HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Plans 1980-2-1 ;;;.a O/!/t:J 0/1.;70 0 T~TI7?-1J3-;l3,". 4 ". .....__ I VICINITY MAP ==::1 II If -;--t r: -e ?~ ~~~/ ~\ ~n' . .... "" (\ Hll-l/n.LA...o ~"', 1)...1. ~~ I ~1t . ~ ..p -11 ~~, ~. d. w ~' I" '~, '" > c CD , ( fcrV ... ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~tr. : .J ~ ~ n ~ 1,~ ~ d CD _,r IC, - ~ ~_ N ( rfiOOpr ~ ~~~J ~~..l, \ 1.9.0 I) ~ , Job location (Street, mile post)/ 1/ () Subdivision, i1l.~~ 1~~ .... .. lot Block _ System Disapproved ~ ~~~~~~ ld -IW..u.&ed 0.0. ~ p~ 10:>ilm-t II'~@ l..'~ r/&;'Y'IlfiOll ?rl. Ot:(C{,WcM "\ Date: :: FOR SANITAR~'S(.:!:9l)':~ystem API:>ro~ed COMMENTS: I -I,l(, . IVI 0. ~i-\ bO!VI~(.~.~- ' '" ~II~ ~ ~<'- ~ 1'f\iJE'62 )1Wl8L. k1llW - /, , - -Signature: FOR INSTAllER' SE: Trench Depth ~o H Filler Depth Below Tile ~" Tank Capacity J{lOD~ Manufacturer WI L L CLlI" ~\'\'~ (.., i'"A-,\ "''\'o-.... .l2.. Measured distance to well from ta l~ IU'^">.,,-<L from drainfiel,l JuCJVI.-<Z- ~ .s. :!t I \. PLOT PLAN I ;)-() 0 (f1J ,~ l { .('" . .\)>.~{( ,v ~ ~ /~.. h:J? CuljV\ -{\r t>'('~~ . / . - --./ ~~P(..;<.~~ I /f"""'~P\\.'~ ^ X 't--f / II'~' \ c X ~of \C t::j """- v 0 =-nt c5A6 llA-t \J ><:. ,( ~ 1.. --::-.:ta - t r- '<- 7,'0 ;~- L1, \ x -c)( ~ I.... \!;Q - X t<: 'f. Y... \ .x. . <( ~J' r x.. T X),., '7-~\,Li'~-' ~ K. X X K \ -L7--)~X.i'X '><.. X::>;,: ><: /. "'" >< .l( ><- k' x k X ~ X V;>< ^ .x " C'l :ii. ~ ,-), ~ ~' c;1 r" 0 p -' ....... , \ /' - . !: 3. ll" . - " \_'" ~~~/i\' ~ ~I~~ &C\ i$" \~\ ~~.l~,~j~ ~','{.JJ( I~",l( _ '5 \ -e r I :\. ~ ~ g 'i!5~' /.:::0 ~ I 0,..-. "au..~ S:;' <;J , , l/ - 1 CA- G;~ ~ I ~ Scale:' 1>.'801- .,.-f...........~ co /lcp (~o \ INSTAllATION RECORD AND CERTIFICATE OF SATISFACTORY COMPLETION When signed by the County Sanitarian, this certificate is evidence as per ORS 454.665 of sat- isfactory completion of a subsurface sewage disposal system at the above location. Return this form to: Permit Processing Section, Department of Environmental Management, Public Service Building, 125 East 8th Avenue, Eugene 97401 C55.11 ~ n ,T :O!': ". "~'.""_ ~.~ ~ ___ T"...~ ~,-k.".~",>:_T.,lV"_"~""__'~'''I'. .,_..r...,r~~~.',""P'~,!T~"~""'- .. ,"'~ ,,~"" ~'_'T.-'."'_ . _". ' ..~, ,~ ~s-.',""""" 1! ; ~'" .' .'.....~"', , ' ',~~~~ ,,' - .,.- . , BOLD SLIP idne county . ;~@i FINAL INSTALLATION RECORD FOR PERMIT # u,-n 7,->;0 i):1Ihdl~('1()k.OIl)s>k;. INSTALLER /appllcoA!- III{) r'J? 1i:!f'1.1' {J/~ IJ lO . ADDRESS . <:,;\/1j(,'111 ('ie fd N2 01477 ZIP I" 1(/ / Your CBr-t~ficate of Satisfactory ComplBtion for the abovB rBfBrencBd installation cannot be approvBd until the following corrections arB made: A. Township, rangB, section and tax lot description B. AddrBSS or street, road, etc. C. Applicant's namB/mailing address D. Installer's signature E. Distances from tank & drainfiB1d to well F. Pump & switch specification statement on plot plan G. Vicinity map H. Additional measurBments,needed .- o C'> )> -l , ..... o :z o "T1 V> .. ..... '-l ,..., 1. INCOMPLETE FORM I INADEQUATE PLOT PLAN .