HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1980-4-15 JOB AD'DRESS: POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # 773-80 MH 1110 Del Rose Drive, Springfield Subdivision: NA TRS, TL: 17-03-23.4.4 TL:200 1100, 1200 This permit for the referenced property is hereby APPROVED Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed, Violation can result in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions of Lane County's I nfraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law. work Telephone: 746-7051--746-5208 Telephone: Telephone: Applicant/Address: David Rodakowski, 1220 C Street, Springfield, OR 97477 Owner/Address: MikB Rodakowski, 2680 M Street, Springfield, OR 97477 Contractor/Address: .Elller~:~lr ~al:s lIa.ff.y r>1 01,,1, J.krnes Contractor's OS # -i5394 Total Construction Value: .- 1'1 X GCO l'i&n koz.r nstructionapprovedbythispermit: Single Wide Mobile Home g X 65 19!JD :-}""~1;,,,,~ Structures now on thB propBrty: House 2 green houses &1 barn 011:. Water Supply: Well # Bedrooms: ~'3 # Plumbing Fixtures: 2 PLANNING DIVISION WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION _backs "WPterior property lines Edge of road right-of-way Building foundation Wells, other water sources # Employees: n a Zoning: Agt Partitioning # na Parcel # na Minimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: 50 I side exterior: ; interior property lines: IS' ;rear property line: 20' Special Instructions: CUP-79-417 Approved Parcel Size: 40 acrBS ; centerline of road, For information call 687-4394, Susan ... ;"'r'I'" . ~') NI'1 a\tcr"t.... ,- .~ 1''1 n"'1urvl cc....o... ~ . . -'n- '" 1ort09(....... _ _.....~ r.onro'1td -"' ema ,,;[.'.\ f;~.d ot rep~~"~ gal. min. seRti.c~1pacity; Site Inspection # 79-934 Installation specifications: 1000 150 lineal feet of drainfield required; max, depth of trenches: 24" Special Instructions: Install an equal distribution system in the area , specltlea on plot plan submitted 2-1-80. Maintain a 100' set back area between drainfiBld and any well. Septic Tank 10' 10' 5' 50' Drainfield 10' 10' 10' 100' For information ca1l687-3956 between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m., Coll een CONSTRUCTION Type of Construction: MH Group: MH Fire Zone: 3 Use Classification: SFD PERMITS/INSPECTION Instructions: Footings and piers to comply with state foundation requirements for Mobile Homes DIVISION or as recol1Tl1endBd by thB manufacturer. Provide skirting as rBquirBd. Your SitB is located within a FLOOD HAZARD area. A minimum finish floor B1Bvation of 447.69 feet shall be certified pBr thB flood plain managBment lBtter. Install mobile homB frame tie downs per enclosurB, when required by flood plain For plans information call 687-3760 between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., Hough managBment. For inspections (see back of this permit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a,m. and 5:00 p.m, Directions to Site: na Date Issued: 4/15/80 ....... C55-13 ,/ OEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 By: bne county . John SS/ GB -;. 