HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-3-16 .. RESID~T1AL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 Job Location: ~/R9 ))t:=AI'A- 17- ()." -:L1o - /I AS068S01'S Map II Subditr~8ion: :DR.}/.) /=" T= Lot # f~ I Ol.me" '/.h; t;, 1-1 .s /'ylJ n-I Add.-es3: .a. /.Lq :1)6 ru A ]) e IIJE: City: ,S/Je./}J(f, F I EL/'i I DR- ~ n n n N~.l PI-.one: 7~- 9tfS7J Zip: Cf7C/ 77 Dsscribe il'ork: /IJ~TA-LL Wu-oDSTtJIj/3' Addi ticn Remodel ,'.fobi La Homo .:J - /" - f 2- Va lue ~ J../.S?; Date of Application ::"ontl'Gctol'S GenGral Plumbing Electrical f.t8Char.iC::Z Address Constl'"Ucticn Lender 77MB-EP- L/~E .C;'/t;VJ: f'~. .:1-:>' Ml MAlA! . Rcce;pt> p,. '>~ .:01 ~ ()J~ #7/) /v1.p j/~.~ . ~O -i IS:"~ Siqr.ed: Date: .I.J.. ~-I/'-.R2- Lise. # Er:;il'CS Phone I I j I 1 It is ths l'esponoibiZity of e/w permit holder to SBB that an incpections are made at :he propel' tim6:~ that each ::.dd:ress is !"ea.:::a:b~e froOM ehs strest. and that the permit oard is tocatsd at the front of the property. 43u.i!.dirrg Dividor: appl'o'l".'ed plan shall remain: on tha Bu::.Zding Si.t:; at aLl times. PROCSDURE FOR INSPECTION REQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (zoccorder) state your City designated J'ob nw:ber. job adi:!oCS8. type of inzpec--=icn requested ~~ wnen you wi~L be ready for inspcction~ Contractors or Owners ncme end phone nu~cr. Requests received cefore 7:00 ~ :..>iLZ be nude th~ same dc.y~ requests made after 7:(JO a"II will ha rrruie the n~t :JJl'kin:; day. Ri!!1J1:':P,r, r'1A,"),,'1tir.1"...~ D. SITE INSPECTION: To be made after excavation~ but prior to set up of forms. O UNDERSLAB Pr.UMBING. ELECT.'?IC,l!. & MECHANICAL: To oe made before any wrk is covered. o FOOTING ~ POUND,1TION: To be rrade after tl'enches are excavated and forms are erected. ou t prior to pouring ccncret,;. UNDERGROUND PLUMBING. ~R. WATE.'?, D.'?AINAGE: To be r:n:ie proior to fil- Ur...g trenches. D o D UNDERFWOR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to inatallati011 of f'Loor insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made Drier to installaticn of fl,oor inst.:zation or dackins . Fi(jUGR PLlP.!BI!lG. E[,ECTRICAL 6 MECH- ANICAL: No ~rk is to bc covered until thcse inspections r.ave beer. made and approve~. FIRE:PLACE: Prior to p La....--ir.g facing materials and before f'I'Ol'rting inspec- tier.. FRAHING: Must be requested after appzooval of rough pZwr.bing~ eZectri- cal & mechanical. AU roOfing bracing d chimneys. etc. nr~st be . completed. No work is to be COJ1- -"cealed untiL ;his inspection haB . bEl:,:" made and approved. D D D Your City, DeBigr.atcd Job Nwnber IG: O INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made aftel' all insuL.::.ti.:m tr'.d " required vapor carriers are in place but before any tath. gypsum board or wLZ. covering is applied. and before any insulation is concealed. O DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after an drytJan is in place. but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel locaticm. I>ond beam3~ grouting or verticals in accordance ~th U.B.C. Section 241S. 1\:/T WQODSTOVE: After installation is ~ ccrrrpZet€d. o o CURB & APPROACH APRON: Afte:, forms arB orected but proio?" to pouring .::oncroete. SIDEWALK & DRnTWAY: For all con- crete paving within street righ~- of-wc.y~ to bc made aftel' all e:r::ca- vating ccmplete & fot'::! work & ::;uh- base rrr::te1"':'aL in pLa:::e. 51 :LfJ.:L/t, DEMOLITION OR ;~:OVED BUILDIi!Q.S ~ Sani =ary se..Jel' ::apped ::t ~op€rt";/ Lir:.e :J Septi:;: tank p".i.-:-:ped and. .fii.Led l.r~th GI'c::.;.eL :J FinaL - fI'J'len above ite.