-, v :") 't:> - 1. Illegible J. For~ must bB filled out in BLACK INK. K. Other :l,- ,-. ,,> , 3~ CONSTRUCTION t' A. Water levB1 d-box 1J Y B. Grout box(es) (inside and out) {Il{J)j. .,~C. Non-approved materials used in effluent sewer ~., H '" ~.-D. TrenchBs covered ~ q Iv , O~ 'VI /FB. I ncorrBct grade on trench bottom and/or dra in 1 in I~' I' =..C IncorrBct trBnch dep.th . ., ' 7?7 f,- b'l /". 'Other Itd.11'ffW d/lfillAI7cld (U-tJ~ i j-'.fJd ""'::,d Vl@ ~ ,y (F I ( yYY'-"; (V "--::. \11'( 1) ~ ' J uta. ~ If the necBssary corrections are not made within ~(J days, the n~ ~o~ CBrtificate of Satisfactory Completion will be denied. L"I..\\ '" I c.c. Applicant Signature <--M.f//;1J 'h1. ~JJiJ!riPlllflf1l1 Date l? /fltlu/1!JD Phone /;;0J-.51(/)() 8:00 -~9:00 A.M. / ' g;30 Yn -'rl1 ' - '" WatBr Pollution Control 125 East 8th Avenue I (503)687-4061 Division I EnvironmBntal ManagBment Department Public Service Building I EugenB, Oregon 97401 I Wats Line 1-800-452-6379 . ,';{;SJ-:~ CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # 713-t:J r::l , ~ . .. oX .. '- ,- ..~} t.'-' . SubdivIsion: X.,,\ ,r' ", . . ~)'r"~ ,l'r) 1.,1', 't,: '/\/~ 1.i-I.J!"t',\,'....J ' " !K hi :\\... Ii ~'I " ~ , r- .,....1.--- This permit for the referenced property is hereby" . 'pr2C)":7f:' . Setbacks and other co'ndFtions of approval must be strictly observed. Violation can result in revocation of this permit, citation under provisioni~f Lane County's Infraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law. '" . ~U'(l I '. . ..,. Telephone:1f/706-70fiX__74G_S200 Telephone: Telephone: 72.~- (ol.j~ (wortk\ ~ - ' "-~.' c:- ~. , ---'" ~ J0B ADDRESS: TRS, TL.= POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE ~!~') ~c r.:UC 12?~\.':i, S,;;!?l::JGv~:)~d ~7-03-23.4.4 11.:2(;3 Hai), ]2iJ~ Applicant/Address: E!:,vkl ri;t"-[I6::;stl~. ii32~l~ S~u0~. s~7i;fla?Jc~cl. 6:1 9?G7t- Owner/Address: C:~[;,Q r.:..~t:C:o;}:d. 2GCD C.; SCi(;:;;:)~. S:;?k~Y~cTId. 0:1 ryjtrn Contractor(Address: !2:.::70UC lm~Ucii' S"~:;D . Contractor s OS # nS!~ Total ConstructIon Value: .onstruction approved by this permit: S~::QUo tn6 [:Z~nO 1::'-:::) X0 IT es DeJ--F1co~Hr-o S~..;&(:t.!i"(;S l~c:J c:J ~b Dj'(;;...;;r~y: 1:'::-i:Cl :2 [708 t;::;,::zaS G 1 tJru Water Supply: ~:::l~ # Bedrooms: .., PLANNING DIVISION WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION ,t- tbacks , terior property lines Edge of road ri9ht-of.way Buildin9 foundation Wells, other water sources # Plumbing Fixtures: '" # Employees: 1'2 Zoning: (..;$, Partitioning # no Parcel # CO Minimum'Yequired structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: ~Oo side exterior: ; interior property lines: lla' ;rear property line: 20' Special Instructions: CL'?