3 . . ~. , -!. 10 -. " ..!.!.. " -. " %0. n -. " .!!.. " -. 30 T 1 2!.. . . i. . . . . . . . , I . LANE COUNTY DEPT ENV MGT RECEIPT .!!.. APPLICANT FWDAKOWSI<I, DAVID ADDR 2680 N. TLI 1703234400200 SUBDIV 1100 & 1200 NEW BLDG TYPE MH USE R NO BDRMS 02 ... CODE APPL NO ACTI ON DESCP I PTI ON Bp Hi=' .!".. TiP HI'" .E. F<P . l'<P ~ ~H LC 77380 MH MHpL NO. FIXTURES: ~ MECH · SUI, ~ PCK . SDS so .. o 77380 DATE 033180 14TH ST., SpFD, ORE LOT BLI<. NO UNITS 001 NO STORIES NO BLDGS 001 SQ FT UNIT COST VALUATION FEE DAY. . SW 14 X 65 1980 NO. CONNECTORS: MECHANICAL FEE STATE SUFlCH(,FlGE PL.AN CHECI< FEE ~;. 0(, EACH .- 30.29 10.00 . -' 4% (,% 1.61 .~ o t. o ~ t~ SDSI 40.00 " -. 2..~ SIFO CPI ..!.!.. TAI<EN BY SK WPC PLAN EL.EV ADDR COMPLETED J3Y FP ENVH TOTAL FEEH; 81 . 9~\ t~ :; 12 , , ~ CK".; 10 : ~.j " --- .. .E.. . , '.~ . . : . ~ . . ~ ~.!h Name . 'RC>PAKOWSK I . Ipwp Application 11773 -eo M.IJ for C::;,,)MH WORK SHEET Construction Permits & Inspection tJ\H MI-4 '-~ Type of Construction Group Fire Zone ~ Use Classification "J"~"'rE;" ~ .ATTf\.C.~ -e.L~T PI)!\1\1 T^ THF' !1\L~PE(,"Tl")RS. 'PERM IT C.I) O,! - FoR CP~l r">MMENI'S -rVPF'! roo-riflG,?, ANn 'P1E;t<~ Tn rJ')MPL,Y 1'\1.1:11 <='TATe" ~\U')D~rl^n) J~F(':;JU/REMP;tJ1"S FOR Mi'1,BJI_Ei Hl">ME'.5 oR AS RE("t"lMM.E'tJDE~ RY THE' f'v'IR.NIA FAc:rURE'R. P~~vln"," C;~'R-rI~<1. Ac" RE"t<;)IlJ RE:D. >k YOLLR ~Jrp' Ie:. L~c.A:T"e:n 1.\1"\.1. I'" 9. l=l.OOI:l ~A::z.ARn Ak'S'A. A. MltJlMLlM F.IIIISH 1=LOeQ sL,pIJI4"Cj:"J/tI OF: ~ 7, ~9'1=6&"T" ,HALL Gl!' _~B.T.1FtJV") PER THE! J:J..ho.n PLAllIl M4pJlIIl...S'MSII.!"T" LGT:If:?R _ I/lJSrALl... . MoBIJ..E H-o",,~ I=RAME ""II; ~I\)S 'PER S.nJc.LbSU~M; l.JJ/HnJ RE~U"~80 9'4 FLOt'>D PLAIN fV\AtJA.bE"M.~I\l""'_ 74-164 "A-{,~ 4-7r-Y/:) V r Signature Date .. PHON I 7~8-t.7' '.l..""'" . . RAINBOW WATER DISTRICT P,O. Box 8 SPRINGFIELD. OREGON - 87477 ~l[lrch 20, j 980 TO "HOME IT ~1AY cmJCCI1N: Rainbow water District is aware that an nddi tional line is being connected to the private p1umbi,ng line at 26BO.N. 14th Street, Springfield, Oregon for the purpose of providing temporary water service to a mobile home being placed on the property. Any questions regarding the installation' should be directed to the property owners. Sincerely, RAINBOW WATER DlSfRICT ['-1"7 / ,,;> ./. .". -' . . l.!<'.........../..\, / c-:.....~$.