HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1984-8-3 (2) r/ . .. RESIDENTIAL" AFPLICA'l'ION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street . r 7' 0 97 '77 5;)'1"'..,..4, ~e.a, regon ~ BuiZding Division 726-3753 \~~~~~-~~l:\)~~~~ fl.,/) Lil \Ji.u.{h.,,--", .~ _"1 azr- ;1hOMVaJi,{fjr.or..: _\;o/Jtf'. (/ v , kv- ~~."L (~~ 7S0,rrcJ) R - 3 -3'-1 Value '?? O('J. crv Job !.oc3:i~": ~.:J."aON .~ /I Sr.Jxli:r.:"ic,,: 00m.1'1": ~ iln ..1./1 " Al!d:-U3 : Ci.~1: ~ n n n "~-I AdC:: :icn R.v.ro.1l1t "!ob~l. ,~~:J Dat~ of A~pZio::z:ic" :.:o11=l"::::or8 ~ Ceneral Pttonbi~ !'l.,~tr-::c.::l ,'''":Jtar.ic.:l Co'tat1""'..lc~an !.~41' .......... It. U ~Jw NS~Onoibi.Z."'ey of t1s4 perrm:: ;i-cnt tn.. :ttrr.:. end that the penm:: ~="i.~::~4 ~ui:io~ C?~roved;L:n . '--" " Zip: 7<<h-.sf:J ~..r 97~7 /' ~ Rcc.,,= , b :2, -:s / ? Describe Work: Add.-es3 pad! if-- ~ -IV SiQr./Jd: D.~ .? - ::s --3 ij Date: [.-;'3C.." E::=,ir;:s Pho1tf: ../ hDld.u- to .ed that aZ! inapllcticns a:re mads at Os L.,:,c~ted at eJ:.e front of the property. ~ au-;Zdinfl Sit.:; at all times. :ha prape' :im~, t:....a:t =ch :.dtJrs88 is re......:t'l':.: r."?O~!JUP.~ ?'Ofl ;,':$:'!~I~t1 ,~~~U! All726-3769 ceoraezo) state your City ;Jesitp..:zt~d joe nur..ber, zoSt;Ues:ca cr'".G :J,~el1 ~ou :JiLL ae r..~~~,L''' _..;. ,Con't7'actcrs or Q..'ners TfC::'Je .:=nd phar.s 1'fU7Ibcr. :.'iU b. trrul'. t~ .ama Ceil requuts ,~/p ../.._ . :00 c:'l'I 1J'il.Z. boz r.r:z.dll tr.a nc=t :>>rnn.; day. '. :I~"..:.~ .....r -..!.~"::,, 1~:::-" 3 O S~. '7~:Jr'r-",,,,,,, T^ b --' ..- .L ~._..._~-'... ."" S "........B c::av.::t:',jn, ,jut: pM.cr :: s.,: 1~. o lour City, lJetJigr.atad Job Numbc ID: job ~"'C8S, typs of ~ps:~icn Requ~s~s receiced esfers 7 :OC c= ~9 OS<.(q - ~ af~4TZO u? of - -..-- -~.._- iJE.~.,(]LI';'IO,',t OR .~."Q!r.:.... ~o,j~....l.!..I'-'~ lr.10~:~S[,':'3 "?~l':~I.'l(;. ~['2C":'.~IC.t!. :f ..~c.:;'):I;,::,J,(.: 70 De maas bejortl uor.ic ::s .:ouc:oed. o F'CO'f!":;C ~ .':'OU:,tO.1Tr:,'I: To b. r.r:::.ce aj":.zr ::-el1C~as as 2=C'cvat.zd ar.d fcr:ns a. erect.:d, but ;:-i..:lr eo pourir.g C::ncree.. Y;:~~C.~:r.!O ?:'~'H3::;~. S!:t::.~. :I,l:"!.::'... D,~)..I,'J:.t;2: fo i:;. r.x:.;e p~or :0 o/-'ii.- l.t:r.g :rer.e;...as. o o U~JCE.~::'CCR F!.U.~~r:.'c ~ ,'(ECE':.'l[t;~:.: to ;,e trrJC..~ pl""'i..;l' :a ilt3t.::L.l.:zt:;on of J7,oor -::r.8UW:t~ or deei<ir..g. MST .~,'l!) 3~':''''': To be r.-.ade p,...:..or eo in.B;al'::";;icn ollZoor in.stoLa:ior. or d.ck,,,,. o o ~f1~tr;;; ?r:.~~'9!:.'C. ~!'.:!~!'~.:.!. ~ :,f?C!1-. i,VI-:.Jf.: .10 ~:';: ia :0 :,C COL'e:"~G ~:hcu -::r..s::ee:icr.s ;..,.,:V4' ~eer.. 1ftC:d. =r.a ;:;::?,l'?"J~':. F~::?U.':~: ~or ~ ?U:..::.r.:'J .'G=ir~ ntl:t:er"'Wi4 Qr.d belore lr~n.g in'PIIC'" tier.. o D &':'P.A."