~s are ccr:rpleted and when d~lition is comvlete or st~~~~ turoe moved and pl'e::riaes cleaned u? NobiZe Hcmes :::J Blocking and Set-~p :::J Plwnbing connections sauer and wa--=2r :::J Electrical Conr.ection - Blocking. set-u? and plumbing connections T7r..st ~e appl'ot:ec before requesting eZec--=rical inspectio~ :J AccoesGol"',i SUi lC~ng :J Final - Afto:l" ;~rcr.es. sk-:.rt-:.r.g. decks. etc. are compLe:cd. o All project cor.ditions. such a8 the instaLlation of s--=reet :r28S. a~~ZatiDn of the required l.andscc:pir.g, ~tc.. must be satisfied before the SUILVIllG PI.VAL can ~e l"aquesr:ad. o FIliAL PLUUBIIIG o FINAL ME~HA!lICAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL o , o FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requeGted c.tter the Final Plumbin.; Electrical. and Mechar.ical Inspectiorw have beer. made and approved. O PENCE: WheT: oomplate -- Provide. gates or movabZe seations thl'ough p.u.e. o >tALL NANHCr.ES AND CLEANOUTS nUST 3E ACCESSIBLE. ADJUSTNEtlT TO 3E ,'.!1DE: AT ,~'O CDST TO CITY I P::r;e 7. of 2 I Zona: JOB NO. f()0.2/k Lot Sq. Ft;;. S or let Coverago # of Stol"ie8 Total Height T""r'...:J....t'hy I lITEM IM:Iin I Gc:race I Cancl't I deCeSSOl'!! I I Is.D.c. I SQ.FTG I TOTAr. VALUE (vc!.l.4C) 1.5 x Building Permit State Su:rch::r:rge Total =S-ea lITEM !Fi--t:"I.Jr(J8 Residential (1 bath) Wate..... Sani tary Sewer Plumbing Pe=it State Su:rcr.a1'g8 Total Charaes I ITEM I Res. Sa. fta. I N.",/Ertend Circui ts I Temporary Service I Electl'ical Permit State sw>chtrrae Total Charc:es SOLAR WESS OaCUVanctl Gl'OU'O: LOT TYPE Interior Corner PanhandLe CU l-de-sac I NO. I FEE I I I I I NO. I ITSM I NC./ F2E I F'ta"nace ETU'S I E=lzauet Hood I I I Vent Fan I I I . I I I Woodstove I I I I Isec-mt1l I Storage Maintenance Permit Permit Issuanca Mechanical Permi t; State Surcharae Total ChaT~e('. - ENCROACHMENT -- Dsr;osit Total Charaos I Curbcu: ! sidswalk IF~e I Electrical !abel I MoM ls H:Jme I ! I TOTAL AJ.f(JUNT DUE:" x Value FEE I I I I ,. I CHARGE I I I I I I ,. CHARGE I I I CflAReE I I I I .,,-. b-() I I It) . H> I }t:"./M I I~ 1-iULLJ I I /11 C; , t,!) P~ge 2 REQ.- L-COG~ . T,:.joe/Cor..at: Bedrooms: I iSnerau SO:A1'ces Heat I Water R~at~~ I I Range I I Firer; lace I I Woocfutove II 'l'.roe I I I I I I J I Lot Faces - I I P.r.. !North lEast ISou th JWest Setbacks I House i Cal'aqe I I I Access. I I i Fees Building Value & Permit This permit if) granted on the express condition. that the sa"i.d COrlstr-u.ction shall, in aZl respects, confo~ to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, incZudi.ng the Zoning C'rd.:.nance, l'ef1Ulc.til~g the ccnst1'"..tcticn and use of buildings, and m=y be suspended or revoked at cr.y ti~e u~or. vie. l.ati.on of any ;n'::;vi3ior.s of said Ordir..ances. IPlan Check Fee: I Date Paid: IReedpt #: I Sig>:ed: Plumbing Permit .vo person ahall construct, install, aUel' Or change eny r.elU or e--isting plumbing Ol' drainage system in ~hoZe or in part, unless 8~ch pel'son is tr~ Legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except tr~ a pe~8on r.~~ do pl~.bi.ng work to property which is OI..'ned, leased OJ" operated by the appli- cant. Electrical Permi t Whsre State la:LJ l'equires that the elecmcal work be done by em EZectrical Contractor.) the electr:.cal portion of this permit shall ::ot be valid until the Zatull has been signed by the EZecmcal :ontl'actor. I I I. Mechanical Permit PLan E::c:m-z.neI' uate I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA.~NED the completed application [01' permit, and do hereby certify that all info:r..ation hereon. is tru.s and correct, and I t.a>ther certify that any ar.:i all. lJOl'k perfo~ed shalZ be done in accor- dance :vith 'the Ordinances of the City of Sp'Pi.ngficl.d, and the La:.;s of the '" State of Oregon pertaining to the woJ",~ d.escribad here-::n.. c:n.d that NO OCCU- PAIlCY will be nr:z..:ie of any structure witha-...t parmisaion of thfl Suilding Di- vision. I further certify that <r.1ly contractors ar.d enpz.,ye6s wr.,? are in ~liance with ORS 701.055 will oe used on this project ,. l&A.~ 3 - It. -IlL. Date