HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 10/6/2010 (2) -. Division .Chler Deputy Clerk Lane County Deeds and Records ,; r l~~~.~~m~ 1111111111111111111111111111111\ 11111111111111111 $26.00 00637487200400824980010014 10/25/2004 02 :29 :33 PM RPR-DEED Cnt=1 Stn=7 CASHIER 06 $6.00 $11.00 $10.00 8 ~ to- f= ~ :5 z LU LU a:: '"' a: LU > W ~ ~ ~ a: BERJAC OF OREGON P.O. BOX 726 EUGENE, OR 97440 Grantor's Name lUld Address ELD,oN SHA WA L ",,,,C;;)....:\ 1!<!b N __ SPl"/N<ff',..fJ" 01< 97Y~ Grantee's N"ame and Address After recording return to: EVERGREEN LAND TITLE CO. P.O. BOX 931 SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 Until a change is requested, 811 tax statements shaD be sent to Ule foUowing address. SAME AS GRANTEE TITLE NO. ELT46392 ESCROW NO. SP04-17492 TAX ACCT. NO. 1722535 MAP NO. 1702341115400 WARRANTY DEED. STATUTORY FORM (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATION) KNOW AlL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That BERJAC OF OREGON and THOMAS K. DEAN, trustee of JAMES A PAULSON REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST, dated October 7th, 1998 IIereinafter called grantor, for tile consideration IIereinafter stated, to grantor paid by ELDON SHAW and LAURA I. SHAW, husband and wife and SAMUEL HARRISON and JULIE HARRISON, husband and wife and BRANDON L. PARKS and JAMIE K. PARKS, husband and wife and ROBERT D. RIDGE and AMY D. RIDGE, husband and wife IIereinafter called grantee, does IIereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto tile said grantee and grantee's IIeirs, successors and assigns, tllat certain real property, witll tile tenements, IIereditaments and appurtenances tllereunto belonging or appertaining, situated in tile County of lANE and State of Oregon, described.a~fol}owJ.,..t~wit: TRACT "A", LEVI LANDING 2ND ADDITION, REPLAT OF LOTS 59,60,61,62 AND 67, AS FILED AND RECORDED MARCH 29, 2004, RECEPTION NO. 2004-021855, OmCIAL RECORDS OF LANE COUNTY, OREGON " To Have alld to Hold tile same Ullto tll. said grantee and grantee:s IIeirs, successors and assigns forever. Alld said grantor IIereby covenants to and witll said grantee and grantee's IIeirs, successors and assigns, tllat grantor is lawfully seized in fee simple of tile above granted premises, free from all encumbrances except 2004-2005 Real Property Taxes, a Lien now due and payable. Subject to any and all easements, restrictions and covenants of record and tllat grantor will warrant and forever defend tile said premises and every part and parcel tllereof against tile lawful claims and demands of all persons wllomsoever, except tllose claiming under tile above described encumbrances. Tile true and actual consideration paid for tllis transfer,. stated in terms of dollars, is $ 6,000.00. "However, tile actual consideration consists of or includes otller property or value given or promised whicll is (tile wi,ole/pan of the) consideration (indicate which). ... (The sentence between the symbols., if not applicable should be deleted. See ORS 93.030.) In construing tllis deed and where tile context so requires, tile singular includes tile plural and all grammatical cllanges sllall be implied to make tile provisions IIereof apply equally to corporations and to individuals. I'! Witness WIIereoj, tile gran/or lias executed tills instrument tllis October 25 day of October 25 20!!!!........; if a corporate grantor, it lias caused its name to be signed and seal affixed by its officers, duly autllorized tllereto by order of its board of directors. TillS INSTRUMENT W1L LAND USE LAWS TO THE PROPE USES AND TO NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN TillS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE ULATlONS. B GNlNG OR ACCEPTING TillS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE D CHECK H THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED ANY S ON LAWSUITS AGAlNsr FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DF..FINED IN ORS '0.930. BERJAC OFOR , Michael Holcomb, Partner 11 ~ j?au~ THOMAS K. DEAN, trust.. or JAMES A PAULSON REVOCABLE LMNG TRUST Date Received: OCT - 6 2010 STATE OF OREGON, COUNTY OF !.-a/IJ/l.- Original Submittal )ss. THIS INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME ON O<!. 'W.Jl/Z.. .J(~ THOM K. DEAN, trustee JAM: APA N REVOCABLE LMNGTRUST, dated K I Michael Holcomb, as , 20~ BY BERJAC OF OREGON and October 7th, 1998 Partn, My commission expires: ~--//~7 . 0 ICIALSEAL SHAWNA LOVD i NOTARY PUBLlC.OREGON .. COMMISSION NO. 371443 MYCOMMISSION EXPIRES AUGUST 11.2007 <~