!I.'lr:: Nl~:J:!l. rec-04s:J:Jd a.J&.~.zl' C?prcv.:! of r~git pl.;.r,.';'ir4~ ~hct7"f.... Cl:Zl 4 ~ec;..an.i..=.'Jl. At! roOfing bl"!%c-;r.i] 4 eiti.mn~1J3, lit.:. lUst .;e cofIfDls:cd. ::0 -""r< ::. ~o be ccn... . t:tu::'!..:d wntil :J:i:; in.,~ec:iC'J'l; ;'.Qa . b~~ ~ and Gppzoaved. " =:J =:J =:J ':=1 01~ O INSULATION/VAPO.I? SAR.912R I<'!S?=C':'!ON: To be r.:a.:ie att2r aU ir.suL::twn a:-.a . l'cqu"':red vapor l;~er8 are in place eut: cerore any t.a;h~ gyp:r~ bcard or u:tLZ. covering is applied, and 06;01'8 any ir...r.Llation ~s concealed. :=J Sam.~:;/ Se'JC =:;:pee. ::t rn:.op~' tir.. =:J Septi.~ tank Yoir..?d ar'.d f-it.t.a<i Llith ;r:i-..:z: ::J Pinat ... r/hen ~-v" i:e=:s are c.=.~t2ted ar.d. when. :!er.JCE.:i::Jr. is cor.rpletB or s~.:- turs ",.cved c:nC. prc:Ti3eB clsan2d up. NoaiZe Hc:r:es O DRY'.JALL I:'JSP~C"1'IO.V: To as made aft21' an aZ:..f'.laLl is in place, but prior to any taping& O MASONPY: St2sl Zocat".:cn, bo7u! bjjla:rf3~ grou"!:ing or verticaLs ::n aa=ord4nce rJi:h V.B.C. Secticn 241$. r::::;r:.roODSTOV::: After installation ill L::::::::I cc'71pWt.d. ... o COP!] ~ APPFiCACP. .4F.~N: Aff;Q::' forms are <1rec~sd Dut prior to pouring .::o7Creta. O SIDSO.JALi( 6' :JRr.r'/A"1: Fer aU c:on- creta paving uithin street righ:- of-r.x=y~ to be ma:ie aJ.~:i!r al.! .a.rca- uatir.a cCf7ft'l.sta & lo~ work & .;ub- base M::terial in pla:e. ~cr: wr.en. compl.te -- Prcvid~ 1:::J~ o~ movable sscticns through P.V.E. o =:J Bloc:king and S~t-:l.p =:J P'lwnbing connee:i...-ns st::JQ'ZO ant! (J(tt.ar -, Electri.ca! Ccnr.ect'".:mt ... Bl.ocki"4~ 8e~-U? -.I and ?t.umDi~ c:~r.ecticns trr..:st =e c:ppr=t:.:f. before l'flques=~r4 etec:rical ir~?ec:=io~ ---, A ~," -. ---1 C~6S$0~' ,;>"1..:..::.ng ::J Fi,.~L - ;tftcr &;~rer.lls~ eta. a:t'g c:~..e=.d. serti.l".g, ds.:Y-9, o I ! J I I FI....A:. P!.:J.'.,'St:.'C All pro:ee: cor.di=ians, ~uc~ as :he ~ns;~iZG:~=n of s:r~et ~e~s. ~=~!c:~n of :~ Nq"04ired Zand:;c=?i.,..:;. ~:c. ~ ;r.use :,e sa::.sficd ~.::iore :;...e 3f.'rr.=I,W; ?:::;.[. -::0121'1 :'8 r2t;"04SSt.:d. :-t:I:', .'f!~,lfA:I!CA' o ."'I:JAr. B::I:'::I:iC: The c:.naL Sl.l.i.Ld.ir.g :r:3~ec:icn -..LSt be l'f!au.e::Jtoci =:":aro :h.a ?::1UZ ?!~bi'V ~!i!c~rical, ~ Nec~~-::c~~ :r:spec:-::~n3 ;~a eeen ,~a ar~ approved. l!:IAt. !:.z::.fU:~' -A'::; .'.!':':,'P't;~!E I..ND CtEANClJ':"S .'IUS: 3E AC=rSS:~'r~ .J.;.ti.'Sr:~::':' :0 3E :,:1CE :!: .':0 ::s: ':', ':1':"1 I ?=;z ! of 2 I Job Number: XL/ 0 s-tJ C; Zone: Occu'CanClJ c. WT TYPE iLot Sq. Ftg. ~ of lot C.:;verag~ !