HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Meeting PLANNER 9/25/2008
Minutes: September 9, 2008
Ted Corbin - Vice Chair
John Tuttle
Maren Tomblin
Paula Guthrie
Tara Jones - Staff
Molly Markarian - Staff
Linda Pauly - Staff
Roxie Metzler - Chair
Sean VanGordon
Kuri Gill
Joe Pishioneri - City Councilor
Don Martinson
Judith Martinson
Vangy Smith
David Volt
Steve Kneller
Clayton McEchem
Erin Herring
Lissa Davis
David Martinson
Ron Gates
Laura Ruggeri
Datel Call to Order
Library Meeting Room
09/09/08 at 5:40pm
I Minutes Approval:
May 2008 and August 2008 minutes approval. Fix May minutes that Sean VanGordon,
Linda Pauly, and Molly Markarian were present. Could not approve June 2008 minutes
because of not having a quorum that was present at that meeting.
I ITEM 1: Updates - Downtown District
Staff Pauly presented what was happening with the downtown district. There is an RFP
that went out looking for a downtown plan consultant to create a downtown plan and
implementation. The RFP is due back on September 29th. More than 2 dozen firms have
shown interest in bidding on this. There is a selection committee that will interview the
finalists in October. Some of the topics as part of the RFP are parking management
strategy, pedestrian traffic, downtown transit, open space, street design, building design
standards, and revitalization code.
The City is looking to recruit business owners and others for the committee. This is a
long range plan on what the City will be looking at for the next 20 years. October and
November we will be able to provide input into the process. The City will bring the
consultants to us for a discussion on what we see is important for downtown.
"I ITEM 2: Land Use Applications - 546 7th Street
. ' Herring and McEchem along with their architect Kneller returned to show the Historic
C<;>mmision their plan changes for their 2 car garage. They changed their setback and
made other plan ages to the proposed structure. Co.ssioner Tuttle says that it
looks more like a shop than a garage. Commissioner Corbin asked if it was intential that
the doors weren't centered. He believes that it looks quite big and that adding a belly
band between the top and bottom floor will help break up the expanse. The applicants
say the reason that the doors weren't centered is to allow shelving on one side. The shed
on the side is to park a motorcycle. Commissioner Corbin said that if the doors are being
custom made, maybe put an artificial fa'Yade on one side to even the doors out.
Commissioner Tuttle suggested that they move the shed addition on the side back about 2
feet to make the expanse not as large and make a more interesting building.
Commissioner Corbin said that if you move the shed back, you will probably want to
adjust the side windows.
The commission approved the plans with the addition of putting the side shed 2 feet back
and adding the belly band and garage door changes as comments. Motion was approved.
I ITEM 3: Discussion - IOOF Building
Commissioners Corbin, Metzler, and Tuttle met with the lOaF to review the engineer
information on the repair needs of the building. They wanted to come to see what
funding sources there were for fixing the building. If the building is put on the National
Register, they could get funds but not right away. The cornice overhang is sagging quite
a bit and it is not known how much longer it will hold. The building is a significant
building and a large contribution to Springfield. The Commission would like to partner
with lOaF to figure out what can be done to preserve the building. There are 2 ways to
fix the cornice, see what is wrong and fix it right then or take it off and store it to fix it
later. Staff Markarian said they have options in getting funding in addition to pursuing
putting the building on the National Register. Commissioner Corbin said that the lOaF
should get a list of all of the repairs that need to be done and prioritize them. If they
apply for grants in the future they can get repairs done in the future. Staff Pauly said that
through the downtown urban renewal that there are emergency repair funds. It is through
CETA. Commissioner Corbin said that since the building is on the local inventory, any
repairs need come through the commission for approval. The Commission will give it
our immediate attention. Commissioner Tuttle said that Uhlers does restoration work.
lOaF said that it would be hard to open up the cornice find out what needs to be done,
come back to the Commission for approval, and then get the work done. lOaF would
like to try to open it up and get it fixed at the same time. Commissioner Corbin or Tuttle
said they could come out the same day they open it up to determine what should be done.
Commissioner Tuttle said that the guidelines are clear for restoration. It needs to be like
material to repair it. Commissioner Corbin said that if there is no change and they are
just repairing the problem, then it shouldn't be an issue. If they are putting a band aid in
place, we would want to know about that. lOaF talked about the metal cap they had to
replace to prevent leakage into the building. They need to replace more with a metal cap.
lOaF said that Kaffier did their metal work last time and made the cap out of dark brown
metal so it couldn't be seen. Commissioner Corbin said there is a Steadman, Kelly which
is local and very good. If the cap is being replaced, the Commission does not need to be
called out.