-t~.A:<.. Ear j' L. Howard, Super intendcnL ELH,,, . ~W ~~~ , R ~ 'd' .:,\ " . ~,fIi,. ,\ ~ DEPARHiENT OF ENVIRONI1ENTAL 11ANAGEMENT i(\.J .4/-". PSB, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE ) II 0 IIf:P EUGENE, OREGON 97401 .~~?~}ddr:ss.:t,~~c:~~,~.,.~,~..v/e71o~ .,'-p<;'V; n J'f:'-e,tl'! ~-f{d, 'l'(l\oI~~~t{l~llij!lliej$~tjoil. Tal( ~Qt -~ '" --La' .,., ..... - ..flOo-. '/i.-,',.-,'_c...tJI't:!> ~$,~b~JY1$1(.~I ::::::=-""'--', '.,. t7-o 3 -..i~- ({ C'O !l.,l!f{ lllQ'iiIi' Application for ~ ~ tz,c-a Structures now on the property I /i~o :; c,~~..c; .....,~-:. ."",,:-,_.,-."'.;, "':~-:o-:c.'~'^.'::~7':--,~~,';-'-" ,';,,_ ..':'.' _ ,_,..-: '.'^::.,.',":.._....,., ":::-':' ..L ,..,"..."._..._.-',.......~.."..."< il!i'Cl'R9}!llU$i2Qf'pl'liptlCrt:l:. U l!W~idl!n.!lal' U ,Ctll\!lletil1ilh Affidavit: I, ~/ \,\. I<,'),J.A-\L.~ <., I.i ~ ('i!J.~$!LPtllltJ If this application ;s for an agricultural building it will be used for purposes allowed by the State Building Code and lane County Code Chapter 10 (zoning) and for no other purpose. I have the following legal interest in the property: owner of record; contract purchaser; , lessee; holder of an exclusive option to purchase; )(~ duly authori~ ~o ~t~ the owner, who is kn~Wledgeable of this application. n I Signature/Address)l.k.-:d./ /.!~c.,.. t~~o Co "57 ~J ~ (z;p)Q7q77 Telephone ~t.U:.-'7a~ ( or 1t1-b-i::';}..D'5l-T..Jr=- 'Date .k.,r,~Q.. 'T\ -Ro When perm!t is ready notify: ~ Applicant ~ Owner ~/ Contractor ~: ~ mail ~/ phone Owner J.il...J..1I.A. \?....!.,,"-\l...cruJ'" \L.\ ~l'> JU"""- ~ (zi1J.L97LL'7'7 Phone Contractor EM -€t-A.l..cL ----r-"" A)) ~,~ ,.., ....I.i.". .' (zio\. Phone .IContractor's OSR# I r"') /"\ Plumbing by ~ ~?LrIl-- :>t /1 ""'"\ { Je..,. 1 , I ;;;;;;;;7 - '-' DO NOT WRITEBlLow THIS LINE If Commercial: ., Qf,$totlet ,'# of employees :('oriiliiJi, Residential: lof fft!clfoolllsi .::::L-. $ll$t () Existing, BP # SI test holes ready fI.. Proposed, SI # 7'Y--"?~~ " ..'., ,... i',"L"',i:i ' Ftt · " $q, r~, ,II": ."'. ~ , De~etlntlon' OfSlt\!s '(0\# ~ r , ~~a/~~) ~ c/ /4 X 6b / q YO - ,::f-----&..uT/~ . t.C -11~~t~J!.;n H- iA,i{im~['fjii~~i' 1-7:?~r/J o rt~ijiittJilr () fjiUilff1i: . hereby certify that this information is true and accurate. Valuation Fee =1teih ",.cL;;l.jj ., + n J;llIl:ek * /J ~c~i"~ed'^;'y- ~./~ ,:.1 , ~ Total Valuation: $ Phjll\Illn9 flxtilfiiis at $ '$ewer/water c;onn. at $ Subtotal each each $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ q/tP.... tJ 0 $ .?/, 70 Water Supply Proposed _ Year Installed ~ 4% State surcharge Plans check fee ~sJ1s Existing _ ..C,"'''~t.: u; ;';:C~~Q."I".J TOTAL : PERMIT PROCESSING Zone ~ Part. # Parcel # Parcel Size 4t!J /$/, Minimum setbacks: 1\.. fronf .5'"19"" ; ll, side ; int. /6"" ; rear dL/J .... Comments e rt{lJ';. -~ ':-1;'" e~/;t7 ~ ~ ."