HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, DIM PLANNER 10/13/2010 . ~ RECEIVED . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MEETING DISTRIBUTION DATE: October 13, 2010 TO: Current Planning Staff: G. Karp;; J Donovan, L Pauly, T Jones, M Metzger, L Miller, A Limbird,lS Hopkins) M Markarian Jeff Paschall, Supervising Civil ~ngineer, Public Works Depa~nt. "/ ~A ^- . /, 1- --/ Ken Vogeney, City Engineer, Public Works Department oy. J} IVI K.lCJl.V{ 1 Matt Stouder, AlC Engineering Supervising Civil Engineer, Public Works I f ( ~ Richard Perry, Public Works, Engineering . 0 / ~ Kristi Krueger, Civil Engineer, Public Works Department Brian Barnett, Traffic Engineer Michael Liebler, Transportation Planning Engineer, Public Works Gilbert Gordon, Deputy Rre Marshall, Rre & Ufe Safety Department Melissa Fechtel, Rre & Life Safety Department Greg Ferschweiler, Maintenance, Public Works Department Ronni Price, Planner, Willamalane Park and Recreation District Thomas Jeffreys, Emerald Peoples Utility District (EPUD) Tamara Johnson, Springfield Utility Board (Electric) _ Rebecca Templin, Water Engineering Supervisor - Springfield Utility (Water) Amy Chinitz, Springfield Utility Board Board --/ Scott Nelson, OOOT (copy of packets) 9-8-10 ...:L Dave Puent, Building Official . Will Mueller, LTD Norm Palmer, Quest CommuniCations Tom Boyatt, Public Works . TIm Hanley, Rainbow Water District Chris Moorhead, City Surveyor Celia Barry,(Shashi Bajracharya) Lane County Jransportation Jim Henry, Central Lane Communications 911 Dave Shore, Northwest Natural ,Gas Tom Henerty, Comcast Cable Jerry Smith, Police Chief Chuck Gottfried, Water Resource Coordinator, ESD Susie Smith, Public Works Director Len Goodwin, Public Works Jeff DeFranco, Springfield School District 19 Joe Leahy, Oty Attorney George Walker, Stormwater Facilities Planner, ESD John Tamulonis, Economic Development Mgr. Courtney Griesel, Planner 1 (EDM) Bill Grile, DSD Director Brenda Jones, Administrative Specialist (DIM Annexations) ~. OCT 13 2010 A Development Issues Meeting will take place on Thursday November 4,2010 @ 1:30- 2:30 p.m. in the DSD Conference 616 @ Springfield City Hall. Please review the enclosed information, and come prepared to discuss this application with the Planner and applicant. Should you have any questions, please contact @ Steve Hopkins (541) 726-3649. Revised: 1l~16-09 . . DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MEETING , DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT SPRINGFIELD CITY HALL 225 FIFTH STREET DSD Conference Room 616 Meeting Date: November 4, 201O@ 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. 1. DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MTG #PRE10-00005 SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT Assessor's Map: 17-03-35-11 TL 3400 Address: 1001 10th Street (portion of site) Existing Use: Softball field location north of existing tennis courts @ Willamalane Park Applicant submitted plans to discuss adding (4) four new tennis courts, two which would be covered, to a portion of the existing site. Planner: Steve Hopkins . . . . 