-79-C1l1l'';j)VG,,;:;j Parcel Size: 40 ClG~B ; centerline of road, For information call 687.4394, I" Any alteration of the natural conditions in the area aOornvArl fmthl') rfr~in. field or repiacement area will gal. min,V~WtiFtIlf(ffi'<eapacity; <;,,,"," Site Inspection # Q9-!)ZIJ . Installation specifications: [/,0::3 ;/'G!J lineal feet of drainfield required; max. dept)1 of trenches: :'<CD Special Instructions:. ,q,:Q~aH ,:"j ;~~:::l] c;~9~K:):l~~O 5J7G~O ~O %(::1 O;'\D G;2~~v~c::1 0 DtCi: [)10 ~':::v ~':':;'jJd 2-A-O. [:O\:Jm~" r 1I.~' GG~ :~QC~ C700 ~C~~~ G~\Of1Qld C:J ov ~Jl1. Septic Tank 10' 10' 5' 50' Drainfield 10' 10' 10' 100' For information callr;m~<")w; between 8:00 - 9:00 a,m., r:"nr'""l CONSTRUCTION Type of Construction: [:1 Group: r.:l Fire Zone: ::l Use Classification: S:FD PERMITS/INSPECTION Instructions: &:C::~\;)C3 eel ?'\Gro CO 0=)0.11 t1~CD GWW VC::;)~<;:~C-l \'\Xj:J~crc::::::JW VO? [::;')~]c Cc::::::s DIVISION c? w VC"'.c:-::-::::c"J::1 D.v ct:J C::::0V~t.7\)7. IT\Nv~6 13:I9~L:O rn ~:1iJU'C::]. Vc:? G~W ~G ku.&xl wilCD~8 0 ~IJSJ [i.'1Zf'{,O OruD. A d!CJ~c:::J v~:J~>il ~"1JC:;7 oki7c:l~o 0'"1 iYJY.G9 '?w~ g['..J]] l:::> CDVZ1v~o() ~? C::J 7lcccl DIO~o l:I::c:';:::-'f _~C ].c';'i;Q7. R'Jzw]o c...--,,)'J]o r~8~0'0'fr't" '; C~09. ('0.0-::'::3 c;J1? ccl0GGD. C='l rqu'Jm<l t;; Il]ccj p[;:l~o For pans In ormation call C0'i-'Jii:.J between: a.m. and: a,m" E.;'::-;~ C":C;:'::=::JC. For inspections (see back of this permit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a,m, and 5:00 p.m. Directions to Site: no Date Issued: 0/'X'S:!GJ C55-13 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE. EUGENE, OREGON 97401 By: bne county ca ........, <;::~f"" t:.,-__~ ,t...:~ ,:;.; ,'" '.. ~ ....J ~< L -,-' . <.(q)r'~ ..~ ./ 'l.' . ./--- . i I ---;;Y '-'1," l~l.'~ 'iT: ;(.1 !-- . /.'-, "- i l'r ! ~ ':~~' - "oo"I"~-. J it.r: I ..---L:L...___ ......H!: I ___ i 2- : //-/-:......~ J-.J .- .' Lot . : -PIN '-.fl:' _. ~, C74-150 ''';-''~,.4 "-,-231.{ 1../ '. 'I~~$(~~~ Block <;' 0.> Rf[ VEb FE B () 1 1980 \;c 0 - ---' --- - ' <I ,. , ' /;:i ,~ > ~ .: I I . ~~\:t"uoJ i!,:~~ . 7'\" v.- IJ.>',>,'-':Il: vr~'Y \:) \ - j ,-~::-=-- -----;- .~,-~:;..~ I ....110\ . r 1(6;:i-I'cc.Ptlt.r,T ::f-;- 0, ,- .." 1 '., \< !,o' ..,---. ,\ . Job Location (Addres-!,) ',..,]-,:. I u,c c'\ Permit g ,q 4:",::)t..f For---Jl,.vlI7D, l,b '; Permit' For""" . Permi t g' For \ N, . ~'- ,c ~oo/' II 00 ' _ '~l:.~~:::; '~~?~:l / .' ---:::'..-:.; . - j.--...:.---. 'f- ;.~ ... I, i \If -' ;;', . . '~ -I. 'I.. ~.;~" {O'$ 10 Sl...~ \,<t .;..f} ',..r / .t...,_ ..( 0 ..C ~.-;,- '/ 'l. ;, ,q' 0' " )0: '~. ~, _ II~". L .' IU~'--; ;'-. f.. ~rl . "'---;"1"- - ,.',\ '\ ...... _ ~ , . . :~(;.-:.'. _ _ '. '1 . ~ / ." .-". {. '>.." r,.., ( "f 1-. '/.. '. :, . -.: v .', .:~/. ,'~' ct:,,:;l11;: . . ':"" v /' .'" -\ ,.:t/ .'. ..... - "-:Ilz,.~::" ~, '- /... ,: ,,' '" ~""..\~; -", ,( 1-'" ';t( .. l.~'t ..l....,,~,J ."':;-:~\ -- "'- ," -', '1 \ )... P' ,". N"" ~~\\\ ")'"~;,II.-:'f--' /.r/ ~ ,. jl (I Vicinity Map ..-- r::.... t-~. .'.' ': Pemit # Pemit fI Permit 0 For For For APPROVED ~~~ ~::;~~~;;t:!; , . .j i ",,,0 L I r..../ /' \ ~.\,..~ , I ~"... "J', l-\......."L , X I Y I .' .:, , " '( .. " " '- )..: -- A ,. " /, , '. "' ;..~ " , -" " I' I; r.,. . .; ." ~j, ,;.....,....-T"rr-e(" j 1