HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2001-12-17 .T~ . {>roject as submitted has the following A 225 FIFTH STREET z~~ ,bes riot r~quire speCific land use ELE~CAL PERl'vflT APPLICATION SPRINGFIELD, OREG@PIlIJlJ'-lll:i~' " ' > ',' " ' . INSPECTION REQUEST: 726'~~6&.g ',L-Or<:, > Citv .10b Numhcr ,(') 1-0 a 937 - 0 \ OFFICE: '726-3759 Date :1~n/,D , . . > " > , ; > ~,. " 'OMPLETE ~EE SCHEDULE BELOW 1. LOCATIONOZ~m~f1~uie: " .',' " I ' 2'1b OL~ "~ b~,4'" DCC-""~' A, cwRcsidcnti:lI-Singlc or' " Multi-Family per dwelling unit. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Service Included: 170'<. Z'$41./ 05Z00 Items Cost Sun! '.. 1000 sq,ft. or less Each additional 500 sq, ft or portion thereof Each Manufd Home or Modular Dwelling Service or Feeder JOB DESCRIPTION L Z c, <e.."""'< 1<::. $106,00 Permits arc m;m-transfcrable and expire if work is not 'started within 180 days of issuance or if work is suspended for 180 days, $ 19,00 $ 50,00 2, CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION ONLY :::".. \ ""~ SupefVIs,or Licens,c,N~lt '\ Expirati~n Date/1 \(j:, ' ,., f'" / .' . " ""''''V' ' ~Constr ~6Tb~r '> Expiration Date Electrical' Contractor // //, " / / B. Sen'ices or Feeders Installation, Alterations or Relocation: '. ,'",- / ! 200 amps or less' 20 I amps to 400 amps 40 I amps to, 600 amps 601 amps to 1000 amps ' I . . . ............. Yy,'" . _Over)OqOpmps/volts ,,' -~;~~J;';;: ",. ".' .' _Reconn~stS)~ly . : ," .',/,,;;?!~;:t;:\..-'" ,i ~,- - ~;t>:':'!~;.-::~/ - ~ --~_;i; -, \;,,:,,\,< q :',: --~i(}~:~:f,j=.'~ ,Tcni IlorarVScryices. or,Feeders ""~"",("-'''':,.'' .' . .',< -- '. . -"'..' , ~- :::'7;~.C;:t::~~:11<-'lnstallation,~Altenltion or Relocation :," ~::::. '~~o'J :!,;;~:rl~~s .-,rr; ',', ...:::... -::' 201 amps to 400 amps ' , ., -, "~ -_ Over 401 to 600 alnps Over600 amps or 1000 volts see IIBtI above f\ \' r,', (-,.,-..,,' Branch Ci:r~u'i~s / . New Ait~ration or Extension Per Panel / ,~/: ' l . .1, . One' Circuit L.(') , '. $ 63,00'~ , ----0 $ 75,00 '$125,00 , $i63,00 _ $~75,00 ~ ~ $ ''s0,00 ';' ',.,,":" 1",.0: ,.. h~....., .:1:/[-' )""'~' ' Signature of Supen'jsing Electrician " ::~ "-: " '. .."'" ,. ........, :" .i' ~':Owllers N'a~~ : Ii~"",- J~' TLrl~<,J:!.' "'" .:. ',:, " '.,~'~2J;r;~ ,......,.,.." ,::.,.....::.,t.,.,.: Address Z i.ic':o City Spiel, ' Pbone b.- 7t{tf - / {,zy Ilach Additional Circuit or with Service:,' or Feeder Permit ~:~ 3,00 ! '.. " ' " E, Miscellaneous (Service/feeder not included) .- -Each installation \ " Pump'or,jrrigatibri ----':::'$50,00 Sign/Outline Lighting $50,00 Limited EnergylRes $25,00 - Liiilited Energy/Comm' $45,00 7 , OWNER INSTALLATION The installation is being made on property 1 o\vn which is not intended for sale, lease or rent. f.. 5Wl1rf0~ O,,;ners Signature: "~he\k.ola; 190 .- t!3IHSl~""\ : 39NlJH:3 06'(,S $ Z:G~3H lWlJ WOZ 66 I\ON:31l:!G 99~LOOO-TO:#SNlJHl 1\linimum Electric Permit Inspection Fee is 545.00 + Surcharges 4, SUBTOiAL OF ABOVE 'L( b 7% State Surcharge 8% Administratiyc Fcc TOTAL i 51. J!.- 1