HomeMy WebLinkAboutImpact Fee System Development Code Charge 2010-10-18 October 18, 2010 Dan Shutes Tree Products Hardwoods, Inc. 632 Shelley St Springfield, OR 97402 Re> COM2010-00862.Systems Development Charges Dear Dan: This letter serves as a formal agreement between the City of Springfield and Tree Products Hardwoods, Inc regarding Systems Development Charges (SDC's) owed for City building permit COM2010-00862 at 632 Shelley St. As you are aware, the SDC charges resulting from work associated at 632 Shelley St have been calculated at a total of $44,717.78. Of the total, $42,588.37 are Transportation related SDC's. The Springfield Municipal Code provides that SDCs be paid in full prior to issuance of a building permit, although it is permissible to defer the amount of such fees in excess of$10,000 until fmal occupancy. However, given the fact that the initial permit submittal was made on 6/30/10 and the Public Works Department did not receive the permit until the second review (7/28/10), and that there is a dispute about the accuracy of the calculations upon which the fee is based, and that you have agreed to retain a professional traffic consultant to perform a trip generation study to determine the traffic impact associated with your development at 632 Shelley St, the City desires to work with you. Therefore, in consideration of your agreement to complete your trip generation study on the existing site after a full year's occupancy as an establishment period, the City is willing to postpone payment of the second half of the previously estimated transportation SDC charge owed until completion of the trip generation study. Of course, if your trip generation study shows the trip rates used in calculating your fee were incorrect, the City will make the modifications necessary to adjust the amount owed to reflect the conclusions of that study. In addition, if your trip generation study shows trip rates producing SDC charges in addition to the half amount already paid ($22,358.89), then payment of the remainder shall be due within 60 days ofthe completion and acceptance of the study. Please bear in mind that the study must be conducted in proper form as directed by the City's Traffic Engineer. Your consultant should contact Michael Liebler (541-736-1034) to discuss the content of the study. If you accept the offer contained within this letter, please sign and date below and return to my attention. Date:. O~t'_/j :l.~ Name. ~ -. "", Title/ (,.t.N. .... c;.~.. Thank you for your attention to this matter, and please feel free to call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Matt Stouder, PE Supervising Civil Engineer Ph (541) 736-1035 Il1stouder@ci.sprindie[d.or.us