HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2-7-20 ~ Subdivision: '"'.""""- SPRINGFlE1..D ",... ,,'," ",,,., ,,"~'r' \~ ~f\\ b. \':'J Address::G~a/\ ~ \\:\ tS\~ C'Oj' ~ ct ') C~ L~ .. RESIDENTIAL.. APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield~ Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Job Location:~~ql\4\(ft\'l '6'dOt xl Q_ / Assessors Map # '\I()~ ~O~ T= Lot # OO'SDO ~ -- '~, ") ~ ~ M,\~s N??'.; Addi tion Remodel l~!obi le Home Date of AppZication Contractors General Plwnbinq \ Ut <l <J~ Electrical ,I!echar:iccl Const~~ction L~nder 1\phone:-(ru, lC')llo Ol4/1 zip: DescI"'~be fror": Value Add..~ess . .,1 ~;;:ece-:.pt .~. - r\q,,\,\ (~-J>", ~.tt> " \{\:~ o . Lisc.# , , Sigr.~ ) _ Date: '\Ju j} ~ f r\ ']() 62-/ EJ:D(j 0 p~~n~ It is the responsibility of the permit hoZder to see that all inspections are made at the proper time, that each ~ess is ren~~~:e from the street, and that the permit card is 'located at the front of the propert;y. ~Bui!di~4 Divi=io~ approved p~ shall remain on tha Building Sita at all times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION REQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rccorder) state YOUI' City designated job number, JOO adc.ross, type of in3pecticn requested ar-d when you will be ready for inspection, Contractors or Ow~ers ~~e and phone r~~cr. Requests received befcre 7:00 ~ :..>iZ'l. be Trade the same day, requests mGde afta' 7:00 am wiZZ be made the n=t :JOrking day. Reaui~~d !ns~~cticng O SITE INSP!::CTION: To be made after e=:cavation, but pricr to set up of fOl'TTl8. 0, UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECHA:1ICAL: To be made before any work is covered. o FOOTING !i FOUNDATION: To be made after trenches are eXcavated and fcl'TTls are erected, 'but pI'"':cr to pourir~ ccncret~. , U"D"'RGoOU"D :>r",",OI"IG ~ Am!;,,, .. 1..1 ~t .. ... ...Jl.Ji'J~ ~ (SEWER, W..1...L.....,-, DRAINAGE: To be made~. ;,,,. ~o fiZ- ,Zir'4 trenches. is o UflDERPWOR l'LUHBD1G & ,I!ECHANICAL: To be made prior to in3tallation of fioor insulation 01' decking. POST AND BEAU: To be made prior to installaticn of fioor insulation or decking . o D ROUCH PLTF.1Bl!IG. ELECTRICAL & l"!ECH- ANICAL: No work is to bc cOllered ' until these insvections have been made and app!'ov~~. /) FIREPLACe:: Prior lto placir4 facing materials and before framing inspec- tion. i FR.4NINC: Mu.st /be reqU.2sted after approval of rough plwrJJing, electri- cal & mech.anical. AE roofing bracing & chimneys, etc. must be ,conroletad. No work is to be cOn- 'ceaied until this insvecticn has . b~en made and approved. o D Your City, Desigr.ated Job Number I3: '0 INSULATION/VAPOF/ BARF/Ie:R INSPECTION: To be made aftero aU insul.;;;twn cr.d " required vapor ba2'!'iers are in place , , bu.t befere any lath, gypsum beard 01' txlZZ covering is applied, and before any insulation is concealed. o DRYIIALL INSPECTION: Tc be made after aZZ drywaZZ is in place, but proior to any taping. 'fsh)\O;), 'De:l10LITION OR :',:OVZ;; BUILDIilGS =:J Sani tcry se'..Jer capped ~t p~opert":t' line ~ Septic tank p~ed a~.d j~lled with gTa_el I Final - f{hen above ite:ns are cc=letec ~ and when de~clition is complete 01' struc- ture moved ar~ premises cleanec ~? , Mobi le Hcmes o MASONRY: Steel location, bond beams, grouting 01' verticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTOVE: After installation is ccmpleu:d. ::J BZocking and Set-~p ::J Plumbir4 connections s~er ~.d water ::J Electrical Connection - Blockir~, set-u.~ and plumbing connections rrr,,;,st !;e appr:Jved .. before request~ng' eZec~ricaZ in~Fec=io~ :=J Acces$o1"~' 3ui ld.inq I Final - Aft~r ?