HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Sewer Connection Record 1977-2-15 GORDON SMITH---~ . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD APPLICATION AND AGREEHENT FOR SEWER ilOOKUP Application is hereby made by the undersiGned property 'owner for permission to connect the following described ,property to a city sanitary sewer line, olmed and maintain,cd by the City of Springfield, and I agree to pay 'such a hookup charge of $4.50 per front foot of the property for the first 150 feet in depth tobe ' served by such city sewer line in lieu of an assessment against the described property. An additional $0.03 per square foot will be ,charged for any additional property beyond the first 150 feet. Property Description: Address: 2205 'Debra Drive Lots 1 & 2. of Block ,2, Hayden Park as platted and ,recorded in Book 26. Page 12, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, Lane County, Oregon., LATERAL 'Sewer hookup charge: 145 'front feet @ $4.50 per front foot = 5652.50 square feet @ $0.03 per sq. ft. = This agreement has been computed as being one-half (~) of the equi.valent cost of an eight (8) inch lateral sanitary se,~er at the rate, of ~4.50 per abutting front foot and docs not include the cost of a house connection to said city sewer, se"7er user charges, plumbing peI1'Jits or other such costs to be" assumed by the property owner. CITY OF SPRIKGFIELD. OREGON By: ...it.(/,) tVJ~ m ,/J'7c;4t(l~ Date:'" ,;;. - /5- 77 ~- PROPERTY O\-INERS: (/ 1/ V -~) ':~'.I ,f- .r-'---'_ (/ " (-/ --t:~;., ":":?---J r , ) ) ss ) ST1~TE OF OREGON County' of Lane BE IT RDlEHBERCD. that on this /~ day of .-:1- ef]. , I 19 7 /' before me, the uode'rsigned, a Notary Public in and for the' said County and State, personally appeared the "ithin named -.7 r-; "'P-. /)(' AI .5 M /TJ-J- identical inllividual i ckscr ibed in and acknol;ledged to ",e tl,at . /--.1 /=- knO\"" to me to be the' and \'o'bo exccut~d the \.,rithin instru1I1ent executed the samc~ frc~ly :lncI \'ol~ll1t;1rily~ IHTl\'ESS my hand and seal this day' and year last above written. ,(ft~i:!jtP ~/;rz ......-r',/l . .-;t- -"'{" ~ ,~- I y)' 7 Ny C01lulli::sJ.on EXl'i,,',; ~ '.