HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2010-8-6 City Of Springfield 225 Fifth $t Springfield, OR 97477 Phone: 541*726.3753 "- Email: permitcenter@ci.springfield.or.us. \..i-~~',,, ~Tr ~- ~\6.()~ .,Residential Electrical Authorization To Begin Work ,;""7\" ,:.' :14': . C 69600-BEL-10-00369 (~;' Approval Code: 822114 8/6/2010 3:41 pm E.mailed To: c_perkins@ymail.com r" L ',It D New Construction IKJ Addition/alteration/replacement . '. c '';.~ .c;.:,: ~"'ICAT:EGORY'OFCbNSTRUCIION ".~ . ~"'" 1 or 2 family dwetling 0 Multi-family 0 Commercial o Accessory .' JOB;SITE' INF.ORMA TION AND LOCA tIClN Job Address: 3530 GAME FARM RD City/State/ZIP: SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 Suite/bldg./apt.no.: 22 ~. ~ i r ''':.... ,\" Project Name: M10-308 I Wilson Cross Street/directions to job site: Tax mapfparcel no.: 1703154003100 L,. .:.:1.:: l;'f 1[.' i I f ~ ','~. electrical for furnace change oul & heat pump exchange .. ,; nC;,'f,SltEcONTIl,CT..";: if. Name: Rite Electric Phone: 541-895-4466 Fax: 541-895-4366 Email: " +1,: _.f';; ~ ::".- ~-~ .ii. ,..if; , h', .$ifi" , b ::"'~ :I.:;i~",,;: .'LCONJRACTOR' ,; . Elec lie. no.: C335 cee lie. no.: 178518 Business Name: RITE ELECTRIC INC Contact: ":..:'""i. Address: PO BOX 842 "'1 City/State/ZIP: CRES\1VELL, OR 97426 Phone: 541-895-4466 F"iu: 541.895-4366 Email: heidi@c-perkins.com Metro lie. no.: City lie. no.: Supervising Electrician's lie. no.: ,i t- 55638 Supervising Electrician's Name: ., , SEAN QUINLAN ~ ; Nu~ber ~f insp~~ip~~r.fl,u,~~Jr- p~a,id.;~e!yi.ces:rv requires yOU. t,O"'; ':' Re.,dent,al Serv,ce'low ru1es adopted by the Oregon Ulility Reconnect Only:TOl 1 - t f th All Other servi&,~?tificati'2n Center. I hose rules are se or in n R Q'i?n01-001 0 throuqh OAR 952.001- Upon review ancO(aPPfovaYCtiY lyOurj 1O'c";jtCj~I~Sdicliri~~irofJ1 t~e~rtUU1I~ IleY e-mailed within one business dill/:"with instructions on how tQsfheduJe\lour inSlloctit'n')ne l;....lllll':::! \;,'-' '-''-'".~." \' H . . ""~,,~, f", top ()rAnnn I Itilitv Notification . NOTE: This Authorization.To Begin Work expires withi~ 1~OAay~:i!.!,permit is not e:btained. Ct..llel I:' 1 L.,-J-~;j<--~044). Tho local building department may determine that an Authorization To Begin Work is void if it does not meet applicable land use laws and local ordinances. ,. . t,;" , ~:;, -~ f "",;.t:. , ,i 'I' 'Ii,' '.' , i \~: or faxed null and "...,. ",."j ","- 'j"",- ~ ~,~"\.::!~~";~r/i1..~~tz'~2Et'.~_RLA'N;.REVIEW;~: ".'. ~ . ....... i Please check all that apply: 0 Hazardous locations 0 A service or feeder beginning 0 A service or feeder rated at at 400 Amps where the 600 amps or more available fault current exceeds 0 Buildings more than three stor 10,000 Amps at 150 Volts or less to ground exceeds 0 Marinas and boat yards 14,000 Amps for all other 0 Floating buildings , 0 Fire pumps 0 Commercial-use agricultural buildings 0 Emergency systems 0 Installation of a 150 KVA or 0 Addition of a new motor load larger seperately derived sys of 100 HP or"more 0 "A", "E", or "1-2" or "1-3" 0 Six or more residential units in 0 Recreational Vehicle Parks one structure 0 Health care facilities 0 Supply voltage for more than 600 supply volts nominal ,,',!'::0-", '. ....../;.!"E.ESCHEDULE f, ;':..~>, ". ;!'.' " . " Description Qly. Ea. Total B.r~,ij.~h~91,~c~Jji:Jr~: ~,~.:;~\:-,,,.~ .. . ~ \;),:,;. ;~.' . ':,' l,.',: i.;.". " Branch circuits without service or , $55.00 $55.00 feeder Branch circuits each additional 1 $6,00 $6.00 circuit without service Electii.c;:aJ~ermJt" Fees' :~'.:-~ ':: ~' " f.t " ''''''-,,,.' 1" :'. . ...: Subtotal $61,00 State surcharge (12% of permit $7.32 total) Technology fee (5% of permit total) $3,05 'TOTAL PERMIT FEE $71,37 .. ~;, , 'l~ i. ' '~~~ \t E I~ II-\E \N06~ ~O\\C~:. SI-\1\\..\.. E1.\'11'- I'EI'-\'IIII IS ~ II-\\S I'EI'-~~; \l~\)'t.1'- -\I-\~~DO~ED ~Ol'- 1'\\l1\~01'-1 ED 01'- \~; 1'\13 COMME~C 1\'1 \,ER'\Q'J. 'N'I '\50 D ,~" 'I ~i~--- . ,~~, Insp~ctlons Phone: 541-726-3769 This Authorization To Begin Work must be posted at the job site until replaced by a Permit 8P2r rows l. ,: S,.~:-I\"G. .:.IEL~.. '. ~.,,"... .-- .- " '.OREGON TRANSACTION RECEIPT CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 225 Fifth St Springfield, OR 97477 541-726-3753 www.ci.springfield.or.us permitcenter@ci.springfleld.or.us LflA'(r.1g~UYPE Online RECEIPT NO: 2010000003 RECORD NO: 81 I-SPR20IO-00003 DATE: 08/09/2010 . U5(SCRIPTION~L~' ,"I\. '~'?jt" "'T<'I"~t",;,':'~;t;i..;;~~_""CCOON:r:,CODE;...;:j".I..;2'::,~~MOQNtDUl:S-___' .. j Branch circuiIs withouI service or feeder - 1 st circuiI . 224,00000-426102 55.00 Branch circuits without service or feeder - each additional ___~224-00000-426102 _~__ 6.00 _ State of Oregon Surcharge (12% of applicable fees) '. 821-00000-215004 7.32 Technology fee (5% of permit total) 100-00000-425605 3.05 TOTAL DUE: $71.37 -PAYOR. ,CAS~IE";NM,i.,cHADOL_'.;:CQMIVIJ:;J~I.S..::_~'j;--:~;;_ .,'" ; AMOUt:!TPAID $71.37 I rite electric -----.- -,-----..-.. .. '.r" "'. 'i,\ .1" .l,.('.~l , '..''.