HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Meeting PLANNER 5/25/2010 (2) ~'J '.. . . MEMORANDUM City of Springfield DATE: May 25, 2010 TO: Steve Hopkins, Urban Planner FROM: Eric Walter, Civil Engineer SUBJECT: ZON2010-00008 Springfield School District - Arlie DIM Public Works Engineering Comments The subject application involves tax lot 102. The applicant submitted plans to discuss construction of a K-8 school. Public Works Engineering response to the applicant's questions are as follows: Applicant's Questions: 1. What roadways will access this property? What is the location of the intersection on Bob Straub Parkway that will service this proferty? Will that intersection be a lighted intersection or a round-about? Can S 60' terminate on the north property line of this property so it does not bisect the proposed school? What is the City's plan for Quartz Avenue? Are there any wetlands related to the extension of Quartz Avenue? Would it be feasible to have the main access to the school on the current gravel road which is on or near the south property line? Are there any planned or required pedestrian improvements in this area, especially related to students walking to school? Planning Department and Transportation Section will respond to this question. 2. Are there any delineated wetlands on this property? Would a wetland delineation be necessary ifthis property is developed for a school? Planning Department will also respond to this question. The City does not have a delineation record onjile and the property does appear to have wetlands. Because the subject property appears to contain wetlands, prior to submittingjUture development applications, a DSL permit and wetland delineation must be completed and submilled with application. This permit and resulting iriformation would be needed in order to review development impacts and parameters. 3. Are utilities available to service this property? Could the sewage be pumped north like is being done by tbe subdivision to the immediate north? Otherwise where would the sewer line be located and what would be the proposed costs to the School District? Regarding the question on possibly connecting to the sanitary sewer to the north; unfortunately, that will not be possible as there is no capacity available to serve this property in that existing system. Currently, public sanitary sewer service ends at 4-yuJ Street and Jasper Road. The trunk line is a 24 inch pipe. This location is several miles from the subject site. There is afuture trunk line that will be extended along Jasper Rd. The earliest this trunk line will be completed is in the year 2013. It is important to note this sanitary trunk line will not connect directly to the subject site (as it will be in Jasper Rd). Sewer extension to the site will require extension of - 2000 feet of pipe from the trunk sewer. This will require working with at least one other property owner to get necessary easements, etc. Date Received:- -, Z 5 -~ 6 Planner: SH .:;;. . . ". <::. 4. Are there any special requirements related to dealing with the storm water? There is no public storm water system available to serve this subject property. A storm water analysis will be required for development of this property and resulting design will need to comply with the City of Springfield Development Code and Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual. Also, the City has adopted a storm water management plan regarding storm water runoff and urban development. Please refer to the attached "Storm Water Management Plan Addendum 1 " that will provide additional guidelines for development. . 5. What would the City require when the property is annexed into the City, including any costs? Planning Department will also respond to this question regarding application costs, etc. An annexation agreement will be required for annexation and proposed future development. 6. Please clarify the rezoning process and anticipated timeline? Planning Department will respond to this question Additional Staff Comments: Quartz Ave. (adjacent road to the north) is presently a two-thirds street. Development of this subject property would require that developer complete construction of the remaining one-third street as required by the development code. ~. .. t .:;. - \~ . . STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN ADDENDUM 1 Urban development activities increase impervious surfaces, alter the hydrologic response of local watersheds, and without mitigation may increase stormwater runoff rates, volumes and pollutant loads. Stormwater discharged from Springfield urban facilities wiil be governed by and meet the requirements of all applicable federal, state, county and local regulations current at the time of development. Landowners are entitled to have the normal course of natural drainage maintained on their properties. Downstream landowners must accept water that naturally comes to their land from upstream, but they are entitled to not have the changes in the drainage unreasonably impact their property. The City will, through its development and permitting processes, strive to assure that the normal course of drainage is maintained, and to the maximum extent practicable, manage changes in stormwater characteristics by mimicking the flows and volumes to match the predevelopment hydrologic regime. Additionally, the City will require stormwater treatment Best Management Practices be employed upon development, consistent with applicable codes and standards, such that pollutant loads resulting from the development do not have a detrimental impact on receiving waters. If attainment of these objectives is not practicable, the City will involve affected property owners to develop measures to address their concerns. Mitigation may be required. An analysis of drainage impacts of the development upon affected downstream owners, including the contribution of the development to the cumulative impact based upon current planning assumptions, will be conducted and appropriate mitigation, if needed, will be determined by the City Engineer. When the drainage design for a development requires downstream mitigation, performance standards will be determined at the time of development design, and either drainage easements shall be obtained from the affected property owners or other means shall be provided to maintain the function and character of the drainage way. N:\Oty\Pworks\Stormwater Mgmt Plan\Stormwater Management Plan Addendum i-FINAL 4-29-iO.Docx 5 - 'Z- '::> -I.~ Date Received:- Planner. SH