ITEM 4: Discussion - Historic Plaques
Date Received:
Planner: T J
?s: D'O
Commissioner Gill presented 7 different plaque mockups. With the 'plaques, we want
them simple, basic, 16 x 16 in size (square). Commission looked at the mockups and
narrowed them down to #5, 6, and 7. We want them to be on aluminum or stainless steel.
Black, white or gray scale. Ideas will go back to Commissioner Gill on centering the
text, have the date graphically stand out, not enlarge the font but try a few different fonts
. .
. Minutes: August 12,2008
Kuri Gill
John Tuttle
Maren Tomblin
Pallia Guthrie
Sean VanGordon
Tara Jones - Staff
Molly Markarian - Staff
Roxie Metzler - Chair
Ted Corbin - Vice Chair
Joe Pishioneri - City Councilor
Andrew Epperson.
Katie Chase
Steve Krieller
Clayton McEchem
Erin Herring.
Date! Call to Order
Library Meeting Room
08/12/08 at 5:30pm
I Minutes Approval:
June 2008 minutes approval tabled until wehave a full quorum.
I ITEM 1: Land Use Applications - 532 C Street
Andrew Epperson is doing a Boy Scout Eagle project He is looking at replacing the grill
and rail around the steps going downstairs at the Ebbert Memorial Church. There seems
to be people hanging out. on the steps leading dowostairs an.d they want to enclose it for
security reasons. He presented an idea. It will have bifold doors. It was suggested by
HC to make it strearnIined and paint it black to blend in. A suggestion was made to look
at the Lane County. bike cages as an idea. It would fall into a Type 1 application. Motion
was approved to replace the current railiog, paint it black, have the screen and gate using
metal as the same design proposed without the scrolls. There may be a code requirement
on the gates so Andrew may want to check with building department Staff Jones will
email the application to Andrew. He will need to get church signatures.
I ITEM 2: Land Use Applications - 546 7th Street
Proposal for a 2 car garage. Steve Kneller architect. There currently isn't a garage on the
property. There was a carriage house but it located on. another lot: They will be taking
down some young trees and a hedge. What they take doWn will be replanted down the
parkway. It would be a Type 1 application for an accessory. building but if the trees are
significant then it wollid be Type 2. There is a large heritage apple tree on the property
but that won't come into play with the building of the garage. They are looking at
replacing the trees with the same kind. There is no need for any curb cut Commissioner
. I
Tuttle stated that the steepness of roof is not in line with the house. They have it steep so
they can have storage above the garage. Tuttle suggested that they bring tip the walls
higher to bring the pitch of the roof down. Staff Jones says you can't have the ridgeline
higher than the house. Commissioner Tomblin suggested having a retum on the edge of .
the garage roof like the house has. The applicants are looking at either building next May
or start now. Commissioner Tuttle said they could come back in September meeting to
get approval. They need to make sure and have a 10' front and rear yard setback. The
back is 7' but eves can hang over 2'. Need 18' for car parking. The applicant says that it
would not line up with the house. They are planning on using the same siding and paint
it same color. Commission Tuttle suggested that they have a wooden garage door to keep
in line with the style of the house. Applicant states that they were thinking of batten or
center out swing doors. Commissioner Gill said that she was okay with the garage
happening with the revisions suggested. Staff Markarian said they the application will be
needed 2 weeks in advance of the next meeting. . Commission Tuttle said that we can
make the approval before the City does.
I ITEM 3: Land Use Applications - Carport Complaint.
There has been a complaint about a carport being built without a building permit on 8th
and F Street The carport is in the back yard. It is connected to the house and extends off
the back eve. You can see It very clearly from the street. The oWner is being sent a letter
from code enforcement about building the carport without a permit. It was constructed in
the last year. The house is not owner occupied. Commissioner Gill said that it was
compatible and not contributing. It doesn't affect the look of the neighborhood and it is
very clean and non obtrusive. The problem is that when the car pulis in the carport the
headlights shine right into the neighbors. Commissioner Tuttle said that if it a nuisance
for them, they can pUt up a screen in their yard. Staff Markarian said that it is a Type 1
application. Commission Tuttle said that if it was fully enclosed attached garage then it
would have been a Type 2. There is little impact with the Type 1.
I ITEM 4: Land Use Application Process
Staff Markarian talked about how to handle land use application. Staff Jones talks to
clients at the counter about the process, criteria and application form. The potential
applicant is invited to thi: next HC meeting for input and discussion but this is optional.
The. applicant then submits a Type! or higher application. The application is then
assigned to a staff member. Input is sought from HC prior to staff report. The HC
provides input within the timeframe (at next meeting or sooner). Commissioner Tuttle
said that Staff Gale used to make the call on whether to bring it to the HC or not. It was
. decided that everything that is in the HC realm will be brought to the HC.
