HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Building 2010-9-7 't'"" ~ ~ l ~ ,,,- SPRINOFIEL.D ~~ City of Springfield Community Services Division 225 Fifth Slreet, Springfield, OR 97477 Telephone: 541-726-3753 Fax: 541.726.3676 Deferred Submittal- Agreement Oregon Structural Specialty Code Section 106.3 allows a permit applicant to defer certain submittals ifapproved by the Building Official. This form is a deferred submittal agreement for the following project: Date: "I'~'lo ProjectName:e.r'~/~ CAllili>B- ~vaz.FflJD ~ Project Address: ;1,I,ll,.r, 1l-l~tr>n>. - '1'1im Petmlt'Number:C/:tl'ZoIO_ OlOZlf; . Phase: 0 Excavation & Grading 0 Foundation Only . c Completion o Site Ulilities' 0 Shell )/\renMI Improvement Design Profess/onalln ResponsIble Charge: ~ ~~. AlA License number: U3 U- Email: I ~ @ ~l"r'IfAo.. h . a.n APhdodnre.es}~1Z;~~ Fax:rRlJ)I/f3I;. ~tJ~2.. . - ~-- _ AI/f; I=i\~ ~ 19<1rM Guldellnes: I. . Approval: Each deferred submillaJ shall bear Ihe appro"'" oflhe design professional in responsible eharge. No:alion shan be included that the deferred submittal documen's have been reviewed and have been found 10 be In general conformance to Ihe design of the buildIng. 2. !d!!: Page 2 oflhis foml is a list of deferred submittals. The design professional In responsible charge must check which submiUals are requesled 10 be deferred Md indicatc an anlicipated submittal dale. 3. .fiG: Minimum S100.00 (2 hour) for each deferred submittal. 4. Tlmellnes: Every attempl will be made t~ provide timaly reviews of 5.10 business days per deferred ro~~ . . 5. Work wltboul "Permll: Work thai Is constructed w/lhoul baving bcen reviewed and appmved by bOlb the design professional in responsible charge and Ihe Ci!y of Springfield Building Officia' is considered as work penonned wilhouta permit. Any person or Iirm.perfonning work prior to approval shall be subject to Ihe pen. lUes of Section 108.2.1 oftbe SIBle ofOregou StJUctural Specialty Code. Acknowledgements: JII"IW~ Owner Nome (Printed) ~~~ General Conlraclor Finn Name (printed) ~~. Al.... Design Professional in Responsible Cbarge(Printed) Building Official Signature ., i. /. . ~L~ City of Springfield Deferred Submittal Agreement Date: '1.1'(p Project Name: 1l!./UtO!?/€I~ 4!rr1i IJIC> - F->~t> Project Address: ~ .lo'-l~ fl'--. - PJ'1-tf'f'f- Phase: o Excavation and Grading o Site Utilities Permit Number: a:HtPro-ola5 o Foundation only o Completion oShell )(Tenant Improvement Design Professional in Responsible Charge: ~ ~, !rIA.: Items which may be deferred include, but are nOllimited 10 the following: Deferred Item Date a 1. Acoustical ceiling suspension system a 2. Auxiliary power systems a 3. Awnings a 4. Bleachers a 5. Carports a 6. Curtain wall systems a 7. Electrical call system a S. Emergency call system a 9. Exillllumination I'" 10. Fire alarm system ~ 11. Fire sprinkler a 12. Fire stopping a 13. Grass guardrails a 14. Glazing systems a 15. HVAC system a 16. Intercom system a 17. Irrigation system a 18. Metal guardrails and handrails Deferred Item Date a 19. Plumbing system a 20. Post.tensioned concrete structural members or panels a 21. Pre-casl concrete structural members or panels a 22. Prefabricated stair units to include steel, aluminum, or pre.cast concrete 0 23. Prefabricated wall panel a 24. Ore.stressed concrete structural members or panels a 25. Raised floor systems a 26. Shelving systems and steel storage racks a 27. Signs a 28. Skyli9hts 0 29. Smoke and heat vents a 30. Specially retaining walls a 31. Stone veneer a 32 Terra cotta veneer a 33. Wooden, steel, or composit floor or roof trusses a 34. Works of art r/ 35.4GI$~~Ntl{~~.t. ,If'" P!J{l ~lPv'l. ~. a 36. ~ Minimum $100.00 (2 hr) each for the above listed Deferred Submittals