~,-,'t-:... ~()'-rc' z::"...;........ A4'~. To be typed on permit ('Lff/- ?'1~l// '7 <!L,j7 " By, ~---/?.A.r -' Date, ~-.;::;;;/-k'O CP&I Type Group Fire Zone Use Classification To be typed on permit ~ '-"~~'.;~ For plans information call (area inspector) Directions to site By ~ ~ <- (~rU Date <{-7-82) Phone ..6..a 7 -.3 7.6D ~/ SIFO I~I ~ Plans to: CP&1 set(s) WPC == set(s) Date Required Hold 51 ip to PCC Date Completed Da te to PCC ~/ Planning /~~Works 1)"Elevation ~ress () Facil ity Permit ~I Environmental Health ~ FOR INFOR~~TION about progress of your application call: C74-171 Permit Control Center 687-HELP (687-4357) ~ . .... · 1St) . . FLOOD PLAIN MANAGEMENT Department of Environmental Management 125 East 8th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 687-4357 TO: V PERMIT PROCESSING PLANNING 773 - 80 AI If PERMIT NUMBER PARTITION NUMBER PUBLIC WORKS SUBDIVISION APPLICANT'S NAME DAI/I D Jj 10 DEL OTHER /(0 C?A 1(0 IV~ J./ I ROSE DR, SITE ADDRESS PERMIT VALUE IS SUBSTANTIAL IMPROVEMENT, YES V' NO SITE IN FLOOD HAZARD AREA YES V- NO SITE LOCATION IS WITHIN A FLOOD HAZARD APPROXIMATE STUDY AREA, EXTRA ~RECAUTIONS MAY BE APPROPRIATE TO ASSURE THAT THE BUILDING SITE WILL BE REASONABLY SAFE FROM FLOODING. MOBILE HOME TIE DOWNS REQUIRED. ~SITE LOCATION IS WITHIN A FLOOD HAZARD DETAIL STUDY AREA, 1, MINIMUM FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION OF 44 7, '9 (M. s. L.) REQUIRED. 2, MINIMUM FOUNDATION ELEVATION OF (M.S,L.) REQUIRED. 3. MOBILE HOME TIE DOWNS REQUIRED IF GROUND ELEVATION THAT MOBILE HOME WILL BE PLACED ON IS BELOW THE REQUIRED MINIMUM FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION. SITE LOCATED WITHIN A DESIGNATED FLOOD WAY CHANNEL, BUILDING PROHIBITED, RECOMMENDATIONS: DATE C74-189 4-2-80 ~fftR . , BY :::::--- , ~ 'd "- 'J C) '^l l'-l ..N ..b. f::. >-'l ~ t'" o >-'l :-,., ~ .....N ~ .;.:\ ~ \"... ~ '. ~ LANE COUNTY HEARINGS OFFICIAL '. DECISION APPROVING APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (UNCONTESTED) Application Summary: Agenda Item #7 ,...,....~'1i'..~T~'""~,~,.,,,.~'~r!'tl ~ fMilte'!:ii~;da~~~~kk~CliP:t~'7~tll7:.r 2680 Harvest Lane, Springfield, Map"17-'03-23-44, Tax Lots 200, 1100, 1200. Request for Con- ditional Use Permit for an accessory dwelling on 40 acres in an Exclusive Farm Use (EFU) District. Hearing Date: December 6, 1979 Decision Date: December 16, 1979 Statement of Criteria and Standards: Lane County Comprehensive Plan Lane Code 10.110 Lane Code 10.320 Facts Relied Upon (Findings): The factual statements set forth in the staff report are incor- porated herein and adopted. The Hearings Official did not view the site. In addition, the following findings based upon the testimony presented at the hearing are adopted. The applicant indicated that the permit could be limited to a mobile home. Decision: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT' APPROVED. fureeconditions'of approval. are imposed: - 1) The permit shall be for a period of 5 years. 