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 www:ci.springfield.or.us DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT October 13,2010 Jeff DeFranco Springfield Public Schools 525 Mill Street Springfield, OR 97477 RE: PREI0-00005 (17-03-35-11 TL 3400) Development Issues Meeting - Applicant submitted plans to discuss adding (4) four new tennis courts, two which would be covered, to a portion of the existing site. Dear Mr. DeFranco: Thank you for your Development Issues Meeting submittal. The following meeting has been scheduled: TYPE: DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MEETING PLACE: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT DSD CONFERENCE ROOM 616 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 DATErrIME: Thursday, November 4, 2010 at 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. CONTACT PERSON: Steve Hopkins If you have any questions, please call me at 541-726-3649. Sincerely, Steve Hopkins Planner CC: Dave Guadagni Robertson/Sherwood! Architects 132 E Broadway Eugene, OR 97401 ,City Qf Springfield e; Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 . Development Issues Meeting (DIM) .. . a. . . _ . . . Prospective A licant Name: Jeff DeFranco Phone: 541-726-3267 Com an : S rinofield Public Schools Fax: 541-726-3316 Address: 525 Mill Street, S rin field OR 97477 #i:;:'3f"!:",1,;i!.'102c::;;t;'jLE:!'Lh~iff&::tiF/L:;fu%~~iM'TQ4g::AJ&lliYd~*jK5$J;j(f%i-<'1;;mir!J\~wJ$.;;m~;U!w0;:;:P~1:::lli"':2~;0:t'5Z-\%f:-Wh';;i'j?K1G\!2:;;:,;:~T1fr]V;:;~v';'7.)'ihflJ\'.P'~;" l100:~,,_~"*J~4.rjf-,;]":iksaGtG;:,.l;"2I',€,"r,:)i:'h::~~h;tY..;~ Prospective A Iicant's Re " Dave Guada i Phone: 54]-342-8077 Com an : Address: Robertson / Sherwood! Architects Fax: 541-3425-4302 132 E Broadwa ,Eu ene OR 97401 \i;,,'i;,"g';%W;.;&;:;.;!2S';j:~:S;&'%1fif~t'0iiti",,,7:iZ',*J&;:~~1'fu:1if:':'~^*:}m;?Mffi:titi:;'}i0!::2~{tj!:w~,$;'i>;0~;;.t~_iiit$Z<*,S&t~d10'b~~#fi1L4%\m?t0:,,{;;".;(rJ:jf~~P:;i0%;'*Ok"~i_\n/-if ';4i:'r,%!~J.;t:,~~('t.;,1!'iliG;\iiJl0:-,/\1J Owner: S rin field Public Schools Phone: 541-726-3267 Com an Address: S rin field Public Schools Fax: 541-726-3316 525 Mill Street, S rin field OR 97477 'Jk'$\,iI!~#&j?J"ii~~Xi':iK"im1:tAf'jf"#tq;".'f:ft*'4?_gg':I~:tii1:ifu0l-'itG\-V~BiL'"1.,*"Rlo/;!X't:&:'10i"Jrll';;~";j:J.j~~"1"~.;;:,,,,;Ji_W..(j~WPi:tr'4t+1$..i~'i,'::;l-:M~!Uq;~,'mij4k~~ii$f?\,;", ~ttfi:!:":"",,'1dZ(;;;;~ii*;%)i:fu13{,if~1~b;"41 TAX LOT NO S :' 0.340 1001 10th Street 20.Q4 Acres [gJ S uare Feet D H.0;i1~0@;10i~~u}lE;mv:+;hl~'i;ifPJi'l.i''G':*\'J}:)jitt<~~,.q:;.~~;i4<J%t~4k'ifu~:'SfJEi;<:,i't!W,ht.4'i;;&;:jj;j@Jti!b'i';;;.ltWJ;~~y;iL'B4'?W.##b;;);:tt:::th~SW::::.0,'W~;%jt;;j~;$*~;4t;~;;ft'sri; i>.l;'il.,0ijctW:':;, Description of Pro osal: Existin Use: # of Lots/Parcels: 1 du/acre ;;;;;&w=rit~iL?fi:C~/&j~LYtii&;t~'t.S');jf:?~j'fZ:,,~,,~;;jI'\~2N~,:ih:::,it~'G;;,:fa<&'tt~iM:~2,~'i!0.1ib':2:?.:::;;nn::'''''''~1Wh'J;.T',s;Q*;.j0",;\:\<0",~~'$Af~,;;k';J:%(""'t4,:':Yt~8ii'1':;;3;,; e';rc,;i~~,'?"<<'t:'f2q.jl,~,,j;'{,i'2~:('~.z;2?"-!'.."~ If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. 4 new termis courts. two of which will be covered. Prospective Applicant: Sig~re~ Date: 10-\'3-\0 jeffDeFranco Print , ... Jir . -. - . . . ~.,J ~ -r:: I. 1- QCO05 Case No.: f-~ Reviewed b A lication Fee: $ 5)/ 00 TOTAL FEES: $ ;)). {) 0 Technkal Fee: $0 Posta e Fee: $0 Date Received: PROJECT NUMBER: ;-;w.4U~':{ffJi:;;;F51#;$);j:lt0i~~iffliZ;~I~'jL;Dt;:fii$t*B?E'(QZi.tiW{'i?ii':i;k~1iJ<<5Vj*~%]!,%5~"tTI~~~iifiWi~fu}1iliif!?W45bii.illr~~}(\Ri#1~:ft:03jj;1\ifi0%;f.r.~@:,';r':/j5';!\Wf@;jfffii.~30:h Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian Original Submittal 1 of 3 . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP PRElO-00005 1001 10th Street SITE Map 17-03-35-11 Tax Lot 3400 (portion of) North 1- Date Received: OCT 1 3 2010 Original Submittal ~ . RO,bertson I Sherwood I Arch itectspc . P 54'1342.8017 F 54'1345.4302 132 East Broadway, Suite 540 . Eugene, Oregon 97401 www.robertsonsherwood.com ~' To: City of Springfield Attn: Steve Hopkins From: David Guadagni, AlA Re: Springfield Public Schools Covered Tennis Courts DIM meeting issues Date: 11 Oct 2010 FAX#: Pages: 1 Steve: The following are the 5 questions we would like to have addressed at the DIM meeting. 