HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1982-5-16 .; o ....~ - ('1 - ~L- _ ;'''t~ 01:: -/~li POiUlIj.1 /i.-tc,;v;:5.::U , · FLOODPLAIN ~lAflAGEMEr~;- \..........:4$-.[U ~~..,. . Department of Environmental ManagemBnt/125 East 8th Ave., Eugene, Orego~1 Date '5-1&.-[32- :;7-435~lb '.~ To: ~ Permit Processing o Planning o Publ ic Works Permit No. 775-80 J / ,.to. Partition No. Subdivision No. Applicant Name Address of site '"DJ:>..IIID :ec:>D.!..I<Ot0:S~'J: I \ In 1A?:c!?er.-e De:. . SFD AG 7MJI") ADD. COMM. o Approximate flood hazard study area, extra precautions may be appropriatB to assure that the building site will be reasonably safB from flooding. jgj Detail flood hazard study area. Data Source ~ Mobile home tie downs required. o Substantial improvement. o Site in rBgulatory floodway channel, building prohibited unless it is demonstrated that the cumulativB effect of proposed development will nut increase the baSB flood at any point. Contact Floodplain Ma~Jtment for more information. .[gj BASE FLOOD ELEVATION + l' = 447.00/ I (r1SL). Certification at or above this elevation required as chBcked bBlow. o OTHER f****************************************************************************************************i - - ~~ CERTIFICATION OF ELEVATION I, MARI/nv' S. k/C (./.~ AI' , a RegistBred ProfBssional Ljq N D .'>vR. //;.; t4 t!)/e in the State of Oregon, do hereby certify to Lane County, th~t thB following Blevation represents a survey made by me or under my supervision. o The foundation elevation (including basement slab) = ~ The ground elevation that structure will be placed on = 44::' ff- [g) The fi rs t floor e 1 evati on = 4-4/l .2". '(MSL). o The elevation of the top of floodproofing = o 3: ." "Cl -...I I I (r~SL). \) \).! , (~'SL). I f'..J I (MSL). \)oJ Other -~ RBference Bench Mark No. 1'(;'( SP/,J!tE Pt>t.e -d/39/~Et..ElI 4$'1.56 Location I!?E SaC/TN. /tJ.'!. wG"Sr 01'= THE C'!!"I'ITEl2t..//1/.e. , , n~ #.4wnEN B/l..JhCnE: l?t!n4/:) €I" "/API/EST" /eJJ>Jtr. 1147;.) Sr.) . , . ~ Signature Date /7?1l'Zo'v>""':' ---d. 3-/7-,pZ" Y...A ., h -I SEAL . r , " . to Lane County REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR --?n~ 4.}~ OREGON JULY 14, 1978 MARVIN S. KRUSH 1643 .- Original to be certified and returned Floodplain Management 1st copy with application/inspection 2nd copy to applicant 3rd copy to Floodplain Management ;\: -" " lee 3~: , ./ J ~...., , OW- mENT OF ENVIROW.IEtITAL IVili,\GEMEIIT . 1. f PSB, 125 EA5T 8TH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 97401 ,i,~~"~~,~,~~~,'-",,i{[rO,,~~V~ ~OS~~ S> 'k lCi9! ~--f ( d, !I~r,~,~I,~,u;~w.9.fin~l!sJ.12,%WI~~:f~ot: /7-a.5 -,2,3,- th.Y -~ - //'0-0 "::.:L t:?V r$oij~l v,lA1R~] ..:::- . fLat} ,61ocW Applicatio~ for ~ I,/~ ~I~ 1~~~{~i~s~;f0;~~~f~rre2~ ;~~~~; ~3~;;~~"'. O~~~m1:t 0 r~Bn~J Affidavit: I. 1\A.1I lei. ~~"IA-~<,,>:! '" I.> ~ , hereby certify that this information is true and accurate. (PJ~~~etprJotr . If this application is for an agricultural building it will be used for purposes allowed by the State Building Code and Lane County Code Chapter 10 (zoning) and for no other purpose. I have the following legal interest in the property: owner of record~ contract purchaser~ lessee~ holder of an exclusive option to purchase; )t, duly authori~ to ~t~ the owner, who is knowledgeable of this application. Sign~ture/Address M~(.