2) Only a mobile home, a temporary str~cture or trailer may be placed upon the property under this permit. _ 3) The permit may be renewed automatically for an additional 5 years upon the applicant's written statement to the' Lane County Planning Division an accessory dwelling for farm help is still necessary and setting forth the specific reasons therefore. Justification for Decision (Conclusions): The application conforms to the comprehensive plan for Lane County. The proposed use will be compatible with and not adversely affect the surrounding vicinity nor will it in turn be adversely affected by surrounding development. L~-,.V) /{ ~ Larry D. .trhomson Hearings Official //1( 'L . ,../ 0""'-~-"~ ~ ~ " , : ,I DEPARTnEIH OF EIIV I RONi1EiITAL IIANAGEflENT . PSB, 12S EAST 8TH AVENUE EUGEfiE, OREGON 97401 . /..e-77~C:::i1fJ4J If Assigned Numb~rs Job Address ~bl\o \-'~\"\Ie-:,I: Lf\V<C JU-v.. City ~[<::/. Township, Range, Section, Tax Lot /7-c>_-? -,2 ,::::;, 1,1, ~ - ~-/ /~ - /;:Lcn::> Subdivision - .,., Lot Block Application for~ f.l-.97')t..ti:.-- Structures now on the property II,~o :J(:.,~~ _ L Proposed use of property: L/ Residential L/ Commercial Affidavit: I, 1"I~1I\..\ K~.J\A."-uu., <, \.I"' (please print) If this application ;s for an agricultural ,building it will be used for purposes allowed by the State Building Code and lane County Code Chapter 10 (zoning) and for no other purpose. I have the following legal interest in the property: owner of record; , contract purchaser; lessee; holder of an exclusive option to purchase. );(~ duly authQr~d....to~~_!~ the owner, who is kn,owledgeable of this application. Signature/Address N~ f<!c-J)"",,~u- /.,;t:+.-O C "57 ~jJ..J &~ (ZiD)Y 7iJ7 7 '- , () J.. Telephone 'JU-A--/r'>'-. { OrLlU.-,::':J.D'fl-\.Ar:- Date ....,c"..".LJ... 'T\ -1<:'0 When penn,it is ready notify: '(I Appl icant g; Owner C/ Contractor QL: liS/ mail 'If/ phone Owner~AIIU>.. l2.0.!,'I>>"'-<.fU.}'S\<"'\ ?-h~" IU~ ~~ (ZiD)Cj7u.,.'7 Phone Contractor €-M -et~\...,L ~r.t' A \, \ ~ >- .... ...\...~.r _ (ZiD) Phone )/;contractor's OSR# .' I Plumbing b; ~ ~ ~ " 1- RAIn,,) () Industrial C/ Publ ic . hereby certify that this information. is true and accurate. = DO NOT WRITE BELOW [HIS LINE If Commercial: # of stories _ Residential: # of bedrooms~ SI test holes ready # of employees #. of units SDS: /~/ Existing, BP # ~ Proposed, SI # 77' --';f-'=3~ / Fee Code Description Sq. Ft. or # of Sites Unit Cost Valuation Fee ,/ -4/...-?