HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence PLANNER 6/22/2010 (2) . . MILLER Liz From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: KAUFMAN Kip Tuesday, June 22, 2010 3:30 PM MILLER Liz; DONOVAN James; 'Tim@GreatHouseDesignNW.com'; 'Grace B. Almeida' . GORDON Gilbert; CASTILE Robert RE: 275 S. 70th Streell Permit#COM2009-00190 Importance: High Hello, As a clarification, I told Grace and Tim that the building safety plan review would begin in 10-14 days from the date of submittal- which was June 18, 2010. In addition, Ilet them know that approvals from planning, public works and fire were required prior to building permit issuance. Please note, Tim's reference is incorrect, "Kip says the permit process ought to be completed by maybe the 30th." At this point in time, the plan documents are incomplete. Missing items include but are not limited to Non-residential Energy forms and fire sprinkler calculations, specifications and drawings. Energy forms can be found at: http://www.oreqon.aov/ENERGY/CONS/Codes/cdpub.shtml I gave Tim a copy of the City of Springfield Deferred Submittal form in case Grace decides to defer submittal of any required plan documents, for example fire sprinkler plans. The form can be found at: http://www.ci.sprinafield.or.us/dsd/Buildinq/Forms. hIm Best regards, Kip Kaufman~. Building Safety Plans Examiner Development Services, City of Springfield 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 97477 541.726.3623 PROUD I-HSTOAV BRIGHT J:UTU~;: From: Great House Design [mailto:T1m@GreatHouseDesignNW.com] Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 20102:36 PM To: MILLER Liz Subject: 275 5. 70th Street - Hazel's e-mail I received a copy ofthe long e-mail from Hazel retracing this convoluted trail of "tears" (ha). ~'t ~ be glad to see this finished?! I sure will. l' IV . . Date Received: ~ . 1 Planner: LM . Kip says the permit process OUg~ be completed by maybe the 30th. T! assuming they don't add or shang~anything else. I tried to be very complete and clear, but...it's in their court. I have not heard back from you and Jim. I think we've talked it to death, so hope it's a yes, and we can wrap this up and save Grace all that extra cost. But whatever it takes. Grace is completing the ARCF app. for Hazel, and should be no problem being approved. Meantime, for the next 3-4 weeks, the question is: do we have to put in all this "temporary" (3-4 weeks) site work required for the "temporary category" and requirements of R&B- that will ultimately NOT be required once it is converted to an ARCF. And can the city and state coordinate and agree upon such a simple and logical extension (to us, and many others, anyway)? It's no one's particular error, nothing deliberate, just an unfortunatre series of events that could hurt Grace and these poor guys. I got involved again in 2009 just to clear up what was done without my knowledge and just help her get things right with you-all. I hope we can find a "flexible solution". I have struggled with the subcontractors to get everything Kip and Eric, etc. wanted, added it all to the dwgs., and we finally were able to re-submit Friday. Now we just need your help in Land Use/Planning to make it work. We don't want these homeless vets evicted! So we are awaiting Jim's verdict. Please advise ASAP. thx Tim Belleville 2 Date Received: Planner: LM ~ \ 11-( /0