~r~r.es, sk~rting, ~ etc. are ccmple=~a. decks, D D CURB & APPROACH APRON: Afte:- forms are erected but prior to pouring co=r8 te. SIDEWALK & DRIVEf';AY: For aZZ con- crete paving within street right- of-way, to be made after an exca- vatina comolete & form work & sub- base ;ate;';al in p"lace. o All project condi:iens, suc~ as the installa~ion of street ~rees, c~"?"a,~Qn of the ' required landscaping, etc., must be satisfied bajore the aUILDI~G lINAL ::~n be r2quast3C. o FINAL PWMBnlG o FIliAL ,lfECHANICAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL [J o FINAL BUILDING: The Final 3uildir~ Insvection ~~st be ~e~~ested cf:er the Final 2!~bir~ EZectrical, and Mecher-icel Inspections h.ave been made a~~'cppreved~ ~ *AU, MAl/HOLES AND CLEANOUTS NUST BE ACCESSIBLE, .4DJUST,'::;,'1T TO 3E /.t,1DE ,1m NO C:JS'I' 70 CITY o O FENCE: f./her. comp lete -- Provide, gates 01' movable aecticns tr~ough P.U.E. ' D. I ':)~~e . of 2 I Z01'!e: I JOB'NO. <D'd/ro1 SOLAR A Lot Sq. Ftg. ~ ~f l.ot C~erag~ ! # of Stories ! Total. Height , I Topography ITEM SQ.FTG Nain Cc::-ace , i j CaP~crt I I. i .~ccessor".1 Is. D.C. ! TOTAL; VALUE I :;c.t..u€;) 1.5 ::: Building Permit State Su:t'charge I Total. cra:rogea lITEM I FL-7:ta'es I Residential. Ubath) i SanitaT"-{ Sewer I Water - I Pl.umbing Perr::i t State Su:t'ar.a:rge Total. C1'c.roes IITEil NO. I I I Res. Sa. fta. IN~/Exterzd Circuits I Temporary Service I El.ectrical. Permit State Surcharae Total. Ch.a:rces IITEli I Furn:zce I E::haust PTU'S Hood Vent Farz 1 Woodstove I Permi tIs Sua:nce Mechanic:::. l. Per>m"~ t State Surchc:rae Total cr.ar08S -- ZNCRCACHMEHT ISe~~~~tu Davosit Storage Ndinterr.ance I P eZ'm"'~ t I Total. Chc.rqes Ic-.ubcut I ., 11 I Swewavi<. I Fence I I E7..ectricaZ Lc:.bel. I j Mobile Home tAU ,-R ~_HJ L i I;OTAL AMOUNT DUE:' Page 2 L -CO G~ Occu::;anc:J Gl'O".I.D: E S S R E Q.- T;p,eIConst: 3ec.roo,ns: LOT TIPE Interior Corner Panhandl.e Cul.-de-sac x Val.ue 6WLJfb. IOfJ GO l I //0. LlO I NO. FEE. CHARGe: I ! I I/(),OO I I .4U I 1!().40I. l..~'c.[j ~\if;L~-GE NO. eH.ARCE Fr;'''? I - I Lot Faces - I I P.L. INorth IEasr ISou rh IWest I I e:nerau Sources I Heat I I I I I I I I TUrJe Setbacks I ,'touse I Carage I I : I I Access. Water .'!eate'!' Range ."'ireol.ace Wooa.:,tolle -- F3es Building Value & Permit This permit is granted on the express co~4ition that the said.const~~ction sh.aZZ, in a!l. !'espects, conform to the O'!'dinxr:ce adopted D'y the City of SpringfieLd, incZuding the Zoning Crd:nanae, regulcting ;he ccnstr~cticn ar4 US3 of buiZdings, and may ,be suspe~4ed or revoked at cr.y time upon vic- Zation of any prQvisions of sai.d Or.dinances., I I * I I * IPZan Check I Date Paid: I Recd~t :~: ISig:-:ed: Fee: P.lumbing Permit No person shall. construct, instal.l, alte~ or change any new or e:::isting pl.umbing or drainage system in whol.e or in part, unl.ess such person is the 7..egal. possessor of a val.id pl.umber's l.icense, except trc.t a person may do pl.umbing work to property which is ~~ed, 7..eased or operated by the appl.i- cant. Electrical' Permit , I I I I I * \ I I I I I I I I I · I I I I I I · Where State LCIhJ requires tr.at the el.ectrical. work be done by an E7..ectrical. Contractor, the el.ect!"1'~al. portion of this permit shail. not be val.id until. the label. has been signed by the E7..ectrical. ~ontractor. Mechanical Permit Pi~a Examiner ua~e I riA VE' CAREFULLY EXA.llINED th.e compl.eted app l.ication for permi t, end de her3by certijy that all. info~ation hereon is true and correct, ar4 I f'~rthel' certify that any ar4 ail work performed shaU be done in accor- dance ~th the Ordi~-nces of the City of Springfield, and the Lc~s of th~ State of Oregan psrt~ining to the work des~~bcd herein, ar~ thc.t NO OCCU- PANCYwill. be ~ade of any struCtU1'3 without permission of the 3uil.ding Di- vision. I furth3r certify that onZy contractors ro:d ~l.ayees who are in """"; ;':{iL 7".'" wit< be ",,,d ~ 'hi, pMh'" ...~ ~cJ~~ ~gnzd '. 7~ vo- bv Date