-?..d4 ,~~,7??H.u//. , c? /~ X 6~. I q :?o - ,:;tAt"J7".kn..e___ ~ash /-/ Check # ~ ~ceived by ~A'--...;!.r Total Valuation: $ Plumbing fixtures at S Sewer/water conn. at S each each $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $<lo~tJcJ $g'/'J7c/ ~ Subtotal , 'L--- 4% State surcharge Pl ans check fee ~dLeSI2s Water Supply Proposed Year Installed /..<./..e.LlL... r Existing ..ehan~\: C/; ~Z:~t-ICi'I\...i TOTAL PERMIT PROCESSING Zonet:i.a;:C:: Part. # Parcel # Minimum setbacks: G... fron1 -5":/"';. ' 1.. side ; into Comments e r{I'j~ -- ""'} .- ,,- c -' /.-' . . ,,- .~, -, ...-, .~;,-""". 'C... .A_-:J _' '.-0 To be typed on pennit ('..,t(f/- '7Q-tl./ '7 aA2.~ /J , // jJ ..!y ~....-./7 -Ar~ Parcel Size /S' .{Lc:J /V, rei'r.",:!/? ~ . , ~.i~ Date .q'-.:::<; /- /("'0 WATER POLLUTION CONTROL,' Installati~n/}pecifications: loco ga~;(]tan~; LW ~J ft.. of ?rainfie_'d; max. depth of ~trenches: 61--1/ . To be typed on permit ,1_~U th.. 0*,/1'1 ~'~.biJ~Ii",,< ,4,cf'4,n/. 4J .H; /l.,,I fM.- ""1Yf/ In;''/ A':>. - )>/ d Dca-.- u /J P;y7&"/ .2 - /-).1;. I J.(.t2.idJt;:..J -/l /m '/V../7?J.LJA), MP.A.- ~/J.... /JA1kt(i_ IMd 'lI..!UV Telephone t,f'z./-5t6-6 'By CfJ $..:."5</ Date 'If-i(-fi:;' .c> --(,( Directions to site C/ SIFO ~I ~c C/ Planning ~t-Ptlblic Works C/ Elevation ~ ~dress C/ Facil it,;.- Permit () Environmental Heal th Plans to: CP&I WPC set(s) set(s) Date Requ ired Hold Sl ip to PCC Date Completed Da te to PCC '. ; FOR INFORi....ATlON about progress of your application call: Permit Control Center 687-HELP (687-43S7) " ~~ ~ _ ::2,-234 '-I . ~ ,,~ 12CD lot Plan Block Job Location (Address) ;;...,c"n I 1.1"'-. c~\ Permit fJ /q-1;3L/ For/!{;l(IapfJ1i l<;.h) Permit fJ For ' - Permit fJ For \ ~iw~ . g FE B () 1 1980 ll- l' \ICO ~~";ru f\hC_. J ...... I "- . t!'_'I:n~",.~",-~,_ Vicinity Map C74-150 ( '. ,...;., -,., "'- ,,~~~,<bI'A"'~~ ).J \J\\'- ~ (,,,,",,7 ,..,'> "';,,r\~'" \dT\_~::. ','1 i'-: 7;) .;;J "'SI...L -, ~';-.~"'.\ 1<.p~p<""Jr;r ? 'I. ", ,..", '.1,' I ~~<"'-" I . ..,,- _O!'. . 'O".~" ~ ." I -I j 'i. 'f..~'. ' .0' rt,? , ' t; 'i-' )0: '~-. hno to~' . -~"I ~ ;.... X ~ff . 1)--1.'1'-': I qc-'.i X ;\ . OJ 'I.," '>'- "''i: .'1,,- . - ^ ~ :Ij l ' ':', ;11;;' (. x. 'J.. -:;II~, :,:" ">.." '!.. 'I. '( 'I- Y 'j... ^ '{\ II.. ... 7'-- - .j'--,.- ~/.. x. " ^ '-;"\ 1 v', ., I. ,'I, ' - -ro:z, ~__ r ,\ /.... : " ,I 1 . (~t- l-IL-LQJ '\... ~. f- ',' A ').. :J!\~ X" co., X:":' 'r. X 'f..' I ;< i< K ~p~ A ..; I 1./ ~Jr\ \ \ ') h~it'iif' N, .... " ~- ,0 ~ooy .......""\: ,.. II 00 " < Q -4'C":t, ,~_.\,." "l ~j'-< Permit fJ Permit 1/ Permit fJ For For For APPROVED ~~~~~:~~~ / ~ / . ?- ./ IY/ ~ ',/ . ./ f~. \ \-1 MA. . . ;, ., A, r ;1......".1-' \ \4",,-,<- 'f,., y. .. \ X , :< y. . J x: " " " > , y. F,,- ....J ll..'l.. Fh~\""'''''''ll''''L~ ('" L