HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Correspondence 2001-7-20 i , \ - . MEMORANDUM City of Springfield I July 30, 200 I FROM: Police Department Fire Department Springfield Utility Board Lisa Hopper, Building Safety superviso~ Community Services Division TO: SUBJECT: Structure Move Attached is an application and proposed route for a structure move scheduled for Sunday, August 5, 2001. The move is scheduled to begin at 6:00 a.m. and is scheduled to be completed by 8:00 a.m. on that same date. This structure is an approximate 1900 square foot residence that will be moved in one section. This structure is being moved from 3635.E Game Farm Road and is being relocated to 174 Deadmond Ferry Road. If you have any concerns, please phone me at 726-3790 as soon as possible so I can either get you the information that you need, or direct you to the appropriate person. Thank you! ! cc: Sanipac US West TCI Cable 911 Dispatch US Postal Service NW Natural Gas aU Ih ,g.... W' . , \ ;: \' ~u~ ~u U~ uc."p ~en narquara~ ~ons~ Jul-20-01 02:55P ~ .,....l:..~:.J:IIt.'lt1~/~~.J';j .:lC'l'~-' ~ SfllYlCES DEAIR,,""," o'tltHltl'tllll1 p. ~. . 22S FIFTH STREET SPAtNaREt.o. OR gr." (54"J 72&-3lSJ FAJ(l>ff"~3689 ....c;j~,Of.US' BUILDING MOVING peRMIT COMMUNITY SERVICES DIVISION _Dcia&Mow:dF_...31c~'3 E. (~...____.. 'h.....>2, N'>, ~A .....CoomlJ'Rdmoce_ TuLolw........ SIno<-a.a.,MooalTo:-L:lo"l t\ ..,,^."'''''~ ~.. ~~_'\ \>~ UneCouJlry :",-::.....~__ Number. Tu LoINwnbcr:__.:__~. ..Ii4lID&o.n.. SO,",'\ ('" ~~. J ml~O 1I.'~_Et-Numbclc_".:l9-,c;..,- '\ll~ _A~:~'l.. \,~.pn. \-\r-.~ \ li'\C\ \ \ Coli PlloooN...bo< __ e""_'n~nthM'C\~\,,_ .SIalo'. 6~_ Zip,--.9.4q.::J"l -1.-- ..\ .__ _e__._ v-.~'" ~"\/I.." fI,,\I \,\QA~ (,.,""'t'- _N~~\<>1L \\ . c.,... .:. C'. .... R_ N...bo< \\'\<:\ q t"\ Expftr. ., I '" I:a-- Mailio&AoWress: Q~ 'U.,,_~ \\"H~~I CeI'PboAoNWObcr:_St--1-Q,,"IQ (" edY, r" "" '" ...... e Sblr b\2... Zip: c>, ,'-\1..\ I" .) "" . ,'" l' I a (' PIomb...e........, ~\-.."....,o<........", ~\\U\.'\.\'\\\'\o. ''1_Humbtt ?,l\t.;-Vl IN'1 CooslrucllooQ':....~~i..Num...: \C"'ll".4..4 ..) -= II\~ )(}3 CI1Y ASSIGlIED JOB NUMBER: CdY~~'''1'''''~ """'- of 8ul(d;q to be_<<I: ......F_'. \qc:::a _........., .~L\ _...w.... ;::;!LI Ho;p.'D11DD1Jr._Qct, 'I ':). hrS<d~Bd..Mow.l:..2, _ T)'...rCcnslr._CfA'''''''_ s.,... ........ , '=\(')0. Lima Uoils: Val", Dr SOuctwe(,):~~ ; ~ __of,"-, P, / s I,.,., _...'" \.., ~ COm........"""oIMo.<: ?- J s I", \ .__"","..". Po ~ Dcseriplion. orPrvposeO Route (PII:.. .Uack Iaap wUb IOule ovtUaed 1riI.b dirKUoDl:la"..wt): ~~ ~L.a,C; ~ )t1..,......~ )=-I\..~"" ~ ~O~~ ~. ~c\I'(\.,,~(<.~...t>t>'\ '\:>A -\\r\l"Y\ ~r-~\""'~n"'~t ...lr~ \.-v-\t"\.pf"\,.\..-.....-~'Ir.......n\ t=="pDC>\.'l.Q'A N01WICATIONOFMOVE: ThCommmItySetvic:cs~-i""ionwiUroule~oflbilapplklltioolDall .,.".,._ ~.." di\ti:sOas. J~~.c _'~JM_.l1Imi ....its. Howe~cr. tbe applluDl mlll1 coulacl property Qwncn if trees ero iAvom4 in lhc prQpO$Cd ml1"e. hi MlditieJD. the ypliC1lnl mUSlscc:W'C the apprOVal or all ~ munidpal. COUIlt)' and. ~c amboritlas ~k1ll1c IZJO\IC ori&lnatc or Ianlinalc tIIIla:idl:-lhe City ofSprioafield. or ltanc..,. Jln:d QWucdI bf tbe sIa1C or the c:olIDty _idUP &he Cilyr boundaries. PLANS, FEES. ANDCHAIlGES: PriartoRCe!vm,. ptrmlt '0 mCM a bulldiur; into Ute City orspringfJeld, the 'Pplmt Of !heir .,,:venn: Sabmil tWO (.2) copies of site or plot plal for new cite. . Sabmil1'WO(1) copies oltba rCMlftdstioa plaa tOr tbe R'locokd bui1dinc AlJllppticlblopamlitmdl)"Sm'O .