HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2010-8-23 , 4. 08f20/10 FRI 13:53 FAX 5417263689 225 Fifth Strcct.Sprin~fidd, oa 97477tFR(S41)726-37S3tFAX(S41)726.3689 , :';~:i'h. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD IiZJ 002 . .<;;;D~~~l{M.EN'rlJ~EONLYJ~;. ,'(2.2.0ID - 00 I '1 Z Permit no;;"' 'SPRING"FlaO ;,C." " . i,.:::~::':?!,~\3,~' ~ ~ :." ...< <Jf'r '1'7 __I 0 Date: 0 ~ ,/ '." " This permit is issued under OAR 918-309-0000. Perniii> are nontransferable. Permits expire ifwork is not ,Urted witbin 180 days of issuance or ifwork is suspended for 180 days: . MiscelIs"eous fees.: ~"ervir:e or je~der not included Each pump or irrigation circle (2) $ 63.00 Each sign or outline lighting (2) $ 63.00 Signal circuit or a Iimited-energy panel, .Ite",tian, or extension (2) f~~;~~I~sN~~~;t~o; ~:~h~e6~~~~~~ai~y,#,~;;~;~:;;~I~~;~~O;~~~~N1fl~$Ec~\i~~;0~:;~E< Notification Center. Those rules are set forth (A) Enter subtot.1 Of above fees in OAR 952-001-0010 through OAR 952-001- (Minimum Permit Fee $58.00) 0090. You may obtain copies of the rules by (B) Enter 12% sW'eharg. (.12 x (All calling the center. (Note: the telephone number for the Oregon Utility Notification (e) TechnOlogy Fee (5% of[AJ) Center is 1-800-332-2344). ~ ;S:) TOTAL feesaud surcbarges (A througb c): ~I\I>~'~ .' ~V . M:"'R ';.r' '''~... ,:,~{i!'iff,;to.CAI!;,1GOYERN.MEfiI:t"AaPROll~L,"C;';;".',;,!;)J;' Zoning approval verified? 0 Yes 0 No ....:~L~f'~i:;;€AtE'G,ORy...Cif;CONSTROC:r;(0N,~;;:i:}~,~i;'; 0 Residential D Government ommerci<il ....r.~;.....'~'OB;TSITElINI'('.lRMAJ.lorlWAI'ilD!'LQG:" .rt!;):~I':1i;';p,;' ~, '-",~" .,:,',K.', ~;,~;:~ ';';:~':'~~,:,~'~~-:~ ::,:~~~~',~:,p$!Z>,P,:~f{ : c..~/Au~ Address: I '1 0 .S . .s p Ai. Name: 71 City: Phone: E-mail: This installation is being made on residential or fann property owned byme or a member of my immediate family. This properly is not intended for sate, exehange. lease, or rent. OAR 479.540(1) and 479.560(1). Signature: \'i,;;\.Z.~C0N.T~C:rj)R';IJilScTA1.'fAm(ON::~.gf";';,~?t~i;>';ij; Business name; V h;;5 ~ / t" 0 '/' Address: IYcJ /30 ,!ptJ(P City: b Phone~ - E-mail: CCB license no.: ~ BCD license no.: Signing supervisor's license no.: ~ IS' Print name of signing supervisor: Ii//' Signature of signing supervisor. :415" 440-2584-J (9/08/COM) 1~~~~~;li~i,fi~:~~~?~.~~~&;n~~b~[;~i,'1I Residential, per uni~ service included: 1,000 sq.l\. or less (4) Each additional 500 sq. ft. or portion thereot" $134.00 $ $ 25.00 $ Limited energy (2) Each manufactured home or modular tiwcJling 5~rvlc.: or fecd~f (2) Services or feeders: installation, alteration. relocation $ $ $ 32.00 $ 63.00 200 .mps Or less (2) $ 61.00 $ 201 to 400 amps (2) $ 95.00 $ 401 to 600 amps (2) $158.00 $ 60110 J,OOO.mpS(2) $205.00 $ Over 1,000 amps or volts (2) $469.00 .$ Reconnect only (2) $ 63.00 $ Temporary sen.rices or, feeders: installation, alteration, relocation 200 .mps or less (2) $ 63.00 $ 201 to 400 amps (2) 'ni7.00~.\l$ 40It0600.mps(2) ,t:' ~1r(l\,1 Over 600 .n)1)s.or 1,000 V?~tH't~l.Vi Ion above BraA.ftl ~iH~ilf.;,~ -z.,~cl};;\\~n~ _.~r\J . '\: Feft'o0.rM'\lJJLlg\ilt~1li ~r . service or feeder fee: . E ch^.'j) \ "h- i' "",..IJ- _dr\" $ $ . I ~ . !~,,:f rFplt~- _ n~~\\Jv' 6.00 b. Fee to'r"tiranc~VC;:lrcw.lis\withDut purchase af a service or feeder fee; ...\'V Iv'"' .M" r/ I First oranch circuit (2) I S 55,00 $a.:>," . Each additional branch circuit $ 6.00 $ $ $ $ 63.00 $ :'.~:,? $ S8. oE $ ;;', tJ(p $ ,2, 1ft) $ {pI/.. iI.!f ~: CIO'O()~S," i i'- . :-\:" .,~ (. . , ;.. SP;1:~.:. ~E~ ~, ~OREGON www.ci.springfield.or.U5 TRANSACTION RECEIPT 811-SPR2010-00192 130 S 32ND ST STE A CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 225 Fifth 8t Springfield,OR 97477 541~726-3753 permilcenter@ci,springfield.or.us RECEIPT NO: 20 I 0000 199 RECORD NO: 811-SPR20 I 0-00,192 DATE: 09/01/2010 IDESCRIRTJ6N.;" 4;"';: ;rA:~t);';~~::~ ;'~': ~~',:~J~~;~'0 ;:;F~e~.:.::;:~;~~::,~/vf~~QgJ;t(i~~t;LCj::~Q~,:~~:-,::tf~N4Y+';i~~~MQdNT+I:iU~~':;"''- :;/y'>,,~\: :J Branch circuits without service or leeder - 1 st circuit 224-00000-426102 $55,00 Balance of Minimum Electrical Permit Fees 224-00000-426102 $3,00 State 01 Oregon Surcharge (12% 01 applicable lees) 821-00000-215004 $6,96 Technology lee (5% 01 permit total) 100-00000-425605 $2,90 TOTAL DUE: $67,86 [:,P:.\\"MENT:tcYiP.E~';~~ 1>:.\\"013;::'" :~CASH1EFi,~~ovy,QSEl??;;!;0;CJ)MMf~J:~~~:~~'E',";t"ff#,,~-i[~,~:i!:.\MOUNT'pAf[)' , 'r'''';, I Check 7481 WHISKEY HILL ELECTRIC I!,!C,' . t. ," I~; $67,86 '""J''' .;:i $67,86 I J '. I: .'~}. '/ }.;" . ~ ,. _ ~" 1.. . .',.::,:'";,::