I ITEM 5: Certified Local Government (CLG) opportunities and obligations
Staff Markarian talked about how the process is changing for CLG grants. The funds
come from the Federal Government annually. Now, everyone is funded but not at the
same.amount. $3,000 is the low' end with $!0-15K at the high end. SHPO has a
preferred altemati ve on funding.
We need to make sure that we keep within the guidelines of spending the funds. It cannot
be used for supporting our museum. There is a listing of priorawm-ds and also CLG
frequently asked questions as Part.of the HC packet for this monttate Recelved: c; (2 cj Dr;,
Planner: T J
Lane #645
Thane Historic District .
Historic Narre
Ccmron Narre
Address 546 N. 7th Street
Springfield,Ore. 97477
Present Owner Rrg"'" ;'lnn
Eva Ethel Hall
Address ~d~ 7~h ~~,..""~
Original Use Residence
Date of Construction
State HJ. ric Preservation Office
Oregon State Parks, Salan, Oregon 97310
Physical description of property and statenent of historical significance:
Situated to the side of a large, fonnally landscaped yard, this well;naintained
house has a 'rrodified' character. Certain details carry "survival" patterns.
Its gabled roof ll:;-story plan rests on a 1t.'OOd foundation. The exterior is drop
sided with cornice trim and wide corner trim. The gable exhibits a broken .
pediment with a narrow vergel:xJard with llDlding finishing the rake. A similar
styling is seen over the front stoop. Six-over-ol\e sash ~lindOWS have siIrple trim.
The appears to be another property involved in the 1893 tax foreclosures on
properties owned by the Springfield l1anufacturing Carpany. Rufus Mallory
sold the property to B.A. Washburne in 1905. Henry Korf and his wife June
occupied the house in 1918. He was listed as a laborer in the 1918 directory.
Date Received:
Planner: T J
c:z./)~ !r.Y(~
Recorded by Dave Cole Date June 1984
For State Historic Preservation Office
Map Designation and Number WD- MaP 3F /279 P
Township 17 ~ 3 tfPSection 35 l:iSec. 24 Lot # 4400
Sources consulted:
Polk's 1918 Directory
Springfield, Oregon
Property Information
Summer 2003
546 7th Street
Assessor's Map # 17-03-35-24 #4400
NR classification
PrimarY Sianificance (Contributina)
Date of CQnstruction 1907
Historic name (if known)
Architectural classification Bunaalow
# of stories 1.5
Foundation material(s) Concrete
Roof form(s) and material(s) Gabled with compOsition shinale
Siding material(s) Droplap sidina
Decorative material(s)
Window type(s) and material(s) 6: 1 wood sash and vinyl sliders
Porch reconstructed: rear addition: some window replacement
Associated resources
Early aaraae (surveyed 1996)
Landscape features
Small trees and shrubs
Condition Good
Received: 9/2\"icYo
Planner: T J
United States Department of the Interior
. National Park Service ,
National Register of Historic Places
Inventory-Nomination Form
. .
CWJI Approval. /10. l024-o<lll
Continuation sheet
Item number
2J9~Alte~ed_earlY~hQuse~46.N~~tro-s~eet; Assessor's Map
17-03-35-24 #4400
ob ' ~
CQ,BtP, ~t1.'1g_
Owner: Roger and Eva Ethel Hall, 546 N. 7th Street,
Springfield, OR 97477
Description: This 1907, gabled-roof, l~-story residence
rests on a wood foundation. The exterior is drop sided
with cornice trim and wide corner trim, The gable
exhibits a broken pediment with a narrow vergeboard with
molding finishing the rake. A similar styling is seen
over the front stoop. ,This well-maintained house has a
"modified" character. 'This appears to be another
property involved in the .1893 tax foreclosures on
properties owned by the Springfield Manufacturing
Company. Rufus Mallory sold the property to B. A.
Washburne in 1905.
279A. This one story combination garage/storage bJi1ding has
SWlng open doors which face the alley. Part of this
bJi1ding is shown on the 1912 Sanborn map. Wood
floors and be ve 1 s idi ng a re a Is 0 pres ent.
280. Contemporary, 607 N. 7th Street; Assessor's Map
17-03-35-13 #2100
Owner: Harold G. & Garnet M. Scott, 1355 Taft Street,
Eugene, OR 97402
281. English Cottage, 635-637 N. 7th Street; Assessor's Map
17-03-35-13 #2000
Owner: John Rowland, 637 N. 7th Street, Springfield, OR
Description: This house, built in 1935. has an adjoining
apartment over the connected garage. It has lap siding,
multi-paned windows, and narrow overhangs on a gabled
roof. An attached enclosure with an offset-gable roof
shelters the front door. These details give the house
something of an English Cottage flavor.
Date ReceiVed:
Planner: T J
912~ !n8