HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence Miscellaneous 6/22/2010 ;.- ._--" ~.. . . MILLER Liz From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Hazell LEFLER [hazel.i.lefler@state.or.usj Tuesday. June 22..20101 :29 PM MILLER Liz graceba@comcast.net; Tim@GreatHouseDesignNW.com Re: FW: FW: 275 South Good afternoon, Liz. .From the emails you have forwarded, I think it is necessary to clarify the situation from the state's point of view. As you know, I am new to this program. However, I have all of the documentation for the past 7 years at my disposal and have referred to them for the facility history. Ms. Almeida submitted an application on August 12, 2884 to operate a Room and Board facility at 275 South 78th St. in springfield. The property was being remodeled from a day care center into a facility. The Department held her application pending the completion of the remodeling. On April 25, 2886, she advised Mickey Tate of this office that the construction was complete and requested that the registration be issued. However, I understand that the documents submitted to the city of Springfield identified the facility as .an adult foster home, not a room and board facility. On that basis, the city approved the original plans. The original application requested a capacity of 28 residents in 16 bedrooms. 25, 2886 letter she clarified that she would have 9 bedrooms for the Room and registration was issued effective May 2, 2886 for a capacity of 28 residents. In her April Board. A This registration has been renewed annually with the last issued registration showing an expiration date of August 31, 2889. At no time during this period did Ms. Almeida request to be licensed as an adult foster home or a residential care facility. The renewal applications have been inconsistent in the number of available room and beds: 12 rooms and lB beds in 2887; 14 beds and 28 residents in 2888; and 13 bedrooms 28 residents in 2889. We received an application for registration renewal on August 12, 2889. On August 31 we were advised by our Lane County local office staff that they understood that the city of Springfield had contacted Ms. Almeida and informed her that she could not have more than 5 room and board residents. Sylvia Rieger, from this office, confirmed this information with you. In November, 2889 we received a message from you indicating that the City had received a plan from Ms. Almeida to try to rectify the portions of the interior built without permits and inspections. You asked if we had received an application for a 5 bed room and board. On that same date, we gave her the link to download the room and board application. We received a revised application on November 18, 2889 showing a capacity of 5 residents, 6 rooms, 6 beds and 3 bathrooms. Presumably 1 room and 1 bed were for the staff. As of November 18, you still had not received any plans or other information from Ms Almeida. You. were going to extend the deadline for the information to December 15. On January 26, 2818 you sent a copy of the Staff Report The report identified the' conditions that had to be met requirements would be met. You also indicated that Ms. building permits for the unpermitted work that was done and Decision for the Room and Board. before the room and board Almeida still needed to submit previously. On February 2 you indicated that you were advised by Mr. were considering changing over to an Adult Foster Home. I Bellevi.lle that.he an~.~da Following a meeting w' ~ Date Received: U Planner: LM .Februllry facility 3, you indicated_th~they instead of an adult foster were considering home or room and becoming ~ensed board facility. as a residential care Because of the length of ti~e involved in resolving these issues, we conducted an on-site inspection. S violations were found which were corrected by March 1, 2818. At that time the facility was in compliance with all state requirements for a room and board facility except for the requirement that it comply with local codes. 6/22 11:88 AM - I apologize for the delay in completing this message. Work and health issues have intervened. I will try to get it done today. I do not believe anything else transpired for a few months. In mid-May I was given responsibility for the oversight of the room and board program. My first task was to review the pending applications. I reviewed this file in its entirety and consulted with Sylvia Rieger and others involved with the process. On June 2, 2818 I sent a letter to Ms. Almeida outlining my understanding of the current situation and advising her that she did not have a current license or registration to operate any type of facility. I further advised her that all residents must be relocated by July 1, 2818. Needless to say, this letter prompted a flurry of emails and phone calls. I do not believe there has been any final decision made concerning the route Ms. Almeida wants to take. I do not know what Tim Belleview's involvement is beyond