-I i<:'<c~r:.r_~~' I~~o c....7' W./~..-<-R-. (zio)C;; 7<..t"7 "7 , Telephone ?lJ.r, -7,,;: /_ or 2iL1.- ...-2,,'>? _ T....J.,:... Date ~r..;. Q. -Cl - l?: 0 When perm~t is ready notify: l8( Applic~nt ~ Owner ~I Contractor ~: ~ mail ~I phone Owner J;u.~ \(.,.~"'-\<...<T'L0 ~ \L '. ~ 1::.1!L" IU -0...... ~ (zio) 97<+77 Phone Contractor f;.M .er~L..L --r-", H '\\ -<?.... '" A\...~.r __ (zio) ,Phone ~contractor's OSR# Plumbing bY' ~ ~ ~ ... '," -~ ." '.~ . " . . . ~~:: :~ 1L-~~~~~J!In'H , t~!~19!\kjm!li!fu!l.iffiID'}' : ... "" " ~" " \~ '. , ~~~Il'ti~l IHJS llNt. :~i!ifi~hl!~j $Q~ii I~I Existing, fjl Proposed, fUriTt1 fCOst1 "-~ : ~:s~::::~:~~l~J~~~~i~ji~~ SI test holes ready ffet~ ~~="" ~'^ ,'"~ Code DescfiritTIIn~ - ,7' r t U . ~..-?-'4~ -<U/.L.-&'" ~Ju.-b, c:;7 /4/ X 6S- ~ ICJRO - .::;t~,.l--t/~--> DO NUl WKllt titlUW # of employees BP , 51 # ?Y'~~'1 I Valuation Fee --"-;:-c -h"::~,' ~tl.aS ::"",,,';..'! - f.;:;;,,:::;, _~_::;:\,>~': o &~~sKr' Received by Total yaluation: $ :~liiiilliliig:;fJit1im' ~ t $ t~~/~~'~t]C?~ij~}f at $ each each $ $ $ $ $ $ $ " $ $ $ $ t:;/CJ.rCJO $ ?/, 9"0 ~ Water Supply Proposed Year lnstalled L.r-L~ t<.Ad p' ) Subtotal 4% State surcharge Plans check fee ~slJs Existing _ .e.1""~t; u; vLC..par~\"1 TOTAL PERMIT PROCES51NG Minimum setbacks: Zone/k;C; Part; , Parcel' -=---;;rcel Size~-?Z~7Y', 1., fro~r L-S-I'"J ' 1., side into /L<:;"" , rear dl/7.r /1 L7 o. . ';L, n _, 7"- .', ' ,- '~i -,~ ",,61/ . ~"~~, ,-,..~~c.....".."Yt.-'-<-O ~. ('L(f/- ?1-tl-1 ? ~~ , ' {/ {/ By ...../7 A--.~ Date. .q-.~/-Yc/ - . Group Fire Zone Use Class~ificadon : e pC(4?-* Comments v To be typed on permi t CP& 1 Type To be typed on permit By Date' Phone For plans information call (area inspector) Directions to site (:1 Slro /~I I_~ /~/ Planning I~iic Works /:/ Elevation ~ ~ress I~/ Fac i 1 i ty Penni t /~I Environmental Health Plans to: CP&I WPC set(s) setls) I Date Required Hold SI ip ,.to PCC Date . ,_Completed ;..,," Da te to , PCC ,'. p-~~;:oI-~;". '. , I. I " ." ,; '. FOR IHFORl'\ATION about progress of YOUrl appl ication Cd 11 :" Perm; t Control Center 687-HELP (687-4357) C74-171 I .' , ~~ , .. ..... , i , i , " '. " t,j~'l :' .,. . .' , i,jJ' ; . , ,,- .;: .' '. .t. -. .......... . ': -'. ._.)~~, I~ , ::2,-234 L/ . icq, II ~ /2CXJ lot Plan Block . ~6Vf~ g FE B n 1 1980 ~ 11 \100 Water POllution ~~:~:~~~~:::~. ~~i-,.J~~ I " I .(.01: . <<r'~'" I / ('90 ~ . 1 ''}'c;' I 1"'0\ : -"- I ~ I ' I J i ~ J " f'ioT",~~ -/. ...."':.\: ~ :i. v , <I -I o.....j ~ " " ;;' 'I , ~~~tt.~l:b~_~~...tl...J ....rL ''W: ,.i\ . Vicinity Hap C74-150 Job Location (Address) d-.(,,,n Ill""- c'\ --:-Q'4'J, '\ , .~ . "\ l.} .,.... Permit U -;q4:3tJ Fo~ylI1Pr?l'l<:;h) Permit U For I Permit U For ' - Permit fI For I Permit U For Permit n For I - \ APPROVED , DATE Of Jlhp,JI1,u/.E!D BY-- /I1fI1 j fvJ, (JJI rtJj rJu-tr/ "'-I, "\, \."'\ 1100 " :\~ , -...: ;). oo-Y-- ~ ./ ..-; / , "L /" o {T ~/ IY/ / . "'..<. I' ' "'T'<.. v... "",,, '! .' , > ' \:l \ \ (,.l,I,.V..-n \ ,"'fllt \,.Jt-t\f \) '( 't='o,-)oJ -0-.--. ;:.~ _ : / ,t ~..~~ -Y-x. '\.~ ,', T '';'.'1., _J _ 'I, ~ . I -,;(--//1>$ IO.S\..O~ ,,'f,.c.'} ~'R~?;I\(e~~\ ~,,..''/.!, ; , ~Z';<- '~. - -. .,"- --~t.o c r' 1 ,-' ,,~. 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