1. The proposed courts are on the Springfield Middle School site. Since this is a minor'change of use (form a baseball diamond to tennis courts we are not sure how some of Code section 4.7195 applies. a. Item 1 of this section implies that a Type II review will be required. Given the nature of this project and per our phone conversation you suggested that a Type 1 or lesser review might be all that is required. Can you please clarify our requirement. b. Item 3 of this section addresses school setback requirements. The proposed area of the courts is bordered by Willamalane Park District property on the east and south edges. No spectator seating is planned and the courts will be surrounded by an 8' fence and portions covered by a metal roof. Will we be required to maintain a 30' setback from this property to the fence or roof structure? If possible can this be reduced and if so what width can we use. c. Item #8 of this section addresses parking. Parking for this site is determined based on teaching stations and indoor assembly areas. We are not impacting either of these and we are changing use of the specific area from a baseball diamond to tennis courts, which in general is a lesser use in terms of participants. I assume that it will be up to the School District if they want to add additional parking and none will be required by code. Is that correct? d. Item #11 implies but does not state that a Traffic Impact Study (TIA) will be required. We assume from item c above and since the threshold for a TIA is 250 ADT and an ADT for tennis courts is 31/tennis court or 124 ADT for the 4 courts, that this will not be required. 2. It appears that there is no easement over a portion of the existing storm sewer pipe running North- South through the School District property. If further research determines this is true, will the School District be required to dedicate an easement? If an easement is required, what width is needed? 3. Most sites are required to limit their post-development storm water runoff to pre-development rates. Based on a counter meeting with Clayton McEachern and our Civil Engineer Renee Clough, it appears that there are known downstream deficiencies in the storm water system. Will additional runoff restrictions be placed on the site? If so, will the restrictions be lifted if the tennis courts are installed after the intended system improvements? Date Received: OCT f 3 2010 Original Submittal . Robertson I Sherwood I Architects PC . P 541[ 342.8077 F 5411345.4302 132 East Broadway, Suite 540 Eugene, Oregon 97401 www.robertsonsherwood.com ~ 4. A counter conversation between Clayton McEachern and our Civil Engineer Renee Clough indicated that area drains under covered tennis courts could be directed to the storm sewer. Can this please be confirmed in a more formal setting? 