that of architect or designer. He is not a party to any application with the state. When he and I first spoke, he indicated he would have everything in place to be in compliance with the room and board standards within one to two weeks, not months. I asked for a list of items to be completed and a timeline but have not received it. In the meantime, there was a plan to correct the permit deficiencies regarding the S additional bedrooms. Grace has told me that she intended to go forward with the small room and board while Tim has indicated that the plan is to become licensed as a residential care facility. We need to be careful to avoid confusion from our terminology. As near as I can determine, these are the name of the facilities: 1. Room and Board - State, Registered Facility; City, Boarding and Rooming Houses; 2. Adult Foster Home - State, Adult Foster Home; City, Residential Home for less that S Persons; and 3. Residential Care Facility - State, Residential Facility; City, Residential Facilities for Six to Fifteen Persons. The state does not have a preference for the type of facility. We want to work with Ms. Almeida to allow her to continue some type of operation in compliance with state, city and local requirements. With that in mind, here are the options as I see them: 1. Continue to operate as a small room and board (Registered Facility - OAR Division 411, Chapter 868). Ms. Almeida has known for almost a year that she cannot legally operate a room and board facility with more than S bedrooms. Further, she has been clearly instructed by the city in what changes need to be made to comply with city codes for S or less bedrooms. So far, she has not made the necessary changes to meet those codes (permitting, landscaping, access, etc.). If Ms. Almeida wants to continue to operate a small room and board without further -interruption, she needs to submit a list of all items that need to be completed for compliance along with a timeline for completion of each item. This plan must be ap rove by Data Received "L-'t 0 Planner: LM . 2 , ... . the dty of Springfield and ~mitted to me by July 1, 2818. Each item will need to be signed off by the city as it is completed. If this process is followed, we would continue her existing room and board registration, subject to a reduced census, to continue until she has finished the project. At that time, we will consider issuing a new registration. If Ms. Almeida does not choose to continue as a room and board, all current residents must be relocated by July 1 and her current registration will be revoked. 2. Apply to be licensed as an adult foster home (OAR Division 411, Chapter 58). This facility type is apparently what the city of Springfield thought they were approving in 1994 or 1995. An adult foster home is a licensed care facility for five or fewer residents. It provides care and services to residents in a home-like setting. Ms. Almeida would have to comply with all the rule requirements, including service plans, assessments, on-site caregiver, etc. unless the Lane County licensor were to grant some type of waiver (unlikely). I believe there has been some concern about whether this building would be considered to be a home-like setting. If MS.Almeida wants to proceed this way, she will have to submit an application and appropriate documentation to the Lane County Senior Service Office for review. The process could take at least 68 days, during which time she could not have any residents in the building. All current residents would have to be relocated by July 1. 3. Apply to be licensed as a residential care facility (Residential Facility - OAR Division 411, Chapter 54). A residential facility is a care facility for six or more residents. A residential care facility serves seniors or people with physical disabilities. Again, Ms. Almeida would have to comply with all state licensing and structural requirements. She would have to submit an application and documentation with that state for review. The process could take at least 68 days for completion, during which time she could not have any residents in the building. All current residents would have to be relocated by July 1. I hope we are able to develop a plan that works for for Ms. Almeida to submit a written plan of action. available to expedite the process. everyone. I believe the first plan is We can then take whatever steps are Again, I apologize for the time frame and length of this email. Please let me know if I missed anything or made any errors. I am in a very steep learning curve! Thank you for your ongoing assistance. Hazel Lefler, JD Lead Corrective Action Coordinator Seniors and People with Disabilities Work 583-945-6459 Fax 583-378-8966 11v 111 - A na.t P I of fri/ll <;' ubt'hl tl:tl ) holPi 1\ (Wi ~'l J ~ ("CLr\' Ii ~VOOrl{f1f/lr. 11 nem/il = 'ty )0, { d ' ,I f1~ "\ Ifl ; m"DS Q/LOrd. -f-. ~ :r::: ~1-itlr at', ~ 6i (Ih pro{( ",{(1 j-~ . . -71So O\0-r(ld-" e P . \d" 'I I ." Date Received;~ Planner: LM 3