# of Stories , : Total Height : ::'opogra;;hy lITEM I jUain I GcJ>aa e SQ.FTG Cm-oort AecesBoru TOTAL VALUE IS.Doc. evcl.UC} 1.5 x BuiLdir.g Permit State SuPcha::rge Total Cha:oges lITEM I Fixtures R.sidentia~ (1 bath) Sanitary Sewer .1 l~hP I I ~ NO. numbing Pero:it State Surcr.a:l'ge Total Chal'aes I I'lEU NO. I I I I I Hes. Sa. fta. N3IJ/Extend Circui ts I 1 Tcmporary Service I I i I I I I ITSM I PurJ1::ce ETU' S I E::haust Hood. Ele::rncal Permit State Surcharae Total. Charaes I ilO. I Vent Fan "' W:1odsto;Je ~'I / I ~I Permi t I:1suanca Me::hanica.l Permi t State Surchc:rae Totn 1. Charap.D -- ENCROACHMENT -- ISe~~rit~ Dzposit I Storage I,-laintenan.:;!e I Pcrmit I Total Charaes Curbcut Sid_~k Pen:::e Electrical Label Mom le H:Jme I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: ~ Interior Corner PanhaIld!e Cut-de-sac x Value FEE CHARGE FEE I, I CHARGE I I I I I I I I I, FEE ClJARCE I /S""ovl I I I ~D I /,S:6dl, I I I I 'i( ()-() 3?~1 Referer.ce ~umbel's: L-COC #: I' , I I I Lot Faces - I I P.L. INorth lEast iSouth jriest Type/Cor.st: . Bedrooms: I I Enerou Sources I I Heat Access. I I fyater Yp.ater I I Rang. I I Fireplace I L_ Wood3tove I! Y:it'B Setbacks House CaL'aqe Faes Building Value & Permit This peY'm'":t iD granted on the express condition that the said const1'Uction. shall~ in all respccts~ conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield~ including the ZOning Crdinance~ regu,1.ating the ccnstl'Ucticn and use of buil.dings~ and m::y be suspended or revoked at c:ny time upon vic- l.ation of any provisions of said Ordinances. I. I' , Plan Check Fee: eat. Pa1.d, Rec~ipt II: Signed: Plumbing Permit No person shall construct~ inBtal!~ atter 01' change any new or existing pl.umbing or drainage system in whol.e or in part~ unl.ess such person is tr~ legal possessor of a valid pl.umber's license~ except that a person may do pl.umbing work to property which is oumed~ leased or operated by the appli- cant. Electrical Permi t Where State La1JJ requires tr.at the el.ectrical work be done by an Electrical. Contractor~ the electrical. portion of this permit shall roOt be valid until the label has baen. signed by the Electrical Contractor. Mechanical Permit PLan E~ner ua~e I, I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAJ.fIllED the completed application for permit~ and do Mreby certify that aU info;omation hereon is true and correct.. and I f'~rthel' certify that any ar.d all lJOrk perfor:ned shall be do:1e in accor- dance :.nth the Ordinances of the City of Springfield~ and th~ UUS of the State of Ol'eg,::m p~rt.:zining to the work described herein~ and that NO OCCU- PANCY will be nude of any structur.3 without p~rmission. of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that o:1ly contractors and e:npl..:Jyees who are in compliance !.Yi.th ORS 701. 055 will. be used on this project ~4"/~~ . Signsd - , pI:? Pc/ D6te