5. A counter conversation with Clayton !McEachern and a phone conversation with Steve Graham (both with our Civil Engineer Renee Clough) indicate that the drinking fountain grey water does not have to be disposed of in the sanitarY sewer system. Can this please be confirmed in a more . formal setting? Also, can the drinking fountain be connected directly to the storm system or will it need to go through some type of treatment first (such as a rain garden or sand fiiter)? " 6. Will we have SDC charges for the site? If so is it possible to get a rough idea of the amount? Thanks . Dave Guadagni, AlA cc Attach Date Received: OCT 1 3 2010 Original Submittal ~L.oa.Iafe......lW1huc(lU.lD) . . Detailed Property Report Site Address 1001 10TH ST Springfield, OR 97477 Map & Taxlot # 1703351103400 SIC N/A Tax Account # 0302487 a a Additional site address{es) are associated with this tax account Property Owner 1 SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT 19 525 MILL ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 Approx. tax10t acreage 20.04 Tax account acreage 18.27 Site Address Information 1001 10TH ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 House # 1001 Suffix Street Name 10TH Street Type Mail City SPRINGFIELD State Zip + 4 N/A Create Date Land Use 7423 Playfields or Athletic Fields USPS Carrier Route N/A N/A ST OR Sep 21,1994 Pre-directional Unit type / # Zip Code Update Date N/A N/A 97477 Jan 23, 1997 Additional site addressees) attached to this tax account . 1030 G ST . 1084 G ST Date Received: OCT 1 3 2010 General Taxlot Characteristics Original submittal Geographic Coordinates State Plane (X- Y) X 4261338 Y 879801 Taxlot Characteristics Incorporated City SPRINGFIELD Limits Urhan Growth Boundary Year Annexed Annexation # Springfield Latitude/Longitude Latitude 44.0535 Longitude -123.0104 . Zoning Zoning Jurisdiction Springfield Parent Zone PL Public Land & Open Space Approximate Taxlot Acreage Approx Taxlot Sq Footage 2000 Census Tract 2000 Census Block Group Plan Designation 1909 N/A 20.04 872,942 Land Use General Land Use Code Description E Educational .J R~lipinll.<;. rh;\rjt;\hl~ 3300 1.. Metro Plan Map Report was generated by Branch Engineering on 9/2412010 a13:36PM using www.RLID.org , Page I of3 ~-_..O.~~' ~U_.__~~_ Eugene Neighhorhood Metro Area Nodal Dev Area Eugene Historic Property Name Historical Landmark? National Historical Register? . N/A Ropo..&lL...~lItron..&d...Dala"'>e(RLID) , . L Recreation Detailed Land Use Code Description 6813 Junior High Schools 6920 Welfare & Charitable Services (Red Cross, Salvation Anny) 7423 Playfields or Athletic Fields No N/A No No Service Providers Fire Protection Provider City of Springfield" Ambulance Provider Springfield Dept of Fire & Life Safety Ambulance District EC Ambulance Service Area East/Central L TD Service Area? Yes LTD Ride Source? Yes Soil Water Cons. Dist/Zone UPPER WILLAMETTE / 0 Emerald People's Utility District N/ A " Environmental Data FEMA Flood Hazard Zone(s) Code Description , X Areas detennined to be outside of 500-year flood.' FIRM Map Number 41039CI142 F MI mill Community Number 415592 Post-FIRM Date 09/2711985 Panel Printed? Yes Soils Soil Map Unit Number Soil Type Description ': % of Taxlot Ag Class 1 Hydric 119 SALEM-URBAN LAND COMPLEX 3% 2 No 32 COBURG-URBAN LAND COMPLEX 9% 2 No 6 A WBRJG-URBAN LAND COMPLEX 30% 4 Yes 76 MALABON-URBAN LAND COMPLEX 58% 1 No '" " Owner/Taxpayer Owners Owner Address II City/State/Zip SPRJNGFIELD SCHOOL D1STRJCT 19 525 MILL ST SPRJNGFIELD, OR 97477 Date Received. OCT 1 3 2010 Taxpayer Party Name Address City/State/Zip SPRJNGFlELD SCHOOL D1~TRJCT 19 525 MILL ST SPRJNGFIELD, OR 97477 Original submittal Data source: Lane County Ass.essment and Taxation Report was generated by Branch Engineering on 9/2412010 at 3:36PM using www.RLID.org Page 2 of] .. . ,..~ ", 0.. rn ~ >- )' :!: C '0 :> .,.... QJ '- ::J ,Ql LL I, SPS Covered Tennis Court Study 1001 10th St, Springfield, OR 97477 Map & Tax lot :It: 1703351103400 ~ October 13, 2010 <J [) Property Owner: Springfield School District 19 ~_.. ~ Robertson I Sherwood I Architects PC