-" _ 'J.. _. ,&cuhaUbc;Plidpriortocymoved. A.ny ~k llCftntu and izIspedI.ma for SlIDila:T M:.cr np or septic pump:an,d. fill By ray dpawre beIow,l emir)' th.t the.bove infGl'lMltOlll iluoeaodClOfhllC.lhIllaD required cot*ds "- beco.lNdc ud MIlhorizaliODS ablaintd. 1 also IlDderstIlll4 that Ibe blinImcma time 10 ~ this petmn. bccaua ortbc IIlmlbct of ~ies DOti6cc1 b)'1btCif)'ofSpdnc~'U.teVcn(7)-...orklDa~ \ .......~ C\ \ . . r.." f".- I\...~'\. W"\ 0.",_-:3;:).t\ \ t\ \_ tJ ' - . Community services Division Report Foundation/Site Plan Submi~? .lJtrl-APprolr~FoundatiOD Permit Number. Moving Pennil Approved BY:.ll~\\"" \ ~J..:U~f~O I1l .. Date: "1. tl\.() I EugiDeeriDg DlvlsloD Report: Qwnet(s) AND ContraclOl(s).,. both lOSJlOIl.'ible Cor any damages to private or public property. Moving Permit Approved By, Date: Trame Divllion Report: Contractor is re5pOmible for a safe, efficient relocation operation. AU signal syStems shall be monitored to ensure they .,. functioning properly. Any damage to or malfunctions oC thelrllffic signal system shall be n:ported immediately to Gary Week, Signal Tecbnician, at 343-4902 or Gene Butterfield, Maintenance Supervisor. at 998.3667. Moving Pennit Approved By: Date: HJstorlcal Report: Moving Permit Approved By: Date: Requir<d Inspections: An inspectiOD oCthe property is required at the Collowing indicated stages oCthIs project. --=- Septic Tank Pumped and Filled A Certificate from a bonded! . registered contractor will meet this inspec:tion requirement _ Sanitary Sewer Capped Capped within five (5) . of the property line with -rr-" ~:. matCrials. Final Move To be made once structure has been moved from site and all debris has been removed. To request an inspection, pie... call 726-3769. Inspections called in befon: 7 am will be made the same working day, inspections called in after 7 am will be made the following working day. Please leave your City designated job number, job address, type.of inspection and when you will be ready for inspection. Zone: Flood Plain: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Type oCConslr: \ I ~ Occy Group: APPlication fee Moving Permit Sanitary Sewer CaplSeptic Pump and Fill 5% State Surcharge 3% Administrative Fee Subtotal $ 18.00 $ 60.00 $ 15.00 .75 .45 $ 94.20 $_ $_ $_ $QA. ~O _ Total Blocks. $.60 per block TOTAL (iCproperty does Dot Deed the sanilary sewer capped or the septic tank pumped and filled, deduct applicable permit Cee) Date Paid: . Receipt Number: By: N ll.. - OJ OJ ... ~- ... III ., Ul C o U ., ." l. III :J lJ' l. III x: ~- III :\J :::> :1l :::> ~ :::> :J :') ~ :J ., Rice House Relocation Project k~ :=-.----- --7'--' ,--E>-(Oame-l"arm"",o---7=-- '\ '\ ~\ " ,\ ,.~. .~ '\:::-.... ~-- -.... ....~..-- "iI8:V",~_ . -:::::::::--:...---:::--:::..-:::: , - 7: ~I " ./ '" i) I. 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