ,~;